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[TiogaGirl] it’s Ber season, baby!

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Physio was tough (really worked range of motion, ouch); meetings were long; worked hard in the interstitia; got all chilled out with a lovely gentle yoga class, then made the mistake of checking my phone & learned I got summoned for jury duty IN CALIFORNIA (haven’t lived there, or even in the US, in 14 years!!) so that wrecked my mellow a lil bit. Supposed to show up all day tomorrow [although thankgodfully there is a zoom option]. Definitely not happening, but I didn’t feel like fully burning my bridges with our neighbours to the south just yet, so I figured out how to submit a request to be excused. For some reason I only got the text ‘reminder’ today, I guess the original summons went to my old Cali address where i lived during the Obama administration. UGH!!!


Just waiting for my heart rate to slow back down (my life seems to be all I can manage as it is, contemplating how much crazier it would be if I had to do some wacky cross border civic duties has me all shook up). Then pizza, ice the legs, and play some cozy video games. 

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2 hours ago, Salinger said:

Oh bloody hell. 


Do you know what the case is beforehand?


I know you wont do it but it would be interesting i think if it was a crazy case. 


Hope your heart rate is now lower and you feel relaxed xx

Haha, I definitely won’t do it, it’s just a matter of whether I can get officially excused or whether I have to defy the law and possibly avoid traveling to/through the States in future. No idea what the case is, except that it is run through the county court so probably not something super serious? Like, I imagine murder or drug running or terrorism trials would be done through state or federal courts? But I dunno!


When I was a kid, my mom served on a jury for a case about a break & enter into a lingerie factory! We all found that hilarious (constantly asking her whether the lawyers had brought their briefs, etc) but it was probably a bit of a hassle for her and my dad to line up alt care arrangements for four small children!

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7 hours ago, TiogaGirl said:

Haha, I definitely won’t do it, it’s just a matter of whether I can get officially excused or whether I have to defy the law and possibly avoid traveling to/through the States in future. No idea what the case is, except that it is run through the county court so probably not something super serious? Like, I imagine murder or drug running or terrorism trials would be done through state or federal courts? But I dunno!

I've gotten a jury summons for a city I no longer lived in (I'd only moved half an hour away) and it was fairly easy to get out of. I just had to tell them I didn't live there anymore and never heard back from them again. I've had background checks and other jury summonses (for places I did live in) since then, so there don't appear to be any legal troubles. If you haven't even lived in the country in years, I doubt you will have any issues.

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Challenges: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19#20#21#22#23#24#25#26#27, #28#29#30#31#32#33#34#35Current

Walk to Mordor: 2019, 2020, 2021202220232024

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1 hour ago, Ranger Hal said:

I've gotten a jury summons for a city I no longer lived in (I'd only moved half an hour away) and it was fairly easy to get out of. I just had to tell them I didn't live there anymore and never heard back from them again. I've had background checks and other jury summonses (for places I did live in) since then, so there don't appear to be any legal troubles. If you haven't even lived in the country in years, I doubt you will have any issues.

You’re right! The court emailed me this morning and just needed my new address then removed me from the jury duty list. Whew!!

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Happy Belated Thanksgiving, TG! I hope you had an amazing time. 


Glad you got out of jury duty, that sounds like it would have been a complication you don’t need with how busy you are right now. :D 

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Past Challenges: #1, #2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#10#11#12#13#14#15#16

Current Challenge: #17


“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Getting out of transnational jury duty was certainly something to be thankful for!! LOL!


My Thanksgiving was pretty swell. Hubby and I drove up to eastern Ont, picking up kids 1 and 2 on the way. Both my brothers and their fams were able to make it up for the weekend, too! TG-fam stayed at the family cottage and the boys/our mom stayed in town, but plenty of visits back and forth. Weather was OUTSTANDING on Saturday, woohoo! That was the first time in ages I've spent the whole day outside, just soaking up the sunlight. Then into the cottage for a super cozy woodfire :) Sunday, turkey day, and that was great. Monday, did the drive in reverse order and back to TG-town.


It's reading week now! That's lucky, for I have a ton of things that need catching up on. Currently I'm at the second day of a 2 day writing retreat on campus. Going to finalize revisions for this paper that's plagued me for months years!!! Had time to catch up with a friend, too, at one of the campus cafes still open.


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*happy fanfare* I locked in, buckled down, and got the paper revision sent off to co-authors!!! Then jumped on my bike and rode home. Have a couple hours to chill and eat some dinner before I have to be at show choir.


Had a good visit with friend, too, haven’t had a chance to catch up with her in a LONG time! We used to work out together at the campus gym, but she wisely jumped ship to another privately owned gym that’s apparently way less crowded. I should consider it (well, not the same gym, but one closer to my place).


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*sob* I’ve been working so hard on the paper revision that I have TOTALLY let everything else slide. But it felt pretty good to have something to work obsessively on again! There will be a bit more of a flurry compiling all the code and extra data, before I can finally submit for reals. But I feel super good about this one. Already heard back from first co-author (my awesome former thesis student), just four more to sign off on it.


today, my appointment book looks pretty good! Just physio this morning, hair appointment this afternoon. BUT i need to finalize exam questions for my course, send them off to colleague, check the simulation machine for Mon/Tue class, and post pre readings so the keeners can start those over the weekend. I have other things due (or past due, eek) but doing all the above would be okay progress for today.


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Mid-day update!

Physio went GREAT. I walked in and physio guy was like “that’s the smoothest I’ve ever seen you walking!” I did prioritize stretching with weighted legs a lot this last week, so it’s cool to see that pay off. :D

 -checked the simulation runner, seeeeeems to be running okay with just a few lil weirdnesses that hopefully won’t blow up in my face next week.

-posted the pre-readings and learning goals for next week’s class. Can’t believe I’ll be back to lecture in a few days… and it is a long stretch coming up, 6 weeks of 5 d/week contact!!!

-now back home, let dogs out and tidied up the backyard, just about to eat lunch then shower.

-then hair appointment

-then I super need to write those test questions!!! 

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Bleah, I had a couple glasses of wine last night and either that or the full moon shining through the window onto my face had me all wide awake at 3 am and super sleepy now. I need to get me a sleep mask and probably more important, remember that booze messes hard with my sleep!


Today’s the last day of my fall break, but Kid 2’s is next week, so they’re coming home today for the week!


NO MEETINGS OR CLASSES TODAY and this is the last weekday that’ll be the case until December 4th! Good lord. Going to hit up the gym, then lock in and do some editorial work. I am scandalously behind on that and it gives me the dreads, but will be less bad once I break the seal and start doing a little every day on it. Next challenge will be super busy work-wise, between intense teaching and digging myself out of the editorial hole. I’ll put my mind towards some workout/nutrition/body comp goals if only to remind myself I’m not just a brain in a jar!!


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Killer workout in the gym this morning! It was so nice and un-crowded (still fall break week here). By the weekend that will change, though.


Rode my bike home, and the blue sky and golden leaves just making me glad glad glad.


Showered, had leftover soup for lunch, got great colleague to help me with the simulation runner, it’s all set now!


Going to drive down to train station to pick up Kid 2 in a bit. They offered to walk, but it’s kind of a long way when carrying all their laundry and clothes/ books / electronics for the week! After that, going to crack the seal a little bit on editorial stuff, then after hubby gets home there is a rumour we’re going downtown for tacos! 

Taco Dancing GIF by Patrick Kain

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Haha, after that buildup I learned we were NOT going for tacos, but to the burger place up the street instead. I feel like one of the dead people in Sixth Sense, “they only hear what they want to hear”. Burger was good though!! And actually fit my macros better than tacos (because you know I would have had to have those delicious tortilla chips and likely a margarita).


Lovely sunny weekend so far here, and sweet to have kid 2 home amongst us. It’s 21C but we’re calling it chilly enough to put on a fire ❤️ Earlier today I had a cool workshop on vocal health plus how to belt & do other vocal effects w/o damaging your voice. Good to know, good to know!


Tomorrow morning Mr TG and I are doing our fun long bike ride!!! After that, I will have to hunker down and prep lecture for Monday. But first, a long ride along a rail trail and the weather promises to be spectacular. Fall colours, here we come!

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Bike ride was SO GOOD :D It was chilly when we started the drive, and lots of misty bits through the countryside, but the sun burned through the fog really fast and we had glorious blue sky & sunshine & spectacular fall colours. And so terrific getting to ride on an old rail trail, not along the shoulder of a highway! We went a little over 40 km all told (Waterford to Pt Dover). Felt great and we were just smiling like loons the whole time. I had the fact that I still needed to write up tomorrow’s lecture niggling at the back of my brain but managed to keep it pushed way back, mostly.


Got home, starving, had a big lunch, then remembered I had signed up for hot yoga this afternoon! So went to that (awesome), and afterwards was REALLY tempted to further push back lecture prep until after dinner, but I convinced myself to do just 15 minutes of it and see how I felt, and it totally worked… well it took much longer than 15 but got it done in time for a quick shower before dinner. So I’m feeling totally great about it now (would be singing the blues if I still had to do that all!)


Calories today are NOT GOOD but then I was way more active than usual. So.



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