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On 23/03/2017 at 0:15 AM, turboseize said:

Because.... errr... reasons. Nobody in the West really knows. All we know is that the Easterner will take any opportunity do undress. Perhaps that is a commie thing. Did they not have enough clothes for everybody? :D
Jokes aside, for whatever reasons eastern Germans seem to be a bit more comfortable with nudity then westerners, and FKK was and still is much more popular in the east than the west. 
When I spent six months in Dresden during my stay at military academy, I used to hang out with a bunch of car guys (and girls). Guess what happened friday afternoon? Everybody met at the garage yard, the grill burned, and the clothes started to come off... Yes, the girls would run around in bikinis. Sometimes topless. While working on their cars. (But then, why not? The guys would also not wear shirts... and eastern german women are modern, emancipated and liberal, so why shouldn't they do the same?).
 While the guys in the video are a bit cheesy, the girl is more or less authentic. More or less... 
(Also, every female in eastern Germany colours her hair in strange colours, either whole or just streaks. And all females born in the GDR my mage or younger share three names: either Mandy, Sandy or Nancy. Yeah, cheap stereotypes... but when they just happen to be true? B))

I spent some time in Leipzig and, err, none of this happened...  it was some

time ago, perhaps I should go back?

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On 23/03/2017 at 0:17 AM, Sloth the Enduring said:

3/22/17 Wednesday


Not much to report.  I went to McDonalds on the way to circus because of dietary boredom. It was anything but fast.  I enjoyed my salty burger though. The school district is really uptight about liability these days. I have some school-purchased power tools in my room that I'm no longer allowed to use with students. I also can't go to Home Depot to pick up a lumber donation because if a 2X4 fell on my head they don't want it to be a work-related injury. 


Training: 5X10/10 KB swings at 16kg, 3 rounds shovelglove, meant to do a little Yoga as a cool down, but the kids kept interrupting. 

Eating: Sort of; I didn't eat any IBS triggers, but I can't call eating McDonalds on point even if I swapped fries for a salad. 

Spending: Accts balanced, I bought dog food, a few pounds of nails for a school project, and McDonalds. 

Sorry I'm not following that closely but sounds like you've had some good wins recently with sleep, school, and balancing your accounts :-).  Are you still planning on moving your workouts back to the mornings?

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On March 22, 2017 at 7:15 PM, turboseize said:

Because.... errr... reasons. Nobody in the West really knows. All we know is that the Easterner will take any opportunity do undress. Perhaps that is a commie thing. Did they not have enough clothes for everybody? :D
Jokes aside, for whatever reasons eastern Germans seem to be a bit more comfortable with nudity then westerners, and FKK was and still is much more popular in the east than the west. 
When I spent six months in Dresden during my stay at military academy, I used to hang out with a bunch of car guys (and girls). Guess what happened friday afternoon? Everybody met at the garage yard, the grill burned, and the clothes started to come off... Yes, the girls would run around in bikinis. Sometimes topless. While working on their cars. (But then, why not? The guys would also not wear shirts... and eastern german women are modern, emancipated and liberal, so why shouldn't they do the same?).
 While the guys in the video are a bit cheesy, the girl is more or less authentic. More or less... 
(Also, every female in eastern Germany colours her hair in strange colours, either whole or just streaks. And all females born in the GDR my mage or younger share three names: either Mandy, Sandy or Nancy. Yeah, cheap stereotypes... but when they just happen to be true? B))


They sound like fun people; I thought every German woman, except perhaps  Angela Merkel, dyed their hair odd colors. Us 'Merican's are far too uptight about clothing. The missus is embarrassed when I walk the dog shirtless. 


On March 23, 2017 at 1:32 AM, elizevdmerwe said:

No, Afrikaans is only a small part of the languages, but someone will speak and understand it everywhere. The Cape Provinces are more specifically Afrikaans, especially the Maleiers, and then up in the northern part of the country. English is also everywhere, but especially here in KwaZulu-Natal province where we live. Then there are about 9 African languages. We have 11 official languages with English and 1x African language compulsory, and in some areas, Afrikaans too. It is why we are called a rainbow nation. Basically 11 different races make up the population of South Africa.


There's so much I don't know about the rest of the world.  I thought SA was Zulu, Afrikaans, and Indian.  



On March 24, 2017 at 1:51 AM, elizevdmerwe said:

That would be an interesting conversation to try and follow. Down here it would go something like this (in the languages I know a little bit of):

  Reveal hidden contents


"Dumela" (N.Sotho for good morning to one person) There is a different word to use for more than one person.

"Sawubona" (Zulu for good morning to one person) ^^same

"Good morning"

"Buenos dias"


"Wena o kae?" (How are you doing? to one person)

"How are you doing?"

"Si, si... no entiendo...? :ambivalence:"


"Ke a le boga. Sala gabotse." (thank you and stay well) Different word to use if the person walks away from you, to if the person are staying and you go away.

"Hamba kaghle" (stay well in Zulu) ^^same

"Good bye"

"Oraron por mi?" (Google translate for Spanish. I only know some words from Dora and that little builder guy :P ).



I heard that the tea and coffee making rituals are big up in Africa. Personally we love Kenyan coffee beans. Wow! You got a legitimate/good/innocent Nigerian?! Shame there are a lot of good Nigerians, but the people seem to be known either for money scams or drug/people trafficking, especially here. You should try for an Angolan priest, they might know more Spanish :D I think your two priests would probably understand some of our languages down here though. And then there is of course "Fanigalo". A native language which is sort of made up of bits and pieces of all the languages, but are also different. Most people pick that up when they grow up on a farm.


I've worked with a few Nigerian men.  They were some of the most honest, decent people I've ever met. 


On March 25, 2017 at 8:38 AM, DJtrippyT said:


The A-team understands the importance of knowing a second language



I agree with this assessment. Xena's on to something.




Hah.  Cake stealing in no way can be construed as flirting.


That video is awesome. 


On March 27, 2017 at 3:28 AM, Bearlee said:

Glad to hear you're getting your mojo back. I know last year was a hard class. Hope you are able to get your workout schedule figured out. You got some races coming up soon don't you? Did the training run ever happen?


This year is hard too.  The vast majority of the class is really good, but the hard kids are some of the hardest I've ever taught. I'm flip-flopping a bit on the schedule trying to fit workouts in.  I really need to get back on a solid schedule. Hammer race is April 8 and no I haven't run yet. 


9 hours ago, shaar said:


Thoughts?  Opinions?  Non-pasta-eating minds need to know! :)


Red lentil Pasta?  I thought it tasted like dried-out left-over noodles, but Mrs. Sloth, who qualifies as a foodie, really liked them. So far my favorite pasta substitute is spaghetti squash. 


4 hours ago, LouCarJo said:

I spent some time in Leipzig and, err, none of this happened...  it was some

time ago, perhaps I should go back?


I want to go now. Step-Sloth spent most of a year in Germany and he didn't tell me about any of this.  Of course he spent most of his time watching The Simpsons in German. 


4 hours ago, LouCarJo said:

Sorry I'm not following that closely but sounds like you've had some good wins recently with sleep, school, and balancing your accounts :-).  Are you still planning on moving your workouts back to the mornings?



Honestly, I haven't been following that closely either. 

Sleep is great; it's made my whole life better.

Food is back sliding. 

School is shaky, but has potential. 

Money is also going well, but not spending money is boring compared to buying interesting things. 

Spring break is next week.  I do morning workouts then and when we go back to school I'll go back to stupid-early workouts. 

  • Like 6

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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It's been a while since I updated. Friday was an especially crappy day at school. It put my brain in a weekend-long downward spiral. I spent a big chunk of Saturday researching the job market. It doesn't look promising unless I could afford a big pay cut. I like the idea of becoming an RN, but again, I can't afford to quit work to go back to school.


I didn't train over the weekend.

At some point I went back to morning sweets. At this amount the sugar makes me gassy, but doesn't trigger IBS. Mrs. Sloth would like me to quit the sugar again. :)

Except for petty cash I didn't spend anything. I was researching faster wheels for my road bike, but I decided to hold off on them. Maybe if something nice comes up on the used market.


Monday - getting my brain back on track. It was another hard day (pajama day, plus the impending doom of spring break), but I was able to roll with it.

Training: ~20 mile bike ride outside, it was glorious.

Eating: no, candy bar breakfast.

Spending: none, Accts balanced.


Tuesday- brain is back in a good place, school was hard, but went well. My computer lab was taken over by standardized testing without warning. Had I known I would have used a plan B, instead we went out side for the hour. It was gorgeous out. My students played with a class from a local preschool. It was very sweet.

Training: no. The kids wanted to walk the dogs and then reminded me that I said we'd bike for ice cream on the first nice day that we didn't have circus. That took up my time. I guess I did ride 7 miles at a 7 year old's pace.

Eating: no, candy bar breakfast.

Spending: no spending, accts balanced.

  • Like 7

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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14 hours ago, LouCarJo said:

I spent some time in Leipzig and, err, none of this happened...  it was some

time ago, perhaps I should go back?


That was in 2006. Should also qualify as "some time ago"... The reason for our different experiences might have been you. Or me.  :D
I might have exaggerated a bit. Of course, nobody will strip down in public. In informal, recreational settings, things will be much more relaxed. Like, as in my anecdote, a former industrial compound, divided into several lots and rented out to a few communities of car enthisasts, with basically everyone inside this compound knowing each other or (in my case) being invited in by some insiders... so NO strangers around. 

9 hours ago, Sloth the Enduring said:


They sound like fun people; I thought every German woman, except perhaps  Angela Merkel, dyed their hair odd colors. Us 'Merican's are far too uptight about clothing. The missus is embarrassed when I walk the dog shirtless. 



Even Angela Merkel's clothing style changes drastically in her private life. (Click on your own risk!) :beaten:

I've never been to the states, but from what one can read or watch online, I would also have the impression of americans being rather prudish. Americans I've met in Europe typically fell into one of two factions: either a bit prudish and shy, or going completely crazy (as if they had to compensate for something).

Regarding clothing, it all depends on the situation. It would never come to my mind to walk a dog shirtless around where I live, in (formerly) mundane Charlottenburg. But walking your dog or mowing your lawn or doing some repairs to the house shirtless is appropriate in rural settings. You would not see someone mowing their front lawn shirtless in the rather affluent suburbs of Zehlendorf or Grunewald*, but what happens in the garden behind the house, not visible from the street, is a completely different matter. As is sunbathing in public parks. Or swimming at a nearby lake/river... 


I've worked with a few Nigerian men.  They were some of the most honest, decent people I've ever met. 


A certain percentage of people are assholes. Then there is a (far greater) percentage of people acting like assholes, when they feel circumstances force them to do so.
All these tend to be evenly distributed across populations. Most people will be nice, most of the time. Should really not come as a surprise.


I want to go now. 


Just do it. 

http://www.germany.travel/en/index.html B)

(And in case you want to extend your stay... there are quite a few american schools in Germany, for example http://jfks.de/jobs/ )


Sleep is great; it's made my whole life better.


Money is also going well, but not spending money is boring compared to buying interesting things. 


* Admittedly, all these are west Berlin burroughs, so technically western Germany, but you get the point.

  • Like 1

Rowing, rucking, running, lifting heavy stuff. Why not do it all?

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4 hours ago, turboseize said:


That was in 2006. Should also qualify as "some time ago"... The reason for our different experiences might have been you. Or me.  :D
I might have exaggerated a bit. Of course, nobody will strip down in public. In informal, recreational settings, things will be much more relaxed. Like, as in my anecdote, a former industrial compound, divided into several lots and rented out to a few communities of car enthisasts, with basically everyone inside this compound knowing each other or (in my case) being invited in by some insiders... so NO strangers around. 



Even Angela Merkel's clothing style changes drastically in her private life. (Click on your own risk!) :beaten:

I've never been to the states, but from what one can read or watch online, I would also have the impression of americans being rather prudish. Americans I've met in Europe typically fell into one of two factions: either a bit prudish and shy, or going completely crazy (as if they had to compensate for something).

Regarding clothing, it all depends on the situation. It would never come to my mind to walk a dog shirtless around where I live, in (formerly) mundane Charlottenburg. But walking your dog or mowing your lawn or doing some repairs to the house shirtless is appropriate in rural settings. You would not see someone mowing their front lawn shirtless in the rather affluent suburbs of Zehlendorf or Grunewald*, but what happens in the garden behind the house, not visible from the street, is a completely different matter. As is sunbathing in public parks. Or swimming at a nearby lake/river... 



A certain percentage of people are assholes. Then there is a (far greater) percentage of people acting like assholes, when they feel circumstances force them to do so.
All these tend to be evenly distributed across populations. Most people will be nice, most of the time. Should really not come as a surprise.





Just do it. 

http://www.germany.travel/en/index.html B)

(And in case you want to extend your stay... there are quite a few american schools in Germany, for example http://jfks.de/jobs/ )





* Admittedly, all these are west Berlin burroughs, so technically western Germany, but you get the point.

Sadly my some time ago was 1999/2000.  Also known as just yesterday.

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14 hours ago, Elastigirl said:

Glad you are back in a good space, sorry that Friday was so tough.




13 hours ago, EricMN said:

I'm glad you're rebounding from a weekend of bad headspace.


Thanks.  I really just need to pull my head out and keep it out.


13 hours ago, Tanktimus the Encourager said:

Good to see you talking happily about biking again. All that sleep might help if you're not careful.


Could be.  There are worse things I suppose. 


Biking always makes me happy.  I was too wimpy this winter about riding outside. 


6 hours ago, turboseize said:


That was in 2006. Should also qualify as "some time ago"... The reason for our different experiences might have been you. Or me.  :D
I might have exaggerated a bit. Of course, nobody will strip down in public. In informal, recreational settings, things will be much more relaxed. Like, as in my anecdote, a former industrial compound, divided into several lots and rented out to a few communities of car enthisasts, with basically everyone inside this compound knowing each other or (in my case) being invited in by some insiders... so NO strangers around. 



Even Angela Merkel's clothing style changes drastically in her private life. (Click on your own risk!) :beaten:

I've never been to the states, but from what one can read or watch online, I would also have the impression of americans being rather prudish. Americans I've met in Europe typically fell into one of two factions: either a bit prudish and shy, or going completely crazy (as if they had to compensate for something).

Regarding clothing, it all depends on the situation. It would never come to my mind to walk a dog shirtless around where I live, in (formerly) mundane Charlottenburg. But walking your dog or mowing your lawn or doing some repairs to the house shirtless is appropriate in rural settings. You would not see someone mowing their front lawn shirtless in the rather affluent suburbs of Zehlendorf or Grunewald*, but what happens in the garden behind the house, not visible from the street, is a completely different matter. As is sunbathing in public parks. Or swimming at a nearby lake/river... 



A certain percentage of people are assholes. Then there is a (far greater) percentage of people acting like assholes, when they feel circumstances force them to do so.
All these tend to be evenly distributed across populations. Most people will be nice, most of the time. Should really not come as a surprise.





Just do it. 

http://www.germany.travel/en/index.html B)

(And in case you want to extend your stay... there are quite a few american schools in Germany, for example http://jfks.de/jobs/ )





* Admittedly, all these are west Berlin burroughs, so technically western Germany, but you get the point.


Oh jeez, I shouldn't have clicked on that link. 


I walk the dog in the evening.  I guess I'd feel awkward walking down the street shirtless in broad daylight although I do mow the lawn and what-not in my yard wearing only shorts. 

  • Like 3

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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3/29/17 Wednesday


A good day so far.  The students are taking a final exam. Later I'll take my kids to circus class. 


Training: DDPYoga- Red Hot Core

4X15/15 KB swings @ 16kg

3 rounds shovelglove 15/15 @ 16lbs

3X10/10 forward/reverse lunges @ 16lbs. 

Eating: no candy bar.  I'm starting to have IBS effects. :(. I thought I had found a low-consumption loophole in the no-sugar thing. 

Spending: I bought spaghetti noodles, marshmallows, and masking tape for a school project.  Also 3 bottles of kombucha for slothbelly. Accts balanced. 

  • Like 6

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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On 3/28/2017 at 8:41 PM, Sloth the Enduring said:


Hah.  Cake stealing in no way can be construed as flirting.


I feel a better way to approach it would be, "Ooooooh look at all your frosting. Mine has extra cake - we should share!" rather than just a blatant cake-snatching, but not everyone's as smooth as I am.

  • Like 2

                                        the year of living trippily

                                      Final Boss, Part 2    Boss, Part 1  Previous:    Adult Content

    Brain Weasels    Choose Your Own Adventure Woman of Mystery -   Worth i Simplicity     



                                     Take it Outside II

                                             Take it Outside

                                    Even More Current: 52 Days

                                    Currently Current: 100 Days

                               Current: Queen 2: Electric Boogaloo

                                            Queen of the Jungle

                              THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE CHALLENGE

                                      Apart six: Amazon  (part 5)

                                        (part 3: The Wickening)

                                               (part 2) (part 1)


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On 3/29/2017 at 7:00 AM, turboseize said:

Even Angela Merkel's clothing style changes drastically in her private life. (Click on your own risk!) :beaten:

On 3/29/2017 at 1:44 PM, Sloth the Enduring said:

Oh jeez, I shouldn't have clicked on that link. 


I dunno, based on the warning I thought it was going to be much more risque... which probably says more about me than anything else :D 

  • Like 2
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On March 30, 2017 at 8:18 AM, Fonzico said:

Nature's candy!


On March 30, 2017 at 9:09 AM, elizevdmerwe said:

Youngest does used to do that, so ... it's normal? :P


On March 30, 2017 at 4:28 PM, EricMN said:

With apples makes it a balanced snack.


Nothing wrong with with apples and peanut butter, it's one of my staples these days, but I didn't need half-a-cup's worth of calories. 


On March 30, 2017 at 10:43 AM, DJtrippyT said:


I feel a better way to approach it would be, "Ooooooh look at all your frosting. Mine has extra cake - we should share!" rather than just a blatant cake-snatching, but not everyone's as smooth as I am.


This is is how I envision you now:



On March 30, 2017 at 9:45 PM, maegs said:


I dunno, based on the warning I thought it was going to be much more risque... which probably says more about me than anything else :D 


It was just too much matronly décolletage for me all at once.

  • Like 2

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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3/30/17 Thursday - last day of the quarter


The had the students do an engineering challenge with spaghetti, string, tape, and one marshmallow.  It is amazing how much of an unholy mess 12 year olds can make with one marshmallow. Which reminds me, I forgot to get the tables cleaned up for spring break academy teacher. 


Training: DDPYoga Energy + an hour on the trainer. 

Eating: On point

Spending: none, accts balanced. 



Record Keeping Day


I spent the workday cleaning, sorting, and putting away equipment.  I'll have to go in one day next week to take out the next pile of stuff. I also took the foster dog to and from the vet to get spayed.  The rescue uses donated services; it was way out in the middle of nowhere so it took a good chunk of time in rush hour. We went with friends to a church basement fish fry. 


Training: DDPYoga Energy - doggo took time away from kettleballing. 

Eating: No - fish fry has no Sloth-friendly foods. 

Spending: Big burrito at lunch, accts balanced. 

  • Like 8

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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On 4/1/2017 at 10:53 AM, Sloth the Enduring said:



This is is how I envision you now:



Damn. Those are some SHOES

  • Like 2

                                        the year of living trippily

                                      Final Boss, Part 2    Boss, Part 1  Previous:    Adult Content

    Brain Weasels    Choose Your Own Adventure Woman of Mystery -   Worth i Simplicity     



                                     Take it Outside II

                                             Take it Outside

                                    Even More Current: 52 Days

                                    Currently Current: 100 Days

                               Current: Queen 2: Electric Boogaloo

                                            Queen of the Jungle

                              THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE CHALLENGE

                                      Apart six: Amazon  (part 5)

                                        (part 3: The Wickening)

                                               (part 2) (part 1)


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4/2/17 Sunday


Today I was going to kettleball with TML. I put my kettlebells in the cargo bike to ride the 3 miles instead of firing up the war rig. About half-way there, right in front of my favorite overly-expensive bike/coffee shop I was tied up with an emergency. 


There was a prime parking spot right in front of the bike shop.  Right as I got there a car stopped in the middle of the road to back in, I looked behind me so I could go around him.  I saw an SUV coming so I waited.  The SUV didn't slow down.  At the last minute she jerked left and her right front clipped his rear.  Since she was in a top-heavy SUV, turning, and hit the car with her corner she flipped over into a car coming the other way. Since I was stopped at the parking spot, this was all right there, right next to me.  


I pulled my phone out of my pocket and ran to the car, but couldn't see in because the windshield was spider webbed.  A couple people yelled that they called 911 so I put my phone away and climbed on top.  The doors were locked, but I could see in.  I yelled, "she's unconscious, but she's moving."  


Someone yelled, "we gotta get her out of there."  Someone else, "let's flip the car!"  Four of us pushed the car upright. It was surprisingly easy.  I ran to my bike and ran back with a KB a smashed a window.  Someone then opened her door and carried her to the sidewalk where an ICU nurse was waiting. I noticed that the car was still running and smelled bad (antifreeze) so I ran back and shut it off. 


I didn't notice but my hand was bleeding dramatically.  One of the mechanics from the bike shop brought me in and helped me clean it up and bandage it.  It's just some surface cuts, but it feels like it'll bruise.  


All of that was quick.  It was still a few minutes before the first responders got there.  The driver could say her name and wiggle her toes, but her pupils were dilated different sizes. 


By the time I finished giving my statement to the police it was kind of late to get to TML's kettlebell practice. Truthfully I wasn't in the mood at that point.


I've been beating my self up about this all day.  We shouldn't have flipped the car or carried her out. It all could have waited a few minutes for the firefighters. She hit her head hard enough to get knocked out, she didn't need her head to be bounced around the car again.  The thing is, in the heat of the moment we were all reacting instead of thinking, we all wanted to do something, and when someone yelled out something that sounded reasonable everyone wanted to jump in and do it.  I wish I had had the presence of mind to think and say something. 



Training: I did DDPYoga Standup and rode the trainer.  I never did get back to the kettlebells. 

Eating: No, sambusas (fried) for dinner, otherwise okay. 

Spending: none.  Accts balanced. Tomorrow I'm going to buy some beer, Belgium. 

  • Like 11

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Wow, @Sloth the Enduring I'm so glad you weren't hit! Hope the hand heals fast and you don't have too much bruising.

You did the best you could under the circumstances and even thought to switch off the car! Yes, it might have been better to leave her and the situation as is (concussion and possible neck/spine injuries), then just to keep her calm until the fire fighters came, but you were all scared for her, especially because the car flipped. Fluids were already leaking out of the engine and you didn't want to take a chance with her life where something maybe ignited. It shows you care for the people around you, and you were brave enough to help, even though you were surely in shock as well?! Hind sight is always 20/20. Don't get stuck on that. You helped when it came to it. You're a real life hero :love_heart:

  • Like 9

Mrs. Van's Latest Challenge


Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the Lord."

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I agree with Elize, you assessed the situation and did what you thought was best. When you acted, you had no idea how long it would take for the emergency services to get on the scene - if they had taken longer would still you be kicking yourself for the action you took? It sounds the lady's situation wasn't made worse and you all acted with her best interests at heart. Well done for stepping in and doing the right thing, don't overthink this.

  • Like 2

If it's not siesta or fiesta, I'm not interested. 

Profile picture credit : NF's resident super artist - NinjaKitten

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I was recently at a remote First Aid course, the first step, reiterated again and again is "Danger", important first to remove the person from danger- in this case a running car with unknown fluids leaking out. Don't let the brain goblins convince you that you did wrong, concussions can get better, burnt to a crisp can't.


Good job you, and I'm glad it wasn't your vehicle that got damaged. Make sure to debrief with a professional if at all possible, witnessing can be almost as traumatic.



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If you had waited a few minutes the leaking fluids from the engine might have made things a lot worse. Preventing a car fire is more important than not flipping the car in this instance. Also, had you not shut off the engine, she might very well have had to deal with carbon monoxide poisioning on top of everything else.


As a bonus, the image of you busting out a window with a kettlebell is incredibly badass.

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"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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