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I'm Kate and I'm from Germany. My nick is the name of one of my DSA characters for P&P. I started with fitness in October 2014. Since then I've been tracking my progress with fitocracy. Before I only tried to change my diet and always failed after a few months. Since October I didn't have another diet. I tried to improve my eating habits and started to working out more or less regularly. Especially on holidays or during learning time I tend to drop my workouts. Luckily I don't want to drop that much weight. About 10 pounds or so. (5kg)


I like fencing with historical swords.

I enjoyed fire spinning.

I love to take a long walk and recently I found cycling very enjoyable.


My hobbies are gaming, reading, role-playing and other nerdy stuff.


I'm still trying to find out, where to start here. I began writing my own fitness journal offline and took a before picture. I also took my measurements, because the scale seems to be funny.


Looking forward socializing with some of you guys. Have a nice day.




edit: Corrected some errors.

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level 12 Hobbit Monk (respawned September 2016)
STR 4 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | STA 15 | WIS 33 | CHA 24 | Halfling | Newbie | Fencer and Bookworm

Introduction | Character | Daily Battle Log | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | | 10 | 11 | 12# | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | #### | 17 | Current Challenge


 I'm exercising, because I want to get my stamina and strength. I enjoy medieevil swordmanship,  Tai Chi, yoga, aikido and fire spinning. I'm also a roleplaying nerd and a book worm. Let's fight the procrastination dragon!

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I'm playing DSA (Das schwarze Auge) and Opus Anima regularly. And I've tried Los Muertos, Rats and Prinzipium (which are relatively unknown). DSA is an Fantasy Adventure as well. But the rules are different from DnD and the books are published in German. Opus Anima plays in a Steam Punk setting and can easily played as Mystery Adventure with criminal aspects. In a side book you can play as detective team, who solve mysterious incidents.


I can't really help you with DnD, but we could brainstorm, if you haven't created a character yet. :)


Today we are playing DSA again and I prepared some healthy snacks. Hopefully they'll keep me from the junk food.

level 12 Hobbit Monk (respawned September 2016)
STR 4 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | STA 15 | WIS 33 | CHA 24 | Halfling | Newbie | Fencer and Bookworm

Introduction | Character | Daily Battle Log | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | | 10 | 11 | 12# | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | #### | 17 | Current Challenge


 I'm exercising, because I want to get my stamina and strength. I enjoy medieevil swordmanship,  Tai Chi, yoga, aikido and fire spinning. I'm also a roleplaying nerd and a book worm. Let's fight the procrastination dragon!

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I'm playing DSA (Das schwarze Auge) and Opus Anima regulary. And I've tried Los Muertos, Rats and Prinzipium (which are relativly unknown). DSA is an Fantasy Adventure as well. But the rules are different from DnD and the books are published in German. Opus Anima plays in a Steam Punk setting and can easily played as Mystery Adventure with criminal aspects. In a sidebook you can play as dedective team, who solve mysterious incidents.

I can't really help you with DnD, but we could brainstorm, if you haven't created a character yet. :)

Today we are playing DSA again and I prepared some healthy snacks. Hopefully they'll keepme from the junk food.

Cool, il send you a mesage if I need some brainstorming help. :)

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Yay RPG folks!


Welcome welcome!

Half-Ork Scout Leader
Running PRs : 5K 24m16s | 10K 53m32s | 15K 1h18m09s | Half Marathon 2h1m44s | Marathon 4h42m2s 
Past Challenges #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13  #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22
                               #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #35 #36 #37 #38 #39 #40
Current Challenge Don't Call It A Comeback

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Thank you, for the warm welcome! I'm trying to set up my thread for the Beginner's challenge at the moment and I'm updating my fitness journal. I'm still not sure, which profession to chose, but I'm eying with the assassins. Wow, I have so many goals. It's hard to pick one.

level 12 Hobbit Monk (respawned September 2016)
STR 4 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | STA 15 | WIS 33 | CHA 24 | Halfling | Newbie | Fencer and Bookworm

Introduction | Character | Daily Battle Log | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | | 10 | 11 | 12# | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | #### | 17 | Current Challenge


 I'm exercising, because I want to get my stamina and strength. I enjoy medieevil swordmanship,  Tai Chi, yoga, aikido and fire spinning. I'm also a roleplaying nerd and a book worm. Let's fight the procrastination dragon!

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@Thin Guy Majig

Jeah, my herold is hot blooded and kick ass. She is from Almada, which is like Spain compared to real countrys. But I don't want to go into detail, when you don't know anything about DSA. Don't want to get you borred with me babbling on ^^


Yes, I finished mine. You can find the link in my signature. Do you need help adjusting your goals? I used this description to optimize mine. http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/60788-campus-tours/?p=1389772


At the moment I try to figure out what guild I belong to. And I didn't find an accountabillitybuddy group, that suits me. Perhaps I'll create my own group next week.

level 12 Hobbit Monk (respawned September 2016)
STR 4 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | STA 15 | WIS 33 | CHA 24 | Halfling | Newbie | Fencer and Bookworm

Introduction | Character | Daily Battle Log | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | | 10 | 11 | 12# | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | #### | 17 | Current Challenge


 I'm exercising, because I want to get my stamina and strength. I enjoy medieevil swordmanship,  Tai Chi, yoga, aikido and fire spinning. I'm also a roleplaying nerd and a book worm. Let's fight the procrastination dragon!

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A little something about me:

I'm really into zombies at the moment. I'm also reading the Zombie survival guide and use the "Zombies, Run!" app for my walking routine. Perhaps I'll be able to learn running with the app some day ^^ I don't know what I like about this scenary. Perhaps it's because of the charakters, who have to improve themselves to survive and the apocalypse scenario.

I liked:

  • World War Z (realy a good movie)
  • Night of the Living Dead
  • Tales from the Crypt
  • Zombieland
  • Shawn of the Dead
  • Wasted Away (so funny!)
  • Highschool of the Dead
  • Evil Dead
  • The first three playstation games of Resident Evil (I'm looking forward to the remake, although I want be able to play it myself.)
I don't like:
  • The walking Dead (sorry...I even have the Telltale game, but I couldn't find my way into it.)
  • Being Human
  • The Resident Evil movies (Really I don't understand it, because I really enjoyed the first three games for the play station.)

level 12 Hobbit Monk (respawned September 2016)
STR 4 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | STA 15 | WIS 33 | CHA 24 | Halfling | Newbie | Fencer and Bookworm

Introduction | Character | Daily Battle Log | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | | 10 | 11 | 12# | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | #### | 17 | Current Challenge


 I'm exercising, because I want to get my stamina and strength. I enjoy medieevil swordmanship,  Tai Chi, yoga, aikido and fire spinning. I'm also a roleplaying nerd and a book worm. Let's fight the procrastination dragon!

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I was asked, how I discovered swordsmanship for myself. Because that's a longer story and doesn't belong in another challenger's thread, I'll answer this question here.


I was a fan of the Renaissance fair for a long time. My ex-boyfriend was part of a fire spinning group and first I started to learn spinning a staff. That's something like a metal stick with wicking material attached on both ends. It was real fun to hang around with the guys and I was helping them with the light and music for their shows. I'm getting to nervous while standing in front of too many people, so I only tried to performance for myself once - and burned my hair a little. After this incidence I trained less with fire. I was still training to spiral my staff, but somehow I didn't want to light it. And then I broke up with my former boyfriend and lost contact to the group. So that was my fire spinning career.


On a meet up of a forum I met a group of nerds, who liked to practice swordsmanship and they let me train with them. I had so much fun and even participated in a little show. My boyfriend is part of this little group. The members are from all around Germany and one is even living in Iceland now, so we only meet up twice a year. In August there is the next meet up and I want to practice a lot until than to match up with them again.


One and a half a year later I found my sword on a Renaissance fair around Christmas. I had to get it. I was enjoying fighting with a heavy dagger from a friend and once I got myself a seax, but somehow it wasn't the right thing. Than I picked up this short (the blade is 60cm) and heavy (1,2-1,5 kg my scale isn't very accurate) sword and felt in love on first sight. :) I wanted a heavy sword, because I like to feel the metal. Also I think it's easier for blocking. And also it has a big hilt. My seax didn't have any hilt and it wasn't any good for swordfight.  I sold it again after half a year and was very happy when it was used during an historical wedding.


My boyfriend's swords are longer than my sword. He has a Bastardsword/Anderthalbhänder, a Viking sword and something like a short sword. I really don't know what the correct term is. One day I want to be able to be fast enough to stand a fight against his Anderthalbhänder. The blade is 110 cm. That is 50 cm longer than my sword. So I have to be really quick and get into his back. Because he has longer arms than me. But I'm shorter and so I'll just have to keep my head low, I think ^^ I'm a real Halfling.


Links I found interesting to read:

http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_Schwerttypen --> I found out, my sword is an arming sword/knightly sword. In German you called it "Breitschwert". I think this name is really cool.






level 12 Hobbit Monk (respawned September 2016)
STR 4 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | STA 15 | WIS 33 | CHA 24 | Halfling | Newbie | Fencer and Bookworm

Introduction | Character | Daily Battle Log | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | | 10 | 11 | 12# | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | #### | 17 | Current Challenge


 I'm exercising, because I want to get my stamina and strength. I enjoy medieevil swordmanship,  Tai Chi, yoga, aikido and fire spinning. I'm also a roleplaying nerd and a book worm. Let's fight the procrastination dragon!

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