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I don't claim the idea for this.  It all came from this old NF PVP thread.  But, it seemed like a good time for a reboot, with a brand new shiny thread and a brand new spreadsheet (hopefully with working links)


And here it is:  The lovely new spreadsheet.  Claim poses and record things HERE.  Hopefully, it can be edited by anyone.  Please let me know if your edits aren't working.


The rules are as follows:  


-Roll a D100 (or use a D100 roll generator)

-Find the corresponding pose.  Use the row number, unless you rolled a 00 or 01, which then correspond to rows 100 and 101, respectively.  If the pose has already been taken, then keep rolling until you find an unclaimed pose.

-Practice the pose.  Once you feel sure you can do it, write your name in the "claimed by" column.  If you don't think you can do the pose, re-roll and try again.  There is no shame at all in ditching a pose.  I certainly can't do some of the super flexible poses in the list.  But remember that the pose doesn't need to look perfect.  It's more about learning poses, making an honest attempt, and having fun.

-Go get a drink.  Some of the poses require both hands, so either improvise, use a straw, hold a paper cup in your teeth, have a buddy hold the drink, use duct tape or a cheesy beer hat, or do whatever you need to do.

-Take a fun picture and post it here.  


The goal is for the group to fill the entire spreadsheet.


-DON'T GET HURT.  I tried to somewhat organize the poses such that the harder ones have higher numbers and the easier ones have the low numbers.  I'm hoping this will help people avoid overextending themselves.  

-Don't hog all of the poses.  Leave at least a little time between posting poses, so that other people can have a chance, too.

-While it's BEER yoga, the drinking part is all in good fun.  Drink whatever you wish.  Water is fine.  Other drinks are fine.  This is just a happy, fun PVP, so there's no need to stress.   :)

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Level 30? who the hell knows anymore? Direwolf Assassin/Ranger - current challenge

 ACL rehab thread      2016 parkour

My tutorials:

handbalancing: crow, flying crow, side crow, crow->headstand->crow  Bo staff: strikes 1 2 3, spins 1 2

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Make sure you're looking at the new spreadsheet and not the old one.  A lot of the poses and numbers changed, since I did a bit of pruning and re-organizing.  


#62 should be King Pigeon.  I'm not sure if that's better or worse for you.  :)  

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Level 30? who the hell knows anymore? Direwolf Assassin/Ranger - current challenge

 ACL rehab thread      2016 parkour

My tutorials:

handbalancing: crow, flying crow, side crow, crow->headstand->crow  Bo staff: strikes 1 2 3, spins 1 2

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There's really no commitment with this one and no obligation to do a certain number of poses/week or whatever.  Whenever you have time and feel like doing a yoga pose, roll one up and do it.  That's really all there is to this.  :)

  • Like 1

Level 30? who the hell knows anymore? Direwolf Assassin/Ranger - current challenge

 ACL rehab thread      2016 parkour

My tutorials:

handbalancing: crow, flying crow, side crow, crow->headstand->crow  Bo staff: strikes 1 2 3, spins 1 2

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Combed through all 22 pages of the last PvP last night after Nym mentioned rebooting it in response to my yoga balancing goals this challenge.





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[Level ??] Rurik, the Thunderer

Class: Stormborn War-Shaman (Path of Giants Barbarian/Conquest Paladin/Elemental Domain Cleric)


Equipment:  Studded leather armor, war club, plus adventurer's pack containing rations, rope, and nature-based potions. 


"Rangers have to at least give up on pants. It's a special rule we enacted after Rurik became a Guild Leader.” – DarK_RaideR

"Did I just get my ass kicked by a member of Metallica meets History Channel's Vikings?" - Wild Wolf

"By the Well-Oiled-and-Meticulously-Groomed Beard of Rurik!" - Tanktimus the Encourager

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I'm gonna attempt this as well. I need to take a long look at all the poses because it's been a minute since I've done yoga. But this sounds fun!

And I have pumpkin beer in the fridge that needs to be consumed :)


"Let the Boomstick do the talking."

  • Like 2

Wild Wolf

Class: Peerless Scarred/ Height: 6'2 / Weight: 188#

Instagram: @ryanwolfbell / Facebook: Ryan Wolf Bell / Bible App (YouVersion) Ryan Wolf Bell

Current Challenge: Intro to Wolflean


Last Challenge(s): 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16

Epic Challenges: Welcome to the Fireteam & Wolfpool 

Gotham Project: 1


Know, O prince, that once the sun burns out and the earth's core becomes solid and cold, there will come a man to provide the endless energy needed to sustain life and for the planets to keep moving. He is the source of light and the warmth of hope back into the hearts of humanity...." - Dark_Raider


A wolf rises in my heart; against my darkness; against my demons; against my despair. I DECLARE WAR!


Romans 8:28 (CSB) We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.


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I forgot to add this, but if any of you are doing the NF Yoga program and know the names used in it for some of these poses, could you add that to the NF Yoga name column?  It seems like every single yoga site or program uses different names for everything.  Since a lot of people are doing the NF Yoga, that might at least lend a bit of naming uniformity.  

  • Like 1

Level 30? who the hell knows anymore? Direwolf Assassin/Ranger - current challenge

 ACL rehab thread      2016 parkour

My tutorials:

handbalancing: crow, flying crow, side crow, crow->headstand->crow  Bo staff: strikes 1 2 3, spins 1 2

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Raptron, alot assassin

67666564636261605958 575655545352515049484746454443424140393837363534333231302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1

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Nice start, Marauder!  And yeah.  Basically do whatever it takes to combine beer + yoga.  It's even okay to sacrifice form a little or just change the hand position as needed.


We still have 3 tags left to make sure everyone understands that this is super serious business.  Any suggestions for me to edit into the main post?


And here's my first contribution: Drunken revolved hand to big toe pose:


  • Like 7

Level 30? who the hell knows anymore? Direwolf Assassin/Ranger - current challenge

 ACL rehab thread      2016 parkour

My tutorials:

handbalancing: crow, flying crow, side crow, crow->headstand->crow  Bo staff: strikes 1 2 3, spins 1 2

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Heard about this over on Rurik's thread (like a lot of other people I suspect), I'm so in! But probably not with beer unless I have a really good week nutrition-wise :(



#62 should be King Pigeon.  I'm not sure if that's better or worse for you.   :)

*googles King Pigeon* *dies laughing* Yep that's not happening for me :tongue:


ETA: got #100, Shooting Bow Pose. Let's do this.

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Nice start, Marauder!  And yeah.  Basically do whatever it takes to combine beer + yoga.  It's even okay to sacrifice form a little or just change the hand position as needed.


We still have 3 tags left to make sure everyone understands that this is super serious business.  Any suggestions for me to edit into the main post?


And here's my first contribution: Drunken revolved hand to big toe pose:



A most awesome demonstration!  I like the additional ranger danger implied by the placement of foot-fatal toys around you.  :)  

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Rangering since Sept 2015



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Boom! Done.

The hardest part was figuring out where I could be and get my phone propped up to use the auto timer. And then strategizing about how to get from pushing the shutter button into the pose in time! Although it turned out that the giant cup complete with lid and bendy straw that I got during Frosh week years ago is perfect for Beer Yoga! :D

Sent by carrier pigeon

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