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MR_Willes "keeping-momentum" daily Battle-Log

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Recap of the last few days:



  • Workouts
    Crossfit: fantastic strongman workout, will elaborate below
  • Eating:
    the good the bad and the ugly. The good: low on kcal at the end of the day, The bad: super delicious fastfood at lunch, The ugly: made the low kcal cause i didn't eat at dinner.
  • Drinking:
  • Ambassadoring:



  • Workouts
    Nope: got sucked into the computergame again in the morning, and the rest of the day was too busy to squeeze in another workout. I should have done the morning, regrets replaced by determination for tonights workout.
  • Eating:
    Pretty good, with a few exceptions, a had a few cookies in the afternoon, because i shouldn't have eated the first one... and i had a few, how do you call it, drinking munchies? 
  • Drinking:
    check, as in i checked half a case of beer
  • Ambassadoring:


  • Workouts
    Not really, though we did have a pretty good hike, i racked in 20.000 steps at the end of the day with some elevation.
  • Eating:
    Pretty good, for being away with friends... 
  • Drinking:
    because i was feeling bad the first part of the day, i only had 3 beers... One was a spectacularly good Weissen at the restaurant. 
  • Ambassadoring:


  • Workouts
    Nope, not even joined the guys on the hike, as i wanted to play some board games with my niece and a friend.
  • Eating:
    Not too bad when i think of it, dinner wasn't the healthiest, but since i was out of bed quite late i skipped lunch.
  • Drinking:
    Just one beer cause i felt like it.
  • Ambassadoring:






Timecap 35 minutes

3 rounds of:

  • 10m Yoke carry
  • 10m Overhead lunge with dumbbells
  • 5x deadlift

3 rounds of:

  • 10m Yoke carry
  • 10m Overhead lunge with dumbbells
  • 5x pushpress

3 rounds of:

  • 10m Yoke carry
  • 10m Overhead lunge with dumbbells
  • 5x powersnatch

I ended up working my yoke up from 130 to 180 kg

Started the overhead lunges with 2 dumbbells of 10 kg and worked up to 15 kg

deadlift was at 110 kg

pushpress with 50 kg

powersnatch with 35 kg


deadlift was about good

pushpress could have been with 60 kg

powersnatch could have been a bit higher, i think 45 would have been better


We did the workout in 29 minutes.


It was a great workout. I was dripping in sweat but never felt completely out of breath. I did have mucho DOMS in my ass for 2 whole days!


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... a little odd in the head ...

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@iatetheyeti inspired me (even more than usual) today:


On 20-11-2017 at 10:38 PM, iatetheyeti said:

This is not fun. This is not ending the year in a blaze of glory. This is the hard work that needs to be put in, and long overdue hard work at that. There are no more excuses to hide behind.


So from today untill the end of 2017 i'm gonna sneak in an extra 100 reps of a exercise a day. Which should result in doing an extra 4000 reps by the end of the year.


Today i'm aiming for 100 decline pushups, i already did 30 today and will mix some in with the workout tonight.



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... a little odd in the head ...

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  • Workouts
    Went to my sis after work as the kid of her new boyfriend was celebrating her birthday was almost bedtime when we got home. 
  • Eating:
    Pretty good, except for the eveningsnack, cause my sis didn't made enough to eat and i respectfully declined at the dinner table to eat more (cause i saw other people were still hungry)
  • Drinking:
  • Ambassadoring:
    Yes yes


  • Workouts
    Crossfit so write out at the bottom
  • Eating:
    Tried something new, normally i don't eat between dinner and crossfit at the end of the afternoon, and afterwards i'm not very hungry either. So i rolled with it (some sort of IF) but i was so very hungry all this morning that i ate a lot at lunch. But still overall not too bad. Next time i need to add a little to breakfast.
  • Drinking:
  • Ambassadoring:
    Yep, much fun hanging around in everybody's thread!



2 rounds of:

  • 300m row
  • 10 jefferson curls

2 rounds of:

  • 10 hang power clean without jump (just the bar)
  • 15 russian kettlebell swings


  • Backsquat 3x3 (130 KG new PR ding ding ding)


30-20-10 Timecap 15 min.

  • Hang Power clean (40 KG scaled version)
  • V-up

Time: 09:53

  • Like 2

... a little odd in the head ...

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36 minutes ago, Mr_Willes said:

Backsquat 3x3 (130 KG new PR ding ding ding)


1 hour ago, Mr_Willes said:

i'm gonna sneak in an extra 100 reps of a exercise a day

You are now giving me an idea. Not a 100 reps though, but I need to get going again.

  • Like 1

Mrs. Van's Latest Challenge


Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the Lord."

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  • Workouts
  • Eating:
    Seriously, 6 days ago, i got no idea what we ate..
  • Drinking:
  • Ambassadoring:


  • Workouts
    Wife had to work late, so i had to skip CF to take my girl to swimming
  • Eating:
    Wife got some non-home-made lasagna, i was not a fan...
  • Drinking:
    Only one belgian-start-of-the-weekend-waiting-for-daughter-to-finish-swimming-abbey-beer
  • Ambassadoring:


  • Workouts
    I actually went to the early class CF (not even the earliest) and it was delightful!
  • Eating:
    Overall not too bad
  • Drinking:
  • Ambassadoring:


  • Workouts
    Nope, introduction of the new bike-vacation-brochure
  • Eating:
    Had 2 chocolate bolls (it's like an eclair, but round and filled with whipped cream)
  • Drinking:
    On point! 
  • Ambassadoring:


  • Workouts
    Took my son to a an agricultural event. 
  • Eating:
    Not the best of days.
  • Drinking:
    A couple with my FIL and BIL
  • Ambassadoring:
  • Like 3

... a little odd in the head ...

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7 hours ago, Mr_Willes said:

Yesterday morning i pulled a muscle in my neck. I can hardly turn my head, sleeping was murder, waking up every few minutes unable to assume another position without having pain in my neck. Today is not gonna be the best of days.

Can you not maybe see a physio? If they can maybe loosen it a bit? Eish, all the best, it is really difficult.

Mrs. Van's Latest Challenge


Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the Lord."

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15 hours ago, elizevdmerwe said:

Can you not maybe see a physio? If they can maybe loosen it a bit? Eish, all the best, it is really difficult.


I really hate seeing someone. That's the very last resort. It feels better today, so i think i will have lost it in a couple of days. Just gonna be careful the next couple of days.


I'm also in somewhat of a hole. I'm on the edge of getting a cold, feeling lethargic and sniffing and sneezing a lot. It's been 2 weeks since i last lifted at home. Somehow schedule is not working with me and if i don't make a big effort i can't make any CF lessons this week. So i feel like i'm losing grip on the workouts. I need to make a change. Tonight nothing is holding me back. So i'm gonna go in and do Lifting workout at home, and i',m gonna arrange for a CF lesson tomorrow. Somehow i will make this work. Next to that, i told the boys i would be hibernating for some time, but i just need to stop whining and get my butt in line. Don't talk, act!


So next report has to be one of reporting in what i did on the workout!

  • Like 4

... a little odd in the head ...

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As promised, the first lifting workout in 2 weeks, combined with some Mountainclimbers for the mini:



50 mountainclimbers

8 @ 86 kg

50 mountainclimbers

8 @ 86 kg

50 mountainclimbers

8 @ 86 kg

50 mountainclimbers

8 @ 86 kg

50 mountainclimbers

8 @ 86 kg

50 mountainclimbers



50 mountainclimbers

8 @ 52 kg

50 mountainclimbers

8 @ 52 kg

50 mountainclimbers

8 @ 52 kg

50 mountainclimbers

8 @ 52 kg

50 mountainclimbers

8 @ 52 kg

50 mountainclimbers


At first i thought i would have done some Deadlifts after this, but i was quite tired, and it was getting a bit late, and with all the mountainclimbers in between i felt i did enough, especially for getting started again.

  • Like 5

... a little odd in the head ...

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On 11/29/2017 at 9:18 AM, Mr_Willes said:

I really hate seeing someone. That's the very last resort. It feels better today, so i think i will have lost it in a couple of days. Just gonna be careful the next couple of days.

I understand that as I'm basically the same.


Great new start!

  • Like 1

Mrs. Van's Latest Challenge


Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the Lord."

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16 hours ago, Mr_Willes said:

combined with some Mountainclimbers for the mini:

So. many. mountainclimbers...


I'm thinking "some" is probably not the right word to describe that kind of volume

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Intro Thread   Challenge Log   Bodyweight Exercise Library   Recipe Book   Shuffle Club 


Level 2 Ninja

Strength: 13 Intelligence: 14 Wisdom: 6 Dexterity:14 Constitution: 12 Charisma: 11


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On 12/1/2017 at 3:43 AM, WhiteGhost said:

So. many. mountainclimbers...


I'm thinking "some" is probably not the right word to describe that kind of volume


I can be quite stubborn with this sort of thing. I did even more yesterday. Will show below!


7 hours ago, Raxie said:

Ugh that happened to me a few months ago it was AWFUL.  It took me a while to fully recover, have you thought about getting a massage? It really helped me a lot and doesn't really quite fall into the dreaded doctor zone.


It's getting better by the day, but it's still not completely gone. I never done a message, don't know who to contact for it too. It'll get better in time ;) 


Thursday was Crossfit Strongman.


We did some dumbbell burpees and sandbag carrying for warmup.


Strength parth was barbell rows (5x12@40 KG) and Goodmornings (5x12@30 KG).


Last part was log press 5x3 AHAP.


We did 5x3@ 52 KG

Afterwards there was a little time left and i did a log press of 62 KG.


Yesterday was lifting day. I did a workout when the kids were at school in the afternoon. That gives me a window of about 1:15h.


It went something like this:


50 mountainclimbers

set up weights for deadlifts

50 mountainclimbers

Warmup Deadlift

50 mountainclimbers

Deadlift 8 @ 82 KG

50 mountainclimbers

Deadlift 8 @ 82 KG

50 mountainclimbers

Deadlift 8 @ 82 KG

50 mountainclimbers

Deadlift 8 @ 82 KG

50 mountainclimbers

Deadlift 10 @ 82 KG

50 mountainclimbers

Set up weights for Benchpress

50 mountainclimbers

Warmup benchpress

50 mountainclimbers

Benchpress 8 @ 52 KG

50 mountainclimbers

Benchpress 8 @ 52 KG

50 mountainclimbers

Benchpress 8 @ 52 KG

50 mountainclimbers

Benchpress 8 @ 52 KG

50 mountainclimbers

Benchpress 8 @ 52 KG

50 mountainclimbers


For a total of:

42 deadlifts (not included the warmups)

40 benchpresses (not included the warmups)

750 mountainclimbers



  • Like 2
  • Thanks 1

... a little odd in the head ...

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13 hours ago, Mr_Willes said:

It's getting better by the day, but it's still not completely gone. I never done a message, don't know who to contact for it too. It'll get better in time ;) 

Speaking from a lot of experience on this one - a massage will help, a lot, and make recovery quicker, also a lot. I've had my neck be jacked up for weeks before I went for a massage and had it better by the end of the session. And they're really relaxing as well!

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On 2-12-2017 at 7:38 PM, elizevdmerwe said:

Yes, I think she was! Uh and we change our profile pics frequently. We'll just have to ask.


I'm diving into the assassin threads today to figure out who they were, a couple of them are at the tip of my tongue...


On 2-12-2017 at 11:10 PM, maegs said:

Speaking from a lot of experience on this one - a massage will help, a lot, and make recovery quicker, also a lot. I've had my neck be jacked up for weeks before I went for a massage and had it better by the end of the session. And they're really relaxing as well!


I know i really think i would benefit, but it's cumbersome finding out where to go, also it will cost me some and last months we were on quite a tight budget. It's a bit better now but i want to be in this state of mind (keeping tight) for as long as possible. Also the holiday season has taken a big bite out of our budget, and on top of that we are hosting the christmas party AND new years party...


On 3-12-2017 at 3:00 AM, Yasha92 said:





I see you! And glad you are following here. Always nice to have you around!


Sunday and monday were unremarkable days except that on monday i skipped lifting and had a MAJOR snooze!!! I decided on the last minute (just after i took the kids to bed) i wouldn't go lifting because 1. i was cold, and the home gym is about ~5 degrees C at the moment and 2. i was feeling dogtired. So i hit the couch put on some netflix but i think i lasted about 15 minutes, sleeping till the wife was home from cooking class. And just waking up to tell her i was going to bed. Haven't heard her coming to bed, and didn't heard her getting out for work. I had a SOLID sleep.


Trying to get my head around why i feel so tired lately, the only thing i can come up with is the irregularity of the times i go to bed. So as a test i'm gonna try to average that out. I'm gonna try to go to bed around 11 pm. Just as close as possible, even in the weekend. Putting that up with the other goals of the moment.


Tomorrow i will have a free day as tonight our version of Santa Claus will come by. Tomorrow the kids will find a bunch of presents in the living room and they have a day off of school. So i also shifted my free friday for wednesday. We thought (well actually my wife though) it was time for the kids to get their first gameconsole. So i did some research, and i went with the nintendo switch. The NES was my first system right at the same age my oldest is now. So it brings back memories, Santa Claus, Nintendo, Mario etc. I'm very curious how they are gonna react to the bag of presents not being that large this year. But we'll see.

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... a little odd in the head ...

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2 hours ago, Mr_Willes said:

I'm diving into the assassin threads today to figure out who they were, a couple of them are at the tip of my tongue...

From next challenge I'm going to have a look at the mini's. Maybe we two (and the others) can team up, see what we can do, if it is something with teams, or we just challenge each other. I think the Gryffendarlings challenge was such a great success (because you guys were awesome) because we just gave it all we got and just had a lot of fun, and things just clicked. Let's make it click again - in the new year :pirate:


The boys just decided if we ever move, we are moving to your country. They want Santa to come earlier too! Have a happy day.... oh and photos!

Mrs. Van's Latest Challenge


Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the Lord."

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