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5 hours ago, Alanna said:

...That way you could spend some time separately practicing the different strength/mobility requirements, as you suggested above, rather than just focusing on one position that is a compromise between the ideal leg and ideal back position.


I'd also recommend double checking that your feet and hands are the correct distance apart (i.e., that you're setting up correctly with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips before you push into A-frame.

Those both are helpful, thank you. I have played a bit with moving my weight back and forth  between hands and feet, and I have room to take that experimentation further. That is an excellent point - if I get into A-frame from tabletop every time (instead of from a forward bend) I'll have a constant, built-in form check.


5 hours ago, Alanna said:

multiple people set their car engines on fire trying to drive up the same icy hill. 

Oh, no! I don't think I've ever heard of that happening. That's pretty extreme. And potentially expensive, whew.


4 hours ago, Elastigirl said:

I find it better to do a bit more and add a little cardio to warm myself up.

I think this is true for me, too. Some of the dynamic stretches are intense, but it's just not quite the same level as getting the heart rate up.


5 hours ago, Elastigirl said:

I asked the GMB trainiers about the A-frame. They said it is fine to bend your knees. They encouraged me to experiment and see what works. If I am working more on stretching my back and shoulders, I bend my knees a bit. If I'm trying to stretch my calves, I keep my knees straighter.

Thank you so much for asking and for sharing! Videoing/pictures can be a weird reality check - how bent my knees feel versus how bent they actually are is an amusing difference.


5 hours ago, Elastigirl said:

I'm impressed with your consitency in working out. And your ability to adapt , Have fun in the snow today!

Aw, thank you! ? I don't have very many rules, but adaptability is one of them.

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"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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Today I worked out for 1 hr 9 min.

Warmup seems to be working


Calf raises: 14,10x3

A-frame to squat: 3 or 4 tabletop  to A-frame to squat, and reverse. 

Crab walk: 3 "laps" forward & back of the 7-foot space.

Monkey: 3 "laps" side-to-side


Pendlay rows: 10x50#, 10x55#, 8x55#

Hollow hold: 1m19s, 1m30s, 1m35s

Deadlifts: switched out the fabric side for all the mini bands except 1. 10, 12 Noticed quite an imbalance between sides, added yellow. Did 8, 8.

Cool down: 9 minutes.



Try switching calf raises to after locomotion work. They tend to tighten the muscle, which may be a big factor limiting A-frame/Bear walk mobility.

A-frame to squats: only worked on walking hands back into squat. Just feels better. Don't have measurable data, but these feel more and more solid w/more and more uprightness in the bottom of the squat. Last workout I came out of the squat 2x so I wouldn't fall backward. This workout, nada. No falling back. Something is happening here. Very, very cool.

Crab walks really work my wrists. Remembering what Alanna wrote about tendon adjusting here helps me be patient.

Played with raising arms, straightening legs. Still not able to lower them much, but straightening them adds a challenge. Always checking low back/pelvis position (I keep a band under the low back and tug on it every so often).

Finally, a challenging but doable resistance for deadlifts. Supposedly this resistance range is 120-170lbs. Edited to say: I am really skeptical about those numbers.
After taking stock of how my body felt after Monday's WO, I took band squats out of the circuit. Either the current locomotion squat work will be enough or I'll  increase the time I work on the A-frame to squat transition. Or.... add in a standing movement to each A-frame squat? (So, tabletop to A-frame to squat to standing to squat to A-frame to tabletop.) (Maybe.) (As an option.)

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"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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Week 10 WO3 1hr 10min

Warm up ? 16min

1xMobility 15min

A-frame to squat 4 reps

Crab 3 laps

Calf raises 12x4

Monkey 3 laps

2xCircuits 24min

Pendlays 10x50# 10x55# 10x60#, 10x60# 10x65#

Hollow hold 1m30s, 1m30s

Deadlifts 10 10, 15 15

Cool down 16min


Squats were most excellent, dude. (Yeah, I finally watched the TMNT trilogy. Never saw the movies as a 90's kid. Probably better able to appreciate the corn as an adult.)  I only came all the way back to tabletop twice: in the middle to check hands/feet placement, and again after the final move. Squats are feeling more solid every single dingle time. I don't know what it looks like, but what happens each time leaves me thinking "Wow!". This is so cool. *ahem* I focused on pushing the floor away and noticed how that felt in my shoulders. Also played with degree of knee bend.

Does anybody know if there's a cue for your shoulders to set up for Crab? Down and back? Something like the L-sit prep?

Doing calf raises after squats felt much better.

Took a close-up vid of Pendlays; need one from further away. I want to check my back here, see if it's as flat as I'd like it. Also shoulders: I don't really want to round them down too much.

Legs still aren't very extended on hollow body holds, but I make sure to challenge myself here: extend legs a smidge, raise arms, straighten legs.

Still have room to push deadlift resistance, though these were noticeably hard.

Had an appointment this AM, so the workout happened a few hours later. I don't usually eat breakfast prior to WO but of course I did today. Dunno if it gave me a boost for working out, but today felt really powerful.

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"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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Week 11 WO1 1hr5min

Warmup ?


A-frame to squat 4 reps, 5 BW squats each

Bear 3 laps

Calf raises 12x4

Frogger 3 laps


Pendlays 10x45# 8x55#, 10x55# 10x55#

Hollow hold 1m30s, 1m31s

Deadlifts 10 12, 12 12


Adding 5 squats upped the difficulty factor. Also played with pauses at various points.

I like how I can add difficulty or engage different parts of the core by raising/lowering arms and legs. I don't seem to be getting my legs down further, but I try a little more each time. I won't compromise low back form here. 

I like the length of these workouts. I like still doing circuits but adding a set of the resisted movements. I wonder if I'm missing out on upper body work (specifically Pushing), but I remind myself that A-frame and the locomotive moves challenge that part of my body.

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"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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Week 11 WO 2 1hr17min

Warm up 14min

1xMobility/Skills: A-frame-squat 4 reps, Bear walk 3 laps, Calf raises 12x4, Frogger 3 laps

2xCircuits: Pendlay rows 70# 11 10 10 & 12x3, Hollow hold 1m 30s & 1m30s, Deadlifts 12x3 & 12x3

Cool down/stretching

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"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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Whewf, so I've had  a few days of real-life mindset meh-ness. Outside factors going on have triggered various thoughts/feelings, and there's some definite apathy happening. Reporting here b/c that's reality: life has ups and downs, and I'm not going to pretend perkiness when it ain't happening.

And, while I don't think scientific studies have delved into this, there are theories floating around that unprocessed trauma/emotions can affect the body - and I am working some DEEP muscles with those hollow holds. I became really good at stuffing emotions in childhood - and while I've spent recent years working through all that, I probably am not finished. So. The plan is to go with the flow, not shy away from either the deep movement or the emotions that get stirred up (whether from current events or past), and keep doing what I know to do.

Really thankful for a supportive spouse and all his loving goofiness.


Workouts are going well enough, though the apathy is present there, too. I still like the GMB movements but my brain is SUPER attached to the idea that every workout should leave me feeling like I just climbed a mountain and came back down, and it doesn't count or it isn't helping if that's not the case

I know in my body that I have worked out, and not coasted through it either, when I'm finished. Deadlifts and hollow body holds are hard while I'm doing them, and the front of my legs let me know the squats, Bear, and Frogger are all pushing my limits.

But.  I'm not sweaty, shaking, or sore afterwards. For some reason, my brain thinks this is sub-par effort. Really, it isn't - I mean, I need to be able to function for the other 12 hours I'm awake after working out, and rest days.


Nutrition check: apathy is affecting this, too. Feeling a bit bored. I like cooking and making tasty things, and I typically have a few standbys I stick to. Lately even those don't sound appealing. Today I prepped some chicken quarters (removed skin, separated them, deboned the thighs) and hope to cook some tasty chicken tomorrow. I have some lettuce I've neglected, and salads sound good. The husband has been trying lots of new recipes - he made a great cauliflower/sweet potato soup today. We have leftover bones and a partial rotisserie chicken carcass going in the Crock Pot. That should be a really yummy bone broth tomorrow afternoon sometime. And I still look forward to broccoli! So there are options.



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"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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On 1/21/2022 at 12:09 PM, Emissary2Ornj said:

Does anybody know if there's a cue for your shoulders to set up for Crab? Down and back? Something like the L-sit prep?

Doing calf raises after squats felt much better.

Yes, that's the cue.

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Unintentional mini-workout today: picked up something heavy and carried it a good ways, twice.

Cooked Crock Pot chicken bone broth (my version of bone broth), strained and skimmed it, divided it into freezer and fridge portions.

Cooked salmon patties (based off this recipe), ate some, fridged the rest.

Cooked some of the thighs I prepped yesterday (based off this recipe for pulled chicken), fridged it.

Did the dishes.

Finally tackled devising a formal plan for housecleaning.


Get this: My house is approximately 200 square feet. When we got a bigger camper (our first one was 13 feet long), I did not think cleaning would be a big deal. However, we use almost every bit of space we can. It's not cluttered; it's functional. But it's not just wipe and go. Gotta move stuff, wipe/clean, replace stuff, work around stuff.

Also, not to be gross, but not to shy away from reality, either: there's a difference in the dust and typical debris two people produce contained in 200 square feet versus spread out over 2000 square feet. Yeah, tiny living is majorly cool in lots of ways. It's also different than bigger-house living in ways you don't think about until you do it.

These are not complaints or excuses. Regular housecleaning is just an adulting puzzle that's had me stumped for a while. I've been very informal/unstructured about it but it's not working for me. Ready for a little more structure here. I am pretty excited to see myself actually tackling this challenge, breaking it down into manageable parts. Also - seeing all the tasks I want done in this area written out on paper was not overwhelming, surprisingly. I feel excited by the challenge of figuring out a schedule which fits my life, doesn't leave me frustrated or resentful, and gets the job done without me obsessing over it.

Still have some background/external stuff going on but today was A Good Day. I feel humble and thankful.

"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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Really cool to see how your squats are improving with the locomotion movement and transitions!


On 1/21/2022 at 8:09 PM, Emissary2Ornj said:

Does anybody know if there's a cue for your shoulders to set up for Crab? Down and back? Something like the L-sit prep?



Yes, like Elastigirl said: "Another idea to keep in mind is that you want your shoulders away from your ears. In other words, you want to pull your shoulders down and back. This will also help keep your butt off the ground." https://gmb.io/crab/ I focus on setting my lats and scapula, which move my shoulders down, and pressing into the ground.


On 1/27/2022 at 2:17 AM, Emissary2Ornj said:

But.  I'm not sweaty, shaking, or sore afterwards. For some reason, my brain thinks this is sub-par effort. Really, it isn't - I mean, I need to be able to function for the other 12 hours I'm awake after working out, and rest days.



DOMS tends to decrease with consistent workouts - so soreness is definitely not a good sign of consistency :) 


For sweatiness - once you learn the basic movements, GMB's Elements programme has circuits towards the end of the session (currently 2 movements for 1 minute each, a 30-60 s rest, and then repeat). I've definitely gotten sweaty from these, but I also sweat easily! Ah, genetics. 


On 1/27/2022 at 2:17 AM, Emissary2Ornj said:

Whewf, so I've had  a few days of real-life mindset meh-ness. Outside factors going on have triggered various thoughts/feelings, and there's some definite apathy happening. Reporting here b/c that's reality: life has ups and downs, and I'm not going to pretend perkiness when it ain't happening.

And, while I don't think scientific studies have delved into this, there are theories floating around that unprocessed trauma/emotions can affect the body - and I am working some DEEP muscles with those hollow holds. I became really good at stuffing emotions in childhood - and while I've spent recent years working through all that, I probably am not finished. So. The plan is to go with the flow, not shy away from either the deep movement or the emotions that get stirred up (whether from current events or past), and keep doing what I know to do.

Really thankful for a supportive spouse and all his loving goofiness.


This is a difficult process, but it's great that you're addressing it - and I'm glad you have the support of your partner while you work through these feelings and trauma. Have you heard about the book The Body Keeps the Score?  I'll caveat that I haven't read it, but it may be interesting to you.

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Challenge 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12  


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Bleh, my husband and I have the infamous Ick. Workouts (and pretty much everything) are put on hold while body works at Ick-fighting.

I've been thinking more about the food fatigue (my term). I really want to wait this out in case my body's going through another phase of withdrawal from salty, carby, high-processed foods. Given that I enjoy a variety of veggies already, and don't mind keeping my protein sources basic (chicken, fish, some red meat), I think one area to expand is possibly incorporating more whole grain type foods. I eat white rice and quinoa pretty regularly. Might explore how else I can incorporate whole grains in. I already use various spices to change up flavors, but I could look into marinating my vegetables to add flavor variety there, too.

On 1/28/2022 at 4:23 AM, Alanna said:

Have you heard about the book The Body Keeps the Score?  I'll caveat that I haven't read it, but it may be interesting to you.

I have heard of it! But not read it.

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"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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2 hours ago, Alanna said:

Are you planning to join the next challenge?


No, challenges aren't for me, for the time being.  I've enjoyed keeping the battle log, though. 

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"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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Nutrition is challenging! I'm trying to get decent food in, but appetite is meh. I do pretty good with breakfast - eggs and a couple sausage links w/some vitamin/plant powder. Lunch is whatever, noodles, broth, chicken, rice. By suppertime I'm too pooped to think about what I might want, and have skipped eating a couple times. I think adding oatmeal and yogurt (easy, quick) with fruit might help. Also some of those sweet potato pancakes sound good.

Working out right now is just, nope. I get up and move around inside as I need to, and go walk around the yard if I feel like it. Fresh air is excellent!

Lots of time to think and research and gather "underpants".  Current online rabbit-hole topics to pass the time: bullet journal spreads, people solving puzzles, looking for jobs for the summer. Current self-reflection topics: the phenomenon of impatience based in fear/feeling powerless, how it leads to impulsiveness/quick action (but not always advisable), how it leads away from peace/trusting/freedom, how I can practice holding space for someone vs acting in order to exert my will/desires on someone (Kara Loewentheil-esque self-coaching).

"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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Nutrition is super challenging.  That trifecta of effort, creativity, and planning.  All. The. Time.  I finally got myself to batch cook and freeze 1/2 a recipe for the next week.  (assuming 4 servings so I get 2 this week and 2 the next week.)  Or plain but decent protein and good carb that I can mix and match with sauces and veg. 


Those are some heavy duty self-reflection topics.  Are you feeling benefit from them?  Or too early?


I hope the general ick-ness is improving. 

daily dare 49 48  47  46 45 44  43 42 41  40 39 38 37 36 35  34 32  31 30  29  28 27  26  25 24 23 22 21 20 19  18  17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 #8 #7  #6  #5 #4 #3  #2 #1


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21 hours ago, Chesire said:

Nutrition is super challenging.  That trifecta of effort, creativity, and planning.  All. The. Time.  I finally got myself to batch cook and freeze 1/2 a recipe for the next week.  (assuming 4 servings so I get 2 this week and 2 the next week.)  Or plain but decent protein and good carb that I can mix and match with sauces and veg.

It's good to hear I'm not the only one thinking it's an ongoing challenge. From past experience, I know my ideal easiest setup is having lots of frozen veggies on hand, plus batching cooking then freezing a few staples like rice, quinoa, and sweet potatoes. Having frozen protein (cooked and uncooked both) readily available is really nice, too. But we're dealing with physical limits of an RV-size freezer, so there's a balancing act that has to take place.

I think the next level for me is saucing things up. This could mean having bottles of pre-made sauces (with acceptable ingredients) on hand, or having some basic ingredients from which I can whip up various homemade sauces. I've got cornstarch, maple syrup, honey, a good variety of spices, yogurt, almonds, ACV, red wine vinegar, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, citrus juices, sriracha.... and a few other things I'm forgetting at the moment. I feel like I've got a good start on that. Tahini and miso both come to mind as possible purchases. So does harissa.


I'm just wondering how much of my taste cravings are from exposure to and indulgence in  a Western food-factory diet. Or is it just that my body at its most basic runs really well on salt, animal fat/protein, and high quality carbs, and I can give it what it really wants in simple, whole food form? How much of this is conditioning/learned addiction - which can be broken if I "detox" long enough, and how much is just this is natural, so go with it with in a realistically healthy way? What a conundrum!


21 hours ago, Chesire said:

Those are some heavy duty self-reflection topics.  Are you feeling benefit from them?  Or too early?

Kind of early, still just letting them percolate. I assume I'm not the only one who this happens to- lately (the last two years or so) it seems when self-awareness increases, it's like a slow dawn of the sun. I can't rush it but I can't prevent it, either. Concepts marinate in a haze just at the edge of full awareness until some final catalyst seats them into solid knowledge.

Benefits - lazily, I hope just being aware of the tendency for impatience to rule actions is helping me put the brakes on it.


21 hours ago, Chesire said:

I hope the general ick-ness is improving. 

It is, thank you.

I also wonder if getting sick had something to do with the nutrition apathy setting in. Food seems to be getting somewhat more "exciting" again, and all signs point to being past the halfway point in the Covid infection progression.

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"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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Checking out all the shiny new challenges is fun!


Short version: A workout is scheduled tomorrow! It's almost time to leave and go to our summer place (where's that? I don't know yet, eep!). I'm starting a Bullet Journal! I think I've unlocked previously hidden regions of my Me map! Exclamations abound!


Long version:

I am planning on working out tomorrow, for the first time in about 2.5 weeks. Wow, it seems like way longer than that. I'm still congested, and I would assume my conditioning has decreased quite a bit... but I am purposed to do something in the morning. Any kind of intentional movement, even if all I can manage is my warm up and stretching, will be a win. I'll have to do some stringent mental coaching in order to not push things too hard.


I am so excited about so many things. First, it's getting to be the time of year when we leave to go wherever I'm going to work this summer. This is both exciting and a little stressful/anxiety triggering for me. I have some things to do to get ready, besides not knowing yet exactly what we're doing/where we're going, and hoping we get to do something a little different while knowing there's a really good possibility we'll end up back where we spent last summer. So, lots of mixed feelings to experience.


Second, for some reason charting/tracking/journalling has become my latest obsession. I have always been a stationery/book/papers/pens kind of nerd, and wow, has that got rekindled here lately! It started with started tracking my food intake and my workouts. Then I actually did something about ongoing my curiosity around my hormone cycle, and am charting that now, having obtained the Toni Weschler text. Then we got sick, and at some point while distracting myself via the Internet, I started gathering massive amounts of underpants re: trendy Bullet Journals, mostly via YouTube and Instagram. I got a couple of the Walmart-branded Exceed dot-grid notebooks yesterday! Over the years I've had info scattered about in various places, so I'm hoping to consolidate some things, as it's practical to do so. (Some things will stay electronic or need to be kept separate.)


I have lots of hopes for this planner as a tool. Productivity and achievement aren't really the goal for me, but there are things I want to modify in my life, and I think this is going to be a difference maker in getting my thoughts organized about those things. Also I have several things I want to track, though not as habits, but to gain insight into how often they're actually happening. So far I've got a couple weekly spreads, a Workout Planner, a Brain Dump, my How Often tracker, and a 'When did I last' page. I'm not into scrapbook-y type planning, but I enjoy lettering and simple geometric doodles. I like to indulge my creative side, and I look forward to exploring that again.


I don't know if anyone else experiences this - but whenever I've got a Shiny New Thing going on lately, I'm a little.... wary? Leery? Confused? Last summer it was my blog. I felt driven to write and write and write and actually post it, and then it just petered out. ?‍♀️ I have lots more to write, but it's not an obsession or a drive now. Last fall I started working out, and made some pretty major nutrition changes, which are continuing and which I'm thoroughly enjoying. That included actually keeping track of my calories - something that had been anathema to me previously. There is no shame, guilt, stress involved now. There used to be. And now I want to start tracking a BUNCH of things, all at once, and I'm not feeling anxious or stressed about it. I'm looking forward to it. I LOVE that this is the case. But part of me - probably the traumatized, "when's the inevitable hammer going to fall?" part of me - is feeling a little bewildered and cautious.


Hopefully, this is all just side effects of the growth that's happened over the past few years. In my opinion, there were some serious mental blocks keeping me back from some of this stuff, and now that they've been exposed for what they are - surmountable challenges, not immutable facts- I can revisit some previously off-limits concepts.


Not trying to be cryptic here; I expect y'all have experienced similar and thus know what I'm talking about.


Be back soon - unless something changes, I'll have a workout report to post tomorrow!

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"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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Week1 WO1 1hr5min

Warmup ?


A-frame to squat 3 reps

Bear 3 laps

Frogger 2.5 laps

Calf raises 12x4


Pendlays 12x25# 15x35#, 15x30# 12x30#

Hollow hold 1m, 1m10s

Deadlifts 12x35# 12x40#, 20x40# 20x45#


Definitely appreciated all the mobility work during my warmup. Interesting to encounter all the little areas I've accumulated some stiffness in during the time away from workouts.

In the last A-frame to squat, I hit the deep squat point, felt like I was falling backwards for a fraction of a second, stuck with it and hung out (not moving/panicking/tensing anything else), and totally just relaxed into the deep squat. First time for that. When I say "relaxed", I wasn't just chilling - there was still effort required. But it was as if a switched flipped from one instant to the next. I didn't have time for conscious thought, just a fleeting intention to stick with it and not bail out. I actually hung out, weight on the heels/balls of my feet. Toes weren't relaxed flat, but the falling backwards feeling disappeared. I assume my brain is mapping out new areas of movement possibility, and is learning "I'm safe in this position". I assume that's why there's consistent progress almost any time I try this, and progress after not doing the movement for 2 1/2 weeks. This is still so cool.

Bear was fun to play with. Noticed feeling uneven (in ease of movement and comfort of support, not in terms of being level) between left and right arms. Also noticed this in Pendlay rows. Left arm movement was smooth, right was a tiny bit janky. I attribute this to how much time I spent setting up my planner the other day - holding pens tightly, long minutes of the arm being in the same position.

Really like moving a lot of my weight forward (getting the feeling of inversion) by pushing A-frame up on tiptoes. I like to briefly explore bent-arm positions here but I'm not ready to push this.

Frogger felt unfun. Wrist/arm fatigue might have influenced this. Did a long-leg frogger (meh). Think I want to play a bit more with slowing this down, maaaaybe explore Tabletop to Frogger with the slow toe pull forward.

In general, form seems not to have suffered for the break. ? Glad I took the time to back off resistance amounts to check it on both resisted exercises.
The only time I pushed it a little too hard was upping the resistance Pendlay rows from 25 to 35 pounds. I think my back/shoulder muscles can take more, but my right arm/elbow were protesting.

Overall, pleased with how it went.

"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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Week1 WO2 1hr2min



A-frame to squat 3 minutes

Bear 3 minutes

Calf raises 12x4


Hollow hold 1m15s, 1m20s

Deadlifts 15x45# 15x50# 15x55#, 15x55# 15x55# 15x60#



Haven't documented what all's in my warm up for a while. Here's that (w/my names for them, not standard necessarily):

? Wrist circles, 5 different wrist stretches, elbow rotations, neck push/pull, scapular shrugs, shoulder rolls both ways, quadruped spine circles, low spine up/down, Frog stretch, lunge quads & hams/calves, toe lifts (sides & rolls), heel lift rolls, sprinter toe-ups, NF YouTube beginner's dynamic warm up video


? Removed the second locomotion (Frogger).

? Removed Pendlay rows.

Future possibilities

? Criteria for adding Frogger back in: Wrists/forearms have more endurance/strength (most important). A-frame to squat is super-easy and I'm not squat-fatigued by the time Frogger rolls around (less important). Not sure if I'm going to stick with Bear only for now or switch between Bear & Crab weekly. Leaning toward switching. Will probably also avoid Monkey. I hope only doing 2 things will give me more time to work A-frame to squat as well as Bear/Crab.
? Elbows (right especially) didn't enjoy Pendlay rows, especially after A-frame and Bear work. It's not exactly a slow, sustained, steady movement - more of an explosive one, the way I typically do it. My aim was to get multi-muscle back work in, and incorporate some sort of pull motion. I think the some bent arm work during A-frame (and possibly Bear) will work the same muscle groups, though it's not pulling.

? I could move Bear to the Circuit. I'm comfortable with the movement (how to do it), and this might give me more time for A-frame to squat, as well as increase the amount of work I do.

Other thoughts

? I notice feeling impatient/disappointed that mobility decreased over my 2.5 weeks of down time. It makes perfect sense, and I believe it'll come back with consistency. ? Really glad for past consistency. Having that fall-winter stretch of unmissed workouts gives me confidence for the future. ? One day at a time, one step at a time, adapt. The results will come. ?There is no "must" for what the results are or when they come. I do the things, and see what happens.


?Struggling to get calories in. I have started making a smoothie in the mornings (oats, banana, Orgain protein powder, blueberries, greens, water) to maximize calories and protein. I still eat eggs and a couple sausage links with that; sometimes 1/2 a sweet potato if I can manage it. I always feel better with lots of greens and veggies in my diet, and plenty of protein. ? There are still some mental/environmental challenges to nutrition that need exploring, which is exciting, because it means there's something to do/be figured out, and there's massive potential for growth. Cool.

"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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Week1 WO3 1hr17min

Warmup ?


A-frame to squat X3 minutes

Calf raises 12x4


2 minute Bear 1m40s, 1m30s, 1m

Hollow hold 1m7s, 1m30s, 1m15s

Deadlifts 15@60# 15@65# 15@70#, 20@75# 20@80# 20@85# 15@Carabiner bands, 15@85# 15@CBands


Long workout (time):  Felt like pushing it a bit so I added a short 3rd circuit. Doing 2 circuits is a really good fit for my daily schedule, so I'll probably stick with that most of the time. Deadlifts took longer b/c I was switching out tubes so often and I did more reps than usual trying to see where my upper limit was. It's a big jump between 85# of tubes and the carabiner bands. I definitely struggled to complete 12-15 reps. I won't start there next time, but I hope to bring them in earlier in my sets. Squats are amazing. Can't rest my arms on my legs but I can hang out in that deep squat, heels down, toes up a bit. I don't have pictures/vids, but it feels like I am sitting up straighter than when I started out. Might wanna take a picture next time.


Adding a smoothie in every day seems to be beneficial. I would like to try drinking half with breakfast and half with lunch, just so I don't get SO full with that first meal. This morning I ate my greens with breakfast, which I enjoy a lot. I still work out before eating breakfast, just being sure to drink a decent amount of water before w/plenty of sips throughout the workout.

"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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On 2/12/2022 at 7:46 PM, Emissary2Ornj said:

I don't know if anyone else experiences this - but whenever I've got a Shiny New Thing going on lately, I'm a little.... wary? Leery? Confused? Last summer it was my blog. I felt driven to write and write and write and actually post it, and then it just petered out. ?‍♀️ I have lots more to write, but it's not an obsession or a drive now. Last fall I started working out, and made some pretty major nutrition changes, which are continuing and which I'm thoroughly enjoying. That included actually keeping track of my calories - something that had been anathema to me previously. There is no shame, guilt, stress involved now. There used to be. And now I want to start tracking a BUNCH of things, all at once, and I'm not feeling anxious or stressed about it. I'm looking forward to it. I LOVE that this is the case. But part of me - probably the traumatized, "when's the inevitable hammer going to fall?" part of me - is feeling a little bewildered and cautious.

I definitely jump in, deep end, both feet on Shiny New Thing and sorta use up all the stamina for it in once big chunk.  So, yeah, I've worked hard on not going too hard at once and determining if I really want this SNT to be a real Habit.  That sounds like I've got me sh*t together.  Do not be fooled.  But !!!!woohoo!!! for not being anxious about what is hopefully a straight forward info gathering experience!

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On 2/18/2022 at 12:01 PM, Chesire said:

I definitely jump in, deep end, both feet on Shiny New Thing and sorta use up all the stamina for it in once big chunk.

Ah! I hadn't thought of these situations as a stamina-eater. Requires pondering!


Week2 WO1 1hr27min

Warmup ?


A-frame to squat 5 minutes

Calf raises 12x4


2 minute Bear 2m, 1m30s

Hollow hold 1m7s, 1m15s

Deadlifts 15@90# 15@95# 15@110, 16@110# 8@CBands


Today was a not-feeling-it day. Low back felt really tight; couldn't settle in to squats so easily until reps 4 & 5 of 5 (tabletop to A-frame to squat). Did a few pushups from A-frame (shifting weight forward, coming up on toes, almost getting that inverted/balancing feeling; then do a slow pushup, keeping elbows tucked to sides) - that's always a good/fun challenge. Hollow body practice was really hard today. Deadlifts were good. Really stacked the tubes up for the highest resistance; it was approaching the carabiner-bands, but not there. Definitely decreases the resistance gap to the C-bands - good thing. Calf raises: starting to work on letting go of my support while I'm doing these. 2 circuits worked.

"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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Week2 WO2 1hr10min

Warmup ?


A-frame to squat 5 minutes

Calf raises 12x4


2 minute Crab 1m30s, 45s (longest continuous each circuit)

Hollow hold 1m7s, 1m15s

Deadlifts 12@30# 15@110# 15@110, 15@110# 10@CBands, 10@CBands


First workout in camper (we're on the road for a trial-run trip and it's rainy out this AM). It worked. Brain tried to distract me somewhat since I was working out in someone's presence (hubby graciously hung out on the couch for the duration), and in a new setting. Did not modify workouts except to exclude jumping movements in warm up (campers, even when well-stabilized, shake).
I still hope to have outdoor workouts. May need to find a smallish (more portable) workout mat for outdoors. Or just go with it and let my hands get dirty. In the experimentation phase, seeing what works.

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"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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On 2/23/2022 at 9:57 AM, Emissary2Ornj said:

Brain tried to distract me somewhat since I was working out in someone's presence (hubby graciously hung out on the couch for the duration),

oof.  I always feel weird when MrC is there in the room.  But I've trained myself to not care about people watching me in a park? 


nice job keeping the brain in line and doing the workout

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10 hours ago, Chesire said:

But I've trained myself to not care about people watching me in a park?

I know - it's funny, isn't it? I think it has to do with "this is not a stranger, this is THE someone". I don't worry about him judging me, I'm just self-conscious. ?‍♀️ Also, there is some "Somebody's watching, must excel" going on, which has nothing to do with who's present, just someone's present. That's my old achiever brain patterns talking.


I use to workout in playgrounds and got that "don't care" muscle really strong, but I'd have to retrain it now.

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"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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