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I almost asked what a truit is, and then I realized it's almost certainly trout. A little disappointed because now I don't get to discover a new fish.

Tai chi sounds exciting. Will this be your first time doing it?

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Forum avatar is custom art by the talented Veronica Guzzardi
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32 minutes ago, Severine said:

I almost asked what a truit is, and then I realized it's almost certainly trout. A little disappointed because now I don't get to discover a new fish.

It is trout, indeed ! I'm not taking the time I should to search for words when I don't know them already and, instead, trust my guts (as I often do in life). It's been a very long time since I've last targeted anything more than "good enough" with my performances (and I'm not a native speaker, as it shows - french speaking swiss person here). You'll probably not discover any new fish with me. ;-)


Tai chi comes highly recommanded by one of my cousins (a kung fu addict) as a good habit to take on my way to more physically intensive arts (last time I've tried kung fu, I was totally drained halfway through the lesson). I've tried it a few times last year but my schedule and worklife were too messed up for me to have been able to attend regularly. I've got more balance now, so I'm confident I can pull something out. Being very balance oriented and needing to nurture both my mind and my body (while also shutting off of some of my too many thoughts to let my brains breath), it seems like something I should enjoy.



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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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1 hour ago, Jean said:

It's been a very long time since I've last targeted anything more than "good enough" with my performances (and I'm not a native speaker, as it shows - french speaking swiss person here). You'll probably not discover any new fish with me. ;-)




Un francophone! Je n'en avais aucune idée! Tu parles très bien l'anglais - mieux que je parle français. Je comprends la difficulté avec l'orthographe ... l'orthographe en français est souvent très difficile pour moi. Mais je pense qu'il vaut mieux parler de mannere fluide que d'arrêter et vérifier chaque mot dans un dictionnaire. Je suis Canadienne - anglophone de naissance...quand j'ai étudié le français à l'école (c'est obligatoire pour nous, de 6 à 14 ans), je n'aimais pas. Mes professeurs de français étaient tous méchants et les cours très ennuyeux, beaucoup de memorisation et des exercices dans le cahier. Mais à l'université j'avais beaucoup d'amis québécois (et une petite-amie aussi, pour un seul instant, haha) et j'ai passé beaucoup de temps à Montréal et j'ai découvert un amour pour la langue. Je me suis apris beaucoup de vocabulaire mais ma grammaire n'est toujours pas très bonne. C'est pas mal si je parle en phrases simples, mais dans des conversations plus complexes je suis vite perdu...alors pour moi en français, les phrases simples sont ma stratégie normale. Alors, parfois je crains que les français pensent que je suis un idiot   :D   Mais c'est la vie.


Switching back to English: I am planning to be in Zurich for a few days in January (vacation!) so if you have any recommendations of excellent things to do or see, let me know!

Paging @fleaball because French! One day we will go to the French speakers' meetup in Boston. One day...


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Pfft. ça fait 8 ans que j'ai pas utilisé le français. Je peux le lire sans problème mais l'écrire ou le parler? Non merci. 


Tbh I had a feeling you were francophone but I didn't want to ask! In your post on my thread you wrote "developped" and put a space before a colon ( :  ) which tipped me off, but only because I recognize them as French things to do. But your English is worlds better than my French right now so I am hella jealous anyway. 


I had a physical therapist recommend Tai Chi as a good way to get in tune with your body and whatnot. I'm interested to see how you like it! 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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Le français est une langue assez complexe, il y a des règles, et des exceptions, et des exceptions aux exceptions... Les mots ne s'écrivent pas comme ils se prononcent et la plupart des noms ont un genre exprimé qui demande d'être accordé en conséquence... en comparaison, l'anglais est plutôt simple, d'autant que je l'ai appris en me noyant dans les jeux vidéo en ligne. Il s'agit, pour moi, de la langue de l'imaginaire et de mon coeur.


Vous écrivez tou(te?)s deux très bien en français et non, les phrases simples sont en général la norme, donc pas d'apparence d'idiotie. Chapeau !


J'ai cru un moment que vous étiez francophones : "Séverine" est un prénom courant, par ici, et à cause de la signature de Flea. C'est courant, le mélange des prénoms anglophones et francophones dans une même région linguistique, au Canada ?




Anyway, thanks for the tip on space before colons (and, I imagine, exclamation points). Most people don't put them in french either nowadays, I'm just an old fart attached to things like that (and as such, I'm glad I'll be able to correct it in my English texts from now on).


Plenty of things to do in Zürich! I'm from the opposite side of the land, so I can't advise you much, though. For a few days in winter, I'd just stick with the city and plan another trip in the countryside later if you like it. The tourist offices are pretty good around here, so I guess their site can be trusted : https://www.zuerich.com/en


Don't forget to wander around the Limmat river and, if you're a fan of fitness, to go see one of the local Vita Trails. I don't know if there's something like it in other countries but if insurance companies ever did something great, this is it! The city is culturally active, so it's worth it to check if there's any special event when you come. Museums and the zoo should be worth it, as is the nightly life. Don't be afraid to use public transportation, they work great. Plus, you can tour the city with them and drop by whenever you feel like it (or have seen something you deem worthy of interest). Let me know if you have some spare time during your stay, I can always plan to drop by. ;-)



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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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6 hours ago, Jean said:

J'ai cru un moment que vous étiez francophones : "Séverine" est un prénom courant, par ici, et à cause de la signature de Flea. C'est courant, le mélange des prénoms anglophones et francophones dans une même région linguistique, au Canada ?


Yeah, I think it is more common in Canada to see French prenoms even in Anglos families, simply because there's much more exposure to French people and French culture, so Anglos will sometimes choose a French name for their child simply because they saw it somewhere and liked it. Canada has language laws that impact this (all packaging must be in both languages, for example, and all government documents/services) plus of course the mandatory French classes when we're kids. There are French cartoons on TV, etc. Also big cities like Toronto (where I'm from) have French immersion schools for Anglo kids who want to grow up fully bilingual - this is very common especially for wealthier families who want their children to have maximum opportunity in business and politics. Even silly things like hockey - many of the big stars are Québécois so you'll sometimes see little boys named after famous hockey stars. So yeah, there is a lot of exposure and the names mix together a little.


My real name is not Severine, but I do have an extremely French prenom (without fail, when I go to French speaking areas, they assume I am a native speaker due to my name) simply because my parents thought it was pretty. I was in Brussels for vacation a couple years ago (wonderful city) and I fell and broke a tooth and had to go to the dentist for emergency repair, and due to my name they thought I was French, so when I made a few speech errors they assumed I had hit my head in the fall  :D  It was a few minutes before they realized that I was just an anglo interloper with mediocre French abilities and a misleading name.


6 hours ago, Jean said:

Most people don't put them in french either nowadays, I'm just an old fart attached to things like that (and as such, I'm glad I'll be able to correct it in my English texts from now on).


For a long time I clung to the old way of putting two spaces after a period instead of one. I finally relented a couple of years ago and switched to a single space. I am still a bit sad about it. There was something somehow more elegant about the old way, I thought.


And thanks for all the tips for Zurich! I definitely have a lot of research to do.


Going back to Tai Chi - I agree with Flea, it'd be good to know what you think of it. I used to dismiss it as too slow to be interesting, but I am increasingly realizing the value of balance and muscle control as a foundation for everything. And the mental focus and discipline aspect of martial arts is really appealing to me - has a lot in common with mindfulness/meditation which I have fairly recently discovered and find very useful for managing a brain that never seems to want to switch off.


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6 hours ago, Severine said:

For a long time I clung to the old way of putting two spaces after a period instead of one.

Wait, is this a real thing ?  'cause I'm totally adopting it if it is.  Love it!


On tai chi: the little of it that I have seen indicates that it's very good to work on precision and patience.  It is aiming for perfection in movements so, very cool to make sure I'm doing things right before putting more speed and explosiveness in it.  Also, breathing. Making breathing a concious thing is a thing of beauty. Creating habits of inhaling and exhaling when it accompanies the movement you're doing was great.


So, not overly physically draining but very good practice for some of my flaws (precipitation, impatience, not taking care of my body, running after time, ...).  More on it after a few more lessons.


Food log

1 ham sandwich (morning)

Polenta, tuna and plums (noon and afternoon)

3l of water (throughout the day)

1 medium CBO meal (with water, McDo, evening)

1 black espresso (evening)



I went for General Doms, today.  Failed to beat it this morning (right after getting up) but passed it more easily tonight.  It's amazing the difference in energy that the time of the day, or what I have eaten, or whatever makes.  I couldn't go for more than 10 squats this morning and could have gone a bit more after 20 tonight.  Likewise, a 10'' front plank was already much this morning, while I could hold for 40'' tonight.



Weight: 76 kg (+0.6) -> going in the right direction

Neck : 36.2 cm

Chest : 87.6 cm

Right biceps : 27.2 cm

Left biceps : 27.0 cm

Waist : 84.6 cm

Hips : 97.4 cm

Right thigh : 51.8 cm

Left thigh : 52.0 cm

Right calf : 34.4 cm

Left calf : 35.0 cm


Body fat : 15.90%

Hydration : 57.80%

Using a body fat scale.


The changes are probably impacted by the way I took those measurements, so I don't put any stock in it right now. We'll see how it goes on the long run.


Goals tracking

I slept most part of the week-end and spent my time on the boards otherwise. In the state I am right now, I needed it, but it is more than I can afford. I'll have to make sure nothing stands in the way of taking thursday and friday off (not a given, next week is hell's week) to harvest the grapes on my vineyard: they're getting dryer by the day and won't be worth much in the end.



Have I done my exercise ? Yes.

On hold: have I wandered around with water at my disposal ? No.

Have I cooked this week ? Yes.

Have I taken part to my first tai chi lesson ? Not yet. Tuesday.

On hold: have I taken care of my internet site ? Nope.

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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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20 hours ago, Jean said:

Wait, is this a real thing ?  'cause I'm totally adopting it if it is.  Love it!


Yes, it was the way people did things back in the typewriter age, but now with computers, the double space is no longer considered correct, sadly. This article explains it pretty well. 


Also: holy crap...you have a vineyard? As in a big proper vineyard, or just a few grape vines in a backyard?


Good luck with your first tai chi lesson tomorrow!

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I wanted to write about how I don't know how to let go and should learn to say no to pressure after a fighting day ending up with a victory.


I wanted to write about how I missed putting my log on this thread on time and how I would have to post the last two days in a row.


I also wanted to write about how my back is sore because I've half-assed my cooldown.


I even wanted to write about how I drank a beer today, and that's liquid calories but fuck it, I'm counting the day anyway because it won't change my habit building.


But no. Instead, I'll just write this:


Tai chi is amazing!



It goes perfectly well with strength training. What we're basically doing here is burning as much energy as we can in order to build a body we'll be (or are) proud of. Tai chi is about using minimal energy to achieve maximal efficiency. And I'm bad at it. I am tense as hell and my movements are all but smooth. I cling to my consciousness way too much and can't therefore be self-conscious. I AM BAD. And I love it anyway and I'll go back next tuesday.


Now that this is said, I should probably go back to some normal logging before I make that miss two days in a row.


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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Abnormal logging is logging too. You didn't miss today. ;)

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TimovieMan: funnier than you think he is; not as funny as he thinks he is...

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Thanks for the kind words, and yeah, but abnormal logging makes it harder to log. "Luckily enough", I've had only pasta and coffee for two days, so :




Food log

Coffeelike  beverage without sugar (morning)

Way too much black coffee (throughout the day)

Pasta and eggs (2) (noon)

Pasta and tomato sauce (afternoon)

1 pack of cashews (afternoon)

3l of water (throughout the day)


Goals tracking

Have I done my exercise ? Yes. 5' of walking, warm up, 2A, half-assed cooldown.

On hold: have I wandered around with water at my disposal ? No.

Have I cooked this week ? Pasta and premaid side dishes aren't cooking, so no.

Have I taken part to my first tai chi lesson ? Not yet. Tomorrow.

On hold: have I taken care of my internet site ? Nope.




Food log

Coffeelike  beverage without sugar (morning)

Even more black coffee (throughout the day)

Pasta and tomato sauce (noon)

1 beer (3dl) afternoon

2 bowls of Frosties, cocoa, milk (evening: too tired to eat the the pasta and tomato sauce I had prepared)

3l of water (throughout the day)


Goals tracking

Have I done my exercise ? Yes. 5' of walking, tai chi.

On hold: have I wandered around with water at my disposal ? No.

Have I cooked this week ? Not yet.

Have I taken part to my first tai chi lesson ? Yup, and it was great !

On hold: have I taken care of my internet site ? Nope.

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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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So, let me start by thanking you all for your support and apologising for my lack of answers to some specific questions (working on it, it's coming later). :)


And now for some venting. Please, feel free to skip it:


So I've managed to almost take the day off today (because I still have to meet with a colleague to discuss about his "I can't have anybody look into what I do even if what I do may kill someone because I don't follow proper safety codes" and "I take as personal offenses anything that's said to me even when I have a right to dismiss advice and people who are hired to advise me have a right (actually duty) to advise me" issues). So, it's mediation day because nobody in my workplace is willing to take responsibility for what they should do (public place, we're both answering direclty to the mayor whose way of handling problems is, when interviewing you "you should really look into the way this person handles things, this is part of why we've hired you" and, when the other one comes throwing a hissy fit, "this person was really annoyed yesterday, you have to do something about it because I sure won't, even though I'm both your boss, and you're not his, and I've tasked you with what seems to be the source of the problem").


Also because (on an unrelated matter) another one of my colleagues can't manage his schedule to train his new administrative officer making her feel useless and inefficient at her job (we share the office space).


And also because apparently, my own administrative officer hasn't been interviewed in two years even though her tasks have changed and we have a human ressource person in charge whose job it is to plan those things (I'm here only since a few months).


But anyway (and sorry for the venting), so, today is mostly off day but I don't think I'll manage to take care of the vineyard (a small proper vineyard, pics incoming if I can get myself to go there and do what I have to). I have overslept already and feel like there are too many things to do so I have to decide between taking care of myself (I need it) and taking care of the vineyard (it must be done and the money I'll get out of the grapes is sorely needed too).


I haven't done my workout yesterday, so I'll do it today. Here's for yesterday's logging:




Food log

1 coffeelike beverage without sugar (morning)

3 portions of Frosties with milk and cocoa (1x morning, 2x evening)

Pasta with tomato sauce (noon)

1 Pralinato (afternoon)

Delicious stew (evening)

3l of water (throughout the day)

and also 4 black coffees (3x morning, 1x afternoon)


Goals tracking

Have I done my exercise? Yes, 5' of walking. (Should have done more)

On hold: have I wandered around with water at my disposal ? No.

Have I cooked this week? Yes. Delicious stew!

Have I taken part to my second tai chi lesson? No, next tuesday.

On hold: have I taken care of my internet site? Not yet.

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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Settling for minimal service and getting my homework done :




Food log

1 coffelike beverage without sugar (morning)

2 black coffees (morning)

2 ham sandwiches (morning)

Delicious stew (noon and evening)

1 small sausage (evening)

1 bowl of Frosties with milk and cocoa (evening)

some grapes (throughout the day)

3l of water (throughout the day)


Goals tracking

Have I done my exercise? Yes, 5' of walking. Warmup, half-assed 2B, half-assed cooldown.

On hold: have I wandered around with water at my disposal ? No.

Have I cooked this week? Yes. Delicious stew!

Have I taken part to my second tai chi lesson? No, next tuesday.

On hold: have I taken care of my internet site? Not yet.


  • Like 1

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Food log

3 black coffees (2x morning, 1x afternoon)

2 Liver-spread sandwiches (morning and afternoon)

Delicious stew (noon and evening)

ham sandwich (afternoon)

canned corn (afternoon)

3l of water (throughout the day)

So glad this silly 3l of water quest is over. I've been spending more time in the bathroom than anywhere else (my body is used to low quantities of water, which didn't help). I'm getting back to more reasonable quantities from now on.


Goals tracking

Have I done my exercise? Yes, 5' of walking. Warm-up, 2A, Cool-down. I've managed not to half-ass the cool-down, this time, so, progress!

On hold: have I wandered around with water at my disposal ? No.

Have I cooked this week? Yes. Delicious stew!

Have I taken part to my second tai chi lesson? No, next tuesday.

On hold: have I taken care of my internet site? Not yet.

  • Like 3

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Today's theme song : Shakira - Try everything (Zootopia)


Allright, I was fed up with the "diet coke is ok but you can't have a beer with your friends" quest, so I made some homemade iced tea with some lemon, oranges and cinnamon. It's a bit sour, I guess I'll put less lemon and more orange in it next time, but it's quite nice. There's some time (a few years, actually), that I wanted to do my own iced tea so, here we are.


I went to the vineyard but didn't do nearly as much work as I should have. I did enjoy the sun sitting under the pergola, so that's a plus. I remembered to take pics too. The giant trees are something I have to work on:



I've also tried Steve's easy chicken stir fry and have discovered three things :

1) I love raw sweet potato.

2) I much dislike cooked sweet potato (pan fried).

3) I really do like my rice or potatoes and added some rice to the evening portion.


I'm also making some overnight oats thanks to Tobbe's recipe. I'll keep you posted on it tomorrow after a taste of it.


Food log

Steve's easy chicken stir fry (noon)

some grapes (afternoon)

2 cheesburgers, 6 chicken McNuggets with sweet and sour sauce (afternoon)

Steve's easy chicken stir fry pimped up with rice (evening)

1.5 l of water (throughout the day)

.5 l of homemade iced tea (evening)


Goals tracking

Have I done my exercise? Yes, 5' of walking.

On hold: have I wandered around with water at my disposal ? No.

Have I cooked this week? Yes. Delicious stew! and chicken stir fry.

Have I taken part to my second tai chi lesson? No, next tuesday.

On hold: have I taken care of my internet site? Not yet. - seems like I'd like to get myself on it in a near future but I still have to deal with my job taking all my me time issue first.

  • Like 4

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Didn't know sweet potato can be eaten raw :D
I just like them as fries, very crispy and salty. Cooked is not my thing, but then I will try them raw! (I also love raw potatos <3 )

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I don't know if they're intended to but they're, well, sweet and I love it a lot (then again, I'd eat raw potatoes without hesitation too. :-) ). They're probably great as dipplings.


Today was... special. I've managed to make myself sick by not warming my house (even though I pay exactly the same amount - which is way too much - whether I warm it much or not) ... or was it the raw sweet potatoes? Dun dun dun! So I took an aspirin, slept a few more hours (okay, I went out of bed at 2 pm, so more than a few) and rolled with it. I still didn't do enough in the vineyard, so planning to do some more next week (since it has to be over by thursday or the cellar won't take it).


I didn't do @Tobbe's overnight oats (recipe in the link below - thanks buddy!) on friday, so I made them when waking up. I've tasted them for supper. They lacked some sweet taste and crunchiness for my tastes, so I've added some nuts and it was nice. I'd have added an apple if I had one (because I'm used to Birchermüsli) and/or some dried grapes but that is full on sugar, so not for everybody. I'll try it with honey tomorrow morning just to see how it feels.

Food log

chicken stir fry with rice (noonish?)

some grapes (afternoon)

2 bowls of Smacks, milk and cocoa (evening)

'overday' oats with nuts (evening)

1l of homemade iced tea (throughout the day)

.5l of water (throughout the day)

2 black coffees (night)


Goals tracking

Have I done my exercise? Yes, 5' of walking. (Should have done some rangery quests.)

On hold: have I wandered around with water at my disposal ? No.

Have I cooked this week? Yes. Delicious stew!, chicken stir fry and overnight oats.

Have I taken part to my second tai chi lesson? No, on tuesday.

On hold: have I taken care of my internet site? Not yet.

  • Like 1

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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The vineyard is beautiful! I could almost smell it just from looking at the photos. I would come and help if I could. I left the agriculture industry for a variety of good reasons but I do miss a lot of things about working on the farm. 


I love raw potatoes but many people have told me it's not good to eat them raw. Details under the cut. But sweet potatoes, I am fairly sure, are safe.



Raw potatoes are potentially toxic because of a compound called solanine [source: MedlinePlus].

Not every potato contains enough solanine to kill you, but the risk is high enough that it's not really worth taking. In general, green potatoes – even ones just a little green near the skin – or ones that are starting to sprout eyes have a higher solanine content. Symptoms of potato poisoning include stomach pain, headache, and paralysis. Potatoes with a very high concentration of solanine will have some green discoloration when you cut into them, and you shouldn't eat a green potato, even cooked. [source: MedlinePlus]


Even if the raw potato you're eating doesn't have a lot of solanine, you're still better off cooking it. Uncooked potato is rich with resistant starch. While some resistant starch can be good for your gut, the amount in raw potato is enough to give most people unpleasant side effects like severe gas and bloating [source: Blonz].




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Forum avatar is custom art by the talented Veronica Guzzardi
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On 9/29/2018 at 8:59 PM, Jean said:

I'm also making some overnight oats thanks to Tobbe's recipe.


Yay! Always makes me so happy when I can inspire someone to try something new! Plate


On 9/29/2018 at 8:59 PM, Jean said:

I love raw sweet potato


Wouldn't say I "love" them raw, but I do always eat a piece raw whenever I cut up sweet potatoes :) Same with regular potatoes.



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8 hours ago, Jean said:

I made them when waking up. I've tasted them for supper.


Wo-ho! :) 


8 hours ago, Jean said:

They lacked some sweet taste


If you use a really ripe (as in almost black) banana it will be sweeter.


8 hours ago, Jean said:

and crunchiness for my tastes


My coworker, who I got the recipe from, had his with some granola on top. That will give you more crunch, and possibly some sweetness, depending on your chosen granola.

Or do what I did and have it with crunchy peanut butter Yummy


8 hours ago, Jean said:

and/or some dried grapes


You mean raisins? :) 

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Found this: Unlike potatoes, sweet potatoes can even be eaten raw, and the leaves of the sweet potato plant are also edible.

Will try that today :)

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On 9/29/2018 at 9:34 PM, Arkania said:

I just like them as fries, very crispy and salty. Cooked is not my thing, but then I will try them raw! (I also love raw potatos <3 )


If you like sweet potato fries, you'll like oven roasted sweet potatoes too.


Slice them thin (5 mm). Lightly coat them with oil and generously salt them. Put them in the oven at 200 - 225 degrees until they start to get black/burnt spots. Eat!


For us, this works every time. We have a convection oven. For my mom this seems to never work. They don't turn crispy at all, which is the whole point of this. They just go burnt and mushy :(. She has a regular oven. 

What I think you need to do if you don't have a convection oven is to open the oven like every 10 minutes to flip the potato slices and to let out any extra steam that has built up inside the oven. (The fan in a convection oven will push more moisture out without us opening the oven door.)

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I have a convection oven but it just get's about 180°C hot. The "normal" function is max 240° I think.

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5 hours ago, Severine said:

I love raw potatoes but many people have told me it's not good to eat them raw. Details under the cut. But sweet potatoes, I am fairly sure, are safe.

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Raw potatoes are potentially toxic because of a compound called solanine [source: MedlinePlus].

Not every potato contains enough solanine to kill you, but the risk is high enough that it's not really worth taking. In general, green potatoes – even ones just a little green near the skin – or ones that are starting to sprout eyes have a higher solanine content. Symptoms of potato poisoning include stomach pain, headache, and paralysis. Potatoes with a very high concentration of solanine will have some green discoloration when you cut into them, and you shouldn't eat a green potato, even cooked. [source: MedlinePlus]


Even if the raw potato you're eating doesn't have a lot of solanine, you're still better off cooking it. Uncooked potato is rich with resistant starch. While some resistant starch can be good for your gut, the amount in raw potato is enough to give most people unpleasant side effects like severe gas and bloating [source: Blonz].





I'm not sure how much I trust those quotes... As long as you stay away from the green potatoes I think you're fine. But then again, Sweden is probably one of the most (boiled) potato loving countries in the world, so we might (un-)intentionally filter out any news about any way potatoes might possibly be bad for you :P 


And the resistant starch is actually good for you! Or at least the bacteria in your lower intestines! They need it to survive actually. People on the now so popular Keto diet, who don't eat potatoes, have been known to eat/drink cold potato starch, just to get that resistant starch because the bacteria really needs it, and we really want that bacteria to live a healthy life :) 

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2 minutes ago, Arkania said:

I have a convection oven but it just get's about 180°C hot. The "normal" function is max 240° I think.


I'd go with convection at 180C for about 20 minutes, open the oven and flip the potatoes over, then switch over to "normal" at 225, or maybe even 240, to get that final crispiness. After 20 minutes on convection most of the internal moisture of the potato should be gone, and it should be "safe" to go with normal heating.

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