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Newbie. Academy? Private Coaching? Thoughts.

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Hi there! Newbie here. 


So. Here is a LONG story shortened.


36 female

Mother of 2

Work from Home

Thyroid Cancer @ 20 

Thyroid (and all the goes with it) suppressed for medical reasons (to avoid more cancer) so my metabolism sucks but I try not to use that as an excuse... I play the cancer card ALLLL the time though ;-)

High weight 250 (probably a bit more but around there I stopped weighing myself)

Last year cleaned up my eating a bit, moved a little more and lost about 40lbs

Current weight 220 (it was 210 but I got a little depressed and lost all will to move and eat things that weren't greasy and cheesy)  

Trying to get back on track, getting WAY overwhelmed on the interwebs. Eat this not that, muscle confusion, DOMS, rest days, intermittent fasting, keto, paleo, walking, running, go barefoot, get a yoga mat, buy a Fitbit (that one I did)... my brain is fried. I came across this program/site/community a while ago and am back to see if it can help... 


I've lurked on this site for a little while. Never committing, never joining. The time has come. I have finally had too much. Too much information, to much trial and error, too many tacos... I digress.


I'd like some input from people, ladies or gents, that are similar. Anyone with thyroid issues? I've searched the boards and haven't come up with many posts. Also, I want to know if anyone has done the private coaching. Likes? Dislikes? Worth the $? And how it's different from the Academy. Also, thoughts on the Academy in general. I am about 99% sure I am going to get Academy and really looking hard at the private coaching (depending on cost). I know, I know... it's an investment in me, and my health and all that. If I say I don't have the money I am saying it's not a priority...that being said, my kids like to wear shoes and eat lunch, so it would be a credit card charge and a long time paying it off I imagine (although I don't know the cost yet)... 


So yeah. In a nutshell; tell me all the things that you think about all the things I've thought and I will read them all! Looking forward to learning and making progress, big and small, with all of you. 

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First off, welcome to Nerd Fitness. I think there is a lot of free information on this site and it is easy to get overwhelmed with all this information. I do not belong to the academy or private coaching. The main reason is cost, I have bills I want to pay off first. I don't think you should go into debt to get healthy. Read what is on the site here and start small. I don't know if you want to workout at home or the gym or both. Try what sounds interesting to you, same with dieting. The most important thing with diet and exercise is finding what you will stick with. A diet and exercise plan that worked for someone else might not work for you. The key to everyone's success is that they are consistent in what they do and the way to do that is to find what works for you and what you can stick with. Good luck and feel free to ask any other questions.

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One of the predominant things you can expect with private coaching, at least from those I have spoken with here that have done it, is a close look at personal behavior and working towards behavior change. This can mean a lot of different things for every individual, but includes nutrition, daily routine, exercise (of course), and just over all well being. The academy is a bit more self, and community driven... more along the lines of you reading a map and driving your own bus, rather than having a guide to ask specific questions and offer tried and true solutions hand tailored for your particular needs. Likewise, the challenges here are similar except that you get to draw your own map, but you still get strong community support. (There are also guidelines for drawing the map too , if you like the idea of a free community but unsure where to start.)


So really, the question is more about how much guidance you want at this moment in time. I am personally very much in favor of having a coach at certain times in my life. I've had coaches, my coaches have their own coaches... but I do not always utilize that kind of programming. I think of it more like school... you go for a certain amount of time, learn, and then go off on your own and utilize the knowledge. That's just my personal experience and preference.


Good luck!

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