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Dungeons and Dragons with the Doodlies

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Terah comes up from her tumble with the gnome, one hand on his collar, the other useless. Using all her strength, even that imparted by the dire nature of events, she begins dragging him back towards the forest. The gnomes squirming reduces markedly when Max appears to pull as well. The gnome is zipped along the ground to where Oramac and Dark_Raider wait. 

Seeing the third guard's head peek out, there is a soft crunch of snow as Dark_Raider takes one, two, three bounding steps to the guard. As he nears he realizing the man is stooping to lean his head out the door. It's the largest person Dark_Raider has ever seen in person. Committed he whips his nun chucks in an uppercut arc. The giant swaps slightly causing the strike to miss. Dark_Raider's pessimism serves him well, never counting on the first strike to he's already into a follow up bicycle kick that lands firmly on the giant's chin.

The giant is obviously displeased with this development and steps through the door without a word, grabs a cudgel from behind the door frame and takes a sweep at Dark_Raider. He feels the turbulence as the air near him is parted by the large club but is undamaged


Oramac grabs the gnome while Max's presence seems to keep it from trying anything too questionable. This frees Terah to tend her wounds. Fortunately, there are no obvious barbs or poison on the bolt. she's able to get it out without more damage. 


Dark_Raider - you're in a fight outside the castle back door. You only see the one enemy. There's nothing to indicate that the two guards who were shot are still alive. Also, there is a severe lack of good nunchuck animated GIFs in the world.

Oramac and Terah - The gnome restrained. Oramac is tying him up, Terah is dealing with a significant puncture wound. Either or both of you can talk to him, intimidate him, just punch him in the nose, whatever.

Others - I'm assuming everyone else is in the woods behind Oramac and Terah and can see at least some of what Dark_Raider is doing

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You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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3 hours ago, The Most Loathed said:

Oramac grabs the gnome while Max's presence seems to keep it from trying anything too questionable.


Signaling Max to stay alert, Oramac does his best to tie up the gnome without hurting him further.  While doing this, he speaks: 


"Gnome, you have a lot to answer for.  What is your name?  And what in blazes are you doing riding around on that blasted bird knockin' people off their sleighs?"



I have no idea what skill would be used for tying up the gnome, nor for the speaking portion.  I'm trying to be firm, but not overly intimidating (kinda hoping Max takes care of that part. :P )

"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


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Also, I Agree With Tank™

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Sylvaa had been standing in the tree line, covering and assessing the situation. Uncertain as to how DR is making out against his extremely large opponent, she notches an arrow in her bow and lets fly towards his opponent. 


Lots of unclaimed self-care this week that got in the way of bodyweight / strength. But I did get in two sessions this week.

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3 hours ago, Oramac said:


I have no idea what skill would be used for tying up the gnome, nor for the speaking portion.  I'm trying to be firm, but not overly intimidating (kinda hoping Max takes care of that part. :P )


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That is usually psyche. And since  I have a lot of that:


Terah crosses her arms and stands besides oramac "you better answer him!"

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Doodlie for life, Pancake by choice


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Challenges 2023: 46, 47

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Sorry, I've been offline all day, I've drifted into holiday mode. The next few days will feature one or two updates per day from me.


The brute facing Dark_Raider seems utterly surprised that he is still standing and even more, seems to not be running away. Off balance from his club swing he tries and upper cut with his off hand but easily misses.


The gnome receives numerous commands to speak up. He's predictable reticent at first but soon sees that there is little value in resisting.


My name is Louie. My wife is Marcia. We've got three little ones. I don't think the youngest is mine........

I work for her ladyship, the Tooth Fairy. I've been working in the mills for four decades now. Before that, I worked for the Great Pumpkin. She's a must better boss than The Pumpkin ever was, I'll tell you. You know It used to have me work a full shift in the fields then keep me on overnight if someone called in sick. One time.....

I do whatever her ladyship needs these days since I got called up from the mills, a bunch of us did. They called us into the foreman's office one by one and asked us how we liked working for her. Then they asked us to swear fealty to her ladyship. After that, we all got sent to a month of training. It was all manner of things, a lot of which I still don't understand. We did running, jumping, throwing, shoveling, taking care of animals, sneaking, even a little fighting but not much of that. A lot of folks got sent home but those of us what made it got our whole families moved to the town not far from the other side of the castle. Everyone who lives there works for her ladyship or his lordship.

His lordship is a right tosser. The Spring Equinox Rabbit is real particular and his folks don't stay on so long. I've seen him fire folks because his tea was too hot and because it was too cold. One time, he fired a lad because it was raining and he wanted to go outside. Still, the pay is alright and there's plenty of opportunity for advancement.


Yes, I was supposed to force your sleigh from the air, although you wasn't what I expected. Elves they said, was supposed to be flying the sleighs. We wasn't to hurt or kill you necessarily, just make sure you could fly around to globe. I can't say as to why. My family is taken care of by her ladyship and she's never been nothing but fair by us so I do what she says. 


I'm giving you as much info as I can think of but you've pretty much got the gnome at your whim for answering questions so if I missed anything that you want to know, let me know.


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You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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"Allright, take us to the Tooth Fairy, dear Gnome"

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Doodlie for life, Pancake by choice


Challenge 12, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 

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Challenges 2018: 29, 30, 31, 32, 3334, 35,

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Challenges 2023: 46, 47

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The gnome takes a deep breath, apparently ready to plunge into another story of a coworker or former boss

17 hours ago, Terah said:

"Allright, take us to the Tooth Fairy, dear Gnome"

He falters. "Eh, what? That's not quite how things work. I mean I'm not like her second in command or something, I just work at the mill and got put on assignment tonight to keep you lot from your dastardly deeds. I mean, even if I was her second in command, I'm not sure I'd take people such as herself into her presence. I mean look at me. You hurt my condor, I'm all banged up and now you're going to leave me to freeze to death. I mean, it's not like you don't know exactly where she lives. " He swivels his eyes towards to castle.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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I want to go around the castle to see if there are any entrances that aren't guarded (the front one is still guarded, right?)

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Doodlie for life, Pancake by choice


Challenge 12, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 

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Challenges 2018: 29, 30, 31, 32, 3334, 35,

Challenges 2019: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

Challenges 2020: 41, 42, 43, 44, 45


Challenges 2023: 46, 47

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The brute facing Dark_Raider stands up straight. He grins and unkind grin then slams and open palm into Dark_Raider's face.


Terah makes her way through the woods towards the right corner of the castle (counter clockwise). Along this face of the castle there's only the one entry where Dark_Raider is currently fighting the brutish guard. They appear evenly matched for now. 

At the corner of the castle (it's rectangular) she can see what appear to be stables near the front edge of the castle. It doesn't appear guarded per say but there are people moving around, caring for the animals.


Let me know if you want to keep going the same direction around the castle or go back the other way. You can stick to the woods and go past the stables.

I've attached a crude map of what you guys know about the castle from a combination of Terah's scouting and what you saw on the way in. You know the there is a long road leading away from the castle (orange line at the top of the map and ground is cleared around it. The brown rectangle is the stables. The red star is Terah's location, the red X is where the gnome and most of the party are. The red arrow is where the back door and Dark_Raider's fight is occurring. The side of the castle on the left side of the map is unknown to you. There may or may not be doors, people, other buildings there. I wanted to see if you want to do something with the stable before I put you over there. It'll cost you time (in which the fight with Dark_Raider will continue) to go over to the other side of the castle. 


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You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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Is there anyone that can help dark raider while I scout some more?

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Doodlie for life, Pancake by choice


Challenge 12, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 

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Challenges 2018: 29, 30, 31, 32, 3334, 35,

Challenges 2019: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

Challenges 2020: 41, 42, 43, 44, 45


Challenges 2023: 46, 47

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I did get about an hour of shoveling in.  Can I use that to help out DR?  I'd like to pull that fight out away from the door so we might have a chance to sneak into the castle once we've subdued the guards.  

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Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

Roadmaps: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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As Dark_Raider recovers from the open handed strike the brute steps forward and swings a killing blow with his enormous cudgel. As the club swings up, in its vicious arc, Dark_Raider clearly hears the crunch of icy snow under rapid footfalls. *twap*, flat steel on flesh. From the wood line LadyShello rushed him and connected a solid blow to the chest, following through with the full force of her sprint. The brute is thrown from his feet and bounces ten feet away in the snow, landing in a tangle.

Amazingly the brute rises, although slowly. Once on his feet, he swaps obviously

Dark_Raider bunches his body and in one explosive movement comes to standing, facing his opponent. With a determined stride he steps through the snow. The brute seems to have trouble focusing on Dark_Raider as he stands there. Dark_Raider twists his feet into the snow to ground himself. He extends his arm, placing his finger tips in the brutes chest. In a single release of power he blasts his opponent in the chest. The brute seems to deform around Dark_Raider's fist then crumple to the ground.






For the sake of brevity, the castle is as described in my previous picture. There are four armed guards at the front gate. While they're bored, there's nothing to make Terah think that they would be the easy way in. The stable doesn't appear to have any guards but there are random stable hands. They appear to have a doorway directly into the castle from inside the stables. Terah thinks that the team could definitely fight their way in through the stables. There is another entrance on the other side of the castle (not in the picture above) about half way along the wall on the left side of the picture. It looks guarded similarly to the one that Dark_Raider was just fighting at.


In the minutes immediately after the fight, no new sounds are heard from the entrance where Dark_Raider and LadyShello are.


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You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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On 12/24/2016 at 7:23 PM, The Most Loathed said:

He falters. "Eh, what? That's not quite how things work. I mean I'm not like her second in command or something, I just work at the mill and got put on assignment tonight to keep you lot from your dastardly deeds.


Oramac thinks for a moment and asks the gnome: "What 'dastardly deeds' are you talking about?  Giving gifts to people?  Being kind?  You're gonna have to do better than that."

"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


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Also, I Agree With Tank™

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1 minute ago, Oramac said:


Oramac thinks for a moment and asks the gnome: "What 'dastardly deeds' are you talking about?  Giving gifts to people?  Being kind?  You're gonna have to do better than that."

"Oh, aye, they gives gifts...with a dark purpose. Everyone here knows that the SM/WRS are an international intelligence organization. Those gifts are just giving them excuses to enter everyone's homes and document everyone, check their scrying spells, plant wards and so on. I know they say they're looking out for everyone but do you ever hear a peep from them that prevents any catastrophe?"

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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6 minutes ago, The Most Loathed said:

"Oh, aye, they gives gifts...with a dark purpose. Everyone here knows that the SM/WRS are an international intelligence organization. Those gifts are just giving them excuses to enter everyone's homes and document everyone, check their scrying spells, plant wards and so on. I know they say they're looking out for everyone but do you ever hear a peep from them that prevents any catastrophe?"


"Hmm...." Oramac thinks about this for a moment.  It's certainly possible, he muses, but does it make sense?  Looking back down at the gnome, he asks, "Ok, friend, I can see how that would worry you.  Do you have any objective proof that SM/WRS is doing these things?"

"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


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Also, I Agree With Tank™

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Just now, Oramac said:


"Hmm...." Oramac thinks about this for a moment.  It's certainly possible, he muses, but does it make sense?  Looking back down at the gnome, he asks, "Ok, friend, I can see how that would worry you.  Do you have any objective proof that SM/WRS is doing these things?"

He sighs and attempts to look at his feet but his bonds prevent it. "No, I don't have proof. It makes since and Her Ladyship says it's true. She was once one of them. I believe her. Don't you ever wonder how they get the gifts. I mean, we take teeth and leave coin but we use the teeth to make the coin. It's a fair exchange. The SM/WRS aren't trading old milk and cookies to get toys or the supplies for making them.

I once knew a very smart lady. She would say, 'follow the money and you'll know the measure of people'"

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You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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6 minutes ago, The Most Loathed said:

He sighs and attempts to look at his feet but his bonds prevent it. "No, I don't have proof. It makes since and Her Ladyship says it's true. She was once one of them. I believe her. Don't you ever wonder how they get the gifts. I mean, we take teeth and leave coin but we use the teeth to make the coin. It's a fair exchange. The SM/WRS aren't trading old milk and cookies to get toys or the supplies for making them.

I once knew a very smart lady. She would say, 'follow the money and you'll know the measure of people'"


"Ok, it sounds like we need to talk to your lady." Oramac replied, "So, if you can't get us in, how can we get in there without having to kill everyone?" 

"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


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Also, I Agree With Tank™

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I want to examine the sleigh. See if there is any stuff there that could be used as spying equipment. If so, that would confirm the gnome's story

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Doodlie for life, Pancake by choice


Challenge 12, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 

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Challenges 2018: 29, 30, 31, 32, 3334, 35,

Challenges 2019: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

Challenges 2020: 41, 42, 43, 44, 45


Challenges 2023: 46, 47

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1 minute ago, Oramac said:


"Ok, it sounds like we need to talk to your lady." Oramac replied, "So, if you can't get us in, how can we get in there without having to kill everyone?" 

"I mean, you can ask. I don't really know her. She's my boss's, boss's, boss...err maybe one more boss up, we restructured a few months back..anyway. If I was to 'introduce' you, I'd just take you to the front gate and hand you off. I work over in the town" He tries to nod his head in the direction of the castle, indicating the town beyond."I mean, I'll do that, but I can't guarantee anything with you lot looking like *that*" he runs his eyes up your body, seemingly indicating your appearance.

GM note: remember, you're dressed as a SM/WRS right now.


1 minute ago, Terah said:

I want to examine the sleigh. See if there is any stuff there that could be used as spying equipment. If so, that would confirm the gnome's story

interesting...umm, let's say there is a spyglass. There aren't anything like listening devices. What else are you thinking?

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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