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3 minutes ago, Taddea Zhaan said:


I got tired just reading that! 


You need to up your mosquito killing game. 


These mosquitos, man! Some mosquitos are chumps. They sit and eat and you can smack 'em and they're gone, but THESE are some kind of super brood. I can't see them for more than a few seconds at a time, I never catch them on me AGH


Our neighbor has a pool that they do NOT take care of and it is a super mosquito breeding ground. We're terrible and toss dunks in there to help with the problem but we may need to report them to the city.

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35 minutes ago, ixaera said:

Our neighbor has a pool that they do NOT take care of and it is a super mosquito breeding ground. We're terrible and toss dunks in there to help with the problem but we may need to report them to the city.


1 hour ago, ixaera said:






Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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Day 23 of 84




Gym Time

Crazy Arms Day

Bench Press (normal grip today, which is my wide grip)

1x5 55 lbs

1x3 65 lbs

6x6 80 lbs

Dunno if it was because of how tired I was, but this was pretty challenging.


Circuit 4x

30 reps Face Pulls 20 lbs 

10 reps DB Lat Raises 10 lbs

12 reps Tri Pushdowns 40 lbs

12 reps Alternating DB Curls 12 lbs

Those lat raises after face pulls are murder. I have not gotten ANY better at that.


No treadmill, it was late-ish so I just skedaddled and took an extra walk at work


Food Time


This week's targets / current day / avg:

1487 / 1491 / 1486

protein 110g / 110 / 114

carbs 149g / 159 / 162

fat 50g / 49 / 46

fit in some jalapeno cheetos :3


Writing: 3/7

just slapping down a few words so something is happening

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Day 24 of 84




Gym Time

Nada on Wednesdays, did take a couple of walks though


Food Time


This week's targets / current day / avg:

1487 / 1437 / 1474

protein 110g / 125 / 117

carbs 149g / 118 / 151

fat 50g / 58 / 49

Well, I WAS kind of thinking oh dear, I have overshot that fat macro yet again (damn you, larabars and planter's nut mix), but it appears to have leveled out my average, so no complaints.


Writing: 3/7

Nope. I got on FFXIV and spent the evening MOSTLY helping guildmates with stuff, only did a couple of things for my own progression. The last thing I helped with took right up til bedtime so I just skipped this.

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3 hours ago, ixaera said:


Nope. I got on FFXIV and spent the evening MOSTLY helping guildmates with stuff, only did a couple of things for my own progression.




<3 <3 <3 <3

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Tell me, if you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?

Level ?? Bard & Monk of the Furious Heart

STR.55  DEX.43 STA.48 CON.51 WIS.53 CHA.65


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Day 25 of 84




Gym Time

Did the thing

Leg Presses

5x6 with 50 lbs on

Yeah, it's less. Turns out when I have to use the thing from the bottom, I can't push as much. That bottom setting is JUST BARELY out of easy access I think, and oh well, more range of motion isn't awful. I think if I had normal adult sized legs starting at the bottom would probably be way more terrible



4x10 65 lbs

Yep, I did real actual squats, because the recommended % at 4x10 this time was within tolerance.


Circuit x4

Back Extensions 8 lbs 15 reps

Cable Lateral Rows 60 lbs 10 reps

Cable Face Pulls 30 lbs 21 reps


10 mins on the dreadmill


Food Time


This week's targets / current day / avg:

1487 / 1482 / 1476

protein 110g / 115 / 116

carbs 149g / 163 / 153

fat 50g / 43 / 48


Writing: 4/7

Quit FFXIV for the night in time to write a bit. At a tough scene, though. Trying to figure out how much to reveal here about the way the magic system works. Needs more brainstorm.


Researching good chairs for home. Standing works for a bit, but not for long periods, and the back tiredness is cumulative. So I can't just go rest for 10 min and get back to it, nope. Work chair seems OK and supports regular work hours, so I'm looking for something similar or better for home.

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I HAVE a little rant

smol really


I got up at normal "time to go to the gym" time, downed some pre-workout b/c I was somewhat zombified, ran out the door, got to the gym about 10 min after opening, only




That's ok, they've been late before, as long as it's before the half hour mark I can usually get to work at a decentish time, so I wait. Nothing D: I finally gave up at 7:36. 

Everyone's okay, so that's good, but I wish that I'd had the ability to see the future at 6 am so I could have slept in.


Now to decide between going to the rec center on my break or going on Saturday and trying to do 3 of the 4 days of the program in a row (because Tuesday it'll likely be closed for the holidy)

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Day 26 & 27 of 84

6/30/17 & 7/1/17



Gym Time

Friday I ended up at the rec center around 2 pm. You might say "oh hey, that's probably when it's pretty empty right" lol no

Barbell Incline Bench

5x6 50 lbs

Wasn't sure what poundage to do b/c I normally do dumbbells on this. It was too easy.



3x5 50 lbs

Didn't feel like dealing with mini weights, and this was fine. Challenging. The rack was taken so I just took the barbell from the incline bench and cleaned it to get it in position


DB Tri Extension

3x10 1x9 1x8 20 lbs


DB Alternating Curls

1x10 15 lbs 2x15 10 lbs 2x10 10 lbs

I blame all the diminishing strength on that place stressing me out. It really is a completely different feel in there and I don't think I'd ever be able to go back regularly. I don't think it's my imagination. People stare at everyone in there. Each other, me, whatever, a lot of staring. A lot of "are you using those" etc. It's busy and the clientele just aren't as "do yo thang" as Metroflex.


Food Time


This week's targets / current day / avg:

1487 / 1553 / 1464

protein 110g / 119 / 108

carbs 149g / 124 / 147

fat 50g / 64 / 49

Welp, that's probably the closest I've hit targets


Writing: 4/7

Didn't do any more.

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23 hours ago, ixaera said:


We're in cut territory at last. My body says so with all the DOMS


JFC the truth here.  When will it end.


23 hours ago, ixaera said:


I blame all the diminishing strength on that place stressing me out. It really is a completely different feel in there and I don't think I'd ever be able to go back regularly. I don't think it's my imagination. People stare at everyone in there. Each other, me, whatever, a lot of staring. A lot of "are you using those" etc. It's busy and the clientele just aren't as "do yo thang" as Metroflex.



UGH I HATE THIS.  I never want to leave my gym because it's very do yo thang, why do people need to be stupid.  Yes watch me majestically lift this heavy shit and make faces and hnnggrh.  NO.

  • Like 2

Tell me, if you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?

Level ?? Bard & Monk of the Furious Heart

STR.55  DEX.43 STA.48 CON.51 WIS.53 CHA.65


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36 minutes ago, shaar said:

JFC the truth here.  When will it end.



Probably when I can get back to maintenance which by my watch is roughly 7-8 weeks. (my day count I just realized is inaccurate because the last week of the program I'm on a roadtrip and won't be lifting at all, so I have to finish when I get back I guess)


It's starting to work though! The first bit had me near maintenance and I overate anyway so I have finally shed a pound though I haven't taken new measurements yet.


37 minutes ago, shaar said:

UGH I HATE THIS.  I never want to leave my gym because it's very do yo thang, why do people need to be stupid.  Yes watch me majestically lift this heavy shit and make faces and hnnggrh.  NO.


I DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT. WHY??? I mean, on some level I like to think hey maybe they're not really sure what they're doing in there and they're just getting ideas from other people (probably a terrible plan, but at least an explanation of some kind). It would go well with the very wacky things I see people doing in there (not that I'm staring too it's just hard to miss some silly things...) But yeah I have a hard time being in the zone when I'm very aware of people paying too much attention :( I think part of it is that there's a very big gap between what women and men do at each place. Rec center the men are using barbells and the big dumbbells, women and old people on the machines and TRX. Obviously it's not a bad thing to use these things but I think I stick out there :( Then at Metroflex you have women on the everything and it's a pretty good representation of women in general, it's not just big beefy dudebros (though sure, we have those too, and they DON'T STARE)


Shenanigans: Today the gym was kind of busy for a morning (well a lot busy, usually there MIGHT be one or two besides me, usually just me, and there were like 6 people by the time I left--half girls btw reprazannnt). Two guys were new and I overheard them a few times talking about HOW AWESOME this place is and just before I left I heard something about the equipment (dunno what exactly) "and it's not just men using it here!! it's such a good thing!" I was surprised but heartened that two rando new dudes seemed happy to have the space pretty equally occupied by ladies without seeming creepy about it.

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Day 28 of 84




Gym Time

Bulgarian Split Squats

4x8 50 lbs


Back Extensions

4x10 15 lbs


DB Rows

3x10 25 lbs

2x11 25 lbs

Left side is substantially weaker


Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns

3x11 60 lbs

2x10 60 lbs


15 min on dreadmill


Food Time


This week's targets / current day / avg:

1443 / 1478 / 1478

protein 110g / 111 / 111

carbs 138g / 157 / 157

fat 50g / 47 / 47

Body says this is definitely cut territory yup no question. Amazing what 50 calories can do.


Writing: 0/7


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Day 29 of 84




Gym Time

Crazy Arms Day

In which it really actually felt like crazy arms day

Bench Press (medium grip)

1x5 45 lbs

1x3 55 lbs

4x10 65 lbs

1x8 65 lbs

Challenging, couldn't finish the last set (still within rec's though)


Circuit x5 <--new set this week

30 reps 20 lbs Cable Face Pull

10 reps 6 lbs DB Lat Raises (went down a weight b/c was barely finishing with 5 lbs in each hand...)

12 reps 40 lbs Cable Tri Pushdowns

12 reps 12 lbs Alternating DB Bicep Curls

5 reps pushups (can add one next time, started small)


10 mins dreadmill


Food Time


This week's targets / current day / avg:

1443 / 1448 / 1463

protein 110g / 115 / 113

carbs 138g / 162 / 160

fat 50g / 43 / 45

Feeling better today, but jeez



Writing: 0/7


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On 7/2/2017 at 10:06 AM, ixaera said:


I blame all the diminishing strength on that place stressing me out. It really is a completely different feel in there and I don't think I'd ever be able to go back regularly. I don't think it's my imagination. People stare at everyone in there. Each other, me, whatever, a lot of staring. A lot of "are you using those" etc. It's busy and the clientele just aren't as "do yo thang" as Metroflex.



I know this EXACT feeling. I workout at BB/PL club gym 95% of the time. But I've had to go to my local Powerhouse a couple of times recently and we hates it. Equipment is constantly crowded, people staring at each other, young bro dudes gaggling together like gossipy teenage girls giving each other fist bumps. I feel like I'm crawling in my skin trying to hide from the limelight.


Whereas with my PL gym everyone minds their own business, which is going about the business of lifting/psuedocrossfit type workouts. And everyone is polite and shares equipment/works in. 

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Jǫrð, Delvian Nomad - Level 12 { Battle Log }

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On 7/3/2017 at 9:27 PM, ixaera said:


Body says this is definitely cut territory yup no question. Amazing what 50 calories can do.



  • Like 3

Tell me, if you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?

Level ?? Bard & Monk of the Furious Heart

STR.55  DEX.43 STA.48 CON.51 WIS.53 CHA.65


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1 hour ago, Taddea Zhaan said:


I know this EXACT feeling. I workout at BB/PL club gym 95% of the time. But I've had to go to my local Powerhouse a couple of times recently and we hates it. Equipment is constantly crowded, people staring at each other, young bro dudes gaggling together like gossipy teenage girls giving each other fist bumps. I feel like I'm crawling in my skin trying to hide from the limelight.


Whereas with my PL gym everyone minds their own business, which is going about the business of lifting/psuedocrossfit type workouts. And everyone is polite and shares equipment/works in. 


Environment is so important. I don't think they're gonna open later like they were talking about (like months ago) because the mornings have started to pick up a bit. I don't think I could do another gym now.


Today rando new guys were back. One's a Loud Talker and I was all the way across the gym doing my lunges and I heard him going (again) "THIS PLACE IS SO AWESOME THIS IS GONNA BE OUR SUMMER MAN" to his stoner-lookin' friend (no really, this guy looks like a stereotypical grungelord, but his voice is way quieter than his friend).



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Day 30 & 31 of 84

7/4/17 & 7/5/17



Gym Time

2 days of rest


Food Time


This week's targets / current day / avg:

1443 / 1618 / 1488

protein 110g / 73 / 102

carbs 138g / 205 / 165

fat 50g / 54 / 46

Not pictured: my perfect Tuesday macros, sabotaged immediately by not planning very well and accidentally a dinner that wasn't macro friendly



Writing: 0/7

LOL :|

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On 7/4/2017 at 7:53 PM, ixaera said:

Day 29 of 84





ahahahaha oh these made me lol

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Challenges: 13-1 | 13-2 | 13-3 | 13-3.5 | 14-1 | 14-2 | 15-1 | 15-2 | 15-3 | 15-4 | 15-5 | 16-1 | 16-2 | 16-3 | 16-4 | 16-516-6 | 16-7 | 16-8 | 17-1 | 17-2 | 17-3 | 17-4 | 17-5 | 17-6 | 17-7 | 17-8 | 17-9 | 17-10 | 18-118-2 | 18-318-4 | 18-5 | 18-6 | 18-7 | 18-8 | 18-9 | 18-10 | 19-1 | 19-2 | 19-3 | 19-4 | 19-5 | 19-6 | 19-7 | current

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Day 32 of 84




Gym Time

Leg & Back Day

Leg Press

4x12 30 lbs on the base


Bulgarian Split Squats

3x8 50 lbs (each leg)


Weighted Lunges

3x10 24 lbs (each leg)


Back Circuit x4

10 reps 15 lbs Back Extensions

11 reps 60 lbs Cable Lateral Row

21 reps 30 lbs Cable Face Pulls


No A/C + legs hypertrophy = all the sweat


Food Time


This week's targets / current day / avg:

1443 / 1306 / 1451

protein 110g / 116 / 105

carbs 138g / 132 / 158

fat 50g / 42 / 45

Ok, getting averages back where they go. 


Writing: 0/7

Hello this is my joke section

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Day 33 of 84



Replace vodka with Tuaca, and yes.


Gym Time

Shoulders & Arms Day

Incline DB Bench Press

5x12 40 lbs



4x5 50 lbs


Overhead Tricep Extensions

5x10 20 lbs


Alternating DB Bicep Curls

5x12 12 lbs (each hand)


Prefer the EZ-Curl bar on these days but it was in use.


Food Time


This week's targets / current day / avg:

1443 / 1678 / 1489

protein 110g / 81 / 101

carbs 138g / 124 / 152

fat 50g / 46 / 46

If yesterday doesn't add up it's because I drank a lot :S


Writing: 1/7

But at least I wrote something

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Day 34 of 84





Gym Time

Did prescribed 8 rounds of HIIT on the elliptical, determined that next time I can do the interval program on a higher setting


Food Time


This week's targets / current day / avg:

1443 / 2601 / 1648

protein 110g / 109 / 102

carbs 138g / 206 / 160

fat 50g / 112 / 55

well i fucked up


Writing: 1/7



Yesterday was a mess. I planned for the family bday party, so I had a plan going into that that would allow for cake. But I kinda got last-minuted into another birthday party and drank beer and ate chips and dip and it was way too much. To the point that in the moment I was like "to hell with it, I'm already so far over..."


I do much better with pre-laid plans, and I'm not good at remembering to make a plan on the fly like that. epic failure


I woke up with a stomach ache from all the fat I'm not used to eating so much of (sooo much dip). My workout was trash. Mere calories are not the secret to a good workout, at least for me.

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