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DarK_RaideR's BattlE_LoG

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Wednesday, July 6th


Nutrition: Slight change to yesterday since the veggies were either consumed or put in the freezer, but otherwise on schedule, including a large cookie offered on board that I did not eat. Today breakfast was on point, lunch was moar veggies and some grilled chicken. Headed to the place I have referred to as "the cookie den" in the past, so I'll have to muster a lot of willpower once more.  0/10 cheat meals, 0/10 servings of alcohol but probably subject to change, as it is my only night here and I'll probably be meeting a friend or another.


Workouts: Third workout of the week and boy was I glad to be back where it all began. Despite my whining, coach said my build looks more athletic than the last time he saw me.



4 rounds of

4*20m sprints

30 Jumping Jacks

25 Double Unders



Build to 1RM











7 rounds for time (10' Time Cap)

5 Push Press

6 KB Swings

7 Deadlifts


Goal: Roughly a minute per round plus fatigue, aimed for 8'

Result: 8:03


+ Enjoyed the sprints during warmup, especially since they were my downfall during the 1st workout of Compete Live Athens. We don't do sprint training where I'm at, but considering the coach here is a former track&field runner, it was absolutely expected

+ I don't remember Jumping Jacks feeling that exhausting. Rangered through the urge to take a breath and did them all unbroken because come on ffs

+ Really good consistency and pace on my DUs, I think it was because the rope was longer than what I'm used to

+ I did the deadlifts with a guy whose 1RM was 140kg and cheered him on. Felt good when he broke through and lifted 150kg

+ We were running out of time as the coach began explaining the Push Press, but I sneaked in my 150kg deadlift, which remains my 1RM

+ I was expecting seperate barbells for the WOD, but coach said we'd use the same weight for both and commanded me to use 40kg. Guess it's good on his part, since I thought of loading more for the DLs and less than 40kg for the Push Press

+ Considering the time cap, I made sure to minimize transitions and keep moving. Everything was done unbroken, except the 3rd or 4th set of DLs where I did 6, took a breath and used the last one to Power Clean the weight into position for the Push Press

+ My old box doesn't have a lot of space and equipment, so there's no distinction between intro and regular classes, we all do the same WODs together, scaled to everyone's level. That gives me a nice community feeling, but it can be a trap if I happen to be in a class of newbies that makes me complacent. I set my sights on a couple of tourists who were also visiting to train. They looked proficient and I had the same 1RM DL as the dude. It helped push me and give that competitive edge, even though the guy finished almost a whole minute before me. I beat his gf for a single second and I will not downplay my partial victory because sexism sucks

- Wrecked my training glasses. Only a screw gone loose though, they can be fixed easy.


Intensity rating: 90% I'd say, but it's really weird. When I train at my usual place, it's a steady hard pace that leaves me exhausted even after the end of the workout. This one was more intense, but went away by the time I was done with the stretches and I felt really fresh. The best analogy I can give would be using a graph. My usual training is a rather long, flat curve that's always at a high level, but never really comes close to 100%. Training here in comparison feels like a short, sharp curve with a sudden boost to insane intensity and then an immediate plunge close to zero again.

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Following along and in awe of your workouts.


Out of interest, what counts as a serving of alcohol; one beer or one evening?

  • Like 3

Level 21 Wood Elf Ranger


STR: 18  -  CON: 22  -  CHA: 11  -  SAN: 19  -  INT: 17


"Shit is going down, but I am not." - iatetheyeti

Don't say "I don't have enough time", say instead "that's not a priority right now" and see how that makes you feel.

Current Challenge: Jarric: The 'C' Team

External: Epic Quest - Instagram - Strava


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Old Stuff: Battle Log - My Introduction - 2017 Road Map - 2018 Road Map - 2019 Road Map - 2021 Road Map - 2022 road map/wrap-up

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11 hours ago, Jarric said:

Out of interest, what counts as a serving of alcohol; one beer or one evening?


One bottle, size and type of alcohol unimportant. E.g. one bottle of gin.

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Current: Assassins / Instagram

  Previous: 1, 234, 5, 678910, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44

2020 Races: 
CANCELLED! Spartan Trifecta: Beast: 18-APR / Super :11-JUL / Sprint: 12-JUL

Summer Nuts: 5/6-SEPT / Nuclear Blast: 12-SEPT / Nuclear team race: 04-OCT 

"You have the heart of a Rebel"

"I'll take that as a compliment"

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23 hours ago, Agnarr said:

Following if course! Cool beard, by the way

I learned from the best ;)


16 hours ago, Jarric said:

Out of interest, what counts as a serving of alcohol; one beer or one evening?

5 hours ago, Charlie_Quinn said:

One bottle, size and type of alcohol unimportant. E.g. one bottle of gin.

Certainly not one evening. Quantity depends on the drink, but here's a rough estimate: one bottle of beer (ore one glass if it'sdraft beer). One glass of wine if I order it in glasses, otherwise roughly one bottle divided by the drinkers in the group a.k.a. my rough share of the bottle. One round of shots (tricky bastards).


8 hours ago, mr_willes said:

Way to go on the DPL 150 KG is awesome i'm still stuck at 140. Plateauing on the DL. What's your squat at nowadays?

Havent't tested for a 1RM for a long while, if I recall correctly it was at 120kg?

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Thursday, July 7th


Nutrition: Went out last night and had a glass of beer with a friend. We then joined another guy for dinner and raki, an instant 2/10 servings of alcohol for July. Also first cheat meal of the month as I had my share out of a rye rusk. Pretty stupid of me since there were many other things on the table, a mindless waste of a cheat meal. Had nothing for breakfast this morning so as I walked downtown I bought some milk and a mix of seeds, nuts, raisins and cranberries instead of blowing another cheat meal. That victory was short lived however, as I re-visited "the cookie den" where pastries were up for grabs. 2/10 cheat meals and a long sigh. Had fun with the drinks, but cheat meals were used in the most stupid of ways.


Workouts: Fourth workout of the week.



5 rounds of

20 Shoulder Dislocations

20m Bear Crawls

6 Up-Downs (like a burpee, but without the jump or chest touching ground)


Skill Practice

Wall walks




7 Inverted Burpees with a MedBall

120m run

8 MedBall Situps

80m run


Goal: Thought I saw a lot of 8s on the scoreboard, so I aimed for 8 rounds'

Result: 7 rounds and everything else done except the final 80m run


- Class was made of less experienced athletes. Not being snobbish, it's just a fact that the atmosphere affects how much I tend to push myself

+ Coach told me to get a 6kg MedBall. It felt slightly light but wasn't too easy

+ Did all my reps unbroken and never walked. Instead of taking breaks, I simply spent an extra second or two between transitions when I needed a break

+ Runs were done around the box and we were really short on space. Wasn't shy of overtaking others instead of slowing down and following their pace on the runs. A few risky moves here and there, but I needed to push myself

+ Despite falling short of my goal by very little, only one lady with a lighter MedBall had actually scored 8 full rounds on the scoreboard. I was the second best in the box, along with someone else who had scored the exact same score. Others since the morning classes had scored at best 8 rounds plus the inverted burpees or under 8 rounds


Intensity rating: 90% and the same feeling again. I did everything unbroken and ran my runs instead of jogging them. However, didn't feel like there was much left in the tank by the end, especially thanks to my final burst/sprint in the last couple of minutes, so I'm more certain of my rating this time.

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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1 minute ago, DarK_RaideR said:

It's 120m actually. Had originally typed 1.200m and forgot to take out the . when I corrected it

I thought as much was just being my usual smartass self :P 


Actually that's about as far as I like to run ;) 

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         Endor, LVL 45 Half-Elf Ranger 

PR and Motivation Log | Current Battle Log 


                    Feb-March 2022 Challenge


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9 minutes ago, Endor said:

I thought as much was just being my usual smartass self

And we love you for it. Just couldn't think of a good line to use as an answer, so I just explained what went down. As you can probably understand, running around that box for one round accounts for roughly 40m

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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My summer schedule is still uncertain so I don't want to make the jump right now. It would be a waste of prepaid time at my current box plus paying Pireaus for services I won't be able to fully utilize just yet. I'll probably use the summer break of August where everything comes to a grinding halt in order to disappear from my box and start in Pireaus sometime late August or early September.


I am also considering ways to hopefully fit in Muay Thai training at the dojo next to my home, especially since the coach made headlines overnight for cancelling a big K1 title bout because of spotting Golden Dawn (Greek Neo-nazi party) MPs and party members at the front table.


Edit: Results finally came out today, I passed both my Masters' classes. They said a schedule for next year is due tomorrow, so that will also affect my availability to train

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Quite a lot of media I've been meaning to add for a while now but keep forgetting:


A photo of Toes to bar at Compete Live Athens


Wednesday's class of Push Presses, KB Swings and Deadlifts



Professional video of "Scitec Muscle Beach", organized by CF Pireaus a weekend before Compete Live Athens. I think it's rather kickass and very motivating


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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Well done on your masters passes!

  • Like 1

Level 21 Wood Elf Ranger


STR: 18  -  CON: 22  -  CHA: 11  -  SAN: 19  -  INT: 17


"Shit is going down, but I am not." - iatetheyeti

Don't say "I don't have enough time", say instead "that's not a priority right now" and see how that makes you feel.

Current Challenge: Jarric: The 'C' Team

External: Epic Quest - Instagram - Strava


Previous Challenges: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

Old Stuff: Battle Log - My Introduction - 2017 Road Map - 2018 Road Map - 2019 Road Map - 2021 Road Map - 2022 road map/wrap-up

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Friday, July 8th


Nutrition: Few drinks on the beach at night bring me up to 4/10 servings of alcohol and 2/10 cheat meals.

Workouts: Rest day. I did however get a nightly swim in, all the while playing cool uncle D_R and pro-wrestling a 13 year old mark.



Saturday, July 9th


Nutrition: Under control. Still at 4/10 servings of alcohol and 2/10 cheat meals.

Workouts: Rest day



Sunday, July 10th


Nutrition: Another drink in, but managed to resist ice cream. 5/10 servings of alcohol and 2/10 cheat meals.

Workouts: Rest day

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Monday, July 11th


Nutrition: Everything under control, 5/10 servings of alcohol and 2/10 cheat meals.


Workouts: First workout of the week.



"Rankel" (Hero WOD)


6 Deadlifts

7 Burpee Pullups

10 KB Swings

200m run


Goal: Felt unrealistic, but aimed for 6 rounds

Result: 4 rounds and 9 reps


+ Rx was 100kg DL and 32kg for the swings, so I decided I'd rather go heavy on the weight instead of light and fast, especially since it was a 20' WOD. Instead of the initial 60, I used 70kg for the DLs and 24kg for the swings instead of 20kg or less

- Meant to take a slow pace, do everything unbroken and catch my breath during transitions. Didn't really work out, with a significant time cost

- Burpee pullups really killed me. Especially since I was under a high bar and the jump barely allowed me to reach for it, instead of cutting the pullups shorter

- Hate to admit it, but breaking up my sets didn't feel as bad as walking parts of the 200m run by the end. I need some serious Metcon work, preferrably in the form of interval running.


Intensity rating: 60-65% at best. I think the different feeling between the two boxes has to do with humidity. Already since the warmup, my clothes were sticky sweaty and I was gasping for breath but my pulse hadn't really gone up


Bonus: The SRLF dropped by the nearby Muay Thai dojo. Prices are quite reasonable and we were invited for a free tryout. Soon...

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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10 hours ago, mr_willes said:

These WOD get me so curious, it looks like 20 minutes of hell, i really need to try some of that

Here's an extensive list of benchmark and hero WODs. Knock yourself out.


Seriously considering how I can fit in both Muay Thai (assuming I like it) and Crossfit in Pireaus into my schedule. There is the issue of time, fatigue as well as the financial burden of double tuition and increased driving distance. I do howver have a certain itch to sink my teeth into Muay Thai and if the SRLF joins it's a higly motivating factor. Don't be surprised if I end up doing a challenge with the Monks sometime soon

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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