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Day 6.


BF proved once again his masochism (I mean, we've been together for 10 years now, that's proof enough!) by doing the squats with me. No books on his side, his max is 2 minutes in a row. So, we made a chorus of complains together and I am silently amused by the fact that he always follows me in my deliriums :tongue:


My max set was 5 minutes, all the others were around 2 minutes. I enjoyed doing them, as much as I would enjoy being covered in ketchup to be eaten alive by moray eels. Don't misunderstand me, I think that moray eels are very cute fish even if their look is a bit rough but I still wouldn't like being eaten by them! Especially with ketchup, that would destroy the taste of fresh meat.


Can.. Can I eat you now?


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Nuala, level 13 Robot mistress of pain, Assassin Guild leader


First journey: The Rise and fall of an Assassin

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13

Second journey: Crawling back


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Day 6.


BF proved once again his masochism (I mean, we've been together for 10 years now, that's proof enough!) by doing the squats with me. No books on his side, his max is 2 minutes in a row. So, we made a chorus of complains together and I am silently amused by the fact that he always follows me in my deliriums :tongue:


My max set was 5 minutes, all the others were around 2 minutes. I enjoyed doing them, as much as I would enjoy being covered in ketchup to be eaten alive by moray eels. Don't misunderstand me, I think that moray eels are very cute fish even if their look is a bit rough but I still wouldn't like being eaten by them! Especially with ketchup, that would destroy the taste of fresh meat.


Can.. Can I eat you now?


It is a well known fact that moray eels do not like ketchup.  It would be as much a chore for them to eat you with ketchup as it would be for you to be eaten with ketchup, I promise you.  If you doubt me, just test it out.  I'm willing to be proven wrong. :P

Milythael Assassin

Current Activity: Milythael Acts Like an Assassin

Past Activity: 


Challenges: Intro, 123, 4567, 891011 12
PVPs: Demon Slaying, HOoRAY, Meditation,
 Poses, Juggling 30/30 Squat



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I squatted at the bus stops in tights. I squatted to rest.  I squatted because I needed more time.  I squatted both on and off the clock.  I timed over 35 minutes of squats total, with at least 2 sets of 10 minutes or more.



Milythael Assassin

Current Activity: Milythael Acts Like an Assassin

Past Activity: 


Challenges: Intro, 123, 4567, 891011 12
PVPs: Demon Slaying, HOoRAY, Meditation,
 Poses, Juggling 30/30 Squat



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Day 7.


I did the first 15 minutes with the usuals books, then I switched to an ergonomic seat pillow, the rectangular kind. Quite hard at first, it's becoming softer with the pressure and thus makes my heels works way more overtime. Torture I say!


I'm trying to convince some friends to try the challenge, of course I have the usual 'I can't do it' and 'what's the use'. My friends are not really open minded sometimes :P

Nuala, level 13 Robot mistress of pain, Assassin Guild leader


First journey: The Rise and fall of an Assassin

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13

Second journey: Crawling back


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Your friends sound like my mom! :D I always try to make her do fun things, but she sticks with what she does. With, to be honest, is quite awesome because she eats healthy stuff and goes to the gym almost every day.



I did a few minutes yesterday and even managed without books. I'm still not feeling too well but it wasn't as hard as I'd expected after Nuala's tales of torture :P Maybe I just didn't do it long enough to feel ant colonies. I didn't need books, but I had to wear super wide pants. 

Just trying to get back on my feet. :)

apfelstrudi learns to outrun shamblers | Instagram challenge

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Got another 3 rounds of +/- 2 minutes in at work yesterday, but since I was supposed to be working, that's all I had a chance for... I'll try to catch up on my reporting by actually reporting today's squatting today...


Also, I had a dream last night that I could squat flatt-footed on the floor with no problem or pain. I guess my subconscious is getting ambitious...

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Dare mighty things


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If It is ok, i will join you adventurous people . I tried to do just 5 minutes last week, but pretty much failed motivation wise. Not sure if I can do the whole 30 minutes a day and withstand the fire ant colonies(I think I must be part robot) but I'll try. I also hold a 5lb kettlebell to help balance myself.



And side note: I deleted my avatar while trying to update it. So for right now, I'm a pictureless blob. I'll fix it this evening

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Today was a really rough day schedule-wise. Have to plan out my Monday nights better. Only 15ish minutes for day 6 :(

Level 3 Bearded Assassin


Str: 10     Dex: 9     Sta: 6     Con: 7     Wis: 4     Cha: 3


Current Challenge: Respawn    Past Challenges: 1 2 3


Daily Battle Log   Album


"I'm not losing weight. I'm getting rid of it. I have no intention of ever finding it again."

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Managed about 10 minutes yesterday for my day 2. Day 1 was only 2 minutes so I'd say that's an improvement. Managed it without any help in form of books or the likes, and did 5 -2-3 minutes. During the last 3 minutes boyfriend bonked me in the head every few seconds to try and make me fall buuuut I managed to stay in the squat :D

Just trying to get back on my feet. :)

apfelstrudi learns to outrun shamblers | Instagram challenge

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Good job, Strudi! :)Bonking your head isn't very nice, but it's great that you managed to stay put! :D


When it comes to setting off time for the squats Ido Portal has something to say on this..


A word of advise to you all:
For now you are all dedicated and focused, but its going to slowly become more of a struggle to keep the habit going. 
One thing that will really help is not approaching the squatting as 'Training'. I actually try to approach every movement practice with a similar approach.

Instead of scheduling a session of squatting, use my initial advise - squat EVERYWHERE - when waiting for the bus, talking on the phone, on the street, on top of a chair in a coffee shop, on the edge of a fence, etc, etc - and keep using the timer to 'kill minutes' off the 30 min mark.

This kind of a habit is superior to doing a session - from a variety of reasons:

1. It is interlaced into your lifestyle. No need to 'implement' the squat, its already being USED as a resting position.
2. It is spread throughout the day and sends a very strong adaptation inducing signal to your system - KEEP THE JOINTS OPEN AND READY TO SQUAT - AT ALL TIME.
3. It is cooler and will start some interesting conversations with people around you.
4. It is NOT normal. Since normal = Homer Simpson, you don't want to be normal - so there you go!

#3 - #4 - #5 - #6 #7 - current

Juggling PvPSquat PvP, HOoRAY



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Day 8 done. Using a pillow instead of books. It makes my heels sink deeper. It's a heel of a workout on my ankles! And when the blood is rushing back in my feet feels like:



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Nuala, level 13 Robot mistress of pain, Assassin Guild leader


First journey: The Rise and fall of an Assassin

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13

Second journey: Crawling back


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Ok I'm probably too late to join in this challenge, but I'm gonna start doing this for myself. I've always felt comfortable squatting with my feet splayed, like a duck. So umm when I feel life using a chair I'll just squat. Gonna do squat down and play AC4



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Ok I'm probably too late to join in this challenge, but I'm gonna start doing this for myself. I've always felt comfortable squatting with my feet splayed, like a duck. So umm when I feel life using a chair I'll just squat. Gonna do squat down and play AC4



There is no too late for this challenge.  Start today, do 30 days.  Welcome to squatters anonymous.  There are more of us every day.

Milythael Assassin

Current Activity: Milythael Acts Like an Assassin

Past Activity: 


Challenges: Intro, 123, 4567, 891011 12
PVPs: Demon Slaying, HOoRAY, Meditation,
 Poses, Juggling 30/30 Squat



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none for me yesterday. I kept saying I would do it later. Haven't done it yet today either. Going to go do a bit NOW. No lunch for me until I squat. for 5 minutes

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Didn't do any yesterday, did some today, and I have time later for more if I wish. got 3 rounds in, the first was a bit over 2 minutes, the time went down from there, for a total of 5:25.


I can't decided if it's better, in terms of me improving both the time I can sit in a squat and moving towards being able to do a full squat with my heels on the floor,  for me to squat as low as I can with my feet flat on the floor (in my case, I can get low enough that my upper legs are just below parallel with the floor), which is very hard on my quads, or if I should put my heels up on books and get all the way down there, which is hard on the fronts of my ankles. So far I've been doing the latter...

Dare mighty things


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This sounds fun, and I would like to work on getting lower at the bottom of my snatch and squat clean.  I'm in!

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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No pants! 


My floor would not appreciate this.  My wife might though...

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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