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Hey Mer!


Looked into a lot of threads on women's lifting, and I noticed a recurring theme in most of them. Basically, when you've trialed a few things at the gym (to get situated), you'll figure out which exercises work for you and which you're really not interested in! So going back to your task of recce-ing the gyms, if you try some exercises while you're there and you like them, we'll start with that. If you still have no idea, another common occurence in those threads was StrongLifts (http://stronglifts.com/). Check it out; may be exactly what you're after to begin with. Its simple (3 exercises!), explains each exercise, the routine, and even comes with the app you were after (well maybe not entirely...)!


If that doesn't interest you, I have a back up plan as well! lol




Yeah, I totally came across the StrongLifts 5X5 on quite a few searches! Maybe that's a place to start then, at least for trying stuff out.


So, here's my update, I had the follow up with the orthopedist today, and he seemed to be in the camp of - if it doesn't hurt, go ahead and do it! So on my way home I hit the Gold's and got a trial pass for next week. It starts Monday so I figured I would do a Monday/Weds/Friday thing. 


There's one other gym in the area that I'm considering and based on the price vs amenities, I think I might prefer, but I want to do my due diligence and give them both a shot. It doesn't make sense to trial them both in the same week does it? I kinda thought I would try the other one the following week. Thoughts on that? 


(I said do due... heeheeheee)

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I'm always happy to try to help.

It's funny. The most muscle-head-ish type gyms are often the friendliest. Everyone is there for the same purpose (to lift things) so there's a thread of commonality that you don't necessarily have in a mainstream gym.

On form checks, seeing video of myself used to be my worst nightmare. I hated it. I still don't like seeing myself looking my worst, but I see how much it helps me to get better when I can see objectively where my form is good and bad rather than trying to remember what I looked like in that moment.


*waves back with two hands and a lunatic grin"


Yeah, I'm almost afraid not to do video form checks before my first go. The injury I've been recovering from was a back strain that caused a bunch of other problems - another good reason to build more strength in that area! So as much as I don't want to (sigh), I'm gonna try to make that happen no later than this weekend so I can start with a little more confidence on Monday.

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What I'm not seeing is the warmup. What does a warmup for something like this look like?

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Yeah, I totally came across the StrongLifts 5X5 on quite a few searches! Maybe that's a place to start then, at least for trying stuff out.


So, here's my update, I had the follow up with the orthopedist today, and he seemed to be in the camp of - if it doesn't hurt, go ahead and do it! So on my way home I hit the Gold's and got a trial pass for next week. It starts Monday so I figured I would do a Monday/Weds/Friday thing. 


There's one other gym in the area that I'm considering and based on the price vs amenities, I think I might prefer, but I want to do my due diligence and give them both a shot. It doesn't make sense to trial them both in the same week does it? I kinda thought I would try the other one the following week. Thoughts on that? 


(I said do due... heeheeheee)


Right on! And it makes perfect sense to give the first gym a try. Maybe you fall in love with it, and never even bother with the other. You'll find out.


Since you're recovering from a back injury, be sure to be careful! Form is key, but also don't start heavy by any means. I suffered a herniated disc in my spine (ironically, poorly doing deadlifts with too much weight...) and it took 3 months to recover. However, don't be afraid to lift back related exercises. So long as you do them right and work in an appropriate weight range for recovering (not light; just enough resistence to strengthen and build) you'll find your back better off for it! I haven't had any issues with my spine since!


What I'm not seeing is the warmup. What does a warmup for something like this look like?


Warm-ups important still! If you have a preferencial warm-up you currently do, keep that up. But it can be anything that gets your heart rate up and activates increased blood flow to your muscles. Can be a short job, cycling, dynamic stretching (NOT STATIC) or a few quick rounds of bodyweight exercises. Example:

10 squats

10 pushups

10 walking lunge


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Right on! And it makes perfect sense to give the first gym a try. Maybe you fall in love with it, and never even bother with the other. You'll find out.


Since you're recovering from a back injury, be sure to be careful! Form is key, but also don't start heavy by any means. I suffered a herniated disc in my spine (ironically, poorly doing deadlifts with too much weight...) and it took 3 months to recover. However, don't be afraid to lift back related exercises. So long as you do them right and work in an appropriate weight range for recovering (not light; just enough resistence to strengthen and build) you'll find your back better off for it! I haven't had any issues with my spine since!


I'm getting stoked! I walked in with as much confidence as I could muster, and the girl took me straight to the weight room, asking dubiously  if I was interested in cardio and all, and actually said that it sounded like I knew what I was doing! HA! Little does she know...


So the game plan is to get some form videos up this afternoon with the stickball bat, and see just how off I am. At the gym I'll try for the short bar if they have it and see how it goes. Worst case, I have a back up contingency with goblet squats and KB deadlifts... but I'm feeling confident. I have a good foundation of some strength, but will pay attention for shooters in my back! 


(I have a kind of wacky looking dynamic stretching routine from my modern dance days. It's incredible for getting fluid to the joints but looks a little... dancerly hahaha. At least it's graceful. Additionally, body weight stuff is perfect for a warm up.)


SO EXCITED!! Cant thank you enough for all the time you've put into my little case Hart!

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I'm getting stoked! I walked in with as much confidence as I could muster, and the girl took me straight to the weight room, asking dubiously  if I was interested in cardio and all, and actually said that it sounded like I knew what I was doing! HA! Little does she know...


So the game plan is to get some form videos up this afternoon with the stickball bat, and see just how off I am. At the gym I'll try for the short bar if they have it and see how it goes. Worst case, I have a back up contingency with goblet squats and KB deadlifts... but I'm feeling confident. I have a good foundation of some strength, but will pay attention for shooters in my back! 


(I have a kind of wacky looking dynamic stretching routine from my modern dance days. It's incredible for getting fluid to the joints but looks a little... dancerly hahaha. At least it's graceful. Additionally, body weight stuff is perfect for a warm up.)


SO EXCITED!! Cant thank you enough for all the time you've put into my little case Hart!


AWESOME! Glad to help :smile-new:  Be sure to post your progress either here or in the Daily Battle Logs! And if you find you don't like what you're doing, try something else. Just be sure to give it a chance before you do! Now KICK SOME LIFTING ASS!!!


ps. acting the part is half the battle :friendly_wink:

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Total noob here, just starting out on the weightloss part of my journey, so I can't really help with advice. Just wanted to say thank you for this thread, I see myself in this position in a couple of months and this thread just made me feel like I've definitely forund the right community. :redface:


kudos for putting up your video!


HI!! Welcome welcome! I have to admit I shy away from these types of groups, but my experience here so has been awesome, NF is in a class of it's own! (Maybe robotics, game design and semiotics? ;) )


Good luck on your own journey! I hope you find yourself where you want to be. What's your game plan so far?


I was mortified when I saw that video... I can't believe I still have a double chin. (sigh!) But I figured a few moments of fear is better than going into weights with improper form.


But hey yo, progress is still progress and my skinny jeans are now too loose, so if that's not proof, nothing is! 

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