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Good for you for starting slowly on the exercise routine. My left hamstrings cramp up when I do the hanging chair isolation exercise. That is only 30 seconds. If I just let them complain, they calm down and behave.


You might find it useful. This is from GMB.

You lie on your back on the ground with one foot on a chair, knee at a 90º angle. Tuck your pelvis so that your spine is neutral (flat on the floor). Push on the chair to lift your hips off the ground an inch or so. You can move the second leg up or towards your chest to make the exercise easier or harder. You should only feel it in the hamstring of the active leg, not in your back or core.

  • Like 4

Level 80  Viking paladin

My current challenge  Battle log 

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Dege & Skinner, tailor to wizards.


(Without any whiff of dodgy Roman stoic fascism-curious overtones, which are sadly prevalent in a lot of menswear content. Honestly, he'd never forgive me. Stoics, yes, fine, he's certainly down for some Marcus Aurelius, but not the rest of it.)


((He's already annoyed enough about the "vintage fan" angle. Can't deny it. Is just a touch cranky about it.))


(((Wait, if you've got a personal tailor with your measurements on file doing mostly bespoke, how  does it work with his whole situation? How many times can he realistically come in and say he's his own son before someone notices? Does he have to avoid going in person to his tailor for a decade or two, so he can pretend he's aging and walk back in the door as his own offspring? Does he just have the most discreet tailor in the world? Buying off the rack seems so much easier if you don't want to be outed...)))


Date: 13/09/24


All is solved by walking

Total min exercise


Walk 30-60 min


I had a sinus headache, and when nothing else worked, I solved it by walking. Which worked.

Well done. I'll give something for that.


The strong anvil

5 min Hindu pushup


5 min Hindu squat


5 min  bridge



Good job.


Clothes maketh the gender-neutral man

Jacket and tie


A nice close shave


No jacket and tie, but my sundress is a pretty color.


Also, I cut my hair.

Approved. It's a proper bit of grooming if sharp steel is involved, I feel.


Dawn is friend to the muses

Kept 8-10 schedule   N

Kept 10-12 schedule


Kept 12-2 schedule


Kept 2-4 schedule

Kept 4-6 schedule   N

My sleep schedule is messed up, so all my other schedule is messed up. I didn't bother tracking, so I won't bother claiming.

Fair enough. Try again tomorrow.


Rest is the best medicine

6-8 hours of sleep


In bed by midnight


AM writing exercise


AM meditation


PM writing exercise


PM meditation


Interoception meditation


It's my sinuses, partly. They hate this weather and they hate me.

Just watch the sleep deficit, please. It's creeping up, rather.

  • Like 3

I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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Waaaah, squat progression is the worst and listening to my body is the worst, and my knees are the worst, and it's all the worst, and this stupid partial thing better be enough to level up, or I will be cranky. The worst. Maybe I'll try a different sort of squat progression tomorrow. Someone has to have one that's going to work better with poor mobility and cranky knees.


(It did crack my vertebrae nicely, at least?)


ETA: Was super close to my minimum exercise target, so I threw in enough walking to hit it, cuz every problem is solved by walking.

  • Like 4

I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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18 hours ago, sarakingdom said:

every problem is solved by walking


A disturbingly large number of them are, I've found... which is both reassuring and  bit unnerving. 

  • Like 3

The Great Reading Thread of 2024

“I've always believed that failure is non-existent. What is failure? You go to the end of the season, then you lose the Super Bowl. Is that failing? To most people, maybe. But when you're picking apart why you failed, and now you're learning from that, then is that really failing? I don't think so." - Kobe Bryant, 1978-2020. Rest in peace, great warrior.

Personal Challenges, a.k.a.The Saga of Scalyfreak: Tutorial; Ch 1; Ch 2; Ch 3; Ch 4; Ch 5; Ch 6; Intermission; Intermission II; Ch 7; Ch 8; Ch 9; Ch 10; Ch 11; Ch 12 ; Ch 13; Ch 14Ch 15; Ch 16; Ch 17; Intermission IIICh 18; Ch 19; Ch 20; Ch 21; Ch 22; Ch 23; Ch 24; Ch 25; Intermission IV; Ch 26; Ch 27; Ch 28; Ch 29; Ch 30; Ch 31; Ch 32; Ch 33; Ch 34; Ch 35; Ch 36; Ch 37; Ch 38; Ch 39; Ch 40; Intermission V; Ch 41; Ch 42; Ch 43; Ch 44; Ch 45; Ch 46; Ch 47; Intermission VI; Ch 48; Ch 49; Ch 50; Ch 51; Intermission VI

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I have had a week of headaches. I'm not sure why. I get headaches from lack of sleep. I get sinus pressure from weather changes, so possibly further headaches. It might be insufficient hydration; I'm doing okay, but borderline, so it may not be enough. It may be a terrible vicious circle of all three: dehydration exacerbates the sinuses which exacerbate the sleep which exacerbates the dehydration.


Anyway, it's bad. It's not constant, but close enough. It's not piercing, more dull throb, but it's very, very distracting.


Angry Penguin GIF by Pudgy Penguins

  • Like 1
  • Sad 2

I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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19 hours ago, sarakingdom said:

squat progression is the worst and listening to my body is the worst, and my knees are the worst, and it's all the worst,


My sympathies.  Some days it feels like my knee will split in half if I attempt a squat (especially weighted back squat).  Goblet squats are easier for some reason, though.  Sumo squats, too.  So maybe if you play around with it, your knees will cooperate.

Life before Death

Strength before Weakness

Journey before Destination

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33 minutes ago, sarakingdom said:

I have had a week of headaches. I'm not sure why. I get headaches from lack of sleep. I get sinus pressure from weather changes, so possibly further headaches. It might be insufficient hydration; I'm doing okay, but borderline, so it may not be enough. It may be a terrible vicious circle of all three: dehydration exacerbates the sinuses which exacerbate the sleep which exacerbates the dehydration.


Anyway, it's bad. It's not constant, but close enough. It's not piercing, more dull throb, but it's very, very distracting.


Angry Penguin GIF by Pudgy Penguins

Quietly hands you some water.  Feel better soon. Headaches are no fun. I hope you figure out what’s causing yours. I also recommend eating some french fries for your headache. Hot, salty, good.

  • Like 1



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4 hours ago, Everstorm said:

My sympathies.  Some days it feels like my knee will split in half if I attempt a squat (especially weighted back squat).  Goblet squats are easier for some reason, though.  Sumo squats, too.  So maybe if you play around with it, your knees will cooperate.


I do have a fairly wide stance, which helps. I think it's yet another "I can do it, but my foundation is not strong" situation. I've just started paying more attention to good hurt and bad hurt, and I no longer feel my squat (which is already not that deep) is the good hurt. But then I get frustrated that I'm not doing as good a squat, which obviously I'm not. It's just all the worst. Maybe I'll do some supported squats and see if it's a joint mobility thing.


4 hours ago, Snarkyfishguts said:

Quietly hands you some water.  Feel better soon. Headaches are no fun. I hope you figure out what’s causing yours. I also recommend eating some french fries for your headache. Hot, salty, good.


I've been adding salt to the water for sure. Maybe I'll have some soup before bed. Soup is made of salty water.

  • Like 5

I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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Date: 15/09/24


All is solved by walking

Total min exercise


Walk 30-60 min


Maybe 60 on the walking, I dunno. I went swimming, but it was jogging in the water, so maybe that's walking, too.

Close enough for me.


The strong anvil

5 min Hindu pushup


5 min Hindu squat


5 min  bridge


Skipping because I did a pretty resistancey workout, and I've decided that not doing it every day the first week is probably okay, so this is a deliberate rest day.

Yes, all right. That logic seems sound enough. Half a point for taking a rest day.


Clothes maketh the gender-neutral man

Jacket and tie


A nice close shave




Dawn is friend to the muses

Kept 8-10 schedule   N

Kept 10-12 schedule


Kept 12-2 schedule


Kept 2-4 schedule

Kept 4-6 schedule   N

Sleep issues did in my schedule today.

We're going to need to get on top of this, you know.


Rest is the best medicine

6-8 hours of sleep


In bed by midnight


AM writing exercise


AM meditation


PM writing exercise


PM meditation


Interoception meditation


Lots of sleep. Deficit coming down.

Well done on the sleep.

  • Like 3

I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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What writing exercises are you doing?


On 9/15/2024 at 6:45 AM, sarakingdom said:

I do have a fairly wide stance, which helps. I think it's yet another "I can do it, but my foundation is not strong" situation. I've just started paying more attention to good hurt and bad hurt, and I no longer feel my squat (which is already not that deep) is the good hurt. But then I get frustrated that I'm not doing as good a squat, which obviously I'm not. It's just all the worst. Maybe I'll do some supported squats and see if it's a joint mobility thing.

Good job on paying attention! Are there any squat variations that do feel ok? Good call troubleshooting whether it's a mobility thing or a strength thing first.


Btw the cramping you described earlier is not dangerous, only deeply unpleasant. It sometimes happens when working muscles in shortened positions. Allegedly the more you try and fight the unpleasantless the faster the body will stop cramping in the future. My own experience is that it sucks forever. Straddle leg lifts I'm looking at you...

  • Like 2
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We're in that awkward time of year where it's still warm enough to go swimming, but I want to start putting autumn spices into the coffee. I'm saved from this dilemma temporarily, because I'm out of coffee and drinking herbal tea, but still.


Also, day 1,397 of not having my novella at the library.


Pumpkin Spice Coffee GIF

  • Like 5

I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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"Despite being hemmed in by later buildings it retained its courtyard and coach house round the back, which is where, these days, they keep the jazz. Coleman Hawkins played at the Bull, as did the multitalented Tubby Hayes, beloved of my dad and Nightingale, until the early 1970s when he popped his clogs."



Date: 16/09/24


All is solved by walking

Total min exercise


Walk 30-60 min


Same deal.

Same score, then.


The strong anvil

5 min Hindu pushup


5 min Hindu squat


5 min  bridge


I was planning to do these and only skip one day, but I ran out of time, and my excuse of that some of my muscles still seemed a bit stressed. (But really I ran out of time, I would have at least bridged.)

Accepted this time, because your workout was a decent one.


Clothes maketh the gender-neutral man

Jacket and tie


A nice close shave



Good show.


Dawn is friend to the muses

Kept 8-10 schedule   P

Kept 10-12 schedule


Kept 12-2 schedule


Kept 2-4 schedule

Kept 4-6 schedule   P




Rest is the best medicine

6-8 hours of sleep


In bed by midnight


AM writing exercise


AM meditation


PM writing exercise


PM meditation


Interoception meditation




  • Like 4

I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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23 hours ago, Mad Hatter said:

What writing exercises are you doing?


Not the fun kind, unfortunately, but the mental health kind. :D


Which I should do today, because I'm having an "everything is doom" kind of day. (I guess ideally you should do them before everything is doom, but it is what it is.) Also, I need to remember that Walking Solves Everything. And that you're supposed to just carry on and do things. Everything is doom.

  • Like 3

I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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“Why did you carve the names?”


“Oh,” [Nightingale] said. “Somebody had to do it and as far as I could tell I was the only one still active. I also had this ridiculous notion that it might help.”

“Did it?”

“No,” he said. “Not really.”


(Everything is still doom.)


Date: 17/09/24


All is solved by walking

Total min exercise


Walk 30-60 min





The strong anvil

5 min Hindu pushup


5 min Hindu squat


5 min  bridge





Clothes maketh the gender-neutral man

Jacket and tie


A nice close shave


I refuse, because everything is doom.


ETA: Fine, I got the jacket. But I just draped it over things.

That's precisely when you should, you know. Go on, fetch a jacket.


Close enough.


Dawn is friend to the muses

Kept 8-10 schedule   P

Kept 10-12 schedule


Kept 12-2 schedule


Kept 2-4 schedule

Kept 4-6 schedule   N


That sort of day, is it? Pull yourself together.


Rest is the best medicine

6-8 hours of sleep


In bed by midnight


AM writing exercise


AM meditation


PM writing exercise


PM meditation


Interoception meditation




  • Like 5

I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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Date: 19/09/24


All is solved by walking

Total min exercise


Walk 30-60 min





The strong anvil

5 min Hindu pushup


5 min Hindu squat


5 min  bridge





Clothes maketh the gender-neutral man

Jacket and tie


A nice close shave





Dawn is friend to the muses

Kept 8-10 schedule   N

Kept 10-12 schedule


Kept 12-2 schedule


Kept 2-4 schedule

Kept 4-6 schedule    

Sleep issue.

I see.


Rest is the best medicine

6-8 hours of sleep


In bed by midnight


AM writing exercise


AM meditation


PM writing exercise


PM meditation


Interoception meditation




  • Like 1

I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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CW: sexist language and a bad attitude


I've never called anyone a stupid bitch, because that sort of language is wrong, and a Nightingale challenge is not the time to start. I'm not sure he'd approve of my even thinking the thought. But I'm being sorely tested by the quantity of stupid bitch energy in my life right now.


Is there anti-stupid-bitch magic out there? (One feels this is the sort of thing Newtonian practitioners of old might actually have perfected over strong spirits in their all-male club. Entirely up their alley. Though perhaps the locked door and aura of smug superiority was sufficient for their needs.)


Angry Boiling Point GIF by Pudgy Penguins

I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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Scientia potestas est

Society of the Wise • Est. 1775


The Folly

Russell Square

London, WC1B 7ZF



19th September, 2024


Dear Sara,

Walking solves everything, you know.





Thomas Nightingale


Detective Chief Inspector, Metropolitan Police

Acting President, Society of the Wise



  • Like 2
  • Haha 1

I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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19th September, 2024



Dear Inspector Nightingale,







Sara Kingdom


Trainee at Large, Society of the Wise



  • Like 2

I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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Scientia potestas est

Society of the Wise • Est. 1775


The Folly

Russell Square

London, WC1B 7ZF



19th September, 2024


Dear Sara,

A walk should cure that, too. Perhaps a sandwich and a cup of tea would help.





Thomas Nightingale


Detective Chief Inspector, Metropolitan Police

Acting President, Society of the Wise



  • Like 2

I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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19th September, 2024



Dear Inspector Nightingale,


I'm going to have one of those revolutions where everyone is first against the wall.





Sara Kingdom


Trainee at Large, Society of the Wise



  • Like 2

I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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Scientia potestas est

Society of the Wise • Est. 1775


The Folly

Russell Square

London, WC1B 7ZF



19th September, 2024


Dear Sara,

Interesting. Impractical at that scale, I fear. And, frankly, somewhat beyond your current resources. Instead, I suggest a walk.





Thomas Nightingale


Detective Chief Inspector, Metropolitan Police

Acting President, Society of the Wise



  • Like 3

I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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How on Earth have I lived without this challenge thread?

The wisdom of the goals!

The grandeur of their arrangement!

The awesomeness of the narrative!


I'm hooked.


Also, headaches suck, I hope they leave you well alone soon enough.

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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