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Hello, everyone. I know that this is a friendly and supportive community; my shyness is just some concerns that I perhaps don't belong.


I think if I were to post a picture of myself, people would laugh and say that I shouldn't worry about being fit and healthy. I look good: 5 ft. 4 in. (162.5 cm) tall and weighing 121 lbs (54.9 kg). So, what's my hangup? What's my motivation for joining Nerd Fitness? Honestly, it's my body image issues. Specifically, my issues with my stomach/tummy/abdomen. It will distend and swell depending on what I eat and how much I eat. It's natural (morning) form is a small pooch around and below my navel. I know I'm not the most healthy person, but I have been exercising and watching what I eat since January, but my downfall is consistency. I frequently break when I have a hard day, or if friends want to meet and celebrate, or if I'm feeling depressed and can't motivate myself to workout. I've been stalking the site for a few weeks; the articles get me really excited and make me think my goals are reachable. I got the starter pack emails and get updates about new articles on the website. I'm hoping maybe I can find more motivation for myself if I participate in the forums.


Well, geez. Thanks for reading all of that glum stuff! Here's a pic of a puppy as a reward. :)



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As you progress on your quests, remember your motivation behind them; find your big "WHY", and don't get discouraged.  You will fail, we all do, but don't let it slow you down.  Stay vigilant, and don't let your emotional state make you forget who you are, who you're becoming, and what you're capable of.

Welcome to the Rebellion!  Now go forth, and kick some ass!

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 Level 4

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Educate - Entertain - Inspire

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We absolutely do not judge here :) That's what I love about it. If you have a naturally slender and "healthy" looking body, in no way are we going to put you down for wanting to get fit. Fitness is for everyone of all shapes and sizes! Even the ones most people think are already just fine. 


I'll be honest (as I feel no need to lie) I joined nerd fitness because I wanted to finally loose weight. Most people did not think that I needed to loose weight because I carried it very well. I didn't look 180lbs. But I wanted to loose around 40-50 lbs. Now that I've joined, by big "Why" has changed. I realized that looking good was not nearly good enough motivation to keep me on track. I wanted to be a raging bad ass. I wanted to be strong. Very strong. I wanted to never be afraid of walking alone. 


Where you begin doesn't matter as much as where you are going, and we are excited about your journey!


Welcome to the Rebellion!

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May you be as Stone


Level 13: Dwarvish Warrior Monk

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1 hour ago, Captain Inertia said:

As you progress on your quests, remember your motivation behind them; find your big "WHY", and don't get discouraged.  You will fail, we all do, but don't let it slow you down.  Stay vigilant, and don't let your emotional state make you forget who you are, who you're becoming, and what you're capable of.

Welcome to the Rebellion!  Now go forth, and kick some ass!


Thank you for the warm welcome! It's a little funny; everyone starts out wanting to get physically stronger, but it seems that the most strength people gain from here is mental/emotional. I'm focusing too much on the physical; need to understand I'm working to a healthy mental too.

P.S. I love your username.


42 minutes ago, BattleBear said:

We absolutely do not judge here :) That's what I love about it. If you have a naturally slender and "healthy" looking body, in no way are we going to put you down for wanting to get fit. Fitness is for everyone of all shapes and sizes! Even the ones most people think are already just fine. 


I'll be honest (as I feel no need to lie) I joined nerd fitness because I wanted to finally loose weight. Most people did not think that I needed to loose weight because I carried it very well. I didn't look 180lbs. But I wanted to loose around 40-50 lbs. Now that I've joined, by big "Why" has changed. I realized that looking good was not nearly good enough motivation to keep me on track. I wanted to be a raging bad ass. I wanted to be strong. Very strong. I wanted to never be afraid of walking alone. 


Where you begin doesn't matter as much as where you are going, and we are excited about your journey!


Welcome to the Rebellion!


Thank you for the welcome! I wondered if the "looking good" goal was enough, since I've had so much rule breaking in my plan.

To be honest (since you were so nice to be honest with me), since reading so many articles about leveling, I thought it would be awesome if I could be my Final Fantasy XIV character. She's a human tank character with an oversized axe; the first to run into a skirmish, get all the baddies' attentions and be a strong wall so her friends can do the important work. I kind of set that aside though, thinking 'you're not brave or committed enough to be that awesome. Just try to thin out.' But maybe I should aim higher. :)

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28 minutes ago, NobleAlyssum said:

I'm focusing too much on the physical; need to understand I'm working to a healthy mental too.


Oh of course.  The brain is what stops most of us here from achieving our goals; from measuring our self worth, to giving us those cravings for unhealthy snacks.  You can't be healthy without a healthy brain.  Heal the mind, and the body will follow.

That being said, what really helped me was meditation.  There's something about finding a quiet place, and focusing your mind.  It forced me to deal with my regrets and failings, and helped me learn that there's nothing I can do about them, and that I should be appreciating the present, instead of the regretting the mistakes of my past.  It also helped me change my mindset on what others think about me.  Simply put, not giving a shit.  But making sure I wasn't giving the right kind of shits - Instead of not caring about how people saw me living an unhealthy life, I started not caring about how people see me getting healthier.  I walk barefoot through a busy downtown city, I workout in parks, I have a ridiculous haircut, and you know what?  I've never been happier :)


There are plenty of threads here to help with learning about meditation (seek out the druids).

Also, if you're worried about your body's composition, let me ask you something:

When's the last time you did a Wonder Woman pose in the mirror?



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 Level 4

Character Sheet | Current Challenge |

| Past Challenges | #1 | #2 | #3#4 |
Educate - Entertain - Inspire

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3 hours ago, BattleBear said:

We absolutely do not judge here :) That's what I love about it. If you have a naturally slender and "healthy" looking body, in no way are we going to put you down for wanting to get fit. Fitness is for everyone of all shapes and sizes! Even the ones most people think are already just fine. 


^So second indeed!


It doesn't matter why you're looking to get on top of your fitness, we're all here doing the same thing, we all have different reasons, and we're all here to help each other. (Though you'll certainly find plenty of folks with similar paths as your own! Aesthetics was a big part of my beginnings here!)


Just so long as you know why, as @Captain Inertia said, is a good first step. It can change over time, and probably will, but will always keep you moving down the road.


Are there any particular exercises and nutritional paths that appeal to you in particular?


(And why indeed shouldn't you be your FF character is she means something to you? I'm a cartoon brick that smokes red stuff! If it makes you feel powerful, go for it.)


And finally, a goat. Because goat. 




(Also because I happen to have a cute one cued up in the old imgur...)

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19 hours ago, Captain Inertia said:


When's the last time you did a Wonder Woman pose in the mirror?


I don't think I ever did a Wonder Woman pose in the mirror (that's very insightful into myself).

And I loved that TED Talk! When she got a little emotional near the end, I felt my eyes stinging. I'm going to have to give this a try; perhaps posing like Wonder Woman before I work out!

I have not tried meditating before. I feel like there would be too many opportunities for people to interrupt me and the effort would be wasted. But I will check out the Druids and see what I can do as a beginner. I've been trying to find relaxation in stretching, but I may be focusing too much on the act and not actually relaxing.


17 hours ago, ~RedStone~ said:

And finally, a goat. Because goat. 




(Also because I happen to have a cute one cued up in the old imgur...)


I love goats! That really perked up my morning. :)



Are there any particular exercises and nutritional paths that appeal to you in particular?


For last week and this week, I've been doing the Beginner's Body weight workout on Tues. and Thurs. On Mon., Wed., and Fri., I practice bellydancing, interspersed with some yoga moves for flexibility and strength. I used to do a two hour class on Wednesdays (been going since January), but I finally hit the point where I couldn't afford to go anymore this month and I just practice at home now. Bellydancing is super fun for me and makes me feel better about my body, so I'd like to keep it up, but I think I would get quicker/better progress switching the body weight workout and dancing days.

Since I had to quit my dance class, I really like little to no monetary investment for my exercise routine. So cheap.


For nutrition, my biggest hurdle is overcoming emotional eating. If I have a bad day, I'm going straight for the cookies and brownies. I tried going Paleo, but last week when I went 48 hours keeping to it strictly (eating small portions and no snacking, three meals, no dessert), I woke up on the third day completely drained of energy. Looking back on it, I think I had low blood sugar, as I felt better after eating and allowing myself chocolate and gingersnap cookies. I probably should have slowly eased myself off the sugar instead of jumping into the deep end like that.

Currently, I'm just watching how much bread and sugar I'm having. "only 1 piece of toast today" and "just 1/2 a serving size of that chocolate bar" type of thing.


8 hours ago, apocalypse said:

your shyness means that you exactly belong here. so don't fear.

Thank you for the encouragement. I should know that I'm not the only one that feels this way. :)

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Belly dancing for the win!! I learned a little but never joined a troupe or anything. It's harder than most people think. 


And I pretty much am trying to be my Dragon Age Inquisition (and origins) character. A Warrior Dwarf.  I can't get any shorter, but I can certainly get stronger! And that's another thing that I love about this place - nerdyness is allowed and encouraged.  With other aspects of my life I keep the fact that I'm a nerd on the DL because I feel like I would be judged for it, but not here!!

May you be as Stone


Level 13: Dwarvish Warrior Monk

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Hello!  I so identify with you.  My body naturally allows weight to accumulate around my waist so even when I am at my lowest weight, I still have a belly.  It is very discouraging.  I have no advice about that, just commiseration.  I have the same issues with emotional eating you do as well.  I'm tired!  I will eat!  I am happy!  I will eat!  I am sad!  I will eat!


Today is my first day here.  I hope to see you around the boards.

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Belly dancing for the win!! I learned a little but never joined a troupe or anything. It's harder than most people think. 


And I pretty much am trying to be my Dragon Age Inquisition (and origins) character. A Warrior Dwarf.  I can't get any shorter, but I can certainly get stronger! And that's another thing that I love about this place - nerdyness is allowed and encouraged.  With other aspects of my life I keep the fact that I'm a nerd on the DL because I feel like I would be judged for it, but not here!!


It's a deceptive dance style! The moves are supposed to be fluid and graceful but require a lot of muscle and stamina.

I know what you mean about keeping the nerdy inside. I work for a university at a desk job. Administrative workers are not so colorful as the quirky professors or students. :)



Hello!  I so identify with you.  My body naturally allows weight to accumulate around my waist so even when I am at my lowest weight, I still have a belly.  It is very discouraging.  I have no advice about that, just commiseration.  I have the same issues with emotional eating you do as well.  I'm tired!  I will eat!  I am happy!  I will eat!  I am sad!  I will eat!


Today is my first day here.  I hope to see you around the boards.


Welcome to you too! I am happy to sit and talk about shared experiences, but hopefully on our journey on these forums, we can bond over our growing successes as well as our struggles. :)

What have you been trying to do to become healthy? I've had a bad habit in the past of getting very motivated, jumping onto a completely different routine, and burning myself out by time the week is over. Then the usual negative downward spiral. What's been working for me (so far) is small changes. In January, it started with belly dancing classes every Wednesday. These past two weeks, I've been alternating dance practice with bodyweight workouts Mon-Fri. I'd love to jump in with some heavy weights, but I know I'll burn out before I can even help myself!

As for eating, I'm still eating with my emotions, but I feel like I'm better. Instead of devouring a whole candy bar, I can eat half of it now. Baby steps. lol!

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Welcome to you too! I am happy to sit and talk about shared experiences, but hopefully on our journey on these forums, we can bond over our growing successes as well as our struggles. :)

What have you been trying to do to become healthy? I've had a bad habit in the past of getting very motivated, jumping onto a completely different routine, and burning myself out by time the week is over. Then the usual negative downward spiral. What's been working for me (so far) is small changes. In January, it started with belly dancing classes every Wednesday. These past two weeks, I've been alternating dance practice with bodyweight workouts Mon-Fri. I'd love to jump in with some heavy weights, but I know I'll burn out before I can even help myself!

As for eating, I'm still eating with my emotions, but I feel like I'm better. Instead of devouring a whole candy bar, I can eat half of it now. Baby steps. lol!

I am like you.  I can follow a new diet for two weeks, tops.  Then I feel bad that my family gets to have all the "good" stuff and I don't so then I fall into a pie.  Yesterday I started tracking at My Fitness Pal (again) so I can see where my food is going, and a mutual MFP friend is going to keep tabs on me there so I don't slack off.  Today, I got my workout clothes on as soon as I got out of bed, and the second my kids are off to school I am going to get on my treadmill and do either a walking hill workout or intervals.  I am going to aim to do that two more times this week.  My biggest hurdle is finding the motivation to do this "one more time" as I have lost this weight twice before.  But, I think I realized, besides not wanting to shop for a whole new summer wardrobe, my bigger motivation will be that I don't want to get my wedding rings re-sized and they are definitely feeling tight.

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Im a little late to welcoming you. Im a newbie as well here. I agree with your previous post about becoming mentally stronger. You can lift weights, run, etc, but if you dont exercise your mind, you'll fail eventually. Strong mind, strong body.


Hello! I actually read your post on here, but as I'm sure you know, I'm shy. When you posted, you seemed to have the motivation and the focus and I appreciated that drive in your voice. :)

Where's that blog you were talking about in your intro post? I haven't searched all the threads on here yet, so that's partly my fault. :D



I am like you.  I can follow a new diet for two weeks, tops.  Then I feel bad that my family gets to have all the "good" stuff and I don't so then I fall into a pie.  Yesterday I started tracking at My Fitness Pal (again) so I can see where my food is going, and a mutual MFP friend is going to keep tabs on me there so I don't slack off.  Today, I got my workout clothes on as soon as I got out of bed, and the second my kids are off to school I am going to get on my treadmill and do either a walking hill workout or intervals.  I am going to aim to do that two more times this week.  My biggest hurdle is finding the motivation to do this "one more time" as I have lost this weight twice before.  But, I think I realized, besides not wanting to shop for a whole new summer wardrobe, my bigger motivation will be that I don't want to get my wedding rings re-sized and they are definitely feeling tight.


What a wonderful way to start the week! Jumping into it and committing to your goals.

Bob the Barbarian gave me great advice that I think everyone should hear:


The brain is what stops most of us here from achieving our goals; from measuring our self worth, to giving us those cravings for unhealthy snacks.  You can't be healthy without a healthy brain.  Heal the mind, and the body will follow.


He said that meditation helped him find focus and purpose in what he was doing. I haven't started a meditation routine yet, but I have been trying to find a moment of peace (while walking my dog, walking on my lunch break) to breathe deeply and enjoy the moment. I also try to find the positive in myself (you used to get so tired after walking up this hill!) and I usually go back to work/life a little less stressed out.

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Hello! I actually read your post on here, but as I'm sure you know, I'm shy. When you posted, you seemed to have the motivation and the focus and I appreciated that drive in your voice. :)

Where's that blog you were talking about in your intro post? I haven't searched all the threads on here yet, so that's partly my fault. :D


The battle log (Blog) is right here.  http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/forum/13-daily-battle-logs/


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