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Whisper: A Post a Day Keeps The Psychiatrist Away

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My Big GOAL is to be under 300lbs by my 40th birthday. Currently, I am not on track to hit that.  Starting back on Oct 14th, I would have needed to lose an average of 1.6lbs a week, but my weight now is basically where it was at the start of February. Not flat, but a little down, and a bounce back up. On the bright side, I'm still doing better than the smaller goal of averaging a pound a week.


Graph in spoiler




I talked to a psychiatrist a while back and started some medication that I think is helping. One of the things he asked while we were talking was if I had an eating disorder. At first I said "no", but the truth is, I don't think you get up to 400 pounds if your eating is in order. 


I've been trying to do better with my mental health and self care, and that will be the focus for this challenge.  I don't think anything else will really work out without focusing on that first.



Every day, write down healthy / beneficial things that I have done and post it here. Being active here helps me to connect to other people that are working to make healthier choices. 


Salad 6 meals a week

Someone (maybe Mistr?) said something about getting salad kits and taking them to work for lunch, and I thought that was such a good idea. I need to save money vs what I've been doing, but I also need something easy and healthy. 3 salad kits brought to work, some protine to go with it, half a kit left over for the weekend.  


Brush and floss

Every day. I'm not good at keeping this habit, but have found that posting that I did it helps me to actually do it.


Foot lotion

My poor feet, they need it, but I struggle with putting it on. I don't like having the lotion on my hands. So, I finally followed Flea's recommendation and ordered some roll on foot lotion. I'm hoping that will make it easier to do when I put my socks on in the morning. It isn't here yet, but I have used the normal lotion the last two days. 



I've been working on drinking less soda and sweet tea, and have made real progress. Most of the time, I'm only having a single can of soda with my lunch, and switched mostly to flavored water. I want to drink more plain water. So, I got myself some more water bottles, one for flavored water, one for plain water. I have a pair for work, and a pair for home. Goal is to have at least 1 bottle of plain water every day. 

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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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Salad 6 meals a week✔️

               1/6 Salad with dinner

Brush and floss✔️

                After I post this. Then going to bed.

Foot lotion ✔️

Water ✔️

Journal ✔️

Meds, church, played with bell choir.

Did laundry, changed cat box, shower and shave.

Got a whole bunch of boxes collapsed and ready to take to work recycling.

Cleaned spoiled food out of refrigerator. 

After I post, going to brush / floss, practice Spanish, and go to bed. 


  • Like 3

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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I love your challenge.  It is simple and straightforward.  Here to cheer you on!  Following!


  • Thanks 1

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy” -Nightbirde

 “Dreams do not come true all by themselves. They are nourished by the bounty of hard work”  -Unknown Disney Imagineer


2024 Word

Svastha: Standing in One’s Own Power

Current Challenge:

Sepherina: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Prior Challenges



#1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #5 , #6 , #7 , #8 , #9#10#11, #12

Avery The Patient:

#1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #5 



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Salad 6 meals a week✔️

               2/6 Salad with lunch

Brush and floss✔️

Foot lotion 

Water ✔️

Journal ✔️

Meds, work, tangy tangerine, read some on the forums. 

Had the early start-up this morning and didn't sleep well last night. Up at 4am, trying to force myself to get moving, foot lotion did not happen. Then cut my finger at work and decided against lotion after.

Been thinking more about spirituality last couple of days, and feel the desire to put more daily focus on that front.


I put this in Flea's thread, but think I want it here too.


Do you believe that there are things that are objectively good, and objectively bad? Can you seek and try to connect with that which is good. This might not be a good starting point if you're a hard core moral relativist...


I've been thinking this morning about where I am with my own faith and thought I would share the bullet points here, so you know where I'm coming from. I might expand on some of it later, or just drop it in my own thread; the process of reflection has been helpful. 


I'm not a good "Christian", but hopefully a decent follower of Christ.


My faith is in Grace and Redemption.


My trust is that just because my understanding fails, that doesn't mean there isn't a good answer. 


My hope is that in the fullness of all things, the Lord will restore the years the locust have eaten. 

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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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Salad 6 meals a week✔️

               3/6 Salad with lunch

Brush and floss✔️

Foot lotion ✔️

Water ✔️

Journal ✔️

Meds, work, tangy tangerine, 


Maggie wants me to go over to her place after Church on Sunday. I think I like the idea of trying to hang out together, but I really don't want to go to her place, and my place is still way too much of a mess. I do have Friday off work, and it would be a good motivation to clean, but I'm not sure I would have enough time to be comfortable. 

  • Like 3

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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Salad 6 meals a week✔️

               4/6 Salad with lunch

Brush and floss✔️

Foot lotion ✔️

Water ✔️

Journal ✔️

Meds, work, tangy tangerine, Spanish 


Was feeling really tired and decided not to brush my teeth or do the journaling before bed. Managed to change my mind.


The new roll on foot lotion arrived today and I think I like it. 

  • Like 3

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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Salad 6 meals a week✔️

               5/6 Salad with lunch

Brush and floss✔️

Foot lotion ✔️

Water ✔️

Journal ✔️

Meds, work, tangy tangerine, Spanish 

  • Like 3

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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Salad 6 meals a week✔️

               6/6 Salad with lunch

Brush and floss✔️

Foot lotion ✔️

Water ✔️

Journal ✔️


Meds, Spanish .


Had today off work. Made some good progress on cleaning mi apartamento. Maggie is going to come over on Sunday and I'm just about to the point where I'm ok with that; just need to do a bit more tomorrow. Wouldn't be comfortable with anyone else, but we lived together for years; she knows my struggles with keeping things neat.

  • Like 4

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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I'm not doing well with this challenge, which is a clear indicator that I'm not doing well in life. 

Breaking the cycle of not posting, and putting down a plan for today.

1. Work (I'm here!)

2. Music practice at church (violin is with me)

3. Pick up dinner on way home.

4. Feed cats, feed myself 

5. Change out cat litter 

6. Take out trash and recycling 

7. Take a shower.

8. Brush and floss

9. Practice Spanish 

10. In bed by 10

  • Like 4

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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Yesterday's plan

1. Work (I'm here!)✔️

2. Music practice at church (violin is with me)✔️

3. Pick up dinner on way home.✔️

4. Feed cats, feed myself ✔️

5. Change out cat litter 

6. Take out trash and recycling 

7. Take a shower.

8. Brush and floss

9. Practice Spanish ✔️

10. In bed by 10✔️


Unfortunately, by the time I got home last night, I was totally spent, so middle part of the plan didn't happen. 

Plan for today.

1. Change out cat litter 

2. Take out trash and recycling 

3. Work

4. Feed cats,

5. Take a shower.

6. feed myself 

7. Practice violin

8. Brush and floss

9. Practice Spanish 

10. In bed by 10


I'm honestly not trying for a 10 point plan, it just seems to be happening that way...

  • Like 2

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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Plan for yesterday

1. Change out cat litter ✔️

2. Take out trash and recycling ✔️

3. Work✔️

4. Feed cats,✔️

5. Take a shower.✔️

6. feed myself ✔️

7. Practice violin✔️

8. Brush and floss✔️

9. Practice Spanish ✔️

10. In bed by 10✔️


Plan for today

1. Work

2. Feed cats,

3. Take a shower.

4. Feed myself

5. Do dishes 

6. Practice violin

7. Brush and floss

8. Practice Spanish 


9b. In bed by 10

  • Like 3

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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Plan for yesterday

1. Work✔️

2. Feed cats,✔️

3. Take a shower.

4. Feed myself✔️

5. Do dishes ✔️

6. Practice violin✔️

7. Brush and floss✔️

8. Practice Spanish ✔️


9b. In bed by 10✔️


Plan for today

1. Work

2. Feed cats, and myself

3. Change Sheets

4. Deep clean CPAP

5. Practice violin

6. Brush and floss

7. Practice Spanish 

8. Trim last cat paw

9. In bed by 10

  • Like 2

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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Plan for yesterday

1. Work✔️

2. Feed cats, and myself✔️

3. Change Sheets✔️

4. Deep clean CPAP✔️

5. Practice violin✔️

6. Brush and floss✔️

7. Practice Spanish ✔️

8. Trim last cat paw✔️

9. In bed by 10✔️


Plan for today

Write a reflective post

Clear path to closet


Put lotion on feet

Drink bottle of plain water

Properly hang clothes currently on door


Put groceries away

Eat a salad

Put cover on blanket

Practice violin

Brush and floss

In bed by 10


Rough plan for tomorrow

Put lotion on feet

Drink bottle of plain water

Church (playing violin!)

Breakfast with friends

Cook chicken for lunches

Wash clothes

Hang hung clothes IN CLOSET

Fold other clothes AND PUT IN DRESSER

Brush and floss

In bed by 10

  • Like 3

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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I started an art! And not something super weird this time!




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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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Some thought I've been having this week:


If at first you don't succeed, try a variation on the theme

My goals for this challenge were/are

Journal wasn't working, so try to adjust

Salad 6 meals a week working well, stay the course

Brush and floss hit and miss, mostly hit with it on the list

Foot lotion hit and miss add to list

Water hit most work days, miss most weekends add to weekend list


I'm not good at writing down healthy things I did as I go through the day, and an evening post really wasn't working. "Plan for today" is often a little mental exercise that I do, but don't record it and it rarely gets followed.

Posting it here every morning has drastically improved the rates of:

A. Remembering what I planned to do

B. Actually doing it


Just this week there have been several times I remembered that I had something posted here, and that was the main reason for actually doing it. Going to try a few tweaks with it over the next week to see how I feel with them. Do I need to number them? They're in a rough order of how/when they should happen, but do I need to leave on the routine things like work, feeding the cats, and practicing Spanish? 



Input Control and Addictive Patterns

I'm not happy with what I'm filling my brain with; or maybe more accurately, the ok stuff is crowding out the good.  

Things I'm finding problematic right now:

Twitch - I've been listening to different streamers at work, and I think I would be much better served listening to praise music instead.

MSNBC - I keep getting sucked into round after round of the latest Trump developments, and it is, frankly, masturbatory.

Palia? - I love this game, it is delightful, and chill, and you can make really cool homes.  But, I do really bad with games that have timers that keep running when you aren't in the game. I was doing ok, until I figured out how the Palia day relates to real time (1 hour = 1 day, so complex to figure out!) And now, knowing that my crops grow at 15 minutes past the hour, I'm getting more sucked in. Like, if I use the restroom in the middle of the night, I want to pop on and check my crops. And I'm spending a lot of time running around my in game yard, waiting for the right time of day. I'm an old man, puttering around a virtual yard...


So yeah, I think I need to do less of that stuff, but something needs to take it's place, right? 

Listen to praise music at work. 

Put on instrumental music and read

Maybe actually do art somewhere other than the (often missed) Saturday class

Watch science or art videos.

Do logic puzzles. I've been watching a YouTube channel that does variant Sudoku, and I would like to try some of that out.  There's also this puzzle that I couldn't remember the name of, but like a cross between sudoku and a crossword puzzle. I had gotten some books of it at Barns and Nobel's years ago, so stopped by after painting today to see if I could find it, I couldn't, but one of the employees was able to figure out what it is! Kakuro! Got a few books on order so I can do them. Found a website to do some one too, but I think I like the paper better for that. 




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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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I was really tired after painting yesterday. Got a good chunk of stuff done, but not everything. Church and breakfast with folks was kind of draining too. Good things, but it is a lot of social over the weekend. Going to leave my rough plan in place, but not going to worry too much.


Plan for yesterday

Write a reflective post✔️

Clear path to closet✔️


Put lotion on feet✔️

Drink bottle of plain water✔️

Properly hang clothes currently on door✔️


Put groceries away✔️

Eat a salad✔️

Put cover on blanket

Practice violin

Brush and floss✔️

In bed by 10✔️


Rough plan for today

Put lotion on feet

Drink bottle of plain water

Church (playing violin!)✔️

Breakfast with friends✔️

Cook chicken for lunches

Wash clothes

Hang hung clothes IN CLOSET

Fold other clothes AND PUT IN DRESSER

Brush and floss

In bed by 10

  • Like 2

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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Did well yesterday, especially given how tired I was. Feels good to actually have clothes put away. Not many items on the list for today, but they're going to take a fair chunk of time and don't really think I'll get to anything else. 


Rough plan for today

Put lotion on feet

Drink bottle of plain water✔️

Church (playing violin!)✔️

Breakfast with friends✔️

Cook chicken for lunches✔️

Wash clothes✔️

Hang hung clothes IN CLOSET✔️

Fold other clothes AND PUT IN DRESSER✔️

Brush and floss

In bed by 10✔️


Plan for today

Put lotion on feet


Drink bottle of plain water

Get check and post taxes

Bell choir practice

Brush and floss

In bed by 10

  • Like 3

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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On 4/14/2024 at 1:52 AM, Whisper said:

If at first you don't succeed, try a variation on the theme

I always say "if at first you don't succeed, cover up all evidence that proves you tried!!!" 😅

  • Haha 3

Active challenges: Summer bod - for real this time! | Walk to Mordor - (spreadsheet) | DailyDare | Weight Loss PVP 10/12 lbs in 10/12 weeks - (spreadsheet)

2023-24 threads: Challenge VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVII | XVIII | XIX

2018-19 & 2021 threads: Battle log | Challenge I | IIIIIIV | V | VI | VII

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On 4/13/2024 at 7:52 PM, Whisper said:

I love this game, it is delightful, and chill, and you can make really cool homes.  But, I do really bad with games that have timers that keep running when you aren't in the game. I was doing ok, until I figured out how the Palia day relates to real time (1 hour = 1 day, so complex to figure out!) And now, knowing that my crops grow at 15 minutes past the hour, I'm getting more sucked in. Like, if I use the restroom in the middle of the night, I want to pop on and check my crops. And I'm spending a lot of time running around my in game yard, waiting for the right time of day. I'm an old man, puttering around a virtual yard...

Games like this frustrate me.  Sometimes we need to put stuff down and come back to it and this need to “be on “ all the time is a bit insane.


Good job though on your lists.  You are making great progress forward.

  • Thanks 1

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy” -Nightbirde

 “Dreams do not come true all by themselves. They are nourished by the bounty of hard work”  -Unknown Disney Imagineer


2024 Word

Svastha: Standing in One’s Own Power

Current Challenge:

Sepherina: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Prior Challenges



#1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #5 , #6 , #7 , #8 , #9#10#11, #12

Avery The Patient:

#1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #5 



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Taxes were easier than I thought. Apparently you can just pay that on the IRS website. Woo Hoo! No trip to the bank and post office needed!

Was all set to be in bed on time. But then I got back up and stayed up past midnight. Annoying. I've been feeling extra tired, maybe actually sleep?


Plan for yesterday

Put lotion on feet✔️


Drink bottle of plain water✔️

Get check and post taxes✔️

Bell choir practice✔️

Brush and floss✔️

In bed by 10


Plan for today

Put lotion on feet


Clean water bottles

Drink bottle of plain water


Cut and portion chicken for lunches


Brush and floss

In bed by 10

  • Like 1

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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Banged my knee pretty good at work yesterday and was having some trouble getting up and down. Fortunately feeling a good deal better today.


Plan for yesterday

Put lotion on feet✔️


Clean water bottles✔️

Drink bottle of plain water✔️


Cut and portion chicken for lunches✔️


Brush and floss

In bed by 10✔️


Plan for today

Put lotion on feet


Drink bottle of plain water


Brush and floss

In bed by 10

  • Like 3

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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Adding to today's plan

Clean water chamber 

Clean pedestal fans

  • Like 1

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.


Put together enough small wins over a long enough period of time,

and you’ll find yourself in high level gear fighting dragons before you know it.



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