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I have 56 minutes left. I don’t want to be here anymore. I want to be in my bed. D: And then it’s an hour til I get home. Wahhhh. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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54 minutes ago, Bean Sidhe said:

At least its only an hour of commute time and not longer? You got this. Then go home and take a nap.


youre not wrong, but I’m exhausted and starving and in no mood for a crowded train and then a 15-minute walk home. I nearly got on the train going in the wrong direction, if that tells you anything. And I’ve been taking this train forever. 


15 minutes ago, Sylvaa said:


Based upon when this was up - you only have like 15 more minutes! Yay!


Also, I <3 you and am proud of you for doing the things! 

Wound up bouncing early because I finished my last assignment at 4:40ish and it wasn’t really worth starting a new one. She gave me the option but I was like “lol bye.” Small miracles I guess. 


I dont want to do any more things. Do my laundry for me?

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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4 minutes ago, Sylvaa said:


I mean, right now, you'd have to come to NC for me to do it, but there is good food around - so sure! Wine and Thai?

Be right there. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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3 hours ago, fleaball said:

youre not wrong, but I’m exhausted and starving and in no mood for a crowded train and then a 15-minute walk home. I nearly got on the train going in the wrong direction, if that tells you anything. And I’ve been taking this train forever. 



This I understand. THere is a point where people are in danger from me being around too many people. Hopefully you got home and were able to go hide in your room for a bit.


3 hours ago, fleaball said:

I dont want to do any more things. Do my laundry for me?


if you really want to get it to me, I would probably do it. I mean, I am already running enough loads, whats a few more. I would feed you too, but again, we need to get the teleporters working.

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You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream - C.S. Lewis

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lolol since I rent and Lyft's pay cycles starts/ends at 5am on Mondays, I got both a text and an email saying "get out there early this week to make sure you get all your rides in before the holiday weekend!" Joke's on you, my ass is driving all weekend. And Monday, but that's a new week so it doesn't matter. My father wants to do "brunch" at noon on Christmas (after several shitty comments about how my brother and I both sleep super late) but then I'll be out the fucking door. On Thanksgiving I had a bunch of people saying "did you already get your family time in? were you able to enjoy the holiday?" and I tried just saying yes and leaving it at that, but then they'd go on about how I was out driving and not with family. So I've already resolved that if I get anyone like that on Sunday or Monday who pushes the issue, I'm just going to say "well my mom was diagnosed with cancer this time last year and died a few months ago, so there's not much to celebrate." And just see what happens. (Pity tips?) I'm beyond out of fucks right now. 


Right so anyway. Transcribing job. I'm legit ready to email them and just say "whoops sorry no longer available ever." I'm supposed to be there 10-4 Wednesday and Thursday. I can email the night before and ask if they need me but there's no guarantee they won't. Issues I have: 

  • There's no structure. --> I just realized a few minutes ago that this basically encapsulates most of my issues with it. It's not necessarily inherently disorganized but it is set up in a way that causes me anxiety. There's a five-person production team who's in charge of everything and each day a different person is the go-to for getting assignments and asking questions. But they way it's all set up is that they're in a room separate from everything, most of them with their backs to the door. They all have headphones on constantly because they're reviewing completed assignments, so you have to awkwardly hover until you're noticed, because they can't hear you calling their name. And then you just keep going back saying "hey I'm done, I can has new assignment?" And I sort of get that like, things have different lengths and deadlines and the to do list is constantly changing but I'm also not sure why they can't just decide like, that morning or the night before to assign you several things and give you an order to do them? Basically right now it's like this weird inefficient hybrid of "work independently, but only for right now."
  • I feel like I was rushed into it. Most jobs have an interview where you get to ask all your questions, then maybe another interview, then a "hey we want you, ask more questions and let us know." This was "come do this test, okay great now sign all this paperwork and get started." And even though I asked the questions I had at the time I still feel like I don't know what's happening.
  • I mostly applied because they said they had weekend shifts available. I understand not starting new people on weekends if there's no one there to supervise, but maybe don't advertise weekends as a thing in that case? My plan when I applied was:
    • do the application to say I did it
    • expect the process to take a few weeks if I actually heard back
    • mostly do weekend days now and keep doing it after getting a real job
  • It's actually not even worth it if I can keep doing Lyft. Lyft is ~$18/hour with no taxes taken out; this is $12 before taxes. It not only eats into my Lyft time while I'm there (it's downtown where there's no parking so I have to come all the way home before I can drive), but it ruins me for the day. I went to bed early last night and just couldn't fall asleep because I was worried about having to wake up. So i got like no sleep. Which meant I was dragging for 6 hours there, plus I was in no shape to drive. There's no point in continuing to do this to myself. 
  • There's not even any training. Okay fine, you sit and type, that's not hard. But the style guide contradicts itself in some places, they say Word is set up with all their defaults for things but I've still had to change things after digging through the style guide, and I've asked for feedback on both my test documents and the one I did last week - on the tests I got, "yeah, good!" and the one last week was just some minor style things which, again, Word was supposed to have known so I assumed that the way it was coming out was right. Tbh part of me hopes I fucked something up today. Not badly enough that someone needs to spend forever fixing it, but just enough for them to be like "uh hey, maybe you should reconsider."

I'm having a really hard time with this. I don't like quitting things in general. But I literally do not remember being this anxious about any job I've had. Not the job where I was responsible for literally thousands of dollars. Or the one where I'm hanging out in sketchy neighborhoods and driving through rush hour traffic in literally one of the bottom three states to drive in.  It's not even anxiety that I'm going to irrevocably fuck something up (which is what holds me back from even applying to other jobs), it's just "holy shit do not want." 


The real question here: can I legitimately shoot them an email tomorrow (Tuesday, since I'm supposed to work Wednesday) and say thank you for the opportunity, so sorry but I can't continue? I loathe quitting jobs, even when I have a perfectly good reason. (Like moving out of state for college.) I'm sure they can get along without me, since they're still hiring (two people have come in to test while I've been there) and the guy also told me that sometimes it gets boring because you can literally be sitting around waiting for work. But I feel bad for not sticking it out and for bailing on them anyway. But I also don't want to compromise my mental health any more than I already am given my current situation. I very nearly started crying in the middle of one of the most boring recordings I've ever listened to, just because I was so stressed by being there. 


I probably have more issues with it, but I'm exhausted and I'm gonna go fetch my pajamas from the dryer and pass the fuck out. 


Oh perfect. My father is now getting ready for bed and I can hear him fucking talking to himself about something and getting pissy. Jesus Christ.

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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5 minutes ago, fleaball said:

There's no structure. --> I just realized a few minutes ago that this basically encapsulates most of my issues with it. It's not necessarily inherently disorganized but it is set up in a way that causes me anxiety. There's a five-person production team who's in charge of everything and each day a different person is the go-to for getting assignments and asking questions. But they way it's all set up is that they're in a room separate from everything, most of them with their backs to the door. They all have headphones on constantly because they're reviewing completed assignments, so you have to awkwardly hover until you're noticed, because they can't hear you calling their name. And then you just keep going back saying "hey I'm done, I can has new assignment?" And I sort of get that like, things have different lengths and deadlines and the to do list is constantly changing but I'm also not sure why they can't just decide like, that morning or the night before to assign you several things and give you an order to do them? Basically right now it's like this weird inefficient hybrid of "work independently, but only for right now."

Oh hey, you just nailed why I've been so stressed and anxious for the last few weeks. I absolutely loath disturbing other people to ask for more work/how to do the task, but I've had a couple of jobs where that is exactly how they structure it. And then get annoyed when you ask. But give you no other option... wheeee! Get out of there. ASAP. Sounds like you already convinced yourself, but in case you're hesitating, don't. It won't get better and like you said, it's not worth compromising your mental health for. Go forth and drive the shit out of this weekend!

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Fuck Christmas. Fuck my father. Fuck this stupid fucking expectation that everyone give everyone something regardless of want, need, or value. 


I asked him if the thing I found last night is the thing he wanted and somehow I became the bad guy. I’ve also been asking him all day wtf else he wants or where to get a gift card to and gotten no answer until as I’m going to bed he says “oh I know it’s kind of a pain to get to but what about that store I get my sneakers at?” Which is a local running store. All of their locations are in the most obnoxious places and none have parking. But even though he needs new sneakers, he doesn’t want us both to go in on one, he wants separate gifts from me and my brother. 


Fuck all of this. I’m trying to be nice and indulge him in his stupid Christmas bullshit but all it’s doing is stressing me out more. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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37 minutes ago, fleaball said:

But even though he needs new sneakers, he doesn’t want us both to go in on one, he wants separate gifts from me and my brother. 

Left sneaker from you, right one from your brother. Wrap them separately and remind him how useless they are if they're not in a pair if he complains. Problem solved. 

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50 minutes ago, fleaball said:

The real question here: can I legitimately shoot them an email tomorrow (Tuesday, since I'm supposed to work Wednesday) and say thank you for the opportunity, so sorry but I can't continue?

Most certainly. You owe them nothing. Your mental health is priority. You're in a shaky spot now, this job is going to drain willpower like nobody's business. Get out.


34 minutes ago, fleaball said:

Fuck Christmas. Fuck my father. Fuck this stupid fucking expectation that everyone give everyone something regardless of want, need, or value. 


I asked him if the thing I found last night is the thing he wanted and somehow I became the bad guy. I’ve also been asking him all day wtf else he wants or where to get a gift card to and gotten no answer until as I’m going to bed he says “oh I know it’s kind of a pain to get to but what about that store I get my sneakers at?” Which is a local running store. All of their locations are in the most obnoxious places and none have parking. But even though he needs new sneakers, he doesn’t want us both to go in on one, he wants separate gifts from me and my brother. 


Fuck all of this. I’m trying to be nice and indulge him in his stupid Christmas bullshit but all it’s doing is stressing me out more. 

I suggest one of two options. He's not going to be happy no matter what you do. So:

  1. Do something crappy because he'll like that as much as something with some thought in it. That way you don't put yourself out for something he is completely incapable of appreciating.
  2. Get him nothing. You're not going to like him blowing up from realizing he's not getting anything from you but if you can endure that you will realize his rants are annoying but don't actually hurt you. It will also help you learn you don't have to give in to his nonsense. 
  3. This one's not serious. Give him a passive-aggressive card about how he still hasn't cashed the life insurance check and was supposed to split it between you and your brother.
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Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Lawwwwwwwl guess who was dead on her feet all day but can’t fucking fall asleep now??


Thanks for the advice y’all. Im gonna email them in the morning and just say there’s been a change in personal circumstances and I’m no longer available effective immediately. It’ll suck if they want me to go in and sign my time sheet from today. :/ I’m not going to ask about it, just wait and see if they bring it up. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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7 hours ago, fleaball said:

Thanks for the advice y’all. Im gonna email them in the morning and just say there’s been a change in personal circumstances and I’m no longer available effective immediately. It’ll suck if they want me to go in and sign my time sheet from today. :/ I’m not going to ask about it, just wait and see if they bring it up. 


Late to the party, but this is the best course of action. 

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Agreed on the quitting but it sounds like that's taken care of.

Another semi-joking passive aggressive way to deal with your dad would be like, "Sorry, I had an idea for a gift for you but I can't get it without that cashed insurance check."

More seriously, I would say don't get him anything or don't put a lot of effort into it. A gift is just that: a gift. Once it becomes an obligation, it is no longer a gift. It's shit like this that ruins Christmas for so many people. If you wouldn't give it freely otherwise, just don't get it. Gift giving should be as fun for you as it is for them.

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Arrrrrrrgh I have to go to Lyft to renew my car and I meant to be there by now. Except somehow I lost track of time in the shower? I was on track to leave ten minutes ago, but that’s when I got out of the shower. I don’t get it. So now I’ll just be sitting there for hours bitching about the entire process. Yay. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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I got here at 2:05 (they open at 2) and there are NINE people in front of me. Booooooo I’m so mad at myself. 


Emailed the transcription place. We’ll see what comes of that. I really don’t want to go in and sign the stupid time sheet. 


I told my brother to get my father that sneaker gift card online. I’m just going to get him a gift card to a liquor store here that has a bunch of weird shit he wants to try but doesn’t want to waste his own money on if he doesn’t like it. I see where y’all are coming from with the “don’t get him anything” but that’s not a great option.  It occurred to me well after he asked me what to get me for Christmas that I should have mentioned the life insurance. (He did finally deposit it, but only because I said “you know it expires after 90 days right? And since your name is on it I can’t call

for you and get a new one?” 90 days is Christmas Eve, so he made it with a week to spare. Also didn’t even remember where he put it, because he asked if I had it. :rolleyes: ) 


22 hours ago, Owlet said:

Your thread seems to be missing something, here you go:


I hope for Christmas you get a ticket out of where you are currently (c'mon Santa!)

Kittiiiiieeeeeesssss. <3 


it would be perfect if there were a lottery ticket in my stocking and I won $100k or something. 


eta: already got an email back. “Best of luck. Give us a call or email if things change and you’re available again.” I suppose I can keep that in my back pocket if I get a real job with hours that will work with theirs. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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What the fuuuuuuck there are two other dudes from Lyft here just observing to see how the process can be sped up/streamlined (apparently) and they just told another guy that this location is open 9-5???? Fuck all of this so hard. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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At 3pm I get a text: [location I’m at] is now open for rental renewals from 10am-2pm!




Also I fucking love people who walk in and see a bunch of people waiting and are like “but why can’t you help me right now??? I don’t want to wait??”

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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Success. I should be getting back that money they owe me. Finally. Within a week or two. ( :rolleyes: ) The guy was like “uhhhh why??” I brought all the paperwork and this guy I haven’t seen before who looks like a Hertz supervisor was like “wtf they should have given you a new car immediately??” So I get all my money eventually, with less trouble now than I expected. 


Once this dumb bitch who cut the line and won’t leave gets out of my way so I can do the last step with the other guy.


Ha. Apparently I looked pissed off enough that they were like “youre fine, you don’t have to wait, well take care of it.”

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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And then I nearly run over the Hertz guy in the parking lot because he just walks out from behind a pickup truck. And then glares at me as he walks around me. This is fun. Part of me just wants to go home and not deal with this tonight. But money. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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Could i be any later to this party?


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RES...and I want to live days worth dying for

Current: RES: Life is not Always SET


Growth happens when you care more about the well being of your future self than the comfort of your present self!

"Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is." -Yoda


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1 hour ago, RES said:

Could i be any later to this party?


All that matters is that you came. 






To the party, of course. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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