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Are You a Nerd? Stand Up and Be Recognized.

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Hey, I'm Steve, and I'm a nerd.


When I started Nerd Fitness five years ago, I wanted to help people who identified themselves as Nerds: people who followed hobbies and pursuits outside of the mainstream.


I wanted Nerd Fitness and the Rebellion to be like Charles Xavier's "School for the Gifted," except instead of everybody having mutant powers, we'd all have unique nerdy and fitness "powers."  We'd get to discuss incredibly nerdy subjects while also learning about healthy eating, proper lifting techniques, and leveling up our lives.


Honestly, this place has already become something bigger and better than I ever could have imagined, and we're just getting started.


Today, whether or not you identify yourself as a Nerd, I want to tell you my thoughts on why being a Nerd is awesome.


I also want to invite you to tell us why you're a Nerd, and be recognized for it.





What makes a Nerd a Nerd?



Do you have to like Dungeons and Dragons to be a Nerd?


How about Star Trek or Star Wars?


Computers and video games?


In my humble opinion, Nerds are Nerds because they take their knowledge about a subject, "nerdy" or not, beyond the surface and dig into the layers beneath:

  • Where normal people watch Game of Thrones on HBO, Nerds have read all of the books twice, spend hours debating the future of Westeros on message boards, and and have taught themselves High Valyrian.

  • Where normal people might have loathed chemistry or physics class, Nerds fell in love with the endless possibilities of mixtures and experiments that could result from a day's class.

  • Where normal people devote a few minutes a day to Angry Birds on their iPhones at the bus stop, Nerds devote hours upon hours to getting 100% on Dark Souls or maxing out their character in World of Warcraft.

  • Where normal people might spend their evenings watching the latest reality TV show, Nerds might spend their time creating and crafting an epic story for their next table-top adventure.

  • Now, going beyond the norm and fully immersing yourself in an interest or hobby is awesome, but oftentimes get Nerds ridiculed for being different: for not going with the flow or being part of the crowd.


    Sure, our parents always asked us: "If everybody jumped off a bridge, would you do the same?" to encourage us to think for ourselves, but society really expected us to be like everybody else.


    In grade school and in high school, being uber passionate about stuff (anything really), oftentimes resulted in bullying, weird looks, and a seat at the 'not cool' kids table.  If we had nerdy passions, they would only be shared with our other nerdy friends, behind closed doors, and at night while everybody else was out.


    Fortunately, thanks to the power of the internet, we've come to learn that we're not alone in these passions.


    And more importantly, we've come to learn that being a Nerd is freaking awesome.



    Why being a Nerd is freaking awesome



    Two weeks ago, I stumbled across a video from a 'nerdy' conference where actor/nerd hero Wil Wheaton was speaking.


    A woman who plans on raising a nerdy daughter asked Wil to give her young child words of encouragement down the road. Wil did not disappoint.  I found myself with a huge grin on my face as I watched Wil explain so succinctly what being a Nerd truly means, and why we need more Nerds  in this world.


    WARNING: This might make you tear up a bit (it's pretty misty over here at NF HQ right now):



    In Wil's words:



    Being a Nerd is taking the time to really understand what goes on in the world instead of just riding the planet through space. When I was a little boy, people really teased us about that and made us feel like there was something wrong with us for loving [science, board games, books, etc.].



    I think a lot of us have realized that being a nerd or a geek...is not about what you love, but how you love it. So there's going to be a thing in your life: sports, science, reading, fashion design, building things, telling stories, or taking pictures; the way you love that thing, and the way that you find other people that love that thing in the same way you do...that's what makes being a nerd awesome.



    Don't ever let anybody tell you that the thing that you love is something that you're not allowed to love.

    Being a Nerd means finding something you love and not being afraid to dig in 100%. It's about feeling connected, finding something that makes us feel alive, that makes life worth living, and then having the confidence to pursue it.


    Thanks Wil, the world needs more people like you.  


    This is why the aspect of Nerd Fitness that I'm most proud of is the Nerd Fitness Community.


    I love seeing people with different nerdy passions (Firefly, Cosplay, Star Trek) and different fitness interests (power lifting, running, parkour, yoga) getting to be 100% themselves.


    Nerd out about our favorite passions and things we love while ALSO learning to be healthier?  Hell yes!



    What kind of Nerd are you?



    I love getting emails from people saying: "I'm not a Nerd, but I enjoy your site...Though, I do love  [something uber nerdy]."


    Guess what, you're a Nerd!


    Embrace it.


    As my friend Mars says, "The world needs you."


    This would suck without passionate people.


    I don't care if you nerd out about: sports, sports statistics,Dungeons and Dragons, sewing, knitting, Parkour, video games, science, rock/stamp/fossil collecting, table top games, reading, writing, photography, science fiction, gardening, rock climbing, yoga, LEGOs, MineCraft, cosplay, anime, travel, videography, art, drawing, music, performance, theater, archaeology, philosophy, movies, shows, ancient history, Greek and Roman mythology, whatever!


    Regardless of how nerdy your interests are, you'll have a home here on Nerd Fitness.


    I'll start us off:



    I'm Steve, and I'm a Nerd.



    I am a bookworm; I've read the Lord of the Rings series multiple times. I've read the Hobbit a half-dozen times. I read The Silmarillion so I could understand more of Middle-earth and its rich history.  I love the A Song of Ice and Fire series.  I think In the Name of the Wind was phenomenal, and I read Ready Player One in a single sitting.  I've read the Harry Potter series probably three or four times, and I honestly can't wait to check out the Wizarding World of Harry Potter the next time I'm in Florida.  



    I love ancient history, mythology, archaeology, and old churches. I love a good conspiracy theory. This is probably why Pillars of the Earth is one of my favorite books and Assassin's Creed II is one of my favorite games: they mix all of these things together so perfectly.



    I love gaming. I can beat Metroid Prime on GameCube in under three hours, thanks to devoting hours upon hours to watching
    on YouTube. I recently spent a good 40-50 hours tracking down platinum trophies for God of War I and God of War II, and now I'm playing God of War III and loving the Greek mythology.



    I've dumped probably 100 days (not hours, DAYS) worth of time into EverQuest and EverQuest II, which is why I'm so excited about building a real life MMO: Rising Heroes.



    True story: Five years ago, while on a particularly epic raid in EverQuest II, the components in my computer, which I built myself from scratch, fried from overclocking and I didn't have the money to fix it.



    So, I finally started dumping some serious hours into this crazy idea I had for a website helping Nerds get healthy.



    I think things worked out :)

    What does being a nerd mean to you? What are you passionate about?


    Leave a comment and be recognized.


    We're glad you're here.






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    I'm a nerd! My first nerdy-love was the First Ladies. My mother had to explain to me that I probably shouldn't have a party and ask everyone to come dressed as their favorite first lady, because I was probably the only 6 year old who HAD a favorite first lady (Mamie Eisenhower, btw, but only because Eleanor Roosevelt is so epic I can't reduce her to "just" a first lady).


    These days, I'm obsessed with sci fi (mostly BSG and Firefly, but I've been getting into Star Trek, Star Wars, and lots of movies), weird stuff (Twin Peaks, Fargo), knitting, reading anything I can get my hands on (I'm attempting to read all of Asimov's Robot/Empire/Foundation books in order, but I've been losing steam with the Foundation books), and most recently - weight lifting! I have to know it all (and running.)

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    I am a nonfiction-flavored nerd.  I want to LEARN ALL THE THINGS.  Today I'm learning about why EMS providers put patients on backboards, and why that's not such a good idea (because most of the time, it's unnecessary; and besides, ow). 


    I'm obsessed with the logistics behind the Manhattan Project.  The science of the atomic bomb is interesting, but the fact that the government built three cities, filled them with scientists and their families, and kept the atomic bomb a secret during the project just amazes me.


    I gobble up Mary Roach books like most nerds devour Tolkien.


    My wonderful boyfriend, who actually has satellite TV and a DVR, told me that he'd record anything I want since I only have rabbit ears.  My only request:  Discovery's North America.


    Hooray for real life!

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    I am a Pokémon nerd. If you ask my mum I love it too much, but if you ask me, there is no such thing. I even still have my poster of the first 150 Pokémon on my wall from when I was a kid. I don't think it ever came down expect when I was moving bedrooms but than it went back up. One of my friends from high school told me that the first time she came over she expected to see my walls covered in Pokémon.

    Those days I nerd out in other ways. I like playing video games, watching anime and reading manga

    STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
    When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
    Epic Quest - Current Challenge - Twitter - Goodreads - Fitbit - blog

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    Book nerd, I literally read 5-7 books a week. Mostly fiction but I also read a lot of veterinary books and have dabbled in philosophy.  Really into dystopian fiction now, much to the boyfriends dismay. I'm also a modern Whovian, though I completely intend to watch classic episodes once I have a computer that can handle video. Somewhat of a gamer, mostly rpgs. I'm also quite the music nerd, my collection is massive and eclectic. I'm sure there are many other reasons but those are the most apparent.

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    And in this existence, I'll stay persistent

    And I'll make a difference, and I will have lived it- MFTP


    Battle Log

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    I'm a Trekkie...like you couldn't tell by my avatar. Klingons Rule...Feddies Drool...Suck it Romulans!!!  (star wars sucks)


    I also like BSG both old & new.  Babylon 5 was another favorite of mine. 


    I used to read X-Men comics, but it's been over a decade since I've gotten any.  Loving the Marvel movies big time. (DC sucks) 


    I wear kilts on occasions.


    I played bass guitar in a Metal band.  I've actually survived parties w/ Pantera, back in "the day".


    I paintball, airsoft if for people to scared to play paintball.


    I'm also a big time SAMCRO fan. 


    Still love reading Anne Rice books.  Love the Vampire Chronicles, now I'm working on Mayfair Witches. 

    "A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye" - Koloth

    "Ya can't grill it until ya kill it" - Uncle Ted

    "If it ain't Metal...IT'S CRAP!!!" - Dee Snider

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    I wouldn't call myself extraordinarily passionate about any one thing.

    I'm a nerd of many things lol. I get super obsessed with something, then drop it for something else.

    So I had a Mass Effect phase when that was my one true obsession.

    Now I'm playing Assassin's Creed. I've completed 1 and poured 18+ hours into 2 last weekend.

    Though before I ordered and got AC, I've poured 18+ hours in a weekend playing Half-Life 2.

    Yeah I'm the nerd who's not up to speed.

    I used to love reading fiction, but that died and reading was on the back burner for a long while. Now I'm totally obsessed with reading non-fiction and blasting through books on food and psychology. (Currently "Find your Focus zone", which is about fighting distraction... ironically I've been too distracted to really get into it)

    I switch a lot and I don't dive into things very deep often. I don't spend hours getting all throphies or anything.

    All these things people know about their obsession? I never get that far haha. I know probably a little more than the general public, but it's more that I have interests outside the mainstream.

    I could go on and on about what I like, because there's so much haha.

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    "Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection"

    Epic Quest: Sif's list of awesome

    Challenge: let's smash another year #low-carb #push-ups #intermittent fasting



    Sif rises once more (~2020): 1

    The Return of Sif (~2018): 1, 2, 34567, 8

    The Age of Kibcy (~2012/13): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 89


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    Im a nerd because i absolutely HATE all the style advice given on every men's magazine/webpage. I can be in my 30's and wear graphic t's, wrap around sunglasses and anything that I want. I don't live in NYC and dont feel the need to spend hundreds of dollars on any article of clothing or need a watch when i have a smart phone.


    I also play video games hours on end...so there's that.

    USS & NBAC Masters swim coach

    Current: lifter, runner

    Former: triathlete, cyclocross racer, NCAA swimmer


    Current games: Borderlands 2, Runescape, Star Ocean, Dragon's Dogma

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    I'm also a nerd of all trades. I get into a topic or concept and devour it. I learn everything about it and make it a part of myself.

    I named my daughter (middle name) for captain Katherine Janeway of the federation starship voyager.

    I have a near equal love for middle earth and the final frontier, as well as a galaxy far far away. I believe some day a mysterious, nerdily beautiful man in a suit will show up in a blue box and hand me a letter from Hogwarts apologizing for overlooking me when I was a child.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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    I'm also a nerd of all trades. I get into a topic or concept and devour it. I learn everything about it and make it a part of myself. I named my daughter (middle name) for captain Katherine Janeway of the federation starship voyager. I have a near equal love for middle earth and the final frontier, as well as a galaxy far far away. I believe some day a mysterious, nerdily beautiful man in a suit will show up in a blue box and hand me a letter from Hogwarts apologizing for overlooking me when I was a child. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

    My oldest son is named Kahless.  After the founder of the Klingon Empire.  Our new Rott puppy is named Koloth, after one of my fav. Klingons.

    • Like 1

    "A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye" - Koloth

    "Ya can't grill it until ya kill it" - Uncle Ted

    "If it ain't Metal...IT'S CRAP!!!" - Dee Snider

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    My oldest son is named Kahless.  After the founder of the Klingon Empire.  Our new Rott puppy is named Koloth, after one of my fav. Klingons.


    New Rott puppy?!  OMG SQUEEEE!!!  My favorite dog EVER was a Rottie.  She was just the snuggliest, laziest, lovey-doveyist dog I've ever met.  You are going to have SO much fun with Koloth.

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    Im a nerd because i absolutely HATE all the style advice given on every men's magazine/webpage. I can be in my 30's and wear graphic t's, wrap around sunglasses and anything that I want. I don't live in NYC and dont feel the need to spend hundreds of dollars on any article of clothing or need a watch when i have a smart phone.


    I also play video games hours on end...so there's that.

    I don't think "style" is about being a nerd or not, there are plenty of "normal" people who don't care or willingly break rules of social conventions in that area/associate with a certain scene as much as there are 'nerds' who are interested in 'style' to one degree or another. Although I'd reckon a lot of 'advice' on that register is a bunch of verbal diarrhea.


    'Nerd' of many trades here, including 'artistic' endeavors (travelling, cooking, photography, 'writing', music, martial arts), scientific (history, philosophy, psychology, law) and 'general nerdstuff' like RPGs, Sword fighting, general sword and knife knowledge (heavier on the former side), general weapon knowledge, astrophysics and partially languages.

    “It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.†- Vince Lombardi


    Wolf, level 1 Vampire assassinSTR 2|DEX 3|STA 2|CON 3|WIS 3|CHA 2


    Wolfish Philosophy


    Current challenge

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    I'm a dance nerd.


    and I'm totally a fitness nerd.


    I'm a sewing nerd, and a little horse nerd.  


    But truly I'm a dance nerd.  Every breath I take- makes me whole when I'm dancing.  it cripples me when I cannot dance- nothing sends me to an angry break down faster.  If I could quit my jobs and just workout and dance I would.  I love it.  


    GREAT video.  Wheaton is the fucking man.

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    I'm a book nerd. More or less fantasy and sci-fi, my favourites for each would be Steven Erikson / Ian Esslemont's  Malazan series - it's JUST SO EPIC, and favourite sci-fi Philip K. Dick. But I'll read anything off the beaten track really, I do love hitting the classics as well. Im a big Lovecraft nerd, don't mind Poe, currently reading through a few of Doyle's Sherlock Holmes novellas, I'll also do a bit of philosophy, human physiology/anatomy/ophthalmology (for the job), and the odd bit of classic literature. My partner and I also LOVE Discworld, Pratchett is just so hilarious and profound - the one author who can make me laugh out loud - we've even got a few of the Discworld flavoured boardgames, and a lot of his readings are going to be involved in our upcoming wedding. 


    I'm also a fiendish music nerd. I play bass, for my own enjoyment at the moment, but I'm a completist with the music I own, and I get into a LOT - Jazz, reggae, funk, afrobeat, hip-hop, soul, classical, metal, rock, prog, latin/afro-cuban, the list goes on. I guess I love it because it's the one language we all speak regardless of race or creed. It's a beautiful thing, and playing is just the best, regardless of how awesome and terrible you may be - if I couldn't play, I might as well be dead inside.


    These are the things that I'm truly passionate about and would NEVER give up.

    The Logros - Guardians of the First Throne itself.

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    I'm a hardcore nerd... despite years of pretending I wasn't "as nerdy" as other people.


    I'm Jenni and I am in love with books of all kinds. Fantasy and Sci-Fi are my favourites although I'll read anything you put in front of me. My favourite worlds helped take me away from bad childhood and bad experiences with partners. I was able to escape into Name of the Wind (Patrick Rothfuss), Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Series, Brandon Sanderson's works and obviously Lord of the Rings.


    I love ALL versions of "star" shows. I couldn't choose between Star Wars and Star Trek, because Star Gate is my favourite. I looooove Jean Luc Picard (even more so after his speech last week to the lady at the conference, totally had me tearing up). My ring tone for my cell phone for work is White and Nerdy and my personal phone is Mario!


    I played Legend of Zelda with my grandfather growing up and it distilled a passion for all things video games in me. I am now a concept artist for the video game industry as well as a website designer/graphic designer. Because of this I also have a Triforce tattoo (the full one, not just the triangles, the full eagle) on the back of my neck and a 1up mushroom on my right hip. I'm branded for life as a nerd lol. And I play any video game I can get my hands on.


    I knit.. which I know is less nerdy, more strange and old person like. But I love it. I can shoot bows and arrows... sort of, but I'm getting better. I know lockpicking and I can program.


    I am passionate about learning anything I can, be it nerdy or not and would love to meet more people on here!

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    Lvl. 10 Half-Elf Assassin


    My Current Challenge


    My Daily Battle Log




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    Growing up, I was the shy and quiet kid who always did well in class, would rather read than play sports, and played lots and lots of video games. When I did get up and play sports, it was only because I had an urge to be liked, to be a real boy. I never did well however, and hated gym class, even if I did enjoy learning about different sports.


    As I got older, I was far more interested in academic pursuits to an even greater degree. I was interested in every class, even though I struggled in math and science (I blame the pressure to perform in the classroom, teachers who were uninterested in the subject matter, and teachers who loved their subject but didn't know to inspire that love and/or teach). So I focused more on the humanities; in college, I majored in English. After college, I worked full time at a public library (I now have a Master's in Library Science) and began reading up on science, math, and technology.


    I still love video games, and I still love reading. I collect comic books, I love Doctor Who, I've always been a huge Star Wars fan (though my interested in Star Trek was ignited with the J.J. Abrams movie), and seeing The Matrix during my junior year of high school pretty much changed my life. I've read Lord of the Rings three times. When I met Neil Gaiman at the 2009 American Library Association conference, I was speechless for three days.


    My own particular nice of geekdom, other than the standard computers/science/math/books pedigree, is that I'm a gun geek. I grew up with guns in the home, learned lots about them, and have been shooting since I was a teenager. I have a membership to my local range, go hunting every year, and will soon take up archery.


    That about does it, I think.

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    Level 2 Human Ranger

    STR [5] DEX [4.25] STA [3] CON [4] WIS [6] CHA [6.25]

    Current Challenge

    My Introduction

    "Blood and sweat washes away pain and fear."

    Current Challenge Goals:


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    Big football (soccer) nerd.

    Whereas my friends will watch a match, I will see all the intricacies, reasons for substitutes and look up stats. Slight man crush for Andre Vilas-Boas ha

    Also a reformed GW nerd. Still relapse occasionally.

    And I....... Have a Dark Eldar rune tattoo

    Dark Elf Monk (Level 1)

    | Str 2 | Dex 2 | Sta 2 | Con 3 | Wis 3 | Cha 3 |

    Twitter: @MrDanMellor

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    I'm a Trekkie...like you couldn't tell by my avatar. Klingons Rule...Feddies Drool...Suck it Romulans!!!  (star wars sucks)


    I also like BSG both old & new.  Babylon 5 was another favorite of mine. 


    I used to read X-Men comics, but it's been over a decade since I've gotten any.  Loving the Marvel movies big time. (DC sucks) 


    I wear kilts on occasions.


    I played bass guitar in a Metal band.  I've actually survived parties w/ Pantera, back in "the day".


    I paintball, airsoft if for people to scared to play paintball.


    I'm also a big time SAMCRO fan. 


    Still love reading Anne Rice books.  Love the Vampire Chronicles, now I'm working on Mayfair Witches. 

    More people should wear kilts more often!!



    New Rott puppy?!  OMG SQUEEEE!!!  My favorite dog EVER was a Rottie.  She was just the snuggliest, laziest, lovey-doveyist dog I've ever met.  You are going to have SO much fun with Koloth.

    Agreed!! Have fun!

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    My self-worth, beauty, strength, and overall awesomeness is not defined by numbers.


    12STR  13.75CON  5STA  12WIS   14CHA  6DEX        1 fire flower

    Current Challenge   #8  #7   #6  #5  Unofficial  #4  #3  #2


    "It's only impossible if you stop to think about it first."  -The Pirate Captian


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    So...there. Haha My biggest passion and it's a bit hard to explain to someone who isn't already a nerd about it. But I'll try it anyway.


    Anime. More than anything else I'm nerdy about I resonate with the characters, they're stories, the emotional tensions of slice of life genres and the raw power given off from epic action scenes. I can't remember what I ate for lunch yesterday but I can recall the years in which the Gundam series took place and the date of the best weather that can be found in Aincrad (Sword Art Online). I have a list of favorite studios both famous and small and can recognize one voice actor from another in just about any series I watch.


    While at my core I'm an anime nerd I've got other things I dabble in as well. I love RPG games (Drakengard, Dragon Age, TES) and MMO's (Rift, GW/2, FFXIV, soon to be TESO). The only real exception to that theme being Halo. Every one of them. I'm a huge Halo nerd.


    Perhaps not really a nerd aspect but a few close friends call me the "General", and not for the rank. I earned the name because I was the guy who'd read the Encyclopedia for fun. As a result I've got enough general knowledge about things to hold a conversation on just about any subject.


    I'm not a fitness nerd quite yet but the things I have enjoyed are the TRX workouts and for some reason pull-ups always make me feel really proud of myself when I can do them with minimal weight assistance. So I'm pretty excited to delve further into this world and figure out all the science behind it and see what else is fun/challenging/exhilarating for me.

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    Hero's First Challenge, Again! - "I knew pig-moles were a bad idea..."


    Who the hell do you think I am!?!

    -Kamina, "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann"


    Dai-Gurren Brigade's Hero

    Lvl1 Human Ranger


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    I'm a dance nerd.


    and I'm totally a fitness nerd.


    I'm a sewing nerd, and a little horse nerd.  


    But truly I'm a dance nerd.  Every breath I take- makes me whole when I'm dancing.  it cripples me when I cannot dance- nothing sends me to an angry break down faster.  If I could quit my jobs and just workout and dance I would.  I love it.  


    GREAT video.  Wheaton is the fucking man.

    I feel that same way with my art.

    “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.†

    ~Paulo Coelho


    I'm a level 3 moon elf, who's an druid assassin.


    My Inspiration

    Tumblr, which helps me stay the course for art challenge

    FB, which I guess we could be friend :tongue:

    My challenge



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    I'm a story nerd. Whenever I watch/read something new, I immediately read up about it on Wikipedia, then read its TV Tropes page, then search about all the analyses that pile up in blogs. Then the fanfic binge starts D:

    JL: Level 3 Turtle Tamer


    "I didn't come here for the easy life."


    current challenge thread | daily battle log | epic quest


    The One-Year Fanfic Ban (START: 6/8/2015)

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