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Is it supposed to hurt this much

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I'm in a lot of pain and I don't know if it's normal or if I hurt myself I am very new to all this. 


Ok so on Tuesday around noonish I did this warm-up:

jump rope 30 sec;

20 jumping jack;

10 squat;

5/ea lunge;

10 hip extension;

5/ea hip rotation;

10/ea forward leg swing;

10/ea side leg swing;

5 wall push-up;

5/ea spiderman steps


I didn't do anything else other than a cool-down stretch since my starting plan is "get through the warm-up for a week or two and then add an actual routine." I could've definitely done more of some of them and I'm making adjustments for next time but last night and all of today my thighs are absolutely killing me. It hurts to walk, and the movement of getting up, sitting down, or going up or down stairs is causing me pain not dissimilar in severity to the times I broke my arm. I've never exercised before, my previous physical activity has always been DDR and that was YEARS ago so like, is this normal? Did I hurt myself from like idk my form being off or something? My partner says I'm also not eating enough protein and that isn't helping, which is probably true, but still.

芸術ã¯çˆ†ç™ºã !


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If you've never exercised before, then yes this is normal. It will get better and it will get easier. Just keep doing it. For now walking and stretching are probably your best bet. Drinking more water and eating more protein may help too.

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Welcome to DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). It happens to the best of us when we work out the first time. The best thing to do is just to work out again. It seems counter-intuitive but it works.

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If you've never exercised before, then yes this is normal. It will get better and it will get easier. Just keep doing it. For now walking and stretching are probably your best bet. Drinking more water and eating more protein may help too.

I'm just concerned because I am not exaggerating when I say it hurts just as much as when I broke my arm... I already walk plenty throughout the day, mostly up and down stairs while getting places on the subway. And this never happened to me with DDR (I just got asthma attacks instead), but that was technically cardio so I dunno.

芸術ã¯çˆ†ç™ºã !


Actually stick to this whole foods diet

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Yup, definitely normal DOMS.  It can hurt like crazy, but you're definitely not dying or broken. ;)


I second the suggestion to work out again.... warming the muscles up some and putting them through the motions will help the soreness fade faster.

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Geeze when all the articles I've read say "some" soreness I don't expecting this level of pain :tongue: But as long as I'm not dying I'll keep going then.


When I was out of shape and first started strength training, there were days I could barely get out of bed.............

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"Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world." - Voltaire

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Edit – my browser still hates quoting, apparently…


When I first started out the BBWW, I could barely walk to the store 300m away from my home for 3-4 days. It does get better, and it won't always hurt this badly. :)




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The first time I did high speed intervals I did them for over a mile. The next day I longed for something as sweet as pain. As much as it hurt, I knew I had at least gotten in a good workout.

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"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Yeah I do second the keep working out bit. BUT make sure you don't overdo it. I didn't let my muscles rest enough and they went from normal (thought painful) sore to "If I keep doing squats I will literally rip the muscles" and I was having a hard time sleeping and was exhausted. Make sure you take enough rest in there, one rest day later I was back in perfect form! I'm still trying to figure out what too much looks like, and it's good to push yourself, but I'd say don't hurt yourself as well. 

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Yeah I do second the keep working out bit. BUT make sure you don't overdo it. I didn't let my muscles rest enough and they went from normal (thought painful) sore to "If I keep doing squats I will literally rip the muscles" and I was having a hard time sleeping and was exhausted. Make sure you take enough rest in there, one rest day later I was back in perfect form! I'm still trying to figure out what too much looks like, and it's good to push yourself, but I'd say don't hurt yourself as well.

I took advice from my partner and a workmate who does powerlifting (she can deadlift like 350-400lb I think) about how long to rest for and I'm really glad I have them around for that. I don't know what too much looks like at all!

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芸術ã¯çˆ†ç™ºã !


Actually stick to this whole foods diet

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I just started working out 2 months ago and it was not as rough as my memories from my late teens (I will return to that). But soreness is a thing. You have to figure out what a "healthy amount of discomfort is". When I feel sore after a good workout, I think to myself, "That is the feeling of me getting stronger!". However, it is possible to work yourself past your limits and actually do damage. Working out should cause some discomfort. (Also, I have learned this recently and did not know this for the first 25 years of my life... Good stretching should also cause discomfort).


I was raised in America, and if you were too, like me you probably have been raised into the culture of "avoid discomfort at all costs" mentality. Sadly, that does not lead to healthy living. So you have to find your happy middle-ground between: discomfort & comfort, effort & recovery, etc... Just be aware that you might be preconditioned to avoid any / all / most discomfort and that embracing a moderate amount may be healthier. However, you also have to listen to your body to know when a little is too much.


When I was a teenager I was a wrestler. I did that for 8 years. So when the season would start up and I would go from minimal regular activity to intense pushing my body in exercise for 2 hours a day... that first week was always the worst. Monday & Tuesday were never that bad... the DOMS would kick in on day 3 and then usually fade by day 5.


If you are doing strength training, make sure to give your body the recovery time it needs (24-36 hours) in between workouts. If you are doing "cardio" training, your body should not need that long. 2 months ago I started playing racquetball a couple times a week. It was "strength training" for me for the first 2 weeks or so because my calves were that out of shape. Now my body is fine from 1 hour of racquetball, and it is just a great cardio workout.

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So, my suggestion is while you are still getting in shape do around 70% of what you think you can do. Your first task is to habituate your muscles to regular exercise. That's a big job in and of itself! DOMS are a big part of why people quit before they really start. DOMS can be really painful. Pain is a signal to the body to pay attention. The problem for beginners is which pain to pay attention to and which to push through! You don't want to hurt yourself! Generally pain in the belly of the muscle that comes on after working out but fades in 1-5 days is DOMS. Sometimes a light warm up, like dynamic stretching, will decrease the pain. I know that if I need to take asprin the day after the workout or if I can't get to sleep because it hurts too much that I did WAY too much. It's a dull achey pain. My experience is that DOMS get worse as you get older, but if you are in your 20's you should acclimate fairly quickly, especially if you've done DDR or other fitness activity before. Any sharp pain is bad. Pain in the joint is ALWAYS bad! That pain means stop! If you have been sedentary, it may take a month or two or even three to get to the point where your after workout pain will ease up. I know that if I can't do my next next scheduled workout, I've done too much and try and scale it back.


The 'give it 110%' paradigm is not what you need right now! That's geared to competative athletes with sport specific goals, and stupid people who think biger is always better. Americans have a hard time dialing it down to reasonable levels (I say this as an American.) No pain no gain, is not what beginners need to hear. One approach from Tai Chi and the Chinese perspective is to do 70%, that way you are not depleting your chi (energy) and you can build up more energy over time, and have some in the bank, as a reserve, for when you do need to do 100%, like on race day. It's also more sustainable in the long run and you'll be more likely to keep active as you age, if you can regularly keep up 70% effort and learn to listen to your body.

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