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Too happy NOT to share :D

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I don't often post Woot!s, but this one is going in here. Below is today's entry from my battle log, and I just feel so damn happy that I cant help myself, I'm posting it up in here too!


Anyone who doesn't know me.... Without the background it probably won't make a lot of sense, just know that I'm a very happy bunny today and wish me well. That's enough for me. :encouragement:


Ps. Sorry about the language. I swear. A lot.




Today was an AWESOME day!!!!!!  :victorious:


Reason no.1

I had my first session with the physiotherapist, which I am seriously excited about! Knowing what I know now, I think it's a disgrace that I was discharged from physiotherapy in March 2012.  I was told at the time that although I was being discharged, I would continue to make progress, and that there was little point in me going to see the physiotherapist on a regular basis.  Can I just say one thing..... WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT!


I've always defended the NHS physios, even though I was bitterly disappointed at being discharged, because THEY TOLD ME that there was little more that they could actually achieve, and that it was down to me to keep on putting in the work to make a recovery.  Blollocks! Utter bollocks! I have worked my ass off for 2 years and I still have serious problems just walking at times.  There is nobody on Earth who could possibly say that I wasn't trying hard enough, and yet I'm still not able to do some pretty basic things. And all the "substantial weaknesses" that the physiotherapist outlined today were definitely evident 2 years ago when the bloody NHS physio told me there was little more she could do. Mind you, I shouldn't be surprised, this is after all the same physiotherapist who gave me acupuncture as a last ditch attempt to treat the pain in my knee and hand.  Yeah, it turns out that acupuncture doesn't treat the pain of having your tendons slowly shredded by steel screws. Bloody idiots. Damn them! Damn them all to Hell!


Sorry, this turned into a little bit of a rant, but it's about to get to the "positive" bit, honest!  :tongue:


Today was the first day of working with Jaqui, and MY GOD she kicked my arse! It's crazy how difficult some of those exercises are, even though they seem so simple. I really feel for the first time that my problems are actually being addressed!  Someone actually understood what I was saying was wrong, and not only that, she thinks she can actually fix it!!!!!  Her words - "This is good. You can perform the movements, albeit poorly and with difficulty, but if the movement is there it means we can improve it and I think you will see some significant improvements"  Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod!!!!!! Yaaaayyyyy!!!!!!  :victorious:


I could have cried, or kissed her, or both!  ;)



Reason no.2

Today I rode my bike. (the SV650) Not "into town". Not "out for a quick spin". Not "just down the road".  I rode to FREAKING INVERNESS BABY!!!!!!!!!


That's 60 miles away, which on these roads is a good hour and a half - two hours ride. Each way!  Wooohoooooo!!!!!!  The furthest I've ridden since my accident is probably 25 miles, and let me tell you, it was agony after about 20. Today I rode 60 miles without any problem.  Last year I genuine thought I was going to have to give up on being able to ride again, it just seemed so implausible that I would would ever manage to overcome the physical discomfort of sitting on a bike, let alone have the concentration to be able to ride safely. I still had a few moments where I didn't have the confidence that I used to have, I wasn't quite as errr....enthusiastic going in to some of the corners as I would have been in the past, but I was enthusiastic enough that my F-in-law  felt the need to tell me off for going too fast, lol!


I had such fun today, it really felt good. I wasn't just riding my bike, I was enjoying riding my bike. I was able to let go and just have fun and play around with it.  You have no idea how much this means to me, and I just can't put it down in words.  So much of my identity was taken away from me when I had my accident.  Before then I was this tough girl who prided herself on being "as good as any man". I did physical work that most girls would run a mile from, I hiked and camped, I restored and repaired motorbikes, I would get stuck in to anything. I was intelligent, hard working, confident, strong, independent, I was a woman, a lover, a home-maker. Then Bam! I was none of those things.


I was weak, sick, had to be looked after. I had nothing else to define myself by. I wasn't the girl who would tackle anything, I couldn't hike, or camp, or ride a bike.  I wasn't intelligent, or hard working, or confident.  I wasn't a home-maker, a lover, I wasn't fun and entertaining, the life and soul of the party. I was nothing. The accident took all of that away from me.


I've claimed a lot of it back, bit by bit. But today was the first time that I can honestly say I felt like the person I was before the accident. Or at least, I felt that I'm on the verge of being the person I was before the accident. Wait....Hell no! SCRAP THAT! I am on the verge of being BETTER than I was before the accident. I am sure that I will be able to live my life, properly, without all this pain once Jaqui's finished with me, and there was NO WAY could I squat 40kg and deadlift my bodyweight before this happened, so I will be EVEN MORE AWESOME than I was before!


Sorry, I know I'm blowing my own horn here, but today I FUCKING EARNED that right. I really feel like today might be the First Day of the Rest Of My Life.  :D


  • Like 19

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Hey! What do you think this subforum is for? It's for tooting your goddamn horn! So fucking toot it, because you have earned it! That's so awesome. There's so much awesome in this post I can't even begin to mention it, so I'll leave you with this: I live in California, which happens to have a town called Inverness. It's named after the one in Scotland, which is the one I'm guessing you rode to. Anyway, knowing you live in the UK, I was like, "I think that would take more than a day on a bike." And then you mentioned that it's a 120 mile round trip, and I was like, "She did that in a day? Shit. I have work to do."

  • Like 3

I translate things into Latin. Send me a pm.

| Human Flag | One-arm Chinup | | 20 Bar Muscle-ups | | 225 Press | | 365lb Front Squat | | 515lb Deadlift | | Freestanding HSPU | | Gain 15lb | 

Battle Log

It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question and he'll look for his own answers.

Anyone can love a thing because. That's as easy as putting a penny in your pocket. But to love something despite. To know the flaws and love them too. That is rare and pure and perfect.

We understand how dangerous a mask can be. We all become what we pretend to be.   - Patrick Rothfuss

Gain 15lbs

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Bawhahahaha!  Christ-Tien Jinn - I'm stealing that meme! It's mine now ;)


Thanks everyone! I'm on Cloud Happy right now, and nothing could bring me down. Woot woot!

  • Like 1

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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This sounds like it was a really awesome day! I've never been on a motorcycle before out of fear of getting into an accident, so the fact that you did it again AFTER an accident proves that you more balls than I do....Lady balls of course.... :rolleyes-new:


Ovaries of steel.

  • Like 4

I translate things into Latin. Send me a pm.

| Human Flag | One-arm Chinup | | 20 Bar Muscle-ups | | 225 Press | | 365lb Front Squat | | 515lb Deadlift | | Freestanding HSPU | | Gain 15lb | 

Battle Log

It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question and he'll look for his own answers.

Anyone can love a thing because. That's as easy as putting a penny in your pocket. But to love something despite. To know the flaws and love them too. That is rare and pure and perfect.

We understand how dangerous a mask can be. We all become what we pretend to be.   - Patrick Rothfuss

Gain 15lbs

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Thanks guys! Seriously, I can't tell you all just how much all of you, and the support you've given me, mean to me.  I really don't think I would be where I am now without all of you cheering me on.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you. :love_heart:


(God I suck at trying to express this stuff, sorry)

  • Like 3

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Congrats to you my dear!  You have earned this, and you deserve this, and I can't wait until you toot your horn again...because that will happen!

  • Like 1

Personal Stats: (
About Me)
Start Weight: 279.6    Current Weight: 270.1    Goal Weight: 220.0


Challenge History: Lvl 1 Rebel, PvP, Lvl 2 Warrior, Lvl 3 Warrior


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You go girl! Awesome job! You toot that horn, and you toot it loud, you totally deserve it!!!

  • Like 1

"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

Current challenge

Old Challenges: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th9th, 10th11th, 12th, 13th, 14th

Forum Battle Log

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Fecking YES! Go Guzzi!!

  • Like 1

Sarah Barr - Level 13 Warhobbit

STR 18 | DEX 7 | STA 17 | CON 38 | WIS 28 | CHA 12

 Challenges:  1   2   3   4   5   6   7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19 20  21  22  23  24  25 (Current)

Accountabiddlydoodlies Group                 Current Weight: 106.1kg                      Recipe Book               

"I hold... that a man should strive to the uttermost for his life's set prize" - Robert Browning

Instagram (Things I have painted or made.)

To-Do List
Idiot Jar Limit: £5.00        Current Idiot Jar Total: £0.00     Current Idiot Jar Forfeit: [TBD].

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Get in mate! We have a phrase were I come from, 'kick it in the dick'. You well and truly kicked it in the dick today.


Iv got a 9 hour coach trip to Inverness at the end of June. Wish me luck.

Level 1 Human Warrior

(STR) - 3

(DEX) - 1

(STA) - 0

(CON) - 2

(WIS) - 2

(CHA) - 2

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ROCK ON GIRL, Steppenwolf wrote a song about you and it was called Born to be wild.

Congrats to you my dear!  You have earned this, and you deserve this, and I can't wait until you toot your horn again...because that will happen!

You go girl! Awesome job! You toot that horn, and you toot it loud, you totally deserve it!!!

W00t! indeed.  Happy for you Guzzi.  Keep it up!

Fecking YES! Go Guzzi!!


Thanks so much guys!  That's it official..... 2014 is going to be AWESOME! I own this shit, woot woot!


Get in mate! We have a phrase were I come from, 'kick it in the dick'. You well and truly kicked it in the dick today.


Iv got a 9 hour coach trip to Inverness at the end of June. Wish me luck.


What's this...? A Brit I didn't know about, how'd you slip by me unnoticed? 9 hours on a coach, dear God! What did you do in a former life to deserve that? ;)

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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I am grinning like a goof and laughing out loud when reading your story, Guzzi,

and all the awesome the replies are sprouting out!


This kicking-arse-thing is contagious.

"There is beauty in hardship / There are poems in grief" -Assemblage 23, Damaged

| STR:2.25 | DEX:2.25 | STA:2 | CON:1.25 | CHA:3.25 | WIS:7 | A place I will collect my woots - if I remember

Challenges | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |  6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 15.115.2 |

Milythaels'  HOoRAY for which I am grateful | Today, right now, I am alive. And that is good.

It is amazing the power of those small gestures of love and kindness have on our lives. <3 - Liberator

"I myself am made entirely of flaws, stiched together with good intentions." - Augusten Burroughs, Magical thinking:True stories

"Pick up the pieces and keep going, one painfully slow step at a time." Hiraedd the twice-risen, hamadryad. 

"Spread love and understanding. Use force if necessary." - Leon Trotsky

"Let me think about the people I care about the most, and when they fail or disappoint me, I still love them, I still give them chances, and I still see the best in them. Let me extend that generosity to myself." zefrank1, An Invocation for Beginnings

"I don't feel guilty for wanting. That's like being mad because you have to breathe or pee. It just is." Someone in Reddit

"If you do strange things, strange things will happen!"

"That's it! Now go make something beautiful." -Jake Parker


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