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you are what you eat


Ticketing system was down yesterday. i got in early because I was so far behind and then basically spent a lot of time writing up KB articles and I took an actual lunch break because there wasn't anything else to do. Lunch was pizza 


Food things:

Fail. Breakfast was rushed and was a sausage biscuit, lunch was 2 slices pizza, then they passed out these huge sugar cookies. I had some m&ms and also a beer at home. As you do.


1264 (yesterday) /1424 avg

July 1: 111.2 lbs


Gym things:



No big gym on Tuesday, since I knew it'd be open today.


Clean things:

Elliptical while reading book 3 Mercy Thompson again




Didn't have a dang choice!





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me at top golf today


Slept in. Did bench press. Ate nachos. Sweated a lot while failing at hand eye coordination (as usual)

one work day tomorrow, then off to Seattle on a jet plane 




1721 (today) /1499 avg

July 1: 111.2 lbs


Gym things:



Bench press 3x3 90 lbs

Was very difficult. Might have set my 1RM too high this cycle. We'll keep trucking.


2x10 20 lbs dumbbell shoulder presses 1x7 because random failure I guess

2x10 orange band assisted dips 1x6 because more random failure


Face pull / tri push down / curl circuit x4


Clean things:

Yeah, some cleans




Lots, plus day drinking y'alls


Dunno if I've posted this one before





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nice day off! and i just looked up which one book 3 was and yes that was a v good one. i'm only a little ahead of you as i just finished book 4 this year!

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read harder challengeBattle LogNROLFW

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it's only tomorrow but still weeeeeeeee


1199(today) /1439 avg

July 1: 111.2 lbs


Gym things:



Another trash fire day at the gym. Sumo deadlifts: After last week's raging success with a 4x3 at 125 lbs, this week I figured 3x3 at 130 would be no prob. The program called for 3x3 at 125 (as it rounds to 5's) but I punched it up because it started out well. Got a 2x3 without much problem, and then the third set shit just stopped wanting to come off the ground. I got one rep and struggled. Finished off with two more singles.


Some high bar squats, pull ups (also a trash fire) and some ab work and 15 min walking for back magic


Clean things:

Elliptical + more mercy









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linear progress would be too easy

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read harder challengeBattle LogNROLFW

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I don't think that was a trash session, I think rounding up 5lbs may be unreasonable because this is getting to a weight that is clearly challenging if you cannot complete the sets. 

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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I am back from Seattle, where my hives vanished


they are already back


i had a good time and ate too much and I rode a ferry for the first time since childhood and I saw a lavender field and learned how it grows and stuff, and two breweries were visited, good weekend overall


Things not causing my hives: alcohol, eggs, dairy, coke zero, monster drinks, dogs, raw fish & shellfish, anything at the gym because I haven't been there yet, cheesy tv


Things still on the table: emotional stress, something in the Texas air, something in my house


Kinda thinking emotional stress YAY




Today is usually leg day but I didn't get home til 10 pm and I needed a shower and bed just wasn't gonna happen before 11:30 if I went that route, so I am moving it to tomorrow.

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Oh man I've always wanted to visit a lavender field.  And maybe set up a tent in one that sounds like a blissful stress-free existence huh?!!!?

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Tell me, if you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?

Level ?? Bard & Monk of the Furious Heart

STR.55  DEX.43 STA.48 CON.51 WIS.53 CHA.65


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On 7/9/2018 at 9:07 AM, JustCallMeAmber said:

Yay for vacay, boo return of the hives! Hope you are able to figure out a solution soon!

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk


They went away again IDK



On 7/9/2018 at 9:17 AM, shaar said:



Oh man I've always wanted to visit a lavender field.  And maybe set up a tent in one that sounds like a blissful stress-free existence huh?!!!?


If they let me I'd be ALL OVER THAT

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7/9 + 7/10


Back in the swing of things



1592(today) /1426 avg <-- didn't log on vacation so, this is probably missing a little something something

July 1: 111.2 lbs


Gym things:



Today I did the squat things. A 3x2 at 120 lbs, which went fine, no garbage fire. I rolled Sunday's OHP into today too and did a 3x3 at 55 lbs for funsies, then some lunges, light RDLs, and T-Bar rows. And back magic walking. My back had been bugging me JUST A TINY TINY BIT but it affected nothing here.


Clean things:

2x elliptical




Yesterday no, today a little yeah


Hives are gone again after a brief reprise on Sunday night / Monday morning. I'll take it. 


Another one I can't remember if I've posted, enjoy the re-run if so :P





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fun OHP?! that's when you know things are lookin up

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read harder challengeBattle LogNROLFW

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11 minutes ago, CourtnieMarie said:

fun OHP?! that's when you know things are lookin up


The day OHP is not fun is the day I am dead.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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7/11 hello slurpee day


VERY quick update before I zoom off to bed




1728(today) /1464 avg 

July 1: 111.2 lbs


Mr Ix actually got me food. I know, weird. i ate it so as not to discourage this strange behavior


Gym things:



Not today, bench tomorrow though, DOUBLES


Clean things:

more elliptical




Work didn't feel like a mountain of neverending tickets exactly so, there's that


Here you a pop song




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7/12 another super quick update b/c I didn't get home til 9 PM




1310(today) /1447 avg 

July 1: 111.2 lbs


Gym things:



So, I had my 1rm for this program set to 105 lbs. That's too high. Today called for 3x2 at 95 lbs. I struggled VERY VERY VERY hard to get set 1 and nearly failed and I feel like 95 was a true 2RM, so 105 is a nope. I lowered it for the rest of this cycle, and next cycle will feature the half lb plates again. So I did 1x2 95 lbs and 2x2 90 lbs

Then some standing shoulder presses, band assisted dips, curls, tricep thingies, 15 min of walking 


Clean things:

more elliptical while reading book 5 Dresden





I think I got enough chatter in to count. 


This is more apropos of tomorrow at 7 pm but i won't be updating then so here it is now, in wistful anticipation




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8 hours ago, ixaera said:

So, I had my 1rm for this program set to 105 lbs. That's too high. Today called for 3x2 at 95 lbs. I struggled VERY VERY VERY hard to get set 1 and nearly failed and I feel like 95 was a true 2RM, so 105 is a nope. I lowered it for the rest of this cycle, and next cycle will feature the half lb plates again. So I did 1x2 95 lbs and 2x2 90 lbs

Then some standing shoulder presses, band assisted dips, curls, tricep thingies, 15 min of walking 


That's one of the hardest parts of program, it just guesses at what will be doable. Totes makes sense to adjust as you figure out what is doable and what needs some tweaking. Also good on you for adjusting and not just trying to plow through with bad form. You da bomb.

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Jǫrð, Delvian Nomad - Level 12 { Battle Log }

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10 hours ago, ixaera said:

....and next cycle will feature the half lb plates again


God bless fractionals.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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Is July really already half over? Geez



me at work happy hour friday



1984,1300,1440 /1479 avg 

July 1: 111.2 lbs

July 15: 112.8 lbs


Kinda going the wrong way here. Anyway, new rule: ONE drink at happy hour ever omfg

especially if the drink is a damn devil's backbone (tripel style ale, my favorite, but wow too stronk)

Nothing quite as embarrassing as realizing you are damn fairly drunk at work (even if it is a sanctioned happy hour event where they provide the alcohol)


Gym things:



Friday I did a clean and happy 3x2 of sumo deadlifts at 130 lbs. It felt so fine I was like, man, this shoulda been last week. High bar squats beltless and in the flat shoes, 5 pull up singles followed by some heavy lat pulldowns, then ab wheel


Today I surprised myself. I was supposed to be doing a 3x2 at 55 lbs on OHP but meh I did a 3x3 last week and I was feeling pretty strong on the warm up so I just tossed up a 60 lb just to see and bam, knocked out a 3x2 at 60 lbs. I've only ever done one of those bad boys before, so this is a 2 rep PR. Then I did some close grip bench, T-bar rows, then a shoulder finisher with some face pulls and lat raises and stuff. (Yes, fractionals are coming back next cycle, and will be featured heavily in OHP)


Clean things:

Nothing Friday, but I cleaned like a crazy person all weekend




Friday I basically stopped working 3 hours early, soooooooooooo....


The cut is not going well y'all. I need better self discipline there. I really enjoy free foods. We will continue to try.





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12 hours ago, ixaera said:

Nothing quite as embarrassing as realizing you are damn fairly drunk at work (even if it is a sanctioned happy hour event where they provide the alcohol)


Don't be. You'll have to work harder than that to beat my old coworker who routinely would show up to work drunk and/or hungover on non-sanctioned days, which was every day since the skinflints think treating their employees to one single dollar knock-off brand ice cream is an expression of their largesse. Particularly on Thursdays. SOB'd be even crankier than as per typical and that is an achievement. Because he hates his job and doesn't know of a job he doesn't hate to do at that place or any other. So.....there's that? 


12 hours ago, ixaera said:

Friday I did a clean and happy 3x2 of sumo deadlifts at 130 lbs. It felt so fine I was like, man, this shoulda been last week. High bar squats beltless and in the flat shoes, 5 pull up singles followed by some heavy lat pulldowns, then ab wheel


Today I surprised myself. I was supposed to be doing a 3x2 at 55 lbs on OHP but meh I did a 3x3 last week and I was feeling pretty strong on the warm up so I just tossed up a 60 lb just to see and bam, knocked out a 3x2 at 60 lbs. I've only ever done one of those bad boys before, so this is a 2 rep PR. Then I did some close grip bench, T-bar rows, then a shoulder finisher with some face pulls and lat raises and stuff. (Yes, fractionals are coming back next cycle, and will be featured heavily in OHP)


Good job,  how are you feeling stress-wise?

Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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12 hours ago, Urgan said:

Don't be. You'll have to work harder than that to beat my old coworker who routinely would show up to work drunk and/or hungover on non-sanctioned days, which was every day since the skinflints think treating their employees to one single dollar knock-off brand ice cream is an expression of their largesse. Particularly on Thursdays. SOB'd be even crankier than as per typical and that is an achievement. Because he hates his job and doesn't know of a job he doesn't hate to do at that place or any other. So.....there's that? 


I got some ribbing about it today, well deserved. I wasn't black out crazy or anything, and I did not flex or sing and anyone (or try to lift anybody) so that's a sign I had plenty of faculty left. :P lol 


I am glad I am not the SOB that has to be drunk just to show up, for sure. That guy sounds miserable and like perhaps he should do some re-evaluating of his life choices up to this point no??


12 hours ago, Urgan said:

Good job,  how are you feeling stress-wise?



considering I'm still wrestling with some things I think my dumbness is starting to back off 


maybe the stress eating will stop soon too???

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