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Whisper: Expanding Islands of Order in a Sea of Chaos

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Trying to have more of a theme and narrative with this challenge. Also, using points earned (Argold) as my sluch fund buget. Basing things loosely off the world(s) and events of Super Supportive (the best thing ever written) Black italics are my attempts at writing. Blue is blatent plagerism.


Posting this on my phone. Might fix formatting on a computer later.


Moon Thegund (aka my apartment) has long been a neglected backwater of the Triplanets with a history of Chaos outbreaks. Most of the Moon’s population resided in protected enclaves, but there had been efforts at expansion, with some scattered farms and research facilities. For the last several years, the background levels of Chaos have been steadily increasing, forcing a retreat back into the enclaves, but now, a full Chaos storm has erupted, taking down the System on that moon. The corruption was spreading and if left unchecked, even the enclaves would fall.

When Knight Alis-art’h, Quaternary of the Triplanets, heard about the situation, she felt like it was a gift from the Mother Herself!

The original plan was for her to be at home right now, doing all the things a nurturing mother should do with a healthy set of newborn wizard triplets. Nursing them, racing to their cribs at their every cry, coddling their tiny authority senses to be sure they were developing properly.


Thank goodness this corruption mishap had occurred just a week before she was scheduled to give birth! She’d waddled herself straight into the Grand Senate’s emergency session and volunteered for duty. With enthusiasm that at least a few senators seemed to have mistaken for hostility…but the point was that she was off the hook.

It was just so hard when they were in that frightening needy stage. They couldn’t even talk to her yet, and she was always scared she might accidentally smoosh them with her authority in a fit of postpartum confusion.

She was sure that at least one of the spouses in the household adored newborns. It was best to leave the triplets to them. Alis would take a vacation from work and fall in love with the little creatures when they were old enough to toddle around and make comprehensible sounds.

Three, she thought, gliding out of her suite and entering the travel dome’s dining room. I’d like to get to know them when they’re around three.


Fight the Chaos +50 Argold/day possible

Alis-art’h power is singularly suited for purging corruption. To the untrained eye it might look like she’s simply lifting up huge swaths of the landscape and slamming it back down again, but that was just shacking the Chaos free for disposal. Like beating an old rug. A long process on a moon this size, and the Chaos would push back, fighting to reclaim cleared ground.

There are currently 3 islands of order in the Chaos, the task is to preserve and grow them. The islands are The Sink, The Reading Chair and  The Desk at Work.

Push it back! +5

The barest of minimums. The chaos has spread back onto cleared lands and the strength to truly defeat it is missing. Push the chaos back into the messy lands.

Defeat the encroachment! +10

More strength is at hand, actually clean the new messes instead of just moving them.

Expand the islands! +50

 Maintain the lands that are purged of chaos, and grow their boarders, if only a single step. Eventually, the Chaos Storm will be defeated, the islands of order will grow together, and the people of Moon Thegund will be safe.


Wordchians (all actions can be done twice per day) +10 Argold/day possible

It is a common practice of the peoples of the Triplanets to set aside time at the start and end of the day to use word chains. In the morning, to prepare for the day ahead, and in the evening to restore balance.

Say a chain +1

Light a candle +1

Be still and know +1

Time for study +2


Survey the lands +6 Argold/day possible

One cannot defeat an outbreak of corruption if one does not know the lay of the land and the progress of the battlefield. Alis-art’h firmly believes that it is best to survey it with her own eyes.

A brief foray +1

Walk around the block

Walk the perimeter +5

 Walk in the park roughly 1.5 miles.


Exercise the Grivecks+2 Argold/day possible

Naturally, a person as important to the Triplanets as Alis-art’h couldn’t be allowed to wonder off into a Chaos Storm on her own; even the powerful must sleep. So, she had taken a small, carefully chosen retinue with her. The mandatory Healer, a nice, quiet Rabbit to look after more domestic concerns, and two Griveck Warriors for personal protection. To human eyes, Grivecks look like large, hairless panthers with their knees turned round the wrong way. His Excellency, Sasha Generalissimo Meow von Pussycat, 42nd Earl of White Haven, Defender of the Realm and Keeper of the Faith, was joined by his less grandiose, but no less fierce companion, ShyAnn.


Grivecks are renowned across the Universe for their savagery and prowess in battle. They looked at eating food hunted and butchered by someone else much the same as humans would view eating regurgitated food like a baby bird. Unfortunately, the Chaos has rendered Moon Thegund devoid of prey, and what creatures remain are too corrupted for even Grivecks to survive eating. As such, their hunting needs must be satisfied through more artificial means.

Yes, I did just write to paragraphs to make a goal of playing with my cats.


The Care and Feeding of the Quaternary +14 Argold/day possible

It isn’t like the Quaternary, the 4th highest ranked Knight of the Triplanets, bearer of immense power and authority, needs someone to mother hen her; perish the thought! It’s just that, well, with such matters of import to attend to, sometimes the piddly details get overlooked, and PJs become the uniform of the day. That’s when the Quiet Rabbit steps in and makes sure she’s cared for.

Home made +5

Eat at table +1

Without distractions +1

Have a salad +1

Protein shake with fish oil +1

Tangy Tangerine +1

AM oral health +1

PM oral health +1

Make Bed +1

Clean Mask +1

Deep Clean CPAP +5 (once a week)


Language Study +5 Argold/day possible

 With the System down, the automatic tanslations that most people rely on simply aren't available. If Alis wants to communicate with her Avowed, she's going to have to go about it the old fashioned way and actually learn their language. 

Morning +1

Evening +1

10+ lessons in a day +3



Sharpening skills Unlimited, ideally at least +6 Argold/day possible

Engagement +1

Completion +5


Auriad practice  +5 Argold/day possible

A little +1

A bit +3

A lot +5

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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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Lower scored day yesterday. Goal is to average over 50 Argold/day for the whole challenge. There's 100 Argold possible, with 50 of them from expanding the islands of order. I was really drained by the time I made it home. Cats spent the day at the vet's (they're fine, regular checkup, but they hates it). Didn't have the spoons to really make progress, but assessed where I was at and decided I could properly clean the messes of the day, instead of shoving them aside to be delt with later. Cat carriers had their doors removed and put back into their position as hidey holes. Dishes were washed, apartment restored to the state it was when I woke up. 


Thursday, 34/100 Argold. 181 total Argold earned over 3 days, so average is still above 50


  Week 0
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Fight the Chaos +50 Argold/day possible   50 50 10      
Push it back! +5              
Defeat the encroachment! +10       +      
Expand the islands! +50   + +        
Wordchians (all actions can be done twice per day) +10 Argold/day possible   10 10 10      
Say a chain +1   ++ ++ ++      
Light a candle +1   ++ ++ ++      
Be still and know +1   ++ ++ ++      
Time for study +2   ++ ++ ++      
Survey the lands +6 Argold/day possible   1 0 2      
A brief foray +1   +   ++      
Walk the perimeter +5              
Exercise the Grivecks +2 Argold/day possible   0 2 4      
      + ++      
The Care and Feeding of the Quaternary +14 Argold/day possible   10 5 5      
Home made +5   +          
Eat at table +1              
Without distractions +1              
Have a salad +1   +          
Protien shake with fish oil +1   + + +      
Tangy Tangerine +1   + + +      
AM oral health +1   + + +      
PM oral health +1     + +      
Make Bed +1              
Clean Mask +1   + + +      
Deep Clean CPAP +5 (once a week)              
Laungage Study +5 Argold/day possible   5 2 2      
Morning +1   + + +      
Evening +1   + + +      
10+ lessons in a day +3   +          
Sharpening skills Unlimited, ideally at least +6 Argold/day possible              
Engagement +1              
Completion +5              
Auriad practice +5 Argold/day possible   1 1 1      
A little (wrist / ankles) +1   + + +      
A bit (back) +3              
A lot (follow a routine)+5              
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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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HR sent out a reminder about our dress code this morning, so in the daily manager's meeting:

"I would like to apologize to anyone that I've made uncomfortable with my halter tops and daisy dukes. Going forward, I will attempt to comport myself in a more appropriate manner". 


Edit: Given the reaction, I'm thinking my joke didn't land.  I wasn't targeted, and due to the work I do, always wear heavy pants and a rip-stop shirt with undershirt, thus, in context of my work, the idea of dressed as such is absurd and got a mix of laughs, and "thanks for the mental image". 

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  • Angry on your Behalf 1

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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10 minutes ago, Whisper said:

HR sent out a reminder about our dress code this morning, so in the daily manager's meeting:

"I would like to apologize to anyone that I've made uncomfortable with my halter tops and daisy dukes. Going forward, I will attempt to comport myself in a more appropriate manner". 

Unless you're often dealing with customers / outside people, where I get that an air of professionality is required, I don't see the point of a dress code at all. Even worse if others wouldn't get such a reminder for wearing the exact same thing.

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TimovieMan: funnier than you think he is; not as funny as he thinks he is...

Active challenges: Don't log, remain sensible | Walk to Mordor - (spreadsheet) | DailyDare | Weight Loss PVP 10/12 lbs in 10/12 weeks - (spreadsheet)

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3 minutes ago, TimovieMan said:

Unless you're often dealing with customers / outside people, where I get that an air of professionality is required, I don't see the point of a dress code at all. Even worse if others wouldn't get such a reminder for wearing the exact same thing.

Edited original post, Dress code for production areas does make sense, and anyone here not in production is dealing with customers and outside folks.  Only thing I find truly strange in the company dress code is "During the summer months (May through Labor Day), Operations and Warehouse employees will be permitted to wear shorts at work." Like really? The day after labor day, we're still in the high 90s, but no more shorts? And who cares if someone wants to wear shorts in the winter, they'll just have to deal with the fact that I'm not adjusting the thermostat for them. 


We've had some people in public facing positions wearing tops with exposed midriffs, which is what I think prompted the reminder email from HR, sent to everyone. None of the people in the meeting were the targets of the email, I was just teasing them.

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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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53 minutes ago, Whisper said:

We've had some people in public facing positions wearing tops with exposed midriffs, which is what I think prompted the reminder email from HR, sent to everyone. None of the people in the meeting were the targets of the email, I was just teasing them.

I thought you were targeted and just played it up for your team.


I'm used to HR passive-aggressively sending out targeted "reminders", so I made an assumption. Sorry.


I have in the past had a "reminder" about my internet use (after a month where I had made several VBA macros for some colleagues, so my internet use was legitimate work-related research).
Last year I had a remark about "clocking irregularities" because when working from home I usually didn't clock out for lunch. Because my lunch break was basically me watching the 1 pm news broadcast for 25 minutes, with my laptop next to me (so I wasn't even *really* on a break), as the system automatically deducts half an hour for lunch break if you don't clock out. My then-teamlead had my back with a "Fuck HR" that time.
And just two weeks ago, HR reminded me that I still had "a lot" of vacation days this year, and were urging me to take them. I had 7 days left, 3 of which only became available on October 1st, and 1 of which still isn't available. While working in a position where I don't have any colleagues to take into account for permanence. I can plan vacation days just a week in advance, and the idea has always been to take any "leftover" days between Christmas and New Year's. Good thing my current teamlead said: "I'm just the messenger. Feel free to ignore HR." Because he hadn't realised it was about a mere 7 days and not 14+.


The worst was at a previous employer. The company's concierge lived in the on-site house with his wife and kids. When his wife filed for divorce, HR was *so* humane that they immediately fired him and threw him out of the house. Because the concierge's contract stated that the house was to be occupied by a family. Way to kick someone while he's down.


So yeah, not too fond of "reminders" by HR... ?

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  • Wow 1

TimovieMan: funnier than you think he is; not as funny as he thinks he is...

Active challenges: Don't log, remain sensible | Walk to Mordor - (spreadsheet) | DailyDare | Weight Loss PVP 10/12 lbs in 10/12 weeks - (spreadsheet)

Old threads: Battle log | Challenge I | IIIIIIV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVII | XVIII | XIX | XX | XXI | XXII | XXIII

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2 hours ago, Whisper said:

HR sent out a reminder about our dress code this morning, so in the daily manager's meeting:

"I would like to apologize to anyone that I've made uncomfortable with my halter tops and daisy dukes. Going forward, I will attempt to comport myself in a more appropriate manner". 


Edit: Given the reaction, I'm thinking my joke didn't land.  I wasn't targeted, and due to the work I do, always wear heavy pants and a rip-stop shirt with undershirt, thus, in context of my work, the idea of dressed as such is absurd and got a mix of laughs, and "thanks for the mental image". 


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Challenges: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19#20#21#22#23#24#25#26#27, #28#29#30#31#32#33#34#35Current

Walk to Mordor: 2019, 2020, 2021202220232024

Adventures: Adventurers Wanted: A West-Marches Campaign

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1 hour ago, TimovieMan said:

So yeah, not too fond of "reminders" by HR... ?

A fair response. Even more fair considering the issues I've been dealing with with people that DO have a problem with my appearance. 

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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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New high score yesterday! 83/100! 264 Argold in the bank! I'm going to painting this morning, and was thinking I would grab lunch from a drive thru on the way home, but I don't want to waste my precious, precious Argold like that! Instead, I'm thinking for my first reward I want to buy a ridiculously over priced scale book!.


I've decided to set the bar really, really low for home cooked. "Initial preparation involved stove and/or oven".  I'm not (yet) set up for eating at a table. Need to clear more chaos to make that happen, but that is on the goal list for this weekend. It'll also support taking a meal without distractions.


Challenge details in spoiler to save on scrolling.


  Week 0
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Fight the Chaos +50 Argold/day possible   50 50 10 50    
Push it back! +5              
Defeat the encroachment! +10       +      
Expand the islands! +50   + +   +    
Wordchians (all actions can be done twice per day) +10 Argold/day possible   10 10 10 10    
Say a chain +1   ++ ++ ++ ++    
Light a candle +1   ++ ++ ++ ++    
Be still and know +1   ++ ++ ++ ++    
Time for study +2   ++ ++ ++ ++    
Survey the lands +6 Argold/day possible   1 0 2 2    
A brief foray +1   +   ++ ++    
Walk the perimeter +5              
Exercise the Grivecks +2 Argold/day possible   0 2 4 0    
      + ++      
The Care and Feeding of the Quaternary +14 Argold/day possible   10 5 5 11    
Home made +5   +     +    
Eat at table +1              
Without distractions +1              
Have a salad +1   +     +    
Protien shake with fish oil +1   + + + +    
Tangy Tangerine +1   + + + +    
AM oral health +1   + + +      
PM oral health +1     + + +    
Make Bed +1         +    
Clean Mask +1   + + + +    
Deep Clean CPAP +5 (once a week)              
Laungage Study +5 Argold/day possible   5 2 2 2    
Morning +1   + + + +    
Evening +1   + + + +    
10+ lessons in a day +3   +          
Sharpening skills Unlimited, ideally at least +6 Argold/day possible         7    
Engagement +1         ++    
Completion +5         +    
Auriad practice +5 Argold/day possible   1 1 1 1    
A little (wrist / ankles) +1   + + + +    
A bit (back) +3              
A lot (follow a routine)+5              


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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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600 DAYS! That's super impressive!! YAY!!!


On 10/17/2024 at 9:12 PM, Whisper said:

, actually clean the new messes instead of just moving them.


"Don't put things down, put them away"  is what my mom told me, and also "Just touch it once" it kinda becomes a game then. I pick something up and I can't set it down until I put it away. There ARE limits. I also have a "I dunno" box of stuff that is like "Where does it go? I dunno!" and when the box is full, I have to find a proper place for it, or donate it. I am SO good at doing this about 4 days a week. The other three are full of doom piles and self-loathing.  :D:D Ski Jumping Oops GIF by Sunny Bunnies


So anyway, following to cheer you on!! :D 

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6 hours ago, Whisper said:

was thinking I would grab lunch from a drive thru on the way home, but I don't want to waste my precious, precious Argold like that!

Why did I say that?!

Spent the whole drive home STARVING and thinking of all the places I could stop and get FOOD.


I think I should bring snacks to painting. Class runs right over my normal lunch window. Threw a couple frozen burritos on the microwave, but now the Grivecks have me pinned down and I lack the courage to displace them.



Painting was good. Did a trail run with paint markers. Turns out I can write beautifully, but spelling remains beyond me. After marking corrections, added words and part of window frame to rainy painting. Then added red grapes and pomegranate to still life.



I am ridiculously happy with the pomegranate kernels, less happy with the fruit itself. Think I made it too upright, feels unsupported. But look at those spilled kernels! 

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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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Your handwriting reminds me of LotR. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

Battle Log | Current Challenge

MyFitnessPal | Fitbit | Duolingo

                                                                                                                                                                 Ici je vis la vie que j'ai choisie

Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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+77 Argold yesterday, total now at 341.


  Week 0
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Fight the Chaos +50 Argold/day possible   50 50 10 50 50  
Push it back! +5              
Defeat the encroachment! +10       +      
Expand the islands! +50   + +   + +  
Wordchians (all actions can be done twice per day) +10 Argold/day possible   10 10 10 10 10  
Say a chain +1   ++ ++ ++ ++ ++  
Light a candle +1   ++ ++ ++ ++ ++  
Be still and know +1   ++ ++ ++ ++ ++  
Time for study +2   ++ ++ ++ ++ ++  
Survey the lands +6 Argold/day possible   1 0 2 2 0  
A brief foray +1   +   ++ ++    
Walk the perimeter +5              
Exercise the Grivecks +2 Argold/day possible   0 2 4 0 0  
      + ++      
The Care and Feeding of the Quaternary +14 Argold/day possible   10 5 5 11 11  
Home made +5   +     + +  
Eat at table +1           +  
Without distractions +1              
Have a salad +1   +     + +  
Protien shake with fish oil +1   + + + + +  
Tangy Tangerine +1   + + + +    
AM oral health +1   + + +   +  
PM oral health +1     + + + +  
Make Bed +1         +    
Clean Mask +1   + + + + +  
Deep Clean CPAP +5 (once a week)              
Laungage Study +5 Argold/day possible   5 2 2 2 5  
Morning +1   + + + + +  
Evening +1   + + + + +  
10+ lessons in a day +3   +       +  
Sharpening skills Unlimited, ideally at least +6 Argold/day possible         7    
Engagement +1         ++    
Completion +5         +    
Auriad practice +5 Argold/day possible   1 1 1 1 1  
A little (wrist / ankles) +1   + + + + +  
A bit (back) +3              
A lot (follow a routine)+5              


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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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19 hours ago, Whisper said:

Started a new papainting tonight

Care of the Reaper


Very seasonal, very myffic.


terry pratchett death GIF

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I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.

Current Challenge: #24 - Mrs. Cosmopolite Challenge

Past: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  #7#8, #9#10, #11a & #11b, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23

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Week Zero Summary 


Initial progress after arriving at Moon Thegund was expectedly slow and cautious. Initial areas if control were established and reinforced. Kight Alis-art’h could sense that something was disturbed by their presence, like they were near the layer of a beast. After nearly a week of careful searching and preparation, the den of an enormous demon was found. Too close to the hard faught island of stability to be ignored, too strong and deep into the corrupting chaos to be fought on its own terf.


The Grivecks launched the attack, naturally swift and resilient, and augmented more my their status as Avowed, they were the only ones that could enter that corrupt area, but even they couldn't stay there long.


Sasha launched a feint directly at the demon's maw, while ShyAnn circled behind to swipe at its hindquarters with fierce claws. When it turned no her, Sasha launched an attack of his own. Other's might have used these attacks to goad the demon into following them into a trap, but the proud warriors would not retreat from a foe. They did not draw the monster after them, but drove it into a cleared area where Alis-art’h was able to join the fight.


The demon was as stupid as it was strong, as clumsy as it was tough. In the cleaned area, it didn't really have a chance of winning against a Knight if the Triplanets and her Avowed warriors. It took time and attention and freshly cleared ground torn back up again, but after a hard days fight, the demon was worn and then thrown down.


The fight finally done, Alis looked down on their defeated foe. There was no telling what poor creature had first formed the seed the demon had grown from; too much twisting corruption and chaos. The lands they had spent the last week working on were worse for the wear, but they could be set right again with a day or two's effort, and with the demon defeated, the path ahead was already looking half ckeared.


She turned to her tired, but clearly satisfied companions and said "dinner?"


Lots and lots of hard work today, but made some huge progress sorting first in the living room, and then dragging stuff from the bedroom to be sorted. Recycling bins completely full, and I've still got several more paper bags worth. Cleared a nice wide path to the closet, washed a bunch of laundry and got all of it hung or folded and put away.


Decided to get dinner delivered, but not tapping Argold for it, considering it a special reward for extraordinary efforts. 

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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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1 hour ago, Whisper said:

Attempted to add raindrops. Attempt failed, painting ruined.

  Reveal hidden contents


It's ok, I wasn't all that happy with the mountain anyway. 

Sometimes you have to take risks :)

Challenges: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19#20#21#22#23#24#25#26#27, #28#29#30#31#32#33#34#35Current

Walk to Mordor: 2019, 2020, 2021202220232024

Adventures: Adventurers Wanted: A West-Marches Campaign

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