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Maigs Hangs out in the Battle Logs

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Part of my little "d" depressed feeling is because my to-do list is *checks spreadsheet* 3,892 items long. So today I took some initiative and started getting some of the bigger (and more urgent items) going. Scheduled two places to come out next week to get quotes on new gutters/downspouts (they are literally falling off the house). Called again about getting our no-longer needed propane tank removed. Left a message following up with a guy who came out two weeks ago to see if he's willing to tackle refinishing the trim in my upstairs (if not then I need to get on doing it myself because my ONE BIG GOAL this summer is getting the upstairs refinished so we can move up there). And researched a place for Hubs to call about some landscaping work and made a list of what we want done in phase 1.


For those who don't know; we bought a 100 year old farmhouse with about an acre of land and while it's in good shape, there's a lot of deferred maintenance that we need to catch up on. Last year's fun was new HVAC, water heater/softener/purifier, and some foundation work. 

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On 5/17/2022 at 3:36 PM, Maigs said:

Part of my little "d" depressed feeling is because my to-do list is *checks spreadsheet* 3,892 items long. So today I took some initiative and started getting some of the bigger (and more urgent items) going. Scheduled two places to come out next week to get quotes on new gutters/downspouts (they are literally falling off the house). Called again about getting our no-longer needed propane tank removed. Left a message following up with a guy who came out two weeks ago to see if he's willing to tackle refinishing the trim in my upstairs (if not then I need to get on doing it myself because my ONE BIG GOAL this summer is getting the upstairs refinished so we can move up there). And researched a place for Hubs to call about some landscaping work and made a list of what we want done in phase 1.


For those who don't know; we bought a 100 year old farmhouse with about an acre of land and while it's in good shape, there's a lot of deferred maintenance that we need to catch up on. Last year's fun was new HVAC, water heater/softener/purifier, and some foundation work. 


Your list literally made me go "DANG! She's killing it. I should call the AC place I've meaning to call." So thanks for helping me tackle one of my to-do list tasks. :)

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16 hours ago, Rooks said:


Your list literally made me go "DANG! She's killing it. I should call the AC place I've meaning to call." So thanks for helping me tackle one of my to-do list tasks. :)

Haha, yes, I killed it that particular day. Most days all I manage is keeping my house reasonably clean. Since then I've....kept my house reasonably clean and did spent about an hour each day cleaning up the yard. Not too shabby but not as productive at Tuesday :P 


And if you haven't yet: Call about the AC!

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Week ending 5/22


I didn't track my weight or calories most of the week. Which is a pretty good hint that I haven't been so great about being on track. It hasn't been terrible, but it wasn't ideal either. I did work out four times though, two each kickboxing and weights. I've recorded some of my lifts to check my form and it's pretty good, but there's room for improvement.


I'm really enjoying having my home gym. My other options were a free but inconvenient gym that even though it was well equipped, it didn't have a squat or bench rack (just a smith machine which I hate), or a regular gym where I'm competing with others for equipment and feeling awkward recording my lifts for form checks. 


Still dealing with the mehs. I can get myself moving and productive and feeling good each day, but there's also long bouts of unmotivated, trash tv watching. I think if I get myself moving earlier in the day it will be better (Newton's 3rd law of motion and all)

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3 hours ago, Maigs said:

Still dealing with the mehs. I can get myself moving and productive and feeling good each day, but there's also long bouts of unmotivated, trash tv watching. I think if I get myself moving earlier in the day it will be better (Newton's 3rd law of motion and all)

I struggle with the same thing.  I’m in the first week of trying the early workout deal as well, best of luck!

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I had basically a week off due to travelling for the holiday weekend. We got to see friends and family which is good, but exhausting and included two 10 hour drives. Allergies decided to rear their ugly head while we were gone and I'm still dealing with a little bit of a cough and a headache that has settled in behind both eyes. 


Wednesday, in our first day back, I did a workout. My quads were not happy with the squats and I had to give up on them a little earlier than I'd planned even though the weights were fairly light. But I kept adding 5lbs to the bench press and made it up to 80lbs. I think I could have kept going another round or two but didn't want to push too hard too soon. 


Today I had planned on going to kickboxing, but wasn't quite feeling up to HIIT so I went back to the basement and do some slow lifts. I didn't have a plan so I ended up testing some maxes. I had set some initial 1RM goals for the year last week, and I freaking nailed two of them today! 75lbs OHP and 110lbs squat! I'm gonna have to set some new goals and maybe come up with an actual training plan

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Kinda envious of the home gym! 

On 6/3/2022 at 9:31 PM, Maigs said:

We got to see friends and family which is good, but exhausting and included two 10 hour drives.

This is a whole different kind of workout! Good job getting a workout in after that :) 

RES...and I want to live days worth dying for

Current: RES: Life is not Always SET


Growth happens when you care more about the well being of your future self than the comfort of your present self!

"Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is." -Yoda


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9 hours ago, Marauder said:

Swanky new home gym looks awesome!


26 minutes ago, RES said:

Kinda envious of the home gym! 

Thanks! I'm super excited to have it. One of my "nice to haves" when we were home shopping two years ago was room for one. 


28 minutes ago, RES said:

This is a whole different kind of workout! Good job getting a workout in after that :) 

And we do that 4-5 times a year ? I'm happy we're close enough to see family regularly without being so close that we're expected to be at everything, but those 10 hour drives are a lot

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Well, home internet has been down since *looks at watch* a week ago yesterday, and not expected to be back up until next month. The joys of rural living (I actually LOVE rural living, but unreliable internet is a known but annoying side effect of it). 


I'm shopping around for programming help for my workouts. I had a call with an online power lifting coach yesterday. Then talked to the guy at my kickboxing gym  who does some personal training. Probably won't go with the online coach because it's a minimum of $180/month and I'm already dishing out stupid amounts of money for the kickboxing gym and home equipment. Gym friend is gonna throw something together for me, though it sounds like he has a lot on his plate and isn't really looking for training clients. 

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Tested my 1RM on the deadlift last night and made it to 185lbs! My grip was struggling hard at 155 but I changed to the switch grip, which had always felt awkward to me before, and it helped tremendously. When I stopped at 185 it was because I was concerned about my form, not my grip. 


I also bought a pulley thing that I can attach to the pull-up bar on my rack and do lat pulldowns and some other exercises with. You just put plates on the other end for the weight.


My bodyweight, however, is not budging. When I lost weight before it would react almost immediately to my diet getting on track, but now I can be zoned in for a full week with zero change. I'm eating the same foods as I did before and I never went extreme with calorie or food restrictions or exercise, so I don't think I screwed up my metabolism. I think I'm just getting older and my body responds differently than it used to ?


I just have to keep in mind that if I keep up doing what I've been doing this week I'll get there

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So my kickboxing gym is closing as of July 1st. They have another location, but it's the opposite corner of town as me so it would take me about 35 minutes to get there, and I have no other reason to be on that side of town. I'm a bit devastated because I really like my gym. 


I'm researching options, but not loving any of them so far. I have a free workout at Hotworx this afternoon to check it out. I technically have one scheduled for OrangeTheory on Thursday, but then they sent me the pricing and I'm not paying that much (60% more than my already pricey membership) so I'll probably cancel it. We also have a Ferrell's around here so I may try that one out. I could also go back to my old traditional gym that offers kickboxing classes (what actually got me into it in the first place) but the class times are very limited


I think what I want to supplement my weight lifting is either cardio or mobility (ideally both, but let's be realistic here). That brings up the possibility of running, which I've always disliked, but maybe I just need to start at shorter runs than I have before (i.e. working towards a mile, not a 5k; 10-15 minute workouts not 30-35 C25k ones). I could also try GMB Elements which is mobility focused. I've seen some people on here mention it, but no one I regularly interact with so I don't remember who any of them were to ask what they think.

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On 6/28/2022 at 11:53 AM, Maigs said:

 I could also try GMB Elements which is mobility focused. I've seen some people on here mention it, but no one I regularly interact with so I don't remember who any of them were to ask what they think.

@Machete I seem to recall you tried GMB, didn't you? If so, any thoughts to share? If not, simply ignore my incoherent ramblings.


20 hours ago, Maigs said:

Facebook tells me that my first OCR was 9 years ago today. It's where my profile picture is from. More sadness about things I enjoyed that are now in my past. I'm okay, just nostalgic and sad


A co-worker just shared his first powerlifting meet video, and I was dumb-founded to realize that it's been 7 YEARS since my meet. Feel you on this comment. Although I might still have 1 or 2 more meets in me if I can just get my stuff together.

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4 hours ago, Rooks said:

@Machete I seem to recall you tried GMB, didn't you? If so, any thoughts to share? If not, simply ignore my incoherent ramblings.

I did! I never completed the entire program as written, but it focuses on the bear crawl, monkey walk, and frog hop movements that eventually scale up to a spider-man crawl, cartwheel, and handstand kick-up. I kept the beginning progressions as a warm-up/assessment for my group classes back in Orlando.

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@Marauder and @Machete - Due to some imbalances I have a very tight and somewhat painful right hip and some issues with my right shoulder. I'm also incredibly inflexible, as in I can't touch my toes and if my legs are straight the best I can get is a 90 degree angle at the waist. 


What I'm hoping to get out of Elements is getting my hip and shoulder back in good order, increased flexibility, and what I think of as light and slow gymnastics (back bends, handstands, walkovers, etc). From their website it sounds like it would do exactly that. In your experiences, do you think it would help get me in that direction?

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15 minutes ago, Maigs said:

@Marauder and @Machete - Due to some imbalances I have a very tight and somewhat painful right hip and some issues with my right shoulder. I'm also incredibly inflexible, as in I can't touch my toes and if my legs are straight the best I can get is a 90 degree angle at the waist. 


What I'm hoping to get out of Elements is getting my hip and shoulder back in good order, increased flexibility, and what I think of as light and slow gymnastics (back bends, handstands, walkovers, etc). From their website it sounds like it would do exactly that. In your experiences, do you think it would help get me in that direction?


As Machete said earlier, it basically involves a lot of the animal movement patterns.   I would possibly be a little concerned about a painful hip or any pain in the shoulder.  This program is definitely good for addressing range limitations and functional movement, but I'd be hesitant if you are having pain in those joints.  If you've seen their monkey, bear, and frog movements and you'd be good with those pain-free, then go for it.

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Rangering since Sept 2015



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On 7/1/2022 at 6:14 AM, Maigs said:

@Marauder and @Machete - Due to some imbalances I have a very tight and somewhat painful right hip and some issues with my right shoulder. I'm also incredibly inflexible, as in I can't touch my toes and if my legs are straight the best I can get is a 90 degree angle at the waist. 


What I'm hoping to get out of Elements is getting my hip and shoulder back in good order, increased flexibility, and what I think of as light and slow gymnastics (back bends, handstands, walkovers, etc). From their website it sounds like it would do exactly that. In your experiences, do you think it would help get me in that direction?


They also have Focused Flexibility if you want to practice that, but Elements I think is a really good progressive movement practice that probably scales to your needs. Just be intentional about it. I believe they have a 30-day money-back policy, so you could totally try it out.

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