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chesire's slow to start challenge

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This is my melancholy time of year and I'm just getting though it for now.  I think I'm nearing the end.  But for now, this is mostly a place holder to say I'm here, sorta.

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Melancholy you say? An imbalance of the humors. Too much black bile; need more blood. Lay off the leaches for a while and you'll be right as rain!

Perfect health originates from balanced humors - Tehran Times



Seriously though, I get having rocky times of the year. November is usually my worst month. Part of what made it so bad doesn't apply anymore, so I'm hoping it'll be better this year, but...

Anyway, I hope things pass more smoothly and you get feeling better soon.

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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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On 9/17/2024 at 9:44 AM, Whisper said:

Lay off the leaches for a while and you'll be right as rain!

My leaches!  I need my leaches!



Ok, fingers crossed that things are a'changin'.  It's been a long 6 weeks or so.  The note of incoming autumn is resettling me a bit. 


The path to healing progresses if I keep my eyes open to the subtle signs.  Last week I saw a recipe and was excited to try it.   I haven't been excited by a recipe in a while.  And I was excited to engage my 'everyday superpower*;' I can turn leftovers into a dish you wouldn't know was leftovers.  I'm starting to think about meeting people socially again, generally not dating.  I looking forward to spending time with my nerds here.  I'm finding the energy to do the things that I need to do, like updating vaccines and seeing doctors and getting an oil change without being overwhelmed by the notion of doing them.  And sleep is amazing.


Just normal things that are normal, but haven't been normal for a hot minute.  It's lovely.


So, what does that mean for the challenge?  Eh, who knows? ?


Vague, not pushing myself too much plan.


1.  keep up with careful strength training.  continue with the same amount, but push the effort.  When that becomes relatively easy, increase the amount/time. Minimum 2 times / week

2. continue with 5k buddy training.  Doing couch to 5k with her has been helpful to keep my overtraining under control.  We have our B-day 5k on Oct 6.  Form a new plan after that. minimum 2 days/ week

3.  for now, continue with familiar nutrition plan.  There might be a "dinner club" with a friend soon-ish.  the plan is each of us cooks a recipe and we share it, so cook once, eat twice with variety. 

4.  create a 4-6 week meal plan for when I'm alone in a few weeks.  Vague goal to knock of a small handful of pounds, maybe 3-5 pounds.  Acceptable is not gaining.

5. Focus on Halloween costume.  Crocheting wings is taking forever.  But I will have roughly a 5.5-6ft freedom unit wingspan.  Still on the docket is a possible corset top and a skirt.  Need to find my teeny tiny horns too.

6.  continue my quest to sidequest madness.  Still working through the interesting book that Whisper suggested to me. 



*A bit ago, former Mr and I realized we each had a "superpower" for everyday, not exciting tasks.  his was for pill dosing a cat in one go, and I could do things with leftovers (or pantry purging) that were interesting.  Obviously I've asked around what everyone else could do.  Answers were 1. put a baby to sleep. 2. always find it on sale, whatever it is 3. summon someone random by speaking their name- works best if you don't want that person 4. Memorize ridiculous things in one go (in that case the Vogon commander's poetry among other things.)


What's your everyday superpower?

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12 hours ago, Chesire said:

What's your everyday superpower?

My everyday superpower is apathy: the power to suppress my emotions or possess none at all - an intelligent disinterest in things that don't matter to me.

Makes me pretty immune to psychological or emotional stress, which in turn shortens the time it takes to fall asleep and improves the sleep quality.

It also makes me immune to "tilt" during games - a bout of bad luck won't get me to make worse decisions - I'll still be on my A-game. I attribute my success in online poker to this, back when I was playing.

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TimovieMan: funnier than you think he is; not as funny as he thinks he is...

Active challenges: Don't log, remain sensible | Walk to Mordor - (spreadsheet) | DailyDare | Weight Loss PVP 10/12 lbs in 10/12 weeks - (spreadsheet)

Old threads: Battle log | Challenge I | IIIIIIV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVII | XVIII | XIX | XX | XXI | XXII | XXIII

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On 9/19/2024 at 8:58 AM, TimovieMan said:

My everyday superpower is apathy

You had me at first, wondering how that would work out, but I see the power it could bring. 


On 9/19/2024 at 5:22 AM, Qnobi said:

My everyday superpower is knowing what words mean

Oh, this could be a tricky one.  Must use this wisely.   Also, I think my mom is related to yours but I got the encyclopedia version.


So far this week. 

Wednesday did a decent 5k run by myself

Thursday for no good reason didn't do anything fitness wise.  Did do some decent friendship building in that same time slot, because I had to do something of value instead

Friday today.  I  just realized I set myself up for a rough Saturday by booking for three vaccines today so i should switch my strength to today.  Dad golf time was called due to rain, so I have time now.

Saturday has a general goal of a nice walk on a new trail.  


sidequest log has added a few books and movies, a possible paint by number evening with some friends, and do the darn meet up i've been talking about for ages.


Saturday I will put a bit of time into test sewing for fitting some costume parts.  Maybe starting to draft the skirt pattern I want for it.


Off to lift heavy things, and by heavy things I mean me.  (not that I think of myself as heavy, it just is a difficult translation for BW strength)



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6 minutes ago, Chesire said:

Off to lift heavy things, and by heavy things I mean me.  (not that I think of myself as heavy, it just is a difficult translation for BW strength)

Defy gravity, lift yourself! ?

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TimovieMan: funnier than you think he is; not as funny as he thinks he is...

Active challenges: Don't log, remain sensible | Walk to Mordor - (spreadsheet) | DailyDare | Weight Loss PVP 10/12 lbs in 10/12 weeks - (spreadsheet)

Old threads: Battle log | Challenge I | IIIIIIV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVII | XVIII | XIX | XX | XXI | XXII | XXIII

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Saturday was a minimal day as predicted, but it rained all day so no walk for me.  I did get some costume testing started. But is was a low emotional day, probably increased by the reactions and the rain, so I just had to role with it.  Did finish up a video game and spent way too much time scrolling.


Sunday was better.  Grocery store adventures for meal prepping.  Problem: one of my favorite snack chips was on sale.  time to test myself on portion control.  Got in a decent run...  took some pics along the way. 

dramatic effects of a lingering storm.  Good kite day



The colors were practically glowing in the grey morning



Monday is going to be a playground workout, in the brisk autumn weather that made a sudden appearance.  Actually preparing the planned lunches, chicken and mushroom pasta loaded with veg.


Bonus: I spotted a new Meetup game group starts this week.  I think I would prefer to be in at the start, so must go rsvp and plan for Wed evening social time

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14 hours ago, Chesire said:

No meet up for me tonight.  I developed a terrible headache during the day, but I did post a comment that I will be there another time.  So, partial commitment? 

Hate headaches.

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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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I did all the fitness things I meant to do this week.  Yay!  And just realized, right now, in this very moment, that the 5k is next weekend.  I guess I need to corner my run buddy and get her to the route tomorrow or Monday.  She's a planner and wants to do it once prior.  Do understand, dear nerd reader, that she knows this area, she as been there many times over the years, she has just never run it. 


Quick check in with the rest of my tasks


meal planning;  i actually plan to sit down and work through it today and tomorrow

costume:  I did draft and make a successful test muslin skirt.  On to fitting two for the top.  Crochet has been put on the back burner for a week or so, I managed to be a dope and stress the upper back muscles by looking down to much and sitting to still for too long.  Massive noggin strained by back. ?  should be back to it today or tomorrow.

sidequests:  the idea is living in the back of my head and tracking all the things I hear about.  Did not get to that meetup, but there will be more

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My brother has apparently gone full dad mode which is just funny when you have their whole history to compare this moment to.


They had gifted one of his step-daughters concert tickets, but since she is a young teen that meant he got to be chaperone.  First key and obvious point, he isn't a fan of that performer.  Second is he has always had a more conservative dress style for himself.  He was telling me about being back with the wall of dads who were silently bonding in misery, raising strengthening cups of beer at each other and watching their girls.  Apparently the style for the girls is very 1994 right now and basically 'it was bad then and its bad now" but the boys.  Oh the boys.  "These young men, I'd say late teens/ early 20s, were wearing lace shirts.  Just lace shirts.  Nothing under the lace shirt.  Oh and the 90s!  you remember those stretch chokers that were so popular for the girls, well the boys wear them now.."   I just nodded and chuckled with him while thinking "and? what's your point?"


I was that person in the clothing that prompted the "kids these days" thoughts.  Did he forget that?  ?  Also, it was a concert, not work, not school, not church.  They were dressed for the environment and all the important parts were covered.  But then I extended that thought one more level.  My brother lives in a New England city.  He and his wife are country music fans and go to concerts.  They also dress for that environment, western boots and such.  How is that different?   What is different is that he understands and likes his version.  Its just amusing from the outside


Anyway, I was personally cheering on teens and young adults expressing themselves because why not?  Have fun and explore your world while you have the time and energy!  He was just miserable because he disliked the music and was tired

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I did it!  I have a meal plan for four weeks that allows for some flexibility depending on sales, leftovers, and interests!  And it includes treats like chocolate or a few cookies if I want them.  Added benefit is it will give me a better idea of what my maintenance calories should be, if I can stick to it well enough ;)

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It was just one of those weeks in which time just evaporated.  Really, what happened was I had things to do in the time I usually get to myself and I was thrown off.  It's all good, just different.


Run buddy and I got our course pre-game run in on Tues,bright and early sunrise run.  She had to come back to my house to get ready for work because workers had turned off power and water at hers. 


Wednesday evening was a night out at a lecture.  Interesting but it put me home well after my usual heading to bed time, which through off my Thursday morning. 


Friday and Saturday somehow have lots of family/nibling time planned.  Always adorable and tiring because I'm' the least seen  therefore most needed person.  Aunt Chesh these are my shovels, Aunt Chesh I don't know who belongs to this room (my favorite so far!  his was of asking who's room is this), Aunt Chesh I need to show you X... etc.   Super cute


And tomorrow morning, I get picked up around 6am because rules say we have to be down at the check in around 6:30.  Our race doesn't start until 8:40.  I know that time will pass pretty quickly with the energy and all, it just sounds long sitting here now.  And the weather looks cool and bright. 


I celebrated a little prematurely.  I made my meal plans for M-F but didn't consider weekends in that.  I will make a quick and dirty plan that is very adaptable to friends swooping in to my life and stealing me away for who knows what.  I'm seeing a pot of soup, frozen in portions, to be eaten with veggie loaded grilled cheese as an easy go to dinner or lunch.

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On 10/5/2024 at 5:35 AM, Chesire said:

I'm seeing a pot of soup, frozen in portions, to be eaten with veggie loaded grilled cheese as an easy go to dinner or lunch.

That sounds really good.


Congratulations on the 5k!

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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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I was being so careful to not overdo fitness that I wasn't careful doing other things.   I hurt myself crocheting .  ?  I spent too much time too hunched up and now my neck, shoulder, arm, upper back are paying the price.    Seriously....  this is silly


so adding breaks, movement, and time limits but also adding chest stretches and upper back repositioning strength to these last few days.

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I spent the day with a pair of 7 yo kiddos.  Firstly, when did the start making 7yo weigh 70 lbs?  I'm sure it's normal, I just don't have much experience when kids.  Secondly, I learned the real reason I've been doing all this strength work.  So I can be the 'noble steed' giving too many piggyback rides and so I can shuffle walk with a kid sitting on each foot while they laugh like hyenas and try to hold on by PULLING the BACK of my KNEE.  Kid.  do not do this if you don't want me crushing you when my leg gives out. 


I did also practice the ridiculous threat method of behavior modification that kids seem to like.  I told them if they strangle me by holding too tight around my neck, I would bite them.  Worked like a charm. I only had to attempt it once on each of them and no more choking.  Priceless memories ??


Oh, and the boy is a charmer.  He said 48 isn't old and I look like I'm 28.  but then changed it to 18.  Where do they learn this stuff?

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