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Just now, Urgan said:


To be fair, ticket systems are made by actual trolls. The f you mean I add a discussion item it marks the ticket as not ready??


If it's a bot script, I have to click the "request approval" button, but if it's a script I wrote, I don't click... anything...??? Confusing.

In one instance, I accidentally deleted a line of my script that was part of the required wrapper

In another I didn't update a section of something I copy pasta'd, I am full of fail

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2 minutes ago, ixaera said:


If it's a bot script, I have to click the "request approval" button, but if it's a script I wrote, I don't click... anything...??? Confusing.

In one instance, I accidentally deleted a line of my script that was part of the required wrapper

In another I didn't update a section of something I copy pasta'd, I am full of fail


Ugh, rules. Do you remember the part where I said our process rules are passed out from meetings by word of mouth? And they are poorly explained so it seems so arbitrary? Like that for you?

Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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5 minutes ago, Urgan said:


Ugh, rules. Do you remember the part where I said our process rules are passed out from meetings by word of mouth? And they are poorly explained so it seems so arbitrary? Like that for you?


I'm not sure! A lot of processes appear to be *GASP* documented, but WHERE? JIRA has a crap search engine so unless someone has directly linked me to it and I've saved it in my processes/training folder, the odds that I'll find it on my own are low, and if you've shadowed a teammate who put in a script then pressed "request approval" the nuace of whether it was an auto script or a newly written one is lost vOv


dat corplife tho

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3 minutes ago, ixaera said:


I'm not sure! A lot of processes appear to be *GASP* documented, but WHERE? JIRA has a crap search engine so unless someone has directly linked me to it and I've saved it in my processes/training folder, the odds that I'll find it on my own are low, and if you've shadowed a teammate who put in a script then pressed "request approval" the nuace of whether it was an auto script or a newly written one is lost vOv


dat corplife tho


Might as well not be there, huh? Oh well, we get by. You'll get the hang of it in no time. Hopefully you can find someone to lead by example and/or past work to model off of.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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On January 20, 2018 at 10:16 AM, ixaera said:


I have successfully identified the intelligent teammate but he's been out sick a lot so I've had maybe 3 days where I can ask that guy questions. Meanwhile I dig through old tickets to see if I can find similar stuff vOv


ah yes, the ever elusive, but important, intelligent teammate. If you're lucky, every job you enter will have one. Several would be asking too much?

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Jǫrð, Delvian Nomad - Level 12 { Battle Log }

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Program: Deload week is over and I didn't talk about it much because it was light and just kind of a get it done sort of week. Today I started Week 9 of Think Big and it is time again to swap out variations on movements (the last time, as weeks 13-16 don't feature any variations). So for vert press I have chosen the push press this block, because I almost never do it and I like it so why don't I? (Answer: because it's kind of scary, but that's a bad reason). So, I did light speed bench for a 6x3 at 60 lbs, then proceeded to do a 3x5 of push press also at 60 lbs. It was appropriately tiring so I think I guessed 74% correctly. Then the usual bro stuff, which I did not swap out this week (it doesn't say anywhere that I have to anyway, and it's just bro stuff so it's unlikely it matters).


Food: Still trucking, hitting macros. Averaged under by 20 cals last week, which is about where I wanna be. Here's what my weight tracking looks like, week over week with protein & intake

Left to right it's week number, calories, proteins, weight, and waist in inches (obvs forgot one)




Week 8 featured Shark Week, and I was also going over by a steady trickle, and I know that's not all tissue weight for sure, so more time, more time, and a little more cardio too since I've neglected it. (I'm only doing like 30 min of elliptical 1-3x per week, no plans to tackle more than 1.5 hours a week, except next Sunday because ... well I'll get to that in a minute)


Today I weighed in lower again, more on track, so that's a good sign there that I don't need to change anything as yet. Waist tracked down too.




Kinda thinking about swapping my Sunday sessions to Monday and going for Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri. This is mainly because it frees up Sat/Sun for cardio, instead of 7;15 pm after work, causing dinner to get pushed well after 8 pm, which kinda blows. It'd still happen some Wednesdays, though. I have enough time before work now that saving a session for the weekend isn't as important as it was, anyway. Basically I'm trading one day of sleeping in an extra hour for eating dinner 45 minutes earlier. vOv (but not this week, BECAUSE the subq fluids bad I ordered arrived with a giant leak so now I super need to go to the vet tomorrow instead of the gym).


My boyfriend wants to do a 5k with his Krav Maga buddies. He super wants me to go. But I don't run, I said. That's ok he said. There's beer at the end, he said. I seriously do 1.5 miles in 25 minutes, I said. Doesn't matter, he said. 


So I guess I'm doing a 5k Sunday, you guys vOv



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15 hours ago, ixaera said:


Kinda thinking about swapping my Sunday sessions to Monday and going for Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri. This is mainly because it frees up Sat/Sun for cardio, instead of 7;15 pm after work, causing dinner to get pushed well after 8 pm, which kinda blows. It'd still happen some Wednesdays, though. I have enough time before work now that saving a session for the weekend isn't as important as it was, anyway. Basically I'm trading one day of sleeping in an extra hour for eating dinner 45 minutes earlier. vOv


I think this is sold BECAUSE going to the gym in the morning more days instead of less helps stabilize your sleep patterns.


15 hours ago, ixaera said:


My boyfriend wants to do a 5k with his Krav Maga buddies. He super wants me to go. But I don't run, I said. That's ok he said. There's beer at the end, he said. I seriously do 1.5 miles in 25 minutes, I said. Doesn't matter, he said. 


So I guess I'm doing a 5k Sunday, you guys vOv


Famous last words. It's all well and good until you get to the last mile. :crushed: lololol

  • Haha 3

Jǫrð, Delvian Nomad - Level 12 { Battle Log }

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16 hours ago, JustCallMeAmber said:

Not sure if 'surprise 5k' is a thing, but good luck!

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk


I feel like that's what happened to me and it should not become a thing


The things we do for love


2 hours ago, Taddea Zhaan said:

I think this is sold BECAUSE going to the gym in the morning more days instead of less helps stabilize your sleep patterns.


Another solid reason :D
Though I just realized that with my trip coming up and it being a mon-fri trip, the weekends are actually ripe for gymming, so this plan may be immediately interrupted by life, but it can be a long term plan.


2 hours ago, Taddea Zhaan said:

Famous last words. It's all well and good until you get to the last mile. :crushed: lololol


I THINK maybe I'll be okay, especially since I'm planning to grudgingly walk this thing

Though I'm concerned I'll see a bunch of running people and go "I can't let them leave me behind!" and then proceed to make a big mistake

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26 minutes ago, ixaera said:

I THINK maybe I'll be okay, especially since I'm planning to grudgingly walk this thing

Though I'm concerned I'll see a bunch of running people and go "I can't let them leave me behind!" and then proceed to make a big mistake


Mistakes made BEFORE alcohol is even consumed lol.

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  • Haha 1

Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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I am inconsistent with my updates, but I feel a routine coming on soon. It will then immediately be interrupted by vacation I'm sure. But we're getting there folks I've almost found the tracks again


Program: Rest day, but I did 30 on the elliptical while continuing to read The Pillars of the Earth, which I'm nearly done with now. I have a lot to say about it, I think, once I finish it up.


Food: Managed ok today. Did a light and whole-foodsy type breakfast at home, did stop for a chai tea latte (I had like 10 minutes to spare and was feeling chilly), then lunch was some chicken marsala, mashed tatoes, and steamed veggies. Had some raisins and 3 mini peanut butter cups around 3 (I managed to actually WAIT), then dinner around 8:20 of a roll and some stew leftovers (highlight of the food day really)


Very productive day overall. Slept in about an hour, but got dishes & litter done before I left, also got the cat more bags of subq's on the way to work. Honestly felt a little lost at work, people are so busy scrambling to get the ticket queue down and while I know I need to get training and ask q's to help, it feels bad interrupting people all the time and slowing them down.


Committed a slight faux pas, because some guy is always commenting on tickets but will unassign himself from them so I was like "hey do I work these or not" and my boss took me aside to explain that the guy is autistic and his boss is very protective, etc. Oops? I don't think I was insulting, at least not intentionally, though.


Other than that, managed to make progress on my own tickets somehow. I feel like I'm whacking my way through a jungle with a dull kitchen knife a little bit

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9 hours ago, ixaera said:


Program: Rest day, but I did 30 on the elliptical while continuing to read The Pillars of the Earth, which I'm nearly done with now. I have a lot to say about it, I think, once I finish it up.


I might finally steal your idea of cardio & reading combo. Mr T needs to start getting to the gym (he says he wants to). But doesn't have any kind of habit. I might go with him on my off days and just treadmill walk slow or bike. I could totes read or listen to an audiobook while getting in a slow burn. Although, I think elliptical reading is a whole new level of reading olympics.


9 hours ago, ixaera said:

Committed a slight faux pas, because some guy is always commenting on tickets but will unassign himself from them so I was like "hey do I work these or not" and my boss took me aside to explain that the guy is autistic and his boss is very protective, etc. Oops? I don't think I was insulting, at least not intentionally, though.


I wouldn't stress too hard, because you didn't know, and while it's not  appropriate for them to have explain that to you in advance that he is autistic - they could have put it another way and explained that there is a person who does xyz and this is how you should handle it. No different than if someone explained someone else's working style to you, be they autistic or not. So it's on them.



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Jǫrð, Delvian Nomad - Level 12 { Battle Log }

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2 hours ago, Taddea Zhaan said:



Committed a slight faux pas, because some guy is always commenting on tickets but will unassign himself from them so I was like "hey do I work these or not" and my boss took me aside to explain that the guy is autistic and his boss is very protective, etc. Oops? I don't think I was insulting, at least not intentionally, though.


I wouldn't stress too hard, because you didn't know, and while it's not  appropriate for them to have explain that to you in advance that he is autistic - they could have put it another way and explained that there is a person who does xyz and this is how you should handle it. No different than if someone explained someone else's working style to you, be they autistic or not. So it's on them.


I'm going to second this. How the bleep were you to know? And you weren't mean, just confused. Seems like an important detail to inform you about if you're to work with him (semi-)often...

  • Like 3

Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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16 minutes ago, Urgan said:


I'm going to second this. How the bleep were you to know? And you weren't mean, just confused. Seems like an important detail to inform you about if you're to work with him (semi-)often...


Samesies.  And yeah, if it's gonna be A Thing, a little pre-update would have been nice...


Oh well now you know and stuff.


SURPRISE 5k sounds TERRIBLE, I did a 5k once For The Children (actually it was for our local soccer team, which somehow benefitted children, hmm) and brought up the rear AND almost died.  Never agaaiiinnn.  There wasn't even free beer just GG go home now.

  • Like 2

Tell me, if you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?

Level ?? Bard & Monk of the Furious Heart

STR.55  DEX.43 STA.48 CON.51 WIS.53 CHA.65


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On 1/21/2018 at 1:02 PM, ixaera said:

My boyfriend wants to do a 5k with his Krav Maga buddies. He super wants me to go. But I don't run, I said. That's ok he said. There's beer at the end, he said. I seriously do 1.5 miles in 25 minutes, I said. Doesn't matter, he said. 


I walk pretty much all my 5ks unless there is a pace limit. Then I just hope for the best and wait for the pick up truck to pick me up if I'm going too slow. Lol.


Related image

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  • Haha 2

GoodReads  MyFitnessPal


Previous Challenges: 2020: 1.20  - 2019: 1.19 l 2.19

2018: 1.18 l  2.18 l 3.18 l 4.18 l 5.18 l 6.18 l 7.18

2017: 1.17 I 2.17 I 3.17 I 4.17 I 5.17 l 6.17 l 7.17 l 8.17 I 9.17 l 10.17  

2016: 1.16 l 2.16 l DA v.1 l DA v.2 I DA v.2 Reloaded I DA v.3 I DA v.4 I 8.16 I 9.16 I DA v.5 I 11.16 

2012: 1 2013: 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 2014: 9 l 10 l Not Done Yet l Time to Conquer l  Conquering 

HFC for Life!


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10 hours ago, Urgan said:


I'm going to second this. How the bleep were you to know? And you weren't mean, just confused. Seems like an important detail to inform you about if you're to work with him (semi-)often...


13 hours ago, Taddea Zhaan said:

I wouldn't stress too hard, because you didn't know, and while it's not  appropriate for them to have explain that to you in advance that he is autistic - they could have put it another way and explained that there is a person who does xyz and this is how you should handle it. No different than if someone explained someone else's working style to you, be they autistic or not. So it's on them.


10 hours ago, shaar said:

Samesies.  And yeah, if it's gonna be A Thing, a little pre-update would have been nice...


Oh well now you know and stuff.


Yeah, not too concerned anymore. No one has thrown me in solitary yet


13 hours ago, Taddea Zhaan said:

I might finally steal your idea of cardio & reading combo. Mr T needs to start getting to the gym (he says he wants to). But doesn't have any kind of habit. I might go with him on my off days and just treadmill walk slow or bike. I could totes read or listen to an audiobook while getting in a slow burn. Although, I think elliptical reading is a whole new level of reading olympics.


This is literally the only way I cardio. Everything else I end up dreading/putting off/not doing, but a scenic walk or a machine walk/elliptical with a book is just fine and sometimes I even look forward to it because it's guaranteed solitude and recreation. Plus I'm increasing my TDEE, which is ridiculous for reasons I don't fully understand.


10 hours ago, shaar said:

SURPRISE 5k sounds TERRIBLE, I did a 5k once For The Children (actually it was for our local soccer team, which somehow benefitted children, hmm) and brought up the rear AND almost died.  Never agaaiiinnn.  There wasn't even free beer just GG go home now.


6 hours ago, Jonesy said:

I walk pretty much all my 5ks unless there is a pace limit. Then I just hope for the best and wait for the pick up truck to pick me up if I'm going too slow. Lol.


OMG at least I'm not the only one. I hope I won't be, anyway! But I will be. I know I can do half of it without dying, and a few years ago at roughly the same level of cardiac fitness I walked 10 miles in 3 hours (haha). I died that day. I had blisters that survived weeks. I think I was TIRED after 2 miles, but didn't feel like dying til mile 6. Maybe I'll be ok?? But I will be bringing up the rear for sure. 


I should maybe ask about a pace limit. It is literally my first 5k so I didn't know that was a thing!


I hope there are also free burgers, but I doubt it somehow :(

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Ok not pain, just aches :( I think my work chair is a big downgrade in this regard and my back gets to aching about halfway into the day. Today it seemed to start a bit achey, and I did my squats ANYWAY, which seemed ok? It neither worsened nor bettered it, anyway, and I didn't feel anything alarming during the actual movement, so seems ok there. Was super duper careful during DB RDLs to ensure I felt no tension in the low back.

Squats were a 3x5 at 105 lbs

Felt heavier than I thought it should, but that was probably a bias that wants me to be doing super heavy squats again and I am not ready yet. (Hoping I will be by max out week, but I gotta respect the back)


Today I accidentally 1000 calories of free food haha oops. But my macros look good, so, who care


Unfortunately it means a smaller dinner but this is what we do for body comp. 


Litter is going pretty well. I am not QUITE hitting it every day but it's so much improved, and Mr Ix is very excited about this.


Under "normal" circumstances (in quotes because I dunno that 2 weeks of a schedule is normal anything yet) I would elliptical on Thursday after work but I'm going to skip so I'm super fresh on Sunday, and just do 15 min brisk walks after lifts the rest of the week.

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I walk a mile in about 25 to 30 mins when I'm outside. I'm a leisure walker. Lol.

You will do fine, probably better than fine. I suggest taking some anti-inflammatory meds if you think you might start hurting. Also eat a banana before! 

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GoodReads  MyFitnessPal


Previous Challenges: 2020: 1.20  - 2019: 1.19 l 2.19

2018: 1.18 l  2.18 l 3.18 l 4.18 l 5.18 l 6.18 l 7.18

2017: 1.17 I 2.17 I 3.17 I 4.17 I 5.17 l 6.17 l 7.17 l 8.17 I 9.17 l 10.17  

2016: 1.16 l 2.16 l DA v.1 l DA v.2 I DA v.2 Reloaded I DA v.3 I DA v.4 I 8.16 I 9.16 I DA v.5 I 11.16 

2012: 1 2013: 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 2014: 9 l 10 l Not Done Yet l Time to Conquer l  Conquering 

HFC for Life!


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oof sorry about the back/chair situation. something to ask about whether they'd reimburse you for part of it if you brought it your own?


free food and good macros! and i like the revised plan for brisk walks.

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