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Hey there! I'm new around here... just getting started. 


My first goal is to friend 5 people who have been part of this Nerd Fitness community for awhile, specifically people who have some experience, have gained some success, and who have been around the block. If my own goal is longevity, then it's best to focus on longevity. What better way to start out? I know this is only a minor thing, but that's sort-of the point! I want to get a few quick wins and build upon my little successes. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. I want build momentum and move towards real successes. What better way to start? This post is my first post. It's mean't to be an act of good faith. I'm not sure where I fit in around here but I look forward to moving forward


Thanks, everyone!


In kindness,





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One of the first things I read on these forums was, "Fitness is a marathon, not a sprint."  It took a while to stick in my brain but it's totally right, baby steps and laying a solid foundation takes time!  Little successes rule. :)



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Tell me, if you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?

Level ?? Bard & Monk of the Furious Heart

STR.55  DEX.43 STA.48 CON.51 WIS.53 CHA.65


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Welcome, Adam!  Happy to be friends and help you out as you need!


Plus, it seems like we're neighbors of a sort..... we're in the same state, anyway!

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"Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world." - Voltaire

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Ergh, sorry for the multipost... work computer was wonky... Not sure how to delete those. :/


Sadly, you can't delete........ but you can edit and fill them with happy and/or inspiring gifs!

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"Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world." - Voltaire

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I didn't bring my walker, but I've been here ... oh 4 years 


So welcome! 

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Half-Ork Scout Leader
Running PRs : 5K 24m16s | 10K 53m32s | 15K 1h18m09s | Half Marathon 2h1m44s | Marathon 4h42m2s 
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Current Challenge Don't Call It A Comeback

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Goal #1 is complete! (Hooray!!) Thanks for your support, everyone. My goal was to identify a few long-term members of this community primarily because when things get touch, it's good to be aware of others who already went through difficulties and persevered. Everyone's kind wishes and warm welcomes are greatly appreciated.


ValkyrieGrace hit the nail on the head ... 


Hi Adam! Nice to have you on board and always nice to have  a new friend! Have you thought of what your fitness goals are? 


... The next step is to define my fitness goals. Here goes...


My primary fitness goal: Vitality 

I want to be overflowing with energy, yet grounded and lucid. I want to feel clean and clear and radiant---youthful and glowing. I want to feel strong and I want to be confident: unapologetically, unflinchingly confident. I want to have energy to do things I want to do; to be a beneficial presence for myself and others. I want to be of service and, ultimately, I want to realize my potential. More than being muscular and fit, I want to have wellness and longevity.


Right now, it seems my biggest obstacles to vitality are diet and sleep. Two game-changers for me would be to (1) eat only whole foods and (2) sleep well every night. I believe these factors will make the greatest difference for my physical well-being. On the ground, everyday, this looks like (1) eating whole foods rather than processed foods (eating home-cooked meals, ideally with loved ones), and (2) going to sleep at a decent hour every night. 


Aside from having vitality, I would like to become more fit, more physically active, more strong and more flexible. I want to have more endurance. These are secondary to my ultimate goal of health, energy, and longevity but I still want these things because they will help me be happy and feel good. Here are a few activities I'm open to (ideally practiced with other people), in no particular order ... rock climbing, martial arts / qigong / tai chi, running, baseball / batting cages, soccer, snowboarding / skateboarding, Frisbee, tennis, cycling (road or mountain), hiking. 


Obstacles to fitness via physical activity:

 - funds / income (for gym memberships, equipment etc.)

 - decision to make time for these activities [could be remedied by starting slowly and building momentum]


Any advice or recommendations? Perhaps the next step is to refine these goals and get more specific, and possibly plan for a 6-week-challenge. Any ideas on how to move forward?

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Fixing eating is a difficult undertaking, and if you've identified diet and sleep as your two main obstacles, I'd start there before tackling activity.


Take stock of how you eat now, then start making swaps.  I wouldn't change it all at once - unless you have an iron will, it won't last (and if you do have an iron will, it may last but you'll be miserable - speaking from experience here).  Do you know how to cook?  Are you the main cook in your household?  Do you do the grocery shopping?  Answering these will help you figure out how to proceed.  Knowing how to cook well with simple ingredients is absolutely crucial to eating healthful, whole foods on a reasonable budget.  It's also good to figure out what sorts of flavors you like so that you can find ways to spice your food and keep it from feeling "bland."


Sleep: how much do you sleep now?  Are you waking up in the middle of the night/is your rest fitful?  Do you know how much sleep your particular body needs for optimum function?  Figure out the answers to these, then take steps to correct.  Maybe it's setting a bedtime and sticking to it.  Maybe it's pre-sleep meditation to make your rest better.  Maybe it's changing your routine a little, limiting electronics after 9pm, etc etc etc.  Lots of possibilities.


If you're not active now and would like to start being active, you have a few options.  You can try out all your interests and stick with the one that calls you.  This is a great option but expensive.  Alternately, you can start by taking advantage of free exercise resources.  Steve has a few free bodyweight workouts that will really kick your butt.  neila rey is awesome as well - soooooooooo many routines of all kinds.  Best of all, no cost.  You can start correcting your physical activity issue while mulling over what you'd really like to invest in trying.  And hey, hiking is free, too........ ;)

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"Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world." - Voltaire

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I don't have extra money to spend on fitness/ gym memberships. I do bodyweight exercises in my living room and also use videos on youtube for inspiration. Find the time of day that works best for your schedule. I found that afternoons right after work before dinner work best for me. Mornings don't work out for me. I tried getting up early and running before work, but sleep is more important to me! Plus the boyfriend gets up later than I have to, so getting up earlier to workout wakes him up and disturbs hime more unnecessarily. Maybe start with walking or jogging if you're up to it in your neighborhood. Check on craigslist. Sometiems you can get some good deals on fitness equipment like weight machines or free weights. Starsapart is right, Steve has some awesome bodyweight routines. no gym body weight routines

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Valkyrie Grace

Gatherer of Souls


Current Challenge

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your goals seem pretty broad. I believe they advocate using SMART goals here. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.   


As far as not having funds for the gym and equipment, mother nature is free for the most part along with playgrounds, and you come equipped with a body, so use it.


Welcome and good luck,


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