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Hi everyone!! 


My name is Jessica.  I'm 32 and I'm from East Texas. I work for an Insurance Agency and my husband and I also own an Upholstery Shop. We have been married for 9 1/2 years and together as a couple for 17 years (wow right?!)


My fitness journey really began about 2 years ago. In the past I have dieted, exercised, and done pretty much every popular thing out there ... for about 2 weeks.  I found out in May of 2013 that I was pregnant for the first time and then a few short weeks later found out that I was having a miscarriage. We were devastated.  We had just gotten used to the idea of being parents and then it was over.  


The next few months were a roller coaster of depression.  In September I felt like I just couldn't take the sadness any longer and I wanted to get healthy so that the next time I was pregnant my chances of carrying to term would be much better.  I was also so tired of being over weight, unhealthy, and uncomfortable in my own skin. I have been over 200lbs (currently at 240lbs) since I was about 18 and was always a chunky kid.  I don't know what skinny or fit feels like on my body. I was a band nerd in high school and marching during the fall was pretty much my only physical activity.  


So In September of 2013 I researched some gyms in the area and picked one that had classes at 5:45 am.  It was (and still is) the only time I have to work out.  I knew that if I relied on myself doing something at home it would never ever happen.  So I joined the morning classes and quickly began to LOVE Les Mills Body Combat & Body Pump. I have stuck with it and kept my membership ever since thanks to a lot of encouraging people keeping me in check at the gym.  But while that sounds GREAT and you are thinking GOOD FOR YOU, here's the real story.  I have not changed my eating habits at all.  I did for 12 weeks in 2014 and lost 12 pounds (yay!)... and then quickly gained it all back over the holidays.  I have been working out 3 - 5 days week for almost 2 years and I still weigh exactly what I did the day I joined the gym. 


Now, I have seen some positive results.  I have much better balance and I actually have some muscles to throw a punch if I wanted to.  My body is shaped differently than it was 2 years ago and I can fit into a smaller size pair of jeans than I could then.  I know that when I eat better along with working out I feel so much better.  But it's so much easier to just eat what I want  ... I'm not gaining weight but I'm maintaining this unhealthy lifestyle. 


Lately my workouts have slacked off to just 1 day a week.  I have been discouraged and down about the same old stuff for the past few months.  So I decided to shake things up and try out a new gym since my membership was coming up for renewal.  I joined Planet Fitness this week and decided that doing it on my own rather than a class setting may work better for me.  The gym has always intimidated me and I have felt safe in the classes. I tend to be more at home as the invisible person in a crowd. Now please don't tell me all the reason why Planet Fitness sucks. I know. I've done my research and know all the horror stories and all of their tricks.  Basically I wanted a place I could go to that is way more affordable and has all the equipment I need. Sure I could do it on my own but I wouldn't.  I can talk myself out of anything given just a little wiggle room.  Getting up at 4:15 and heading out is a habit that I have formed and that I can keep... why mess that up?


While I was google searching "How to build your own workout plan" I stumbled across a post on the Nerd Fitness blog from 2010 about how to build your own workout routine.  That led me to another post, which led me to another post, and another, then another, etc.  I went down the rabbit hole of information and ended up on the Nerd Academy page entering my credit card info haha! So I started reading yesterday and the information is amazing. So many simple practices that I have never thought of!


I have committed myself to this course and to MYSELF to change my habits.  My main focus at this moment is to pay attention to what I'm doing.  To slow down and not just go through the motions of life but to evaluate each thought, each bite of food, and each habit that I have to make sure that it is good for me. 


I still don't have a workout routine ... which is what I google in the first place ... but I think I have found something even better. I did workout this morning and took some of the info I learned on the blog posts (warm up, body weight, free weights, cool down) and got a good 1 hour workout in with a mix of cardio and strength training.  I don't really know what I'm doing but I'll figure it out as I go. My goal was to leave a lot sweatier than when I walked in ... DONE! 


So that was the really long version of who I am and where I am in my fitness journey (I'm not good at summarizing). I'm working on setting my specific goals now.  Ultimately I want to be a healthy, strong, confident, and sexy woman! I also want to love myself! 


I look forward to meeting people here that are in the midst of the same kind of journey and those that have reached their goals!

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Wow! You are awesome for not letting the depression beat you and for continuing to keep trying even though things weren't working. Welcome to Nerdfitness and I hope you find whatever support you need for your goals!

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Welcome to the rebellion. Glad to have you. Learning to love yourself is a very important part of the process. I have found that sometimes that proceeds workout out and changing eating habits, and sometimes those changes help you realize you love yourself. Whatever order the happen in for you, I look forward to hearing about them happening. Changing what you eat will bring about the most success, you already know you can work out, when you couple that with good eating habits you are going to blow your mind. You are in the right place.

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"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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