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I still answer questions from my old job because a friend of mine took my spot after I left and I know it's difficult to navigate the 9028340238747 different channels there (she works with data for a specific part of the university). I think the position is really important so I would have helped a bit even if it wasn't her who took my spot, but other than that I'm like, nah.

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13 minutes ago, Cataleya said:

I still answer questions from my old job because a friend of mine took my spot after I left and I know it's difficult to navigate the 9028340238747 different channels there (she works with data for a specific part of the university). I think the position is really important so I would have helped a bit even if it wasn't her who took my spot, but other than that I'm like, nah.


It'll depend. My job is really complex, but I've been training this guy for 6 months and the new place will likely be too busy to answer nitty gritty questions. 


We shall see

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3 hours ago, ixaera said:

Multiple people have been surprised I didn't try to take more time off in between, but that's an UNPAID VACATION folks and I'm not about that noise



hashtag working life


I hope your lunch is everything you dreamed it would be, and maybe after lunch you can go do donuts in the parking lot in your car and leave early giving everyone the middle finger, SEE YA SUCKAAAAAAAAS.

  • Haha 3

Tell me, if you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?

Level ?? Bard & Monk of the Furious Heart

STR.55  DEX.43 STA.48 CON.51 WIS.53 CHA.65


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1 hour ago, ixaera said:


It'll depend. My job is really complex, but I've been training this guy for 6 months and the new place will likely be too busy to answer nitty gritty questions. 


We shall see

If y'all had six months to train, then I say let it go. We had maybe two weeks, and it's a complicated job, so it was a bit different.

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2 hours ago, Cataleya said:

If y'all had six months to train, then I say let it go. We had maybe two weeks, and it's a complicated job, so it was a bit different.


Agree 100%.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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6 hours ago, shaar said:



hashtag working life


I hope your lunch is everything you dreamed it would be, and maybe after lunch you can go do donuts in the parking lot in your car and leave early giving everyone the middle finger, SEE YA SUCKAAAAAAAAS.


This is the best XD


We went to a Japanese BBQ, A++++ would Japanese BBQ again. One of those grill at your table places, very high quality meat, even the salad was tasty. My ONLY complaint was that the miso soup was obviously instant or something, very bland, sad day. Then we had a very interesting crepe cake (we shared). My coworkers are sad to see me go :( I feel bad but time to move on.


I am not really following my minigoals today. I am slightly annoyed about it, and I'm definitely still changing the cat litter, but I ended up with no real time to read!!!!!! I have a thing this evening, then hopefully tomorrow I can, and hopefully time for 130 pages to make up.


Tomorrow is gym + famtime Christmas the sequel

I also saw Ben came out with more programming stuff and I JUST LOVE the style of these programs, so naturally in 10 weeks when I finish Think Big I'm gonna try out the free intermediate program and also take the course on learning how to program for myself (I think that'd be up my alley). 

It always reads a little like I have fuckarounditis, but despite all the programming changes there's no fundamental difference between these two. The main difference is Think Big comes with dietary recommendations and a lot more assistance work, and covers 16 weeks instead of 12. Different, but not exactly so different it will matter much in practice.


Otherwise, today has mainly been this:
Finish career at IBM

Clean the litterbox

Try not to short out

Hang out/drink with online buddies


I did get all my water but I did not follow the diet soda rule. I did get all my protein and calories, though there is plenty of alcohol so this wasn't a prime example of healthy eating. Veggies were spinach & avocado in my eggs, salad thingo at the restaurant (ate the whole thing even).

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Hello I skipped a day

That day was whoa, so I missed a litter clean and a 65-page read. Basically, I woke up, worked out, ate, went to Mom's, was there til 8 PM, got home near nine and I TRIED

I tried real hard


However I did not read 65 full pages and I was tired and drained, so I ended up just flopping into bed. To make up both of these lost days, I need to make it to page 330 by the end of the night, and it's within grasp. I've certainly read more than today's fair share. It could happen. I did do the litter clean today.



Saturday I did trap bar deadlifts, 3x8 at 105 lbs. I warmed up with some light paused squats, did my deadlifts, then some back/bicep bro stuff.

Today I did shoulders/arms day and I am back on track and no longer a day behind on the program, which will remain true (hopefully) for 4 weeks before I vacation in Orlando for 5 days :3

Shoulders/arms day featured a warm up with some light "speed bench" which I'm still not convinced of, and if on 1RM test day I do not make much progress, I will probably make sure the next program has some real work on this day. OHP for 5x8 on the empty bar, which I almost failed the very last rep of (it calls for 90 sec rest instead of a good ole powerlifter's rest, so that's why failure is more likely). Then a lot of bro stuff on arms and shoulders.



Saturday was a pass for protein, but a fail for bulk cals. I fell about 100 short. Not sweating it since I was a total of 175 over last week anyway and my weight is tracking okay for now. The REASON I fell short was because I was somehow amazing at food at my family's, a triumph in itself.


Today is a pass all 'round.


Water: I failed to count oz and failed my diet soda rule both days SO

I am quitting all diet soda except Dr Pepper 10, because it is so  hard to find anyway, it gets to be the exception. 

Yep, cold turkey. Has to be done. I AM ADDICTED.


I realized my new job gets MLK Jr day off, so I'll be scheduling for that Monday yep


Fam stuff:

UGHHHHHHHHH let me rant a MOMENT. For all they were on good behavior (only a few jaunts of ripping on brother's wife who wasn't there to defend herself), hoo boy. First, Mom says "if you get any skinnier you'll blow away" and I was sad that my sleeves were too long and tight to be rolling up to flex at her. Skinny my pale ass! Yeah, I'm small, slim, but I'm very very solidly in the healthy weight zone and I gots me some hulk shoulders these days. SKINNY. WHAT. :| I quickly made sure she knew I was within a pound or two of the last time she saw me.


Then my sister (who was drunk, and that's another quibble) starts TOUCHING MY BODY going "this is just perfect, how you are now, don't get all muscly like those muscle ladies you'll look like a man it's SO GROSS"


I about fell apart because I do not like to be touched, especially by surprise and especially by drunk people, and I don't like to be told how to look like it's my job to look how someone else wants me to anyway. My goals are only half aesthetic, and so I lied a touch but I got my sweet revenge by telling her that muscle-bound lady was exactly my goals and what I was aiming for and I was just so excited to hulk out. (The truth is, I would not at all mind looking very muscular, but doubt that it is within the grasp of someone who will only ever train 4x a week for an hour or so. If it happens, I will take lots of pics and text them to her.)


Then my mom again later "WHY would you want to put on weight" (which is at odds with her earlier complaint that I am too small) and I say "to put on muscle specifically" and she says "but WHY would you want to put on muscle"
me: .................... "to get stronger of course"


It's so bizarre from my mom because she's like, the world's most progressive lady and she will feminism all over your face given the chance, but she has a weird blind spot when it comes to commenting on her daughters' bodies and goals.


Rant over.


Tomorrow is my first day at new job. I'm a bundle of nerves and glad tomorrow is a rest day anyway. 

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12 hours ago, ixaera said:



I about fell apart because I do not like to be touched, especially by surprise and especially by drunk people, and I don't like to be told how to look like it's my job to look how someone else wants me to anyway. My goals are only half aesthetic, and so I lied a touch but I got my sweet revenge by telling her that muscle-bound lady was exactly my goals and what I was aiming for and I was just so excited to hulk out. (The truth is, I would not at all mind looking very muscular, but doubt that it is within the grasp of someone who will only ever train 4x a week for an hour or so. If it happens, I will take lots of pics and text them to her.)


this is hilarious and makes my day. not hilarious that she touched you, but hilarious that you went straight to I"MMA HULK OUT SO F YOU. 


12 hours ago, ixaera said:


Then my mom again later "WHY would you want to put on weight" (which is at odds with her earlier complaint that I am too small) and I say "to put on muscle specifically" and she says "but WHY would you want to put on muscle"
me: .................... "to get stronger of course"


It's so bizarre from my mom because she's like, the world's most progressive lady and she will feminism all over your face given the chance, but she has a weird blind spot when it comes to commenting on her daughters' bodies and goals.



Mothers who comment on their daughters bodies at all, make me want to throat punch a person. 

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Jǫrð, Delvian Nomad - Level 12 { Battle Log }

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Pretty much what Taddea said. Lol but also ugh.


I wonder. Have you ever gently poked her about how policing other women's bodies isn't very progressive? I wonder because I have found in my own development as a person and also with others sometimes these societal norms are just so ingrained and I feel like the way women look is gonna be the last thing to go, if it ever does. Combine that with the ol' "If you lift weights of any kind you'll end up like Hulk Hogan" myth and I wonder if it's just automatic and she hasn't thought about it much. What are your thoughts?



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12 hours ago, ixaera said:

It's so bizarre from my mom because she's like, the world's most progressive lady and she will feminism all over your face given the chance, but she has a weird blind spot when it comes to commenting on her daughters' bodies and goals.


TBPH, I find progressivism and feminism to have a few plot holes in it, but in this case the pertinent one is you are her daughter and by extension she has an image of who you are that is raw emotion and will just not hear reason even if you fed her own personal ideals back at her as applied to you. She'll have to see you as you make yourself to come to terms with the changing target (average > thin > swole). Throw in a little crab-in-the-box and I bet I'm not far off.


31 minutes ago, Cataleya said:

"If you lift weights of any kind you'll end up like Hulk Hogan"


Where is this so and can I move there? Hulk Hogan was always my favorite show-wrestler. 

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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57 minutes ago, Taddea Zhaan said:

Mothers who comment on their daughters bodies at all, make me want to throat punch a person. 


It just dumb. No matter what size I've been, she's always had something negative to say about something. I think her favorite body shape was overweight and soft looking, because I got the fewest body comments then, but man if it's not that, it's boobs, and she ranks us daughters by body part and it irritates the fuggin' dog out of me, but my sister is more sensitive than I am (by a huge big ton) and I think it adversely affected her growing up. She's a sweet lady with many personality assets, but I think she overvalues her looks, which is a terrible investment over time.


39 minutes ago, Cataleya said:

Pretty much what Taddea said. Lol but also ugh.


I wonder. Have you ever gently poked her about how policing other women's bodies isn't very progressive? I wonder because I have found in my own development as a person and also with others sometimes these societal norms are just so ingrained and I feel like the way women look is gonna be the last thing to go, if it ever does. Combine that with the ol' "If you lift weights of any kind you'll end up like Hulk Hogan" myth and I wonder if it's just automatic and she hasn't thought about it much. What are your thoughts?




Sorta. My mom is hyper sensitive so it's difficult to address anything she holds near and dear like that without encountering A Fight, usually one in which I am horrible daughter and we can't talk for months b/c she is too upset that I am a horrible person. As gently as I go, it's never gentle enough. It COULD be me, but it's probably a combo of my tendency to be blunt and her sensitivity.


I once took it up with her when she posted one of those memes on facebook about how size 0 isn't a real size for real women, and I pointed out that people that size exist and are actually women, SURPRISE! And that size 0 probably would not exist if so many retail stores didn't increase the actual size of their clothing relative to the size on the sticker, then the small peeps probably wouldn't need new sizes created. It... didn't go over so well, but she stopped posting that BS.


6 minutes ago, Urgan said:

TBPH, I find progressivism and feminism to have a few plot holes in it, but in this case the pertinent one is you are her daughter and by extension she has an image of who you are that is raw emotion and will just not hear reason even if you fed her own personal ideals back at her as applied to you. She'll have to see you as you make yourself to come to terms with the changing target (average > thin > swole). Throw in a little crab-in-the-box and I bet I'm not far off.


Depends on who you talk to. There's a lot of people out there who dress up their insecurities in feminism and progressivism. We live in a rich, easy society that has plenty of room for progression all over the place, and I'm sure that this is just a blind spot on her part and she's blind to it because she's insecure. I love my mom but the crab in the bucket in her is real. She misses having her one fat daughter to justify her own life choices, because as long as I was the way I was, she had an excuse ("it's genetic! Look! she inherited it!") but now that I've kept it off and worked for years, she knows that with work it IS possible, and she has to realize that the real answer is she doesn't wanna do the work.


Final caveat: If people don't wanna work at it, that's 100% fine as far as I'm concerned. It's their life and they have NO obligation to have the same priorities as anyone else. Just freakin' own it and stop passing around bad info, Mom!

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3 minutes ago, ixaera said:

Sorta. My mom is hyper sensitive so it's difficult to address anything she holds near and dear like that without encountering A Fight, usually one in which I am horrible daughter and we can't talk for months b/c she is too upset that I am a horrible person. As gently as I go, it's never gentle enough. It COULD be me, but it's probably a combo of my tendency to be blunt and her sensitivity.


I once took it up with her when she posted one of those memes on facebook about how size 0 isn't a real size for real women, and I pointed out that people that size exist and are actually women, SURPRISE! And that size 0 probably would not exist if so many retail stores didn't increase the actual size of their clothing relative to the size on the sticker, then the small peeps probably wouldn't need new sizes created. It... didn't go over so well, but she stopped posting that BS.


FWIW, in my family there is a baby-momma (not a reference to marital status, but to her having amputated her emotional connection to her offspring) who gets showered with financial assistance and attention in spite of all the stupid, stupid things she does and habitual pattern of outright cruel behavior toward her daughter, the person doing the showering in a desperate attempt to repair the relationship somehow--like it was her fault somehow it's gotten this bad. At some point you just cannot sugarcoat anymore. Not saying at all that your relationship with your mom is that damaged, just trying to illustrate sometimes parents have really, really distorted conceptions of what being the parent in the relationship entitles them to be or do. Putting your foot down in a fair, diplomatic way is something I am 100% on board with.


7 minutes ago, ixaera said:

Depends on who you talk to. There's a lot of people out there who dress up their insecurities in feminism and progressivism. We live in a rich, easy society that has plenty of room for progression all over the place, and I'm sure that this is just a blind spot on her part and she's blind to it because she's insecure. I love my mom but the crab in the bucket in her is real. She misses having her one fat daughter to justify her own life choices, because as long as I was the way I was, she had an excuse ("it's genetic! Look! she inherited it!") but now that I've kept it off and worked for years, she knows that with work it IS possible, and she has to realize that the real answer is she doesn't wanna do the work.


Final caveat: If people don't wanna work at it, that's 100% fine as far as I'm concerned. It's their life and they have NO obligation to have the same priorities as anyone else. Just freakin' own it and stop passing around bad info, Mom!


There's a lot in that statement and I think it has a lot to do with having lost some basic existential hardships. You wouldn't be so worried about minding other people's business if the basics of life were even a little less guaranteed. You'd also have less excuses for failing to move around at least a bit because the alternative would be much more uncomfortable. That's more a society-wide issue than just with your mom, obviously and of course I am for flexing self-discipline to create personal growth vs going back to where human survival was more perilous. Once we didn't have a choice in the matter. Rolling up negative traits under the rug of collective virtue is an easy trap to fall into.


Sadly people don't suddenly grow up just because they have kids. Projection is a thing. I hope as you continue to progress with your fitness she will see testimony that strength is beautiful and it is in fact worth it. Maybe one day her excuses will fall apart completely and it will be less uncomfortable to move.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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14 hours ago, ixaera said:

don't get all muscly like those muscle ladies




Yanno that's how it works


1 hour ago, Urgan said:


TBPH, I find progressivism and feminism to have a few plot holes in it, but in this case the pertinent one is you are her daughter and by extension she has an image of who you are that is raw emotion and will just not hear reason even if you fed her own personal ideals back at her as applied to you. She'll have to see you as you make yourself to come to terms with the changing target (average > thin > swole). Throw in a little crab-in-the-box and I bet I'm not far off.



This is such a Mom Thing right here.  I love my mom to bits but by jove she's The Mom and I'm The Daughter no matter that I'm 37 years old and a highly competent adult that's lived through and dealt with lots of bullshit, as we all do.  Being someone's child yet also being an adult are not mutually exclusive.  (But in parents minds sometimes they are tho'....)





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Tell me, if you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?

Level ?? Bard & Monk of the Furious Heart

STR.55  DEX.43 STA.48 CON.51 WIS.53 CHA.65


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You know I always wished and still do sometimes wish that my mom and I had a closer relationship. Then I forget that sometimes with that closeness or regularly talking/seeing each other, comes with some potential downsides. Like thinking it's OK to comment on your body! 


Good luck with the new job today! 

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GoodReads  MyFitnessPal


Previous Challenges: 2020: 1.20  - 2019: 1.19 l 2.19

2018: 1.18 l  2.18 l 3.18 l 4.18 l 5.18 l 6.18 l 7.18

2017: 1.17 I 2.17 I 3.17 I 4.17 I 5.17 l 6.17 l 7.17 l 8.17 I 9.17 l 10.17  

2016: 1.16 l 2.16 l DA v.1 l DA v.2 I DA v.2 Reloaded I DA v.3 I DA v.4 I 8.16 I 9.16 I DA v.5 I 11.16 

2012: 1 2013: 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 2014: 9 l 10 l Not Done Yet l Time to Conquer l  Conquering 

HFC for Life!


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i enjoyed reading this discussion. i like you.


i also think @Cataleya has a good point about mildly suggesting to your mom that all body shapes are okay and i like what mine's doing right now. i understand that struggle of whether or not that will set off a fight, but you also have to consider how uncomfortable these comments are for you and your mental health.


whatever you decide we'll still be here to tell ya you're exactly where you need to be right now :D <3 

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read harder challengeBattle LogNROLFW

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16 minutes ago, Jonesy said:

You know I always wished and still do sometimes wish that my mom and I had a closer relationship. Then I forget that sometimes with that closeness or regularly talking/seeing each other, comes with some potential downsides. Like thinking it's OK to comment on your body! 


Good luck with the new job today! 


It's the hedgehog's dilemma. 


2 minutes ago, CourtnieMarie said:

i also think @Cataleya has a good point about mildly suggesting to your mom that all body shapes are okay and i like what mine's doing right now. i understand that struggle of whether or not that will set off a fight, but you also have to consider how uncomfortable these comments are for you and your mental health.


This is a really good point and it should in some form be uttered in response to every time they think you need to hear their opinion on this subject, something to the effect of: The shape your body takes is the direct result of concerted action all day every day on your part and is 100% not an accident or overnight phenomenon or passing fancy, but is rather part of your very own master plan for yourself. You are not a day lily.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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9 hours ago, Urgan said:

who gets showered with financial assistance and attention in spite of all the stupid, stupid things she does and habitual pattern of outright cruel behavior toward her daughter


This hurts me b/c it's SO CLOSE to a situation we have too. Thankfully my mom (her grandma) has started to see the light, but her dad may never.


9 hours ago, shaar said:





8 hours ago, Jonesy said:

You know I always wished and still do sometimes wish that my mom and I had a closer relationship. Then I forget that sometimes with that closeness or regularly talking/seeing each other, comes with some potential downsides. Like thinking it's OK to comment on your body! 


My mom and I are nearly polar opposites in personality, and I love her a bunch and she's a good momma, BUT hoo boy do we clash hardcore. We cannot live together in the same house, and after a few hours I am ready to either go home or start bashing my own head in. As much as I envy some people and their close relationships with family, my family isn't as well suited for it :/


8 hours ago, CourtnieMarie said:

i also think @Cataleya has a good point about mildly suggesting to your mom that all body shapes are okay and i like what mine's doing right now. i understand that struggle of whether or not that will set off a fight, but you also have to consider how uncomfortable these comments are for you and your mental health.


8 hours ago, Urgan said:

This is a really good point and it should in some form be uttered in response to every time they think you need to hear their opinion on this subject, something to the effect of: The shape your body takes is the direct result of concerted action all day every day on your part and is 100% not an accident or overnight phenomenon or passing fancy, but is rather part of your very own master plan for yourself. You are not a day lily.


A good tactic might be to think of something fairly mild to say like that, and just repeat it verbatim every time she does her Mom-thing. She'll start to argue every time, but I think I can diffuse it with a nod and smile and just keep saying the same thing the next time? I don't know? Maybe? Something like "oh, I work out 4x a week, I should hope it shows by now"?


9 hours ago, shaar said:



9 hours ago, Urgan said:



9 hours ago, Jonesy said:

Good luck with the new job today! 


Thanks! It went. I was busy with onboarding stuff and had ZERO forum time which is terrible, but hey i guess they are paying me or something

I hope to find out exactly what I'll be doing soon...

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Hopefully I can catch up on forums a bit tomorrow I am so far behind :( I was relying very heavily on how slow my old job was to keep up.




Rest day today. Want to add cardio back in to some rest days, and I have access to the new work gym now. Tomorrow I'll have a looksee to make sure it isn't terrible before resolving to use it after work sometimes.



a touch low today and didn't notice til just now. I really thought those sweet potatoes had covered the gap I saw earlier. Well, okay. Good thing i was over a bit the last two weeks? Also bloated. I think shark week must be coming up, or I'm just eating a lot of salt. Had a handful of spinach in my eggs this morning, and dinner featured brussels sprouts, kale, and red cabbage AND sweet potato, so good on the veggie front today.


Still working out how work food is gonna operate. I think once I'm comfortable I can just do what I did at the last job. But once my hours start at 10 am, I MIGHT indulge in some post-gym pancake house eggs & toast w/ a side of book reading in the mornings sometimes


The free food is mostly legit. Today I was able to load up on some meat, but the salad was weak so I avoided it and put it on a bun instead. (It was Texadelphia, so philly cheese steaks, on a make-your-own style bar, so if the salad had been fresher looking, I woulda put the meat on it)

Tomorrow is BBQ and I am all about that, yep. 


No. :( Also, just after I announce I'm quitting all soda except dr pepper 10, I find out work gives away free soda 24/7 all the time 
none of it is dr pepper 10
I failed at quitting today, and it's so much free caffeine I dunno my resolve is wilting


Book: I have 40 pages to go before I rest, I may not make it, but I DID make my goal of 330 yesterday. I'm 100% ready for bed so I'm just gonna read until I pass out


Litter: Yep. Did dishes too and cooked
Which is why I ran out of time to read vOv

Being an adult is the literal worst sometimes



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12 hours ago, ixaera said:

A good tactic might be to think of something fairly mild to say like that, and just repeat it verbatim every time she does her Mom-thing. She'll start to argue every time, but I think I can diffuse it with a nod and smile and just keep saying the same thing the next time? I don't know? Maybe? Something like "oh, I work out 4x a week, I should hope it shows by now"?

I would do this to my dad when he'd say homophobic stuff. "This shirt is gay." "Oh, I didn't know it was possible for shirts to have a sexual orientation." It got to the point where he stopped saying it, or when he did, "Yeah, yeah, I know."

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HEY! give yourself some credit. it was your first day on the job and you got all the veggies in and some reading time! the first few days? weeks? months?? of a new job are hectic and stressful so be mindful of that ;) 

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read harder challengeBattle LogNROLFW

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12 hours ago, ixaera said:






Glad your first day went well!!!  Nothing blew up and you got free food, and you get MORE free food!!  You'll totally adjust in no time, I just know it.

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Tell me, if you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?

Level ?? Bard & Monk of the Furious Heart

STR.55  DEX.43 STA.48 CON.51 WIS.53 CHA.65


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I promise once the sparkle-shine of new job jitters is sorted out, your resolve will return. Cut yourself some slack for the next two weeks or so.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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Y'alls the best!


Day 2 at new job was better, less paperwork more actually looking at work things. Wow they are backlogged. Wow. Just wow. The good news is that I left IBM b/c I was bored, so I guess that'll be taken care of




The bad news is that I've been trying my HARDEST to catch glimpses of people doing somewhat personal things here and there, like checking a NerdFitness forum or a personal email account. NOTHING so far. So I'm pretty much not gonna break the seal on my work laptop for NerdFitness til I see that at least a few times. I don't wanna find out the hard way that they have an unspoken zero tolerance policy for that mess.


Not that I would even have time, it looks like.


Today's free lunch was bbq and wonderful and perfect for macros, so that's pretty great. But it's different daily so I'm not sure how I'll work with this yet. One part of me wants to use it to save money, but the other part of me is like "No! Too unpredictable! Bring your own food!" vOv


I still haven't quit cokes, I'm gonna just sit on that like a chump for a bit, I'll be ready soon.


I learned how oatmeal accidentally mixed with tepid water tastes (not that bad actually?) because the hot water thing didn't work how I expected. You have to WAIT FOR IT TO BOIL??? ugh I dunno if that's gonna work. Depends on how long the boiling takes.


When my hours go officially to 10-7 I am thinking about spending my post-workout mornings at the ready fit go or the deli that has bfast tacos on the way. Read, and stuff. Saw the on site gym today, it's a little better than the one at old work, and will be great for after-work cardio.


My hamstrings are already sore. It's long-bro-out week and did a 4x6 at 100 lbs on squats (super easy actually?). I did notice I was favoring my right leg again and had to keep focusing on centering effort on both hamstrings to fix it. I thought I had it fixed but apparently not. Then a big ole bro out with some ab wheel, RDLs, and feet-elevated glute bridges. 



if only every day were bbq day


Bad at water tho :(




Reading is probably not happening tonight due to prior plans :(

Litter happened though

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