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Is this thing on?  Human (with elf-like tendencies) wannabee monk.  


How old am I?  31, I think.  I stopped counting a few years ago.  5'9", like 190 roughly.  I'm avoiding the scale like the plague.  (No, I'd avoid the plague harder.)  I've been working out 3ish times of a week for the last couple of months.  Haven't really been doing anything food-wise.  I love food, we're bffs.  And I love to cook.  And I love to cook with butter and cream.  You get the idea where the extra pounds probably came from.  


I'm married, a mom of one (and only 1, no I'm NEVER having more).  I love my job, I love my family and I really love where I am in life right now.  Save one area.  I want to be stronger/healthier.  I want to embody the phrase "pretty, but also like she could kill you".  So I opted for the monk profession.  My daughter (she's 6) is a tiny ass-kicker.  She's been in jiu jitsu for over a year, she's done parkour and she's ready to kick anybody's ass.  I need to start living up to that.  We're a superhero (Marvel, of course, don't talk to me about DC) house, she's training to be black widow.  Or Hulk, she can't make up her mind.  


I've got self-described (obviously) weak baby arms.  All my strength (and weight) is in my lower half.  Small on top, big on the bottom.  Like once I really get going with weightlifting these thighs are gonna kill people.  I want to be going along with Strong Lifts.  However, I'm not to the starting point yet.  I can't squat the bar (45lbs) and I prob def can't bench the bar (45lbs, weak baby arms).  I'm working my way through the body-weight workout here.  Adding that on to my cardio.  I am the queen of cardio.  QUEEN.  I love gym cardio classes.  Especially zumba.  Sweating while dancing is just the best.  A few years ago I worked up to doing marathons.  (Did 3)  However, I hate running.  No really, I really do, don't let the marathons fool you.  The cardio I've got down.  I just need to strength train, because cardio alone isn't doing squat (lmao, get it?!) for me.  Well, it's probably keeping me from gaining tons of weight from my butter/cream/cheese cooking.  


I could use the support, you guys seem cool.  I know I'm going to have to start watching what I'm eating/cooking.  But I'm going to do baby steps.  I want to focus on owning the body-weight workout and being able to squat and bench the bar so I can get started with Strong Lifts.  Any tips on that would be much appreciated.  Any cooks out there who have awesome recipes that maybe don't involve butter and/or cream I'll think about it.  


I'm not concerned with losing weight.  If I lose some, great, if I don't and I get stronger, great.  


Oh and apparently I'd been squatting wrong my whole life.  Real squats are SUPER HARD.  I need a stick to balance on just to break parallel.  

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I used stronglifts but swapped out the bar for dumbbells for the upper body stuff! It helps :)

Grey Jedi Ranger

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I wish I could give you some tips for squats, but honestly? I still need someone to spot my form with squats :/ They are tough!


As for recipes? We have a mean lamb chop recipe that involves sprinkling lamb chops with rosemary, taking the excess skin off of a couple of cloves of garlic (the white paper-like bit, leave the shell covering over the bulb) wrap this up in tin foil, pre-heat the oven 200*, stick it in for 40 minutes and leave it cook in it's own juice, once done pair with some veg and mint sauce - the roasted garlic is absolutely delish! And mint sauce is heavenly! 


If your a vegetarian, try the roast garlic anyway, seriously, it's so yum and not strong like raw garlic at all!

Defying gravity - one day at a time!


"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't" - Jerry Rice



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I wish I could give you some tips for squats, but honestly? I still need someone to spot my form with squats :/ They are tough!


As for recipes? We have a mean lamb chop recipe that involves sprinkling lamb chops with rosemary, taking the excess skin off of a couple of cloves of garlic (the white paper-like bit, leave the shell covering over the bulb) wrap this up in tin foil, pre-heat the oven 200*, stick it in for 40 minutes and leave it cook in it's own juice, once done pair with some veg and mint sauce - the roasted garlic is absolutely delish! And mint sauce is heavenly! 


If your a vegetarian, try the roast garlic anyway, seriously, it's so yum and not strong like raw garlic at all!

Thanks for the tip, I'll def try it.  I love meat.  And garlic.  

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Oh man, I feel you super hard on the dinky upper body strength.  Mine is so bad.  I can't do more than six knee-pushups and it took me working out just to get me there so far!  But I am still better than I was a few months ago and you will be too~


Thanks, it's nice to commiserate.  I think the worst thing is that a few years ago in the army I could do about 35 legit pushups.  So now I get down there and my brain expects me to be able to crank out a bunch of real ones and my biceps are like "NOPE."  I think I can do about 3 real ones right now.  Tiny baby arms.  Waaaaa.   

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hello there! 

you're doin good already by just getting into some routine and sticking with it. and that is the key, consistency and persistence. since you're still starting out with strength training for a good while you'll be making some good gains. You'll be squatting and benching with some weight on the bar before ya know it, in the meantime like someone already said, feel free to use dumbbells to progressively work up to heavier and heavier weights. 

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