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Hey all, I'm Elinox, or Eli for short. I'm a 31 year old (soon to be 32!) female from central Pennsylvania. 


My favorite campaigns tend to be fate based, particularly those set in the Dresden Files universe. And I refuse to play a human; instead preferring 'monster' characters like werewolves, shifters and once a Cheshire Cat. However, I have yet to get my nerd friends to play in either a Farscape campaign (see icon) or a Werewolf the Apocalyse campaign. 


I'm petite at 5'3", about 140 pounds and I want to improve my strength so as not to be a 'wimpy girl'. I'm thinking the ranger class is where I should be, but I'm not sure yet. 


Some character backstory so you know where I'm currently at in my adventuring campaign. In the early winter of 2009, I decided (along with my husband) to start losing weight because I'd come to the point where I was sick of my body. Sick of what the scale was telling me and sick of how I felt I looked. So I dropped down to eating 1200 calories per day, with a blow meal (eating whatever I wanted) on the weekends. After about a month of this, I started walking. Eventually we joined a local college gym and got into exercising. Mostly swimming, walking and what I now consider light weight lifting. When the gym shut down for the summer months, we fell out of our routine but still tried to walk regularly.


Fast forward a few years of on and off exercise and keeping with our altered diet and we joined a community gym in March of 2013. We've been diligently going there during the week days, probably about 3-4 times a week. This past May, I started using the machines to weight lift and was happy in what I'd accomplished thus far. However, it still wasn't where I wanted to be. My husband decided to get in on the weight lifting in November and so we invited a friend to join us for our week night routines. Targilnar had experience with a personal trainer previously so helped us get into a routine for building muscles which we've stuck with since November. 


But now I find myself growing unsatisfied with my weight training. I've gained some muscles, certainly, but not as much as I'd hoped. I can tell that I have abs now, but they're still hiding under a small fluffy layer. And I can see the difference in my biceps, but not as much definition as I want. So I've joined here in the hopes of getting some pointers on gaining muscles without adding fat back to my body. I'm a chocoholic and love my sugary, processed foods and do not like my veggies so sadly, the paleo diet is out for me. However, I think cutting down on the processed sugar would do me a world of good! I've already managed to go 3 weeks without a diet mountain dew!


I'm certainly motivated to go to the gym, but I'm thinking tips from lady weight lifters might help since I'm working out with men, doing male exercises. While I'm not worried about 'bulking up' (if only!) I am concerned about pushing myself hard enough versus too hard. 


My quest is to continue my gym routine and tone up and gain muscles. I want muscles where my favorite RP character has them!


Anyway, if you want to know something just ask!





Level 38 Lupine Pirate = STR: 98 || DEX: 91 || STA: 102 || CON: 76 || WIS: 88 || CHA: 75

Current Challenge: 

Past Challenge List: Challenges 1-38

Battle Log: Battle On, Eli!

"You're the best kind of crazy." -Murphy, Dresden Files

"That's wolves for ya; good guys!" -Wolf, 10th Kingdom

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Welcome to the rebellion!! Nothing really to add except Silver is right, at least 80% of what you want is diet...why do you think Paleo is not possible for you? Just curious...

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RES...and I want to live days worth dying for

Current: RES: Life is not Always SET


Growth happens when you care more about the well being of your future self than the comfort of your present self!

"Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is." -Yoda


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I'm a chocoholic and love my sugary, processed foods and do not like my veggies so sadly, the paleo diet is out for me.


- is out

+ would be difficult


There are definitely people on here who could point you to tasty ways to prepare veggies so that you would start to like them.  As for the chocolate and sugary foods, I too have a huge sweet tooth that I periodically indulge, but there came a time when I decided that I stood to gain more by greatly reducing my intake of said foods than my continuously consuming them. Everything has a trade-off, and I would encourage you not to underestimate what is possible for you. As others have stated, toning down is going to be mostly dietary.


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Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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Have you considered compromising these caveats in order to help you achieve your health and fitness goals?


I've considered it, but come every weekend for a blow meal, I crave those processed sugars. I have managed to cut down significantly during the week though. During college, every bowl of pasta was accompanied by an equally large bowl of ice cream. And it's not like I'm eating nothing but junk food all weekend; it's just something I add at the end of a meal: dessert. I've just wondered what would happen if I could cut it out. I know I could, but I'm not entirely sure I actually want to.


And I have tried veggies in different ways, even tried spaghetti squash to use as a substitute for real pasta. But I was simply not cut to be a vegetarian! And I don't say that from stubbornness and being unwilling to change, I say that from being unable to change my taste buds. Believe me, if I enjoyed green veggies I'd eat them! Besides, slathering on butter will not make them healthier necessarily.

Level 38 Lupine Pirate = STR: 98 || DEX: 91 || STA: 102 || CON: 76 || WIS: 88 || CHA: 75

Current Challenge: 

Past Challenge List: Challenges 1-38

Battle Log: Battle On, Eli!

"You're the best kind of crazy." -Murphy, Dresden Files

"That's wolves for ya; good guys!" -Wolf, 10th Kingdom

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I've considered it, but come every weekend for a blow meal, I crave those processed sugars. I have managed to cut down significantly during the week though. During college, every bowl of pasta was accompanied by an equally large bowl of ice cream. And it's not like I'm eating nothing but junk food all weekend; it's just something I add at the end of a meal: dessert. I've just wondered what would happen if I could cut it out. I know I could, but I'm not entirely sure I actually want to.


And I have tried veggies in different ways, even tried spaghetti squash to use as a substitute for real pasta. But I was simply not cut to be a vegetarian! And I don't say that from stubbornness and being unwilling to change, I say that from being unable to change my taste buds. Believe me, if I enjoyed green veggies I'd eat them! Besides, slathering on butter will not make them healthier necessarily.


It's totally your call whether you want to change your diet in any way, and if you love sugars and processed foods that much, and dislike veggies that much that you will be unhappy if you do so, don't do it! However I can say with reasonable certainty that if you don't cut down on your consumption of sugars, and increase your consumption of nutrient-rich vegetables, you will struggle to achieve the 'toned' appearance goal you have set out to achieve.


If you work out right, you will get fitter and stronger to a point even if you aren't strict with your nutrition - however appearance changes are usually the result of the right combination of diet and exercise.


FWIW I love chocolate too, it is my favourite food - when I allow myself a 'cheat day' I've been known to go totally overboard with dessert to the point that my girlfriend (who isn't as serious about fitness as me) can't even bear to watch me eat it! I guess what I'm saying is that you can still enjoy processed sugary foods as an occasional treat, but a daily dessert is probably going to hurt your progress toward your goals.

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btw I should add that I love Werewolf: The Apocalypse - it's one of my favourite RPGs and I've been playing it since the '90s, so kudos to you for being a fellow fan! In my group I am usually the ST but my three favourite characters are a Silent Strider Theurge, a Wendigo Galliard and a Fianna Ahroun I've played over the years!

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btw I should add that I love Werewolf: The Apocalypse - it's one of my favourite RPGs and I've been playing it since the '90s, so kudos to you for being a fellow fan! In my group I am usually the ST but my three favourite characters are a Silent Strider Theurge, a Wendigo Galliard and a Fianna Ahroun I've played over the years!


I desperately want to play a Galliard Fianna!!! Although I would like to play in the original Werewolf, not the re-vamped version. 

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Level 38 Lupine Pirate = STR: 98 || DEX: 91 || STA: 102 || CON: 76 || WIS: 88 || CHA: 75

Current Challenge: 

Past Challenge List: Challenges 1-38

Battle Log: Battle On, Eli!

"You're the best kind of crazy." -Murphy, Dresden Files

"That's wolves for ya; good guys!" -Wolf, 10th Kingdom

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I desperately want to play a Galliard Fianna!!! Although I would like to play in the original Werewolf, not the re-vamped version. 


Yeah, I played one campaign of the revamped version but it just didn't have the charm of the original version. Last year I picked up a copy of the 20th anniversary edition of the original Werewolf - it's a gorgeous book!

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Loved your intro,

and what everybody told you are definitly valid statements.


I just wanted to add, that paleo is not your only option to tone out.


Diet is 80% of what you look like, so there is no going around you do need to adjust that. What you also want to consider is, how badly and quickly do you want the changes?


Nobody is sitting here and saying you can not ever eat chocolate again. In fact there are studies that have shown, a piece of dark chocolate or so can be beneficial to you, or you can't have a bowl of pasta ever again.


What you need to sit down and figure out is how much of what.


There are a lot of non paleo folk here that will swear by calorie counting or something else called http://iifym.com/.


You need to be on a calorie deficit, you need to take in the right amount of protein and carbs to loose the body fat and workout to sculp the body.

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Lvl 3 Half-Orc Warrior Assasin

Male, Age: 30

STR 4 - DEX 2 - STA 5- CON 2 - WIS 4  - CHA 3

Intro Post --- Current Challenge


"Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try" Jedi Master Yoda


"Any misspellings or grammatical errors in the above statement are intentional; they are placed there for the enjoyment of those who like to point them out"

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I know that I really should cut down on the carbs and sweets on my blow days, but its so hard! Those things taste so good, even though they're not good for me!


Maybe if I simply stop buying these things and having them in the house...

Level 38 Lupine Pirate = STR: 98 || DEX: 91 || STA: 102 || CON: 76 || WIS: 88 || CHA: 75

Current Challenge: 

Past Challenge List: Challenges 1-38

Battle Log: Battle On, Eli!

"You're the best kind of crazy." -Murphy, Dresden Files

"That's wolves for ya; good guys!" -Wolf, 10th Kingdom

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It's totally your call whether you want to change your diet in any way, and if you love sugars and processed foods that much, and dislike veggies that much that you will be unhappy if you do so, don't do it! However I can say with reasonable certainty that if you don't cut down on your consumption of sugars, and increase your consumption of nutrient-rich vegetables, you will struggle to achieve the 'toned' appearance goal you have set out to achieve.


If you work out right, you will get fitter and stronger to a point even if you aren't strict with your nutrition - however appearance changes are usually the result of the right combination of diet and exercise.


FWIW I love chocolate too, it is my favourite food - when I allow myself a 'cheat day' I've been known to go totally overboard with dessert to the point that my girlfriend (who isn't as serious about fitness as me) can't even bear to watch me eat it! I guess what I'm saying is that you can still enjoy processed sugary foods as an occasional treat, but a daily dessert is probably going to hurt your progress toward your goals.



Also, those cravings don't last forever.  As you ignore them, they become easier and easier to ignore, until they go away entirely.

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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i have this thing where i say "I am hearing alot of excuses, but no solutions". Glad you had one idea.


Yes not buying the stuff will definitly help. Also you don't have to cut everything out all at once. You have been working on this for years, you already shown you have the patience. Why not start slowly.


Say, cut the amount of chocolate down alittle this week, alittle the next week and then eliminate it completely the following week. Then work on pasta. Or tell yourself you are going to replace one bad meal with something healthy a week, then increase it to two, etc.


FYI, healthy doesn't mean bad tasting.  You know bacon, all fruits, sweet potatos etc are all considered paleo? (dark chocolate is to btw 75% or higher). Not to say you don't have to use moderation, but you can make some incredibly good tasting dishes using a little bacon, or mashing up sweet potato to use on the side. you can let your imagination run wild on paleo, and turn some of those basic green veggies you hate so much into quite a treat. (stir fry up some spinach and tomatoes with a few pieces of bacon and tell me it was boring or didn't taste good)

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Lvl 3 Half-Orc Warrior Assasin

Male, Age: 30

STR 4 - DEX 2 - STA 5- CON 2 - WIS 4  - CHA 3

Intro Post --- Current Challenge


"Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try" Jedi Master Yoda


"Any misspellings or grammatical errors in the above statement are intentional; they are placed there for the enjoyment of those who like to point them out"

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Maybe if I simply stop buying these things and having them in the house...

That's actually what I have to do, otherwise I keep eating them.

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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Also, those cravings don't last forever.  As you ignore them, they become easier and easier to ignore, until they go away entirely.


That's kind of what I figure will happen. Mostly because I've already managed to stop drinking diet mountain dew. When I tried one the other week, it tasted funny so I figured I'd run with it and just give it up entirely. That's worked so far, although I do miss my afternoon caffeine boost!


And too true, "as with all things moderation". Still, cutting down would be a good solution. I don't know if I want to give up on bread or sweets entirely, just a personal preference, but cutting down would still be great overall. 

Level 38 Lupine Pirate = STR: 98 || DEX: 91 || STA: 102 || CON: 76 || WIS: 88 || CHA: 75

Current Challenge: 

Past Challenge List: Challenges 1-38

Battle Log: Battle On, Eli!

"You're the best kind of crazy." -Murphy, Dresden Files

"That's wolves for ya; good guys!" -Wolf, 10th Kingdom

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And too true, "as with all things moderation". Still, cutting down would be a good solution. I don't know if I want to give up on bread or sweets entirely, just a personal preference, but cutting down would still be great overall. 

You may not have to give them up entirely.  If you can consume them in moderation, and find that doing so allows you to meet your goals, then there is no need to cut back further.

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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