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I've NEVER been a runner.  Not working up to it, running in the past has given me awful shin splints which made me think I just couldn't do it.  Always wanted to simply run a mile, or even a block, and not feel like I was going to die.


Well, I've been working up to it this summer.  Started walking in my neighborhood in the mornings, weaving up and down the streets.  Usually takes me 65 minutes or so to do 24 city blocks walking.  The intent with this was to add intervals of running/jogging.  Well, today I did my first walk with intervals.  I ran a full city block without stopping to walk.  Not a full on sprint but not super slow either just a comfortable running pace for me.  Wasn't easy to complete that block, but I kept my eye on the stop sign at the end of it and didn't let myself stop until I got there.  Reached the stop sign and went straight back into my walk.  Did another 3-4 blocks and decided I had it in me to do another block of running.  Got halfway through that block and wanted to walk.  Remembered that growth occurs at the limits, and kept going.  Got 3/4 of the way down the block and really, really wanted to walk.  But I thought to myself that if members of the NF rebellion were standing there with me, they'd encourage me and push me to finish what I started.  And I completed my second block of running.  :-)  Then I finished my walk, doing the same route as always.  



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"We are what we repeatedly do.  Therefore, excellence is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle


Time to make some excellent habits!

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Excellent! I've found summer to be a great time to run outdoors too (as it doesn't conflict with my asthma).

Congrats, hope it's going start of many more to come!

IntroductionBodyware: Fitness Journal

Challenge Belt: (1)(2)(3)(4), (5), (6), (7), [WOOT](8), [TEMP HIATUS], (9)


Bodyweight Info: Starting: 264.5lbs, Current: 167.8lbs (NEUTRAL)


IronGlider v2.10, Adventurer Rank: Level 8


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Did my route again today after taking a day off.  Oh boy have I been feeling that first set of intervals! This morning I decided that I'm not injured, I just need to get used to it.  Did the exact same routine as before.  The first block of running seemed to come much easier than 2 days ago.  The second one was still hard, but I think knowing that I had done it before was a great help and it didn't seem as big of a struggle.  The current plan is to continue doing this routine until my legs don't hurt anymore, then add 2 more blocks of running.  That sound about right?  Oh, and just doing those intervals have knocked my time from 65 minutes to 61.  Maybe I'm walking faster too and not realizing it?  When I get the route down to 45 minutes I plan on adding the next street over, which would be another 4 blocks of length.  Wow, I'm super proud of myself for going out there today and feeling great that this running thing seems doable probably for the first time for me!

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"We are what we repeatedly do.  Therefore, excellence is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle


Time to make some excellent habits!

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yeay for being able to run! I was the same until I found the couch to 5k thing - interval running/walking is definitely the way forward. Sounds like you're working it out yourself, but if you're a plan person I highly recommend the C2-5K - it's from the NHS but I think it's available for anyone to download/use the app.


You should be super proud, it's an amazing achievement :) 

Level 43 Rogue, 2024 ROADMAP

Welcome to the Dungeons of Doom; locate the Amulet of Yendor ♀ on Level 26

Challenges: 1, 2, 3, 45, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1415, 16, 17, 18, 1920, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46


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As a beginning runner, how much are my shins supposed to hurt?


Today was my 3rd time doing my routine with intervals, with a day off in between walks.  I feel like my breathing is coming easier during the running parts, which is great.  However, my shins hurt.  A lot.  With each step, I just want to stop.  Is this what everyone goes through to become a runner?  I stretch before and after, and periodically throughout the day.  My shins hurt more now than earlier this week.  What should I be doing differently?  I'm super frustrated right now.  

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"We are what we repeatedly do.  Therefore, excellence is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle


Time to make some excellent habits!

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Happens to me too at the beginning (and sometimes after having long breaks from running) it shouldn't be anything to worry about unless the.pain persists after 2-3 days resting and no running.

I'd just say have a break, let your legs recover over the next few days and before you know it your legs will be up and running (no pun intended!) and ready for more (Ialways find that I usually perform better too)

Take care and get some rest! :-)

Sent from my Playbook using Tapatalk

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IntroductionBodyware: Fitness Journal

Challenge Belt: (1)(2)(3)(4), (5), (6), (7), [WOOT](8), [TEMP HIATUS], (9)


Bodyweight Info: Starting: 264.5lbs, Current: 167.8lbs (NEUTRAL)


IronGlider v2.10, Adventurer Rank: Level 8


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To help with the shin splits look at this article  the exercises it lists are for strengthening your legs for barefoot\minimalist running and also can help with shin splints. Shin splints are just part of it, no different that sore arms after lifting. Might try a little heat\ice combo not sure how well heat works but ice helps. Stick with it and you will laugh fondly when other people mention shin splints.

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Level 6 - Scout


Challenges - Lost Diary of a Scout




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Well done on your achievements!! It's great how you put mind over matter and kept going even though you really wanted to stop.

Being able to run a short distance without my lungs burning is a big goal for me too. My biggest hurdle is a psychological one where I don't want to be seen running (body image issues) so I'm gonna have to work on that.

Keep up the good work though. Hope your shins are feeling better.

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Aspiring Dwarf Assassin - Level 0


Previous Challenges: #1*


* failed

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Feeling so dejected right now.


Did my walk/run 3 times last week, with a day off in between.  Between work and letting my shins rest I took 4 days off after that.  Tuesday morning I did my routine again.  Within 6 steps of running the pain was back.  Seemed a little better though so I pushed through and completed my routine.  Took yesterday off.  Today I just tried again and it was absolutely awful.  Did 1 block of running and felt like my legs were going to break every time my feet hit the ground.  Walked some, then when I tried my second block, I could only get through half of it before I just couldn't do it anymore.  I'm so frustrated.  It's not my breathing that's holding me back or my muscles, it's my bones.  They hurt to the touch and I'm getting tired of hurting.  Muscle pain I can handle but this really gets to me.  Didn't even finish my walk.  I really don't know what I'm doing wrong - I thought this would get better but it's only getting worse and it's not like I'm asking my body to do anything crazy or attempting to run every day.  How do I find the balance between pushing through and not feeling like I'm injuring myself?

"We are what we repeatedly do.  Therefore, excellence is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle


Time to make some excellent habits!

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Ok, my new w00t for today is that after posting my last update, I went on chat and got some advice.  Have now found a trail that I'm going to attempt running so that I won't be hitting pavement.  My w00t?  I didn't give up, and how have a modified game plan rather than just quitting. :-)

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"We are what we repeatedly do.  Therefore, excellence is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle


Time to make some excellent habits!

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What kind of shoes are you wearing while you run? Have you visited a good running store to be fitted properly for shoes? Any good running store will let you take strides in the shoes to be sure they fit correctly.  What kind of shoes do you were the rest of the day?


What about your stride? Do you heel strike, land flat footed, or bounce springily off the balls of your feet? Do you do any exercises besides running?


If the pain is that severe you may need to consult a doctor, shin splints is a general term for a lot of calf pain. Aleve can help, since usually its just inflammation and Aleve has a natural anti-inflammatory in it. 

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Level 6 - Scout


Challenges - Lost Diary of a Scout




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I wear New Balance shoes that I got fitted for at their store.  They seem pretty good but since I've never been a runner I really don't know what works or doesn't for me yet.  But they're comfy and no blisters or anything.


For stride, I think I strike heel first.  Would probably need someone to actually evaluate my run.  I had a trainer once do that and she advised that I keep my head up and keep my hips in line as I used to attempt running with my shoulders forward.  Now I try to stand tall and straight.  Other than that I've no idea what my form is like.  The only other exercise I do is walking and ninpo.  I've found that ninpo is good for strengthening my thighs and our ab set definitely makes me feel it the next day, but it's not a lot of cardiovascular exercise on a consistent basis.  Depends on which skills we're working on that day.


I've been icing and that does seem to help.  In chat the general consensus was that if I try running on a softer surface it will help my legs to adjust to running with less pain than pavement.  Not sure if I'll be able to do that this week schedule-wise.  I figure I can walk again Saturday and skip the intervals, then next week I will try the trail and running some. 

"We are what we repeatedly do.  Therefore, excellence is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle


Time to make some excellent habits!

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I actually think trail running is harder, it requires more use of your muscles to keep you in balance since your foot isn't landing on a constant flat surface, at least I think 3 miles on a trail is harder than 3 miles on the sidewalk. Running in more or less flat grass or a rubberized track might not be so bad. If you are heel striking the impact could be causing your pain, without seeing your stride I can't really make any comments on what to do differently but yes leaning forward generally causes you to over stride. 


Is there a non New Balance store in the area? I like my New Balances but they are going to sell you their shoes and they might not be right for you. There is a store close to me called Blue Mile, they have a treadmill, cameras and other crud that they actually recommend you try the shoes out and then you can see your foot falls, stride, etc. The people that work there are all runners as well and I think i spent longer talking about upcoming races than the two pairs of shoes we were buying. I think Fleet Feet is nationwide, not sure if  you are in the US or not, but the one in my town is ok; the staff is pretty knowledgeable. You can always have them fit you and then think about it before you buy anything new, if that's even in the budget for you. Or is there someone who could take a quick video of you running by? That did wonders for my golf swing...and by wonders I mean I just suck less. 


If icing does help hopefully its just some mild inflammation and some Aleve might help it faster, or generic Naproxen. 

Level 6 - Scout


Challenges - Lost Diary of a Scout




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Good ideas about finding a true running store and have them evaluate me.  I will do that once a new pair of shoes are in the budget. As for trail running, I figure it's worth a shot.  My muscles are fine with running, it's the darn bones that hurt - which is what's making this whole thing super frustrating.  There is also an area nearby where I can try running more or less on flat grass, so I can give that a shot too.  Neither one is going to happen until next week so we'll see how I feel then.

"We are what we repeatedly do.  Therefore, excellence is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle


Time to make some excellent habits!

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