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Been a Member since March 2011. Not sure I've ever completed a challenge or goal... Time for a massive respawn!

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Hello fellow rebels!!!


Where to start... 


When I first joined the rebellion in 2011 I was a senior in high school. I have since gone to college and earned a degree in mechanical engineering last May. In June I moved up Washington for a job and to try out a new state and life since I have only lived in NM until now.  I'm 22, single, and in a brand new area that's a hardcore Navy town. I don't have any family up here and there isn't much to do here without driving 30+ minutes away (Seattle is an hour ferry ride away). I've made some friends through work but meetup.com doesn't have much for the area and I without a local university I'm not sure there are many local people my age who I don't work with. Anyone go through this or something similar? It doesn't help that I will be going down to San Diego for a few months in January for work which makes any lasting relationships up here kinda hard/pointless.



On to fitness:


Throughout college I was doing fairly well fitness wise while working out with friends and even got up to 2 plates on the bench press and 3 for deadlifts. Turns out I took it too quick getting up there and pretty soon my back was bothering me big time. Doctors visits and physical therapy didn't fix things but it has gotten better over time. I haven't been lifting in that range since and currently I'm kind of lost with my goals. I don't know if I'd like to get into running 5ks again or just focusing on strength training or what. I've been working 50 hour weeks which really messes up my routing of going straight after work. Fitness helps me to deal with the stress but I don't particularly love any workouts I do. I do enjoy the good feeling after a run but getting myself out there is the hardest part. Most of my coworkers live in another town closer to work so getting a workout buddy would be difficult since I'm pretty sure I'm one of the few civilians at the gym that is packed with Marines and Sailors.


Mostly I just wanted to get on here and vent. I generally don't open up very much to family/friends and being across the country doesn't help with that. I also know I'm not the best at getting my thoughts out in writing. I'm an engineer and writing has always been my week spot. I'm looking to get active on here and participate in the community again so any thoughts/advice is much appreciated!




Wandering Ranger


Semper Gumby-Always FlexiblePain is weakness leaving the body.FITOCRACY

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If you don't love it, keep looking! I didn't like working out when I was going to the gym and getting on ellipticals or other machines for a half hour or so. I grew to love running, and to augment running you can do things like bodyweight training if you're not a fan of lifting weights. Running right after work is an option. If you've got the option, keep running stuff at work and go right after (leaving your stuff in the office locked up) and then grab it before going home. You can incorporate it into your workday.


If you don't have to leave too early, I find it easier to work out in the mornings (granted, when I work or have an 8am I don't because a workout adds a good 2 hours to my morning sometimes) and if you can that's a great help. It also starts your day well. 


Another option is after work classes. If you're paying for it, you're more likely to want to go. 


Also, I'm sure the Marines and Navy guys are perfectly nice :) I was scared to ask for help at the gym when I started lifting weights because I was/am a rather out of shape girl trying to lift and it was a week or two before I saw another girl in there, but all the guys (and girls!) were perfectly cool with me being there and several have helped me with things without me having to ask. So maybe take a chance. If you want a Sailor or a Marine to help you, you know you'll be challenged! Plus, if you do decide to lift, they're probably a great spotter for heavier stuff. 

Grey Jedi Ranger

Jedi Becomes Her Own Hero

Jedi Battle Log

“Keep Calm, Carry On, and Don't Freeze Up!”

- Oboro Shirakumo (Loud Cloud), My Hero Academia Vigilantes

Challenges: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10#11#12#13#14#15#16, #17#18#19#20#21#22#23#24#25#26#27#28#29#30#31#32#33,  #34#35#36#37#38#39#40#41#42#43#44, #45#46#47#48#49#50#51#52#53#54#55#56#57#58#59#60#61#62#63

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Hey mate :) welcome back!

I'm in a massively similar situation- joined a couple years ago (had some good success) but then life happened.

I moved 3000kms away from home looking for a fresh start and shits hard when you're single and new in town. It's a lot harder to pick up the phone and talk to someone about a certain topic than casually getting the chance to mention how you're feeling or ask for advice when you're just all out for a beer.

I work long weeks and study full time too. I cant decide for the life of me if I want to get skinny or lift more. Do I enjoy running? Feck I don't know!

I don't really have any good advice for you sorry :/ your vent spurred mine and I guess I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. Your story sounds a fair bit like mine, so feel free to throw me a pm if you need. A stranger in a similar situation can be just as helpful as a friend sometimes :) good luck

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Join Fleet Feet! you'll meet new people and have a running group. I looked up the locations in Washington for you:

Bonney Lake
Spokane Valley


I joined fleet feet and go twice a week for group runs. We train for races and have run days scheduled on other days of the week too. It is a great way to meet like-minded people. 

2018 Goals:

- Weigh 128 by May 31st 2018.

- Camp at one National Park by October 2018 (2016 - Yellowstone, 2017 - Shenandoah)

      I have a life goal to visit/hike/camp as many National Parks as possible. As a retiree, I am going to work at a National Park.

- Pay off Credit Cards by November 30th 2018.

- Save $15,000 by December 31st 2018.


Peace, Love and Happiness

Allie the Oracle

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