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[Newbie Here] Greetings and well met!

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Hello Everyone, 


I just joined NerdFittnes a couple of days ago, and I have to say I'm looking forward to going through this lifestyle change and really want it to stick this time! I've tried getting in shape several times, with noticeable results, only to quit because "life" or because I was getting bored with the routine. I do get bored easily. I think that's what drew me to this program. What I think that what I am looking for in life is something of an adventure. I've done some things that I consider to be pretty great, and had some wonderful experiences, but what I'm lacking is living that life full time. 


Since I'm new, I've been working on the Mindset quests. When I was writing down who I was, I ended up looking at a list that defines me as a quitter and someone who is living his dream through TV shows and video games because it's easier that way. Honestly, I'm not happy with that. I'd rather be out living my own adventure than through the actors on my television screen. But first, I have to get passed the quitter side of my life that gives up when my patience wears thin and when things get difficult. So, I'm here. 


Some of the adventures that I've experienced in my life involve travelling and learning about new cultures, always being willing to try a new and unique food (even if it's questionable!), taking a survival training course for a weekend, and really any other activity that will get my adrenaline going for a time (as long as it's safe). I have a passion for anything old, I love history (the older the better) and for a time wanted to be an archaeologist, though my career path did take a shift not too long ago, somewhat related to that "quitting when things get difficult" part of me. But, I'm actually very happy with the direction my life is going now as I'm back in grad school working towards a master's in critical literacy, hoping that I will be able to teach literature one day. My passions lead me to what I consider to be unique hobbies. I collect antiques when I can afford them, I love archery, martial arts (which I've attempted to learn but also did not stick with), studying old legends and mythology, and have recently been going on hikes at least once a year with friends and family. I also really really love going to Medieval Times every once in a while to watch the jousting tournaments! One of the reasons I'm here and want to improve my lifestyle is so that I can enjoy this side of my life more. I want to (or I should say "I will" as described in the mindset module) be able to do these things without feeling regret half way through my experience because I'm too tired or because I can't keep up. I've quit so many things in my past that now I'm starting to actually quit the things I love to do most. That's scary and has left me feeling bored and useless.


I can't be that quitter any longer. This is going to be very difficult and I know the temptation is there. I see that there are other "newbies" here in the forums and if anyone wants to work to keep each other accountable or form an online group or something, I'd be happy to be a part of it, because I need it just as much as anyone else out there. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone here and getting to hear the stories that you all have to share. So, here we go!



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Hi Kvnlls!


I'm new too :)  It kind of feels like the start of a new school year and everyone that shows up this week is part of a class together, so I'm all in for accountability stuff! (Well, I'd be in anyway, but I like the way that sounded - good camaraderie during orientation week!)


So here's my deal. The weirdest thing happened after my last birthday. It was after a 3 month sedentary bout with lymes disease. I was heavier than ever, tired, feeling crappy. I've had a lifelong battle of healthy eating vs EDs, was never able to maintain a healthy weight... healthfully. Counting calories, nope. Excessive cardio for like, a week, nope. I'm properly recovered from the EDs for awhile now, and needless to say, put on a bit of weight in the process.


This last birthday marked the last of my - by the time I'm 30 I'll have done this. By the time I'm 35, I'll have achieved this. I turned 36 and ran out of, by the time I'm...


I got kinda mad at first, an old go to rage that never fixed anything, but it took me to a good place eventually. I started telling myself I deserved these things to happen. I deserved to feel good about myself, dammit, cause I'm freakin awesome!


Truth? I didn't believe it. Not at first. But I kept telling myself that, over and over. (Dammit Meredith, you're freakin awesome! Why shouldn't you feel strong? Why shouldn't you live the life you want? Why shouldn't you feel hot once in a while? Why shouldn't you believe that you're awesome? You deserve it! You are awesome!)


I know it sounds silly, but that's how I got through the first few weeks. I gave up processed food and sugar, switched to full fat dairy and swapped beer (which I didn't drink much of anyway) for distilled spirits. Within those guidelines I ate what I wanted when I wanted, no counting, no curbing. Still do.


I also did short, 12 minute HIIT workouts 3 times a week, praying for death halfway through. But I'd say to myself, dude, it's only 12 minutes! Get through it. Just get through this one session. It started to get easier.


Then I threw out my back. Like, super messed up my back. (I thought it was from working out, but alas, it had everything to do with the way I sit while I'm on the laptop. Shocker!)


I was only 6 weeks into my program and was on a roll. I knew I couldn't do those high intensity workouts, but dammit, I'd already convinced myself I was worth it! So I just stuck to my dietary changes and did whatever walking I could, all through the holidays saying to myself, dammit Meredith! You're better than those cheap supermarket cookies. You deserve better than that stuff.


I've lost about 20 lbs between September and now, mostly due to good nutrition. I've been seeing an orthopedist & physical therapist, and am just ready to get into the gym to start lifting! (Once I get a green light from the doc - hopefully this week. I'm already 2 weeks in to doing body weight circuits again.)


The biggest change for me, truly, was convincing myself that I was worth it. A lifetime of battling ended up being a battle with myself. I'm worth the effort, I'm worth the sacrifice. And the good news, once the sugar sludge left my body I don't even crave it anymore! And when I do have a processed treat that really seems worth it, I usually feel sluggish afterwards.


This is started to feel really super TLDR, but I wanted you to know I know what it's like to want to throw it in for something easier, for something mind numbingly comforting, and that after 20 something years, I turned it around. My guess is that you deserve a lot more than you're allowing yourself.


We're in the same class, so let's make it happen!


My plan: I'm going to pick one of the 2 gyms near me, try them both out, join one, and then face that dreaded weight room and all those muscly leering eyes that intimidate me so much...


What's yours?

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Wow, that is quite the battle you've been through! And don't worry, it wasn't TLDR, haha. I'm sure we can make this happen! This week, I had the opportunity to take a mini vacation with my family up in the mountains (just got back home) and I took that opportunity to get outside and be a little more active. Now that I'm back home it's time to keep that activity going.


It looks like you have a pretty solid plan and I've been thinking about what I need to do. Right now, I have 0 stamina, so I am going to hit up my school gym and start working on the treadmill to build that up. I'm also going to set aside a few days of the week to cook my own meals (I eat fast food almost every day for every meal) because I am certain I will feel 100 times better and that will contribute to building up some stamina. At my current state, I literally contemplate if it's worth getting off my couch to use the restroom or grab a drink from the fridge because it seems like it could be too much effort. Surprisingly, I'm in decent health as far as I know, I'm just terribly lazy.


My goal right now is to reach the point where I can wake up and really NEED to go to the gym because I don't feel right not doing it. 


I'm actually in that last stage of "by the times" myself. It's funny (well maybe not really funny) how I can wake up and realize I missed the scheduled time I had set aside to begin my plan only to decide, "oh well, that's missed, I guess I'll have to start again tomorrow." 


I think this will be fun. Let me know the gyms work out for you once you've tried them. I'll let you know how my progress goes with the treadmill. I'll find some motivating anime openings to get me in the training spirit, haha. Also, it is very nice to meet you!

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My goal right now is to reach the point where I can wake up and really NEED to go to the gym because I don't feel right not doing it. 


I'm actually in that last stage of "by the times" myself. It's funny (well maybe not really funny) how I can wake up and realize I missed the scheduled time I had set aside to begin my plan only to decide, "oh well, that's missed, I guess I'll have to start again tomorrow." 


I think this will be fun. Let me know the gyms work out for you once you've tried them. I'll let you know how my progress goes with the treadmill. I'll find some motivating anime openings to get me in the training spirit, haha. Also, it is very nice to meet you!


I know EXACTLY what you mean. I was trying to get this out in another thread just now... I'm not exactly sure how to put it, but during my deepest depressions I wouldn't get up, just wouldn't, even to use the bathroom. I know exactly what that's like. I knew I needed to change something but I just couldn't. So one day, I was like, dude, get up. And then I was like, nope, can't. But then... I said to myself, well, do it because you can't! If you're wrong about that, maybe you're wrong about all the other things you don't think you can do.


I know it's silly, but 15+ years later and I still use that as a mantra, and after a little binge watching pity party, it usually works haha.


I got damn near close to ditching my first goal today - my work schedule flipped at the last minute and messed up my timing for when I was going to try the new first gym and lifting for the first time. I almost backed out, I got really really close... but man I'd be freakin embarrassed after all that I put down here, my challenges and everything! I totally went! The gym was packed (boooo) and I didn't understand the racks (boooo), but I went and did it anyway... mostly because I couldn't. And now, well, I guess I know it'll be easier on Wednesday when I go and do it again!


Hit me up anytime, I'm happy to be an accountability partner!! Channeling the Sailor Moon transition sequence... Hell yeah, we're gonna crush it!!


(side story - I slept through an important music audition for a performance arts school and ended up going for fine arts - which became my life path. I like to imagine it was a subconscious decision that I was unable to make in a waking state lol Also, I am definitely not one of those wake up early and work out kinda people. I HATE mornings! That would just be the worst...) 

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