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DarK_RaideR's BattlE_LoG

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2 hours ago, DarK_RaideR said:

+ Next came 70 Burpees for time, in teams of 2.

They should have made you do more, since they have been inflicted on the alliance ;) 


The SRLF is appropriately badass.

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"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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That class sounds awesome and fun! Go SRLF!

Sent on dragon wing

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Level 87 Wood Elf Druid

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On 7/28/2016 at 1:37 PM, Raxie said:


I seriously couldn't believe how good this show turned out go be.  I was really up in the air about even watching it but HOLY COW.  It's basically the TV show I've always wanted to exist.  And the filming style/acting/opening credits/everything was just so perfectttt in terms of throwbacks I could barely stand it.


This is making me very curious!


8 hours ago, DarK_RaideR said:

To the left: Me getting punched by my delicate little flower. You know, the kind of flower that makes Super Mario shoot fireballs


She looks like she is gonna bite your head off! Ofcourse i mean this in the most loving way possible ;) 



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... a little odd in the head ...

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Just watched Star Trek on NetFlix. It's 23:30...


"Maybe you would like to see "Stranger Things"...


No, no, no I need to go to bed.


Aah damn, here we go...


5 minutes in and I'm all like damn... Freaky stuff... This is gonna eat up time...



"I could barely stand it" sums it up quite nice ;) 

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... a little odd in the head ...

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Hahaha #relationshipgoals for sure.  Sounds like the SLRF is one badass lady.  Hope you're not feeling too sore! Also I love the woman to the right looking at that hit.  


I've been wanting to do Muay Thai too! Or really any martial arts and there's a Muay Thai gym within walking distance from me so that's what caught my eye.  Plus it look so bad ass! I hope you do it!

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Friday, July 29th


Nutrition: 8/10 servings of alcohol and 7/10 cheat meals


Workouts: Rest day. Third motorcycle lesson, rode it naturally and got clearance to use the 600cc Hornet next time. Unfortunately, it's booked for classes until Friday, so I'm doing my next lesson Tuesday on the same bike



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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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On ‎29‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 10:35 AM, DarK_RaideR said:

+ After that, I am both excited and terrified by the idea of trying out Muay Thai. Which is a clear indicator that I should go ahead and try it.


Very much agree with this statement!


Glad things are going well with your biking too.

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Level 21 Wood Elf Ranger


STR: 18  -  CON: 22  -  CHA: 11  -  SAN: 19  -  INT: 17


"Shit is going down, but I am not." - iatetheyeti

Don't say "I don't have enough time", say instead "that's not a priority right now" and see how that makes you feel.

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14 hours ago, DarK_RaideR said:

Saturday, July 30th


Nutrition: Emergency pastry for breakfast (not worth it) plus SRLF made a magnificent pasta-based dish for dinner (totally worth it) brings me to 8/10 servings of alcohol and 9/10 cheat meals


Ugh...hate the wasted cheat meal! You should make it though. Month almost over!!

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Xena, Level 14+ Valkyrie Ranger

January 2017  December 2016

Oct/Nov 2016


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Sunday, July 31st


Nutrition: Had an ice cream to cross the finish line with 8/10 servings of alcohol and 10/10 cheat meals


Workouts: Rest day


July Recap: Quite satisfied with how the month went. Hit my nutrition numbers without really feeling deprived and burning too much willpower. I think it's realistic to say that come September, I might lower them a bit even. I'm very happy with how much alcohol consumption was contained and the fact that out of my 10 cheat meals, only a couple were actual deviations, the rest being something like an ice cream or a dish of pasta. Workouts were done according to my 3/week minimum standard, sometimes more than that even, plus the occasional Krav Maga experience. Intensity was good, I'm still learning about myself and performance under duress. Last but not least, I started my motorcycle lessons and looking to take the exams within the following month.


Next up: August Armageddon!

Where our hero attempts to survive living on the borderline of his budget and still experience some sort of summer vacation, unike last year. He also continues to eat right and tries to use batch cooking to get meal prep and grocery shopping under control. Stay tuned for all that, plus crossfit, motorcycle exams and more!

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Monday, August 1st


Nutrition: 0/10 servings of alcohol and 0/10 cheat meals. Feels good to have these reset to zero!


Workouts: First workout of the week


3 rounds for time

400m run

15 Power Cleans


Goal: Lean forward, breathe from the nose and whatever happens, don't stop running

Result: 12:31 Kept proper form and did all my runs "unbroken" without slowing down, walking or stopping


+ Running is one of the things I seriously suck at, especially when combined with other things, hence my unorthodox goal for the workout. I'm verry happy it worked out the way it did, especially considering I had to run in the heat

- Loaded 40kg for the Power Cleans and broke them all into sets of 5. An acceptable trade, considering I wanted to emphasize my running

+ On the bright side, the breaks between my Power Cleans were short and totally controlled, as opposed to taking a breather and generally getting back at it whenever I feel ready. It's like my mind was in control instead of my lungs, heart and muscles.

Intensity rating: 80%


Finances: Paid a phone bill and booked a ferry to my hometown on the 12th, to be paid upon arrival. I also started to keep a spending log in order to help me check whether I'm sticking to the budget plan. It's the first time we made a common one with the SRLF.


Motorcycle: I got a phonecall that my exam has been scheduled for the 10th! ERMAGHERD that's only 9 days from now!

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Just checked the site of crossfit. They have another WOD compared to you. I thought all crossfitters did the same WOD across the world...


I was lucky on my bike exam, the girl before me failed because she wasn't confident enough, so i rode my exam like i owned the road. I got one small warning about it, but did pass the exam. Tip: try to check out the guy who is scoring you!

... a little odd in the head ...

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3 minutes ago, mr_willes said:

Just checked the site of crossfit. They have another WOD compared to you. I thought all crossfitters did the same WOD across the world...

Crossfit.com puts up a workout every day (unless it's rest day, obviously) inviting people to post their score on the comments. It's great for people who work out on their own instead of a box and enforces a sense of global community, much like an MMO game. At best it can inspire coaches and box owners, but besides that it's not "mandatory"



Here's a gif of crossfit meets motorbiking in the form of motorbike handstand walk because Hype!

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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13 hours ago, mr_willes said:

Just checked the site of crossfit. They have another WOD compared to you. I thought all crossfitters did the same WOD across the world...

13 hours ago, mr_willes said:

Though i am a bit disappointed about it. The sense of global community was one of the cool things about it. And to be sure you don't get a box' adaptation of the CrossFit idea. Then again if they do a true CrossFit WOD that would be kept. 


At the very beginning it used to be like that, especially since there was only one box in Santa Cruz(original Glassmans' box  who's equipament is now at Camp Pendelton) so there were a lot of lone wolf and garage crossfitters spread across the globe. Once affiliates began to open across the US and Level 1 certificates became a thing, box owners started designing their own WODs following CrossFit principles.

Actually, as far as I know, an important part of Lvl 1 Certs is the "science" behind WOD design; 'cause you can't just put together some exercises and call it a day. Heavy barbell movements, metcon and skill should be merged in perfect a formula of sweet, sweet 15-to-30min torture. 

The libertarian spirit of CrossFit goes hand in hand with the idea of coaches and owners designing their own WODs(Where I train, for example, there are a few propietary benchmark WODs)


You should try some of the "girls" at home, like some of the first crossfitters did back in the day. That way you'll get an idea of CF before having to spend money upfront on a box membership. Of course the community sense that you mention would not be present, but at least you get a glimpse of the whole deal.


That sense of community lives within the box, in every workout where the fittest of athletes is suffering as much as the 40-year-old lady that joined last week. Where you endure the sweet torture of a properly designed WOD together as a pack. Where there's athletes cheering for an overweight noob like myself, that wouldn't even know I'm in the room if we were at a globo-gym.

Sorry, @DarK_RaideR I didn't mean to hijack your thread, I got a bit carried away...



RE: You Getting punched in the face by SRLF


My god! it's just the pic or those punches were as savage as they look? That's a girl you wouldn't mess around with :P


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Instagram/Facebook/Epic Quest

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It's alright @Agnarr, no hijacking at all. Thanks for explaining it all, some of the info I didn't know myself either. As for the punches, the SRLF was winded after the burpees and all (remember she's got asthma as well) and her hits weren't really packing a lot of force, so I taunted her about being slightly lazy and got hammered in return. Guess I was asking for it that's motivation!

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Tuesday, August 2nd


Nutrition: Emergency lunch for 0/10 servings of alcohol and 1/10 cheat meals. We should remember to check the oven and not forget cooked food there overnight instead of the fridge :ambivalence:


Workouts: Rest day




Motorcycle: Did my fourth class and booked all the remaining ones (Thursday, Friday. Monday and Tuesday) until my Wednesday exam while wearing my brand new helmet like a proud puppy. Apparently there's another transitional step between the blue 500cc CB and the 600cc Hornet, a feisty 400cc CB type R. Less cc but a lot more kick on the gas, so the point was to prepare me for the big bike.

I dunno, I feel ready to move up

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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I'm curious what you will be (or wanting to be) riding when you are finished with your course.


I started my career of biking on a Kawa ZXR400, fantastic to get the hang of things. And great for your confidence, when you can catch on to people they are impressed you can do that with a 400cc bike, when you can't no problem cause you are not on a "regular" bike. I had SO.MUCH.FUN with it!




It still looks pretty badass if you ask me!




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... a little odd in the head ...

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1 minute ago, mr_willes said:

I'm curious what you will be (or wanting to be) riding when you are finished with your course.

The 400CB had a higher wheel and posture, which made it way more comfortable to ride and easier to steer. I'm probably looking towards on/off, touring and maybe supermoto bikes, something that's not too hunched and fast like a speed/superbike (although I adore vintage and cafe racers) and something that can take me on longer trips. I rode two Suzukis while learning for my previous exam, a KLE and a 600 Vstrom, both of which felt great, especially the former. I might also look for a Suzuki DR, just for the sake of the pun (see what I did there?). It will all depend on my budget and what's available, from the look of things at best I'll be able to buy one around Spring of 2017.


Here's to the day we'll ride halfway across Europe, meet and do an OCR together


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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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2 minutes ago, DarK_RaideR said:

a Suzuki DR




2 minutes ago, DarK_RaideR said:

I'm probably looking towards on/off, touring and maybe supermoto bike


At this moment there is only one bike i'm willing to trade in for mine, upgrade my Hypermotard to a Multistrada...




2 minutes ago, DarK_RaideR said:

Here's to the day we'll ride halfway across Europe, meet and do an OCR together



That day can't be soon enough, halfway through, would be somewhere around Switzerland/Austria/Northern Italy. We have to make sure to do an OCR and have time left to take the bikes through some passes!



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... a little odd in the head ...

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Those classes look awesome! I mean, over here we've got the good ole private driving schools(cars only) but I' ve never heard of organized motorcycle driving classes. Then again, I don't think such a business would have much success in a country where most bikes users are cumbia-listening turros (picture a latin version of slav gopniks)

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Instagram/Facebook/Epic Quest

Previous Challenges: #1 | #2 | #3(Holiday Mini)| #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8 | #9|#10| #11| #12| #13 | #14


Current Challenge: Respawn


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2 hours ago, mr_willes said:

That day can't be soon enough, halfway through, would be somewhere around Switzerland/Austria/Northern Italy. We have to make sure to do an OCR and have time left to take the bikes through some passes!

I know for a fact there's a Spartan race in Milan, another in Austria/Tirol somewhere in the Alps and I guess Southern Germany will have something on the schedule as well. Then there's Scandinavia, NW Balkans or your little corner of the continent. Lots of options, but I gotta take it step by step ;)


42 minutes ago, Agnarr said:

over here we've got the good ole private driving schools(cars only) but I' ve never heard of organized motorcycle driving classes.

All driving schools here usually do both car and motorcycle. However, until something like 10 years ago, classes and exams for the latter were simply about being able to drive a straight line and maintain balance. Then they added a test of riding in actual streets, with a radio in your helmet and the teacher/examinators following behind in a car. Couple of years ago the legislation changed again and now you're supposed to train in a special area like the one in my video. First you gotta drive a fixed distance slow and straight, staying between the lines and taking at least 15". Then comes the slalom between the cones. Then you speed up between two longer lines, switch to second gear then break and come to a complete stop. Last come a left and right dodge of obstacles and you're good to move on to the street exam.


I'm lucky to be in the capital atm, this place is just behind the Ministry of Transportation; back in my hometown we had to drive 30' up a mountain to get to a village that had a suitable track. We did individual lessons at another spot and once enough candidates were ready to take the exam, we did the last couple of lessons on the track.


35 minutes ago, mr_willes said:

Maybe by the amount of replies you can tell i really like riding bikes...

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in 2014 i followed a class where they try to teach you this:


I can recommend it to anyone. You get so much feeling and confidence of what a bike can do from these sorts of training!


Speaking of the past, there was a time around the turn of the previous century when people round these parts had no proper biking gear or a clue of how to ride



This is one of the many pictures I've seen on a book my father has on the history of Greek Motorcyclism (this is now a word). Apparently it was an instinctive way to turn, plus bikers back then were major showboats and daredevils. It is also a plausible explanation as to why supermotard races became instantly popular round these parts.


Wednesday, August 3rd


Nutrition: 0/10 servings of alcohol and 1/10 cheat meals


Workouts: Second workout of the week


For time

10 Thrusters (40kg)

1 Burpee over bar

After each set, decrease by 1 Thruster and increase by 1 burpee

After the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th round, do 20 Double Unders


Goal: Rx that sunuvabitch

Result: Completed the 7th round including the DUs for 157/220 reps


+ We did a Ring Muscle Up progression exercise before the WOD. I'm pretty comfortable with the move and headbutting forward, all I need to do now is work more on the grip and the initial pull of the rings towards my chest

- We weren't told of the time cap so I had no time goal, merely to complete the workout Rx. Broke the thrusters in half until the set of 6 and did everything else unbroken. By the time I was going into round 7, we were told we still had two and a half minutes. That means there was a 15' cap which frankly, considering the sheer number of reps, feels too short. I had enough left in the tank to complete the WOD had the cap been something like 20'

+ For the first time EVER I did the DUs as effortlessly as doing singles. This has been my DU milestone since day 1, being able to do DUs within a workout and not struggle to get them done. I can now consider myself as having acquired the skill, it is now just a matter of practice and pushing my unbroken PR

Intensity rating: 70-75% considering the breaks between thrusters and how easy the DUs felt


Finances: Having paid for the helmet, I'm in a bit of a tight spot until payday on the 10th. Still, the helmet is supposedly a gift (by the same guy whose Vstrom I crashed when I was learning how to ride) so I'll get the money back, it's only a matter of liquidity and cash flows right now. SRLF is helping as much as she can, she paid another bill this morning and is expecting to be paid on Friday so that's gonna keep us afloat hopefully.


Motorcycle: Guess it counts as a rest day?


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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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1 hour ago, DarK_RaideR said:


For time

10 Thrusters (40kg)

1 Burpee over bar

After each set, decrease by 1 Thruster and increase by 1 burpee

After the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th round, do 20 Double Unders


How do you math while working out? I'd never be able to remember how many burpees/thursters to do each time.  Especially since this is for time?!

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