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Muscles Still Very Sore - Looking for Insight


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I'm very new to this whole let's move the body and develop muscles business. You can pretty much say my muscles have a lot of work ahead to get anywhere decent in terms of strength and durability. I have been doing the beginner body weight workout this week and I think it's perfect for now, because it really challenges me while being fairly doable (though I have to say that after the squats, my legs give up during the walking lunges, so right now I can do only two consecutive lunges without tipping sideways).


However, I'm experiencing muscle soreness (fairly normal I guess) in my legs (haunches and calves), which seems quite persistent to the point I can't really commit to three times per week doing the circuit workout. I have the following questions. 


1. How does one lesson the pain so to say? I have tried aspirin, though it hasn't really help. And I have stretched after workouts.


2. Does this mean I'm not doing something right?


3. Is two times a week enough for a complete and utter newbie? Honestly, I tend to be a perfectionist and think nothing I ever do is enough so I need to know whether that's good enough. Plus, I do my best to walk around an hour - five out of seven days in the week and cook and clean at home, so I'm a lot more active than I'm used to be.


4. Is it advisable to do a workout when feeling quite as sore? What can happen if I don't?


I thank in advance for every piece of advice with e-hugs.

Level 1 - Adventurer (Cthulhu in dusguise, but don't mind me)

STR: 2 І DEX: 1 І STA: 1 І CON: 2 І WIS: 5 І CHA: 4


Be mindful of your Self-Talk. It's a conversation with the universe.


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1. How does one lesson the pain so to say? I have tried aspirin, though it hasn't really help. And I have stretched after workouts.


2. Does this mean I'm not doing something right?


3. Is two times a week enough for a complete and utter newbie? Honestly, I tend to be a perfectionist and think nothing I ever do is enough so I need to know whether that's good enough. Plus, I do my best to walk around an hour - five out of seven days in the week and cook and clean at home, so I'm a lot more active than I'm used to be.


4. Is it advisable to do a workout when feeling quite as sore? What can happen if I don't?


I thank in advance for every piece of advice with e-hugs.


1. Don't go with aspirin, that might work for light headaches (or not) but it probably won't for DOSM. What you can do? Keep moving - not necessarily doing the same thing a day or two after when a certain region is totally crushed but you can definitely 'exercise it away' if you don't completely overdo it. You can also try some low intensity cardio like going for a long walk or a hike (although the latter can become it's very own workout) and things of the like.


2. Nah, it happens and I'd reckon especially in the beginning with not a lot of prior experience especially it'll last a bit longer. Your body will grow accustomed to it though and the frequency and intensity will be reduced depending on your workouts (it'll still happen when you really push yourself but that's not a bad thing).


3. As mentioned before, have something else to do on the other days - whatever that may be but something that keeps you active. Whether two times is enough is something I'm afraid I can't tell you - not sure whether anyone else can but I would reckon that it's alright if you build it up as your body becomes used to the stress. Who knows, you might be able to to do three times a week in two to three months, maybe sooner maybe later. It all depends.


4. Do you mean feeling not quite as sore? Or was that 'quite' just redundant? In case of the former you can - as I said - still work out if you don't overstrain certain areas. Like if you have T-Rex arms (meaning you already feel it heavily when lifting a glass or something alike - ordinary stuff) than that's probably not the best time to do exercises that strain them heavily. I have some "always ready" exercises like indian club swings I can do in almost any condition with different intensities. Something like this can be pretty practical in that case if you want to keep active.

In case of the latter I'd actually still not get that sentence.


Also, if Waldo and I-Jo chime in listen to what they have to say as they have quite a nugget of experience and they usually have something useful to say.

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.†- Vince Lombardi


Wolf, level 1 Vampire assassinSTR 2|DEX 3|STA 2|CON 3|WIS 3|CHA 2


Wolfish Philosophy


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Sometimes the best way to tell if your body is up for the workout is to start working out. Often, as you get moving your body will limber up and feel better. If its like when you tried to do the lunges after the squats, and your body just won't do it, or you have sharp pains, then you should either do just a light workout or wait for the next day. If your bdoy seems a bit stiif and sore but gets better as you workout, then keep going.


When I first started I only did 2 days a week. Then when the DOMS got better, I went up to 3x. I think starting slow is fine. It seems to me like the people who start out slow and add as they go tend to stay at it longer than people who come out like a rocket and then quickly burn out

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Oh I'm not sure I'm  a nugget of experience but I'm flatter for the title.  I'm probably more of a buger than a nugget.   

Regardless- waldo DEFINITELY is a gem.


But on to the questions


1. How does one lesson the pain so to say? I have tried aspirin, though it hasn't really help. And I have stretched after workouts.


Keep stretching- it hurts- but stretch away- just don't OVER stretch.  Stretch on rest days is good too.  PS it's actually bad to stretch cold muscles- so stretching does not = a warm up.   Do some sort of light warm up FIRST then do some stretching.  


2. Does this mean I'm not doing something right?


no.  it does not.

Pain is not the same as sore.  being HURT is different than just being so sore you can barely move.   It's still just being sore- and one thing as you progress down this journey of working out- is when to decifer the codes your body is sending you.  Am I HURT- or does it just hurt to do because it's hard??  Am I broken- or am I just broke off??  Am I tweaky because something isn't right- or am I just sore.  these things- you need to listen to and learn. And no one will be able to tell that except you.




3. Is two times a week enough for a complete and utter newbie? Honestly, I tend to be a perfectionist and think nothing I ever do is enough so I need to know whether that's good enough. Plus, I do my best to walk around an hour - five out of seven days in the week and cook and clean at home, so I'm a lot more active than I'm used to be.




Two times is great for a rank beginner.  Two times PLUS what I would call an "active" rest day so some of your favorite things (see what I did there)... for for a walk- play catch with your dog (or your kids whatever) for a slow jog- do a yoga youtube video/dvd.    After a month you will be feeling like you need to do MOAR.  Definitely.  But there is NO reason to rush.  Rushing to do ALL THE THINGS ALL THE TIME is the #1 reason Resolutioners fail.  Not only are you conditioning your body- you are training your body/mind to adjust to this- oh hey that's right I have to work out.  You have to work/train that whole "working out" thing into your life- you cannot just suddenly do it 5 x a week and expect great results- it's too easy to fail AND it's hard on your body.  This should be viewed as a life long thing- not a sprint on the 1/4 mile track  pace yourself!


4. Is it advisable to do a workout when feeling quite as sore? What can happen if I don't


This totally depends on the "sore" factor.  Is it just OMG sore- or is it- I think I over did it sore.... and the OMG sore can be REALLY REALLY BAD_ and still not qualify as "I over did it" sore. For example.   I remember when I was in HS I actually would walk down hill backwards because my quads were SO sore from the first week of cross country practice.  I literally couldn't walk down hill.  not broken.  not torn. just SORE SORE SORE.


But the best way to make being sore not happen- is to keep working out- you gotta work through it. It goes away as you work through it.  And you stop being so sore all the time- as you get into shape- sore happens with super heavy weight- or with new exercises that tap muscles you haven't used.  it doesn't come from the regular things you do.  



Honestly- walk it out.  Go for a jog- walk it out.  And hit your workout again the next time it comes up on the schedule.   Don't avoid a work out because you are sore- that's probably the worst thing to do.  You'll limber up and feel better when you're done. 


hope that helps!!!  ask away if you have more questions- it's why we are here!   Oh and congrats on your step to fitness- it's a wonderful world.  :D   (says the work out junkie- JUST ONE MORE LIFT_ ONE MORE LIFT!!!!)

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Guest asdf

15-20 minutes of relaxed stretching will do wonders. Yoga would work too because it also has a lot of stretching. But it needs to be relaxed, so deep breaths in and out. In an ideal world everyone would stretch every day, but at least stretching the day following a workout will help a lot.


Also, look up deep tissue massage. It is a style of massage specifically meant to reduce muscle soreness from tightened muscles. It works best when someone does it for you, but you can still apply the techniques on yourself.


Combining these two things together after a workout and the day after one when you feel like you got hit by a train should help you to feel some relief, though it won't cure it completely.


Best of luck!

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oh yeah.  

How did I forget that.  FACESLAP.




let me be very clear about this.  This is not fun.  This will not feel good- it hurts.  it hurts A LOT.


but it's VERY good for you and eventually it WILL feel good- and it will stop hurting as much.  :)  but they are 15-25$ (you can get them at say- target)  it's essentially an at home deep tissue massage.  It's called self myo-fascial release.


so if you do get one- or you have a lacrosse ball- or a wine bottle- or something round to ROLL upon- just google self myo-fasical release - and or "foam rolling hamstrings- or shoulders" or insert whatever body part you like.  It's beautiful. 

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Oh guys, I have been writing all of this down as it's what I call invaluable advice. Now I have a lot of options to test and see what works best for me. I am in your debt.


I've been planning on taking up Yoga, so now I have a purpose that helps me with my own training, why not introduce this sooner than expected. This is actually quite exciting. For the first time the prospect of working out sounds fun, which is something I never thought I'd feel, so let my muscles feel soar. 


PS: My legs feel better, so I guess it wasn't quite as bad as I thought. Certainly not DEADLY sore (which I thought might be the case. I mean I told my sister this whole stretching thing reminds me of a SAW installment. She laughed and promptly replied "I want to play a game!"), so all should be good for my scheduled Tuesday workout! 

Level 1 - Adventurer (Cthulhu in dusguise, but don't mind me)

STR: 2 І DEX: 1 І STA: 1 І CON: 2 І WIS: 5 І CHA: 4


Be mindful of your Self-Talk. It's a conversation with the universe.


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LOL I love it.  I get all excited when I have a new workout- like nervous anxious all at once exited.


I rarely get sore any more- so feelign it is a GREAT feeling... I'm actually shocked- I took it super easy last week- and I did what I would have considered a regular workout- nothing extreme- but I'm TOTALLY sore all over today- just very achy- it's been so long!!!!! I need to take a week rest off more often!!!  feelign sore is great!!! :)


and YAY for yoga- all men should do yoga (women too) but yeah no really- men need to do it.  

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Guest asdf

oh yeah.  


How did I forget that.  FACESLAP.




let me be very clear about this.  This is not fun.  This will not feel good- it hurts.  it hurts A LOT.


but it's VERY good for you and eventually it WILL feel good- and it will stop hurting as much.   :)  but they are 15-25$ (you can get them at say- target)  it's essentially an at home deep tissue massage.  It's called self myo-fascial release.


so if you do get one- or you have a lacrosse ball- or a wine bottle- or something round to ROLL upon- just google self myo-fasical release - and or "foam rolling hamstrings- or shoulders" or insert whatever body part you like.  It's beautiful. 

I totally forgot about the foam roller, but yeah, its a lifesaver. It hurts when you first start getting used to it, but after a few weeks you crave it because it feels good. I do at least....

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Oh I'm not sure I'm  a nugget of experience but I'm flatter for the title.  I'm probably more of a buger than a nugget.   

.. and then follows a post proving my point! q.e.d


Oh guys, I have been writing all of this down as it's what I call invaluable advice. Now I have a lot of options to test and see what works best for me. I am in your debt.


I've been planning on taking up Yoga, so now I have a purpose that helps me with my own training, why not introduce this sooner than expected. This is actually quite exciting. For the first time the prospect of working out sounds fun, which is something I never thought I'd feel, so let my muscles feel soar. 


PS: My legs feel better, so I guess it wasn't quite as bad as I thought. Certainly not DEADLY sore (which I thought might be the case. I mean I told my sister this whole stretching thing reminds me of a SAW installment. She laughed and promptly replied "I want to play a game!"), so all should be good for my scheduled Tuesday workout! 


It's rarely as bad as you think it might be, especially when you actually realize the latter. This morning I felt like crawling out under a rock and still hauled my ass to class and surprise surprise it was way less shitty than my mood would've made believe. (plus booya for 2 hours of badminton)

After you've got the whole working out thing down  and your body is more used to it you'll notice you'll be able to work out against soreness and you'll actually feel less so the next day.



LOL I love it.  I get all excited when I have a new workout- like nervous anxious all at once exited.


I rarely get sore any more- so feelign it is a GREAT feeling... I'm actually shocked- I took it super easy last week- and I did what I would have considered a regular workout- nothing extreme- but I'm TOTALLY sore all over today- just very achy- it's been so long!!!!! I need to take a week rest off more often!!!  feelign sore is great!!! :)


and YAY for yoga- all men should do yoga (women too) but yeah no really- men need to do it.  


So much for "enjoy the pain", haha. The ancient Greeks would've been proud.

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.†- Vince Lombardi


Wolf, level 1 Vampire assassinSTR 2|DEX 3|STA 2|CON 3|WIS 3|CHA 2


Wolfish Philosophy


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I totally forgot about the foam roller, but yeah, its a lifesaver. It hurts when you first start getting used to it, but after a few weeks you crave it because it feels good. I do at least....

yeah I NEVER crave rolling- but I do notice a difference.  I've been trying to do it at least 2 x a week- I carry it with me everywhere it's a little silly actually but it is what it is. I NEED to do it more often for sure.


 and then follows a post proving my point! q.e.d


lol meh- I have lots to learn too- the quest for knowledge is unending!!!  but I'm happy to share what little I have with others.  :)

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Foal roller? Brony!



Hahah hysterical andygates. ;)      I knew what she meant, but admit that the foal roller had a comical image rolling through my brain.



As for the actual topic - I KNOW where you are coming from.  I have had stretches of time where I have been OMG SORE SORE SORE for days.    Honestly.  As much as I've tried to buck the advice of 'work out through it, just maybe take it a bit easier' -- it freaking works.     In fact, last week I tried something new, and wrecked my arms for 5 days straight.   I went out and said I would do my 2nd strength work out, which USED those same muscles, and by the end of the work out, they felt the best they had since they started hurting.  (As the muscles cooled off and I started sitting around again that night, the sore came back, but not as bad.)


Like the others said, trust your body and its cues.   It's not a race, or a competition, and no one is grading you.  Start as slow as you need to so that you don't discourage yourself to the point of quitting altogether.   Going slower, is better than going nowhere.

Level 83 ~*~ Ranger

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"Maybe it's not as simple as you imagined, Seeker."  Varric Tethras Dragon Age 2

"Staying within your limits is no fun, Ryder."  Vetra Nyx - ME: Andromeda




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lol meh- I have lots to learn too- the quest for knowledge is unending!!!  but I'm happy to share what little I have with others.   :)


Hah, don't we all? We're all just students of life and the journey is neverending, that's what makes it so awesome. (at least in my opinion) And someone with commitment, purpose and a sentiment like that is usually able to give useful advice, inspire or motivate as much as a master of his craft might. For some even the advice of the master won't 'fit' and someone less 'experienced' might, it's all a matter of perspective and from mine what I said before applies!

(plus humans sometimes have the tendency to "underrate" certain things when they're accustomed to them because it's second nature)



Like the others said, trust your body and its cues.   It's not a race, or a competition, and no one is grading you.  Start as slow as you need to so that you don't discourage yourself to the point of quitting altogether.   Going slower, is better than going nowhere.


^ This so much.

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.†- Vince Lombardi


Wolf, level 1 Vampire assassinSTR 2|DEX 3|STA 2|CON 3|WIS 3|CHA 2


Wolfish Philosophy


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I did my first weight training session using the NF Basic Body Weight routine yesterday and I'm really feeling it today. I kept thinking the routine would be easy but boy was I wrong! Anyhoo, here are a few things I've been doing to stave off the soreness that I remember from my attempt to run cross country back in college...

Every so often I'll get up to walk around and stretch out my muscles so I don't get stiffened up just sitting in my chair. I just do a quick walking lap around the grocery store parking lot next to my workplace to warm up then stretch out the muscles where I'm sore. This feels sooooo good afterward.

Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. One of my goals is to drink more water (I'm a soda addict trying to break the habit) so this is a positive. I also made myself a protein shake to drink before work.

:strawberry: GolfCart34 :strawberry:

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*I'm not the type of person who is scared of something.  If something is going to happen it's meant to be. - Kimi Raikkonen*


*We have to remember these days.  We have to enjoy them while they last.  You should never lose the passion and the joy and always remember the days when you were just dreaming of these things happening.  For all of us it is important just to enjoy the moment and realize there is more time later on in our lives to realize what it meant. - Sebastian Vettel*


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As for the actual topic - I KNOW where you are coming from.  I have had stretches of time where I have been OMG SORE SORE SORE for days.    Honestly.  As much as I've tried to buck the advice of 'work out through it, just maybe take it a bit easier' -- it freaking works.     In fact, last week I tried something new, and wrecked my arms for 5 days straight.   I went out and said I would do my 2nd strength work out, which USED those same muscles, and by the end of the work out, they felt the best they had since they started hurting.  (As the muscles cooled off and I started sitting around again that night, the sore came back, but not as bad.)


Like the others said, trust your body and its cues.   It's not a race, or a competition, and no one is grading you.  Start as slow as you need to so that you don't discourage yourself to the point of quitting altogether.   Going slower, is better than going nowhere.

Thank you. I need to hear this at least ten more times, because the last few times I started I wanted everything to be fast, fast, fast. Insert a very short training montage and have the figure by two months. Really unrealistic considering I don't breathe right, I have no endurance and I have no muscle memory. Needless to say, I failed like a lot. So now, I'm taking baby sloth steps.  


Hah, don't we all? We're all just students of life and the journey is neverending, that's what makes it so awesome. (at least in my opinion) And someone with commitment, purpose and a sentiment like that is usually able to give useful advice, inspire or motivate as much as a master of his craft might. For some even the advice of the master won't 'fit' and someone less 'experienced' might, it's all a matter of perspective and from mine what I said before applies!

(plus humans sometimes have the tendency to "underrate" certain things when they're accustomed to them because it's second nature).

^^ Amen to this! 


I did my first weight training session using the NF Basic Body Weight routine yesterday and I'm really feeling it today. I kept thinking the routine would be easy but boy was I wrong! Anyhoo, here are a few things I've been doing to stave off the soreness that I remember from my attempt to run cross country back in college...

Every so often I'll get up to walk around and stretch out my muscles so I don't get stiffened up just sitting in my chair. I just do a quick walking lap around the grocery store parking lot next to my workplace to warm up then stretch out the muscles where I'm sore. This feels sooooo good afterward.

Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. One of my goals is to drink more water (I'm a soda addict trying to break the habit) so this is a positive. I also made myself a protein shake to drink before work.

Brilliant. Thank you for the additional advice. I will certainly implement these as I go. :)  

Level 1 - Adventurer (Cthulhu in dusguise, but don't mind me)

STR: 2 І DEX: 1 І STA: 1 І CON: 2 І WIS: 5 І CHA: 4


Be mindful of your Self-Talk. It's a conversation with the universe.


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I raed down to where I-Jo said that it felt good to be sore, and I must say I can relate. I don't like being "it hurts to move" sore, but I like the feeling of stretching and feeling a bit sore here and there. Tells me I'm doing something right!

But yeah, if you just do something, it will get better, and soon you'll be ready for the modified version of the advanced body weight routine!

Princess Ranger - Level 1

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Just saw that you said you don't breathe right. Try this: get a biggish book (dictionary, med size phonebook, hymnal, hardback novel) and lay on your back with the book on your abdomen just below your rib cage. You should be able to see the book without straining your neck. Then focus on breathing so that the book moves and your chest doesn't.

Once you get what that feels like, do it sitting up with hand on stomach. Then start practicing throughout the day. Breathe in like you need to cough. Then breathe out slowly.

If you are participating in the upcoming 6-week challenge, this would be a good fitness goal. I trained myself to breathe this way in my teens and still breathe well at 32.

Now, your chest will move some when you breathe, but the idea is to make it secondary to breathing from deep down. Fill up the bottom of the grain sack first (bottom of your lungs), then let the top expand naturally as needed.

Hope that helps you!

Princess Ranger - Level 1

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2STR | 3DEX | 4STA | 5CON | 3WIS | 5CHA

My Fitness Pal | Exercise Diary | My Epic Quest

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Oh wow, this! I will most certainly try this, though I have to say I meant I have respiratory problems. Am right now in treatment, because they have been chronic for far too long. This will help for sure.

Level 1 - Adventurer (Cthulhu in dusguise, but don't mind me)

STR: 2 І DEX: 1 І STA: 1 І CON: 2 І WIS: 5 І CHA: 4


Be mindful of your Self-Talk. It's a conversation with the universe.


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Oh look! Another place for me to push yoga! It helps with soreness and with breathing! (You'd think I was a monk..) Sun salutations are a good place to start and will definitely point out the places you thought you stretched, but didn't.


</resident yoga pusher>

Human Adventurer

Str: 3 | Dex: 2 | Sta:2 | Con:3 | Wis:3 | Cha:2

I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me smile or make me frown...

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Oh look! Another place for me to push yoga! It helps with soreness and with breathing! (You'd think I was a monk..) Sun salutations are a good place to start and will definitely point out the places you thought you stretched, but didn't.


</resident yoga pusher>

Yoga will be one of my main goals for the new challenge, so you have found the right place pushing yoga. :D

Level 1 - Adventurer (Cthulhu in dusguise, but don't mind me)

STR: 2 І DEX: 1 І STA: 1 І CON: 2 І WIS: 5 І CHA: 4


Be mindful of your Self-Talk. It's a conversation with the universe.


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Oh wow, this! I will most certainly try this, though I have to say I meant I have respiratory problems. Am right now in treatment, because they have been chronic for far too long. This will help for sure.


Glad I could help! I think everyone should try it. It's a good way to see if you are breathing right (some people do, amazingly). And yes, breathing right will definitely help the treatment along.

Princess Ranger - Level 1

First Challenge Thread

2STR | 3DEX | 4STA | 5CON | 3WIS | 5CHA

My Fitness Pal | Exercise Diary | My Epic Quest

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Like many others have said foam rolling, stretching and moving. On the Movement part I try to do some light version on and exercise that uses my sore muscle.

One thing I didn't notice mentioned that works for my old bones is cold shower/bath. It doesn't have to be teeth chattering cold just a bit cooler than lukewarm (very scientific I know). Doing the cold shower after my workout, not immediately usually 2hrs for me, means I'm sore less and not as long.

Hope this helps

My First Challenge




To me, if life boils down to one thing, it's movement. To live is to keep moving.--Jerry Seinfeld


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Guest asdf

Just saw that you said you don't breathe right. Try this: get a biggish book (dictionary, med size phonebook, hymnal, hardback novel) and lay on your back with the book on your abdomen just below your rib cage. You should be able to see the book without straining your neck. Then focus on breathing so that the book moves and your chest doesn't.

Once you get what that feels like, do it sitting up with hand on stomach. Then start practicing throughout the day. Breathe in like you need to cough. Then breathe out slowly.

If you are participating in the upcoming 6-week challenge, this would be a good fitness goal. I trained myself to breathe this way in my teens and still breathe well at 32.

Now, your chest will move some when you breathe, but the idea is to make it secondary to breathing from deep down. Fill up the bottom of the grain sack first (bottom of your lungs), then let the top expand naturally as needed.

Hope that helps you!



While on the topic of breathing and developing it, work on circular breathing. Breathe in deep through your nose and out through your mouth. You don't have to breathe like this all day, but I find that while working out, especially with running that circular breathing allows me to go a lot farther before having to stop.

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