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Weigh day! I'm down a pound this week, putting me at 228.3 lbs.  I really did not think that was going to happen because I absolutely weighed 232 pounds on Saturday, but I ate a couple bananas, went for  a lot of walks and got enough sleep. I know bloat can be pretty big for me, but I am still surprised.  I'm on track to reach the end of the year under 220 pounds so we'll just keep moving forward :D 


This week I'm adding a walk in the afternoons. I'd like to be walking about 3 miles a day, and I'm currently walking about 2. I'm not counting all the extra steps throughout the day, just the intentional heart healthy walking.  my blood pressure is consistently 124/81 , but the goal is to get it below 120/80.  

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Today was great! Mom and I went walking up our favorite trail to see a good view and there's a steep hill there. We haven't been to the park all summer because of my eye surgery, then it was too hot, then Dad's surgery.  We're zipping up the hill and questioning ourselves like "Is this is the hill? Are we almost at the view?" because it felt really easy compared to the last time we were on it and it had been so long since we walked it we were questioning our memories. It was really great when we got to the view and realized we just did it without struggling. I was so happy. All our work is working and we're going to be able to do more challenging and longer hikes now!


I'm not sleeping much right now. I keep waking up at 4am and getting about 5 hours of sleep which is just like almost enough, but not quite.  Tonight I am determined to sleep 7 hours. DETERMINED. :D 

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On 10/11/2023 at 9:50 PM, Snarkyfishguts said:

So far, I've really stepped up my walking.  :D  GET IT?!?! STEPPED UP MY WALKING?!

Awkward Seth Meyers GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

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RES...and I want to live days worth dying for

Current: RES: Life is not Always SET


Growth happens when you care more about the well being of your future self than the comfort of your present self!

"Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is." -Yoda


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On 10/7/2023 at 7:44 AM, Snarkyfishguts said:

Some people are assholes, and I can't make that better for anyone.

So much packed up in this and so much energy we all spend on these sentences. It's weird how even knowing this academically some people can just bleed you. I don't think the phrase Energy Vampires is used much anymore but I still think it's apt. Family is doubly difficult since most of us are taught that you stick with family no matter what, we often live close to them, and they end up being our support network. 

Pulling for you.

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You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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3 hours ago, The Most Loathed said:

So much packed up in this and so much energy we all spend on these sentences. It's weird how even knowing this academically some people can just bleed you. I don't think the phrase Energy Vampires is used much anymore but I still think it's apt. Family is doubly difficult since most of us are taught that you stick with family no matter what, we often live close to them, and they end up being our support network. 

Pulling for you.

Thanks! You get it. I’ve often been encouraged to be a good example for some of my relatives and reach out to them so they’ll improve.
And I’m writing that ranting post, I gave myself permission to drop that responsibility. And in the grand scheme of bad relatives, they aren’t awful. they’re like a 4 or 5 on a scale of 1-10. Incredibly self-centered, thoughtless, lazy, and drama-seeking. Sometimes mean, homophobic, and/or racist.  But they could be much worse and I’m aware of that. Still, it feels good to not feel responsible for them and walk away. 

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2 hours ago, Snarkyfishguts said:

And in the grand scheme of bad relatives, they aren’t awful. they’re like a 4 or 5 on a scale of 1-10. Incredibly self-centered, thoughtless, lazy, and drama-seeking. Sometimes mean, homophobic, and/or racist.

Oh. I've got some of these. This is why I live 4 hours away from them and see them about 4 times per year. Sharing a city with them would be too much for me. 

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You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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1 hour ago, The Most Loathed said:

Oh. I've got some of these. This is why I live 4 hours away from them and see them about 4 times per year. Sharing a city with them would be too much for me. 

I respect your choice!



Today was a beautiful day! 64F and sunny. I loved it.

Sandra Bullock Reaction Gif GIF by Death Wish Coffee 



It's also Friday the 13th! OOOH SPOOKY!


I'm going to take it easy this weekend and I'll see you back here Monday for a weigh in! :D 

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Tonight's a family potluck, and I realized that it's gonna be salty, so I'm weighing in early!  225.2, which is a nice 3 pound drop. I did happy dance! I'm going to continue with the program this week. Next week, I'll be traveling, so I'll miss weigh-in, but I'll be back on my schedule the following monday the 30th. This week is going to be pretty quiet, which I am very happy to have before things get exciting. :) Have a wonderful day


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Non-scale victories!


Yesterday, my aunt noticed I lost weight. She didn't make a big deal, she just murmured "you look like you've lost weight" and I said "I have. I felt motivated to do it this year." and she just nodded and said "Good for you."  I like that she didn't fuss about it, or draw attention to it.  It was just "I'm paying attention."  


I have been informed that my clothes are too big, and learned I don't really look in the mirror anymore and this has completely eluded me. So I looked in the mirror when I was looking for outfits to pack and my clothes are sloppy big. Thankfully, I had some smaller pants stuffed in the back of my closet and they fit great! I have a few shirts from our last shopping trip, but Mom is going to lend me some blouses too.  This one is a thorny victory, because I was really counting on some of those clothes for the trip!

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On 10/16/2023 at 8:55 AM, Snarkyfishguts said:

Yesterday, my aunt noticed I lost weight. She didn't make a big deal, she just murmured "you look like you've lost weight" and I said "I have. I felt motivated to do it this year." and she just nodded and said "Good for you."  I like that she didn't fuss about it, or draw attention to it.  It was just "I'm paying attention."  


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You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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It feels very unnerving when family hugs me and says "I love you so much, have a great trip!" and I feel like I'm going to my execution and no one told me, and I did NOT pack the right shoes to be executed in, okay? We're not even leaving yet! What happens when I'm actually leaving? Holy cats. 


I'm feeling a anxious about the trip so the warm goodbyes are just stoking that anxiety into a panic, which is silly. I'm not going to the wilderness. I'm visiting places where people live and work and there's no where that says they randomly release wild tigers into the area to chase tourists for the local's amusement, so I'm not sure where this anxiety is coming from but I'm hoping once I'm actually traveling, I'll calm down. Unless I really am going for my execution, then i hope they will have a shoe store nearby where I can by the proper shoes for the occasion. Something snazzy and sharp where I can joke "These are to die for!" right before they chop off my head. :D 



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11 hours ago, Snarkyfishguts said:

there's no where that says they randomly release wild tigers into the area to chase tourists for the local's amusement

Then why go?


My mom does this kind of stuff. I could be flying to Las Vegas like thousands of people do per day and I've done a bunch of times in my life and she'd give me a big "I love you so much and want you to be safe" kind of spiel. If I take it on as serious then it's like "oh wow, what have your heard recently?" and if I don't then it's just a cartoonish attempt at, I don't even know, love bombing maybe, showing her concern. For me, I've had to learn to just totally disregard it.

Interestingly, she was on a trip and in Israel when they had the recent attack, She was totally fine and had to be told later why she wasn't allowed to do her shore excursion and had to go back on the cruise ship, so it's not like she had a near death experience or anything. Regardless, I have been getting arbitrary texts lately of "I just don't tell you enough that I love you" and when I've talked to her (over text) she's clearly a little shaken. I realized it's because, in the same way that she is imagining some extreme scenario for me, she's now making up things that didn't happen but "could have" and reacting to those things. 


It's a long winded way to say, these people are mentally scaring themselves on your behalf and you can't let it into your brain or it'll ruin your fun. Go have a great trip. Enjoy being in a different place. As you said, other people live and work there so your fine and it's fun to see where they live and work. 

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You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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