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40 minutes ago, fleaball said:

The tumor my mother has on her lung is 2mm but it was caused by the pancreatic cancer to that's irrelevant. Except for the size thing. I'm just being argumentative now, still not actually concerned. But yeah you did get the year right. I wonder if that's what she's going to tell me it could be. I actually have any illness-related issues with my lungs (although did apparently have trouble breathing because most nights they put a mask over my face for like 20 minutes and my oxygen was low so jk maybe) but there was the time that they gave me 9L of fluid that just hung out in my lungs for a bit so they had to give me a diuretic. Eeeenteresting. Medical things are fascinating except for the part where they're also complicated and kind of gross. 


I'm generally pretty good at non-medical diagnosis, so I will not be surprised when you tell me I am right. :panda:


Also, medical stuff is the coolest! Bodies are like the neatest things ever. 

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1 minute ago, Sylvaa said:


I'm generally pretty good at non-medical diagnosis, so I will not be surprised when you tell me I am right. :panda:


Also, medical stuff is the coolest! Bodies are like the neatest things ever. 

Haha set a reminder for 2/16 and check in with me then. ;)


oh wow, I meant to say I *didnt have any lung problems. Except for the problems I then described. :rolleyes:


im almost sad. I find certain kinds of science fascinating and want to learn more, but only to a certain extent. Like the stuff I learned in organic chem was super cool, til we got to the lab and spent hours on shit. Medicine is cool til you get to the grossness of bodily fluids and all that. So much lame. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Aaaaaand the pipe is not fixed after all. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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1 minute ago, fleaball said:

Aaaaaand the pipe is not fixed after all. 



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You don't get better at anything unless you start doing it.

Being alive is heckn swell. 

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2 minutes ago, NeverThatBored said:



Hahaha in any other situation this would be all too accurate. For some reason right now though I'm just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Maybe because we met the guy yesterday and he seemed okay? Or because I'm just too tired to care. That's also a possibility. 


It's 9:20. I didn't get any feedback, negative or otherwise, from either my advisor or the Peace Corps on my research proposal so there's no point in staying up and trying to work on it. I'm going to get all my challenges goals done in the next 20 minutes, brush my teeth, and pass the fuck out. 



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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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Lol about those challenge goals. 


53 minutes ago, NeverThatBored said:




Roommate's friend came home five minutes after my last post. We wound up talking. Surprise, roommate apparently never talked to her about having her random friends stay here so they're coming here tomorrow. I should have said I wasn't okay with it but because I always have to be accomodating of course I said yes. Well it was more like "whatever. Make sure you double check with roommate because that's her room, not mine." And she thinks she's getting a job after this gig is over. At which point I really need to press my roommate on having that talk with her because if she's not going to look for a place to stay then she needs to start paying rent. Especially if she's going to shower twice a day for like half an hour at a time. 


Okay. I can feel my jaw clenching. I'm just going to sleep. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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6 hours ago, fleaball said:

Lol about those challenge goals. 



Roommate's friend came home five minutes after my last post. We wound up talking. Surprise, roommate apparently never talked to her about having her random friends stay here so they're coming here tomorrow. I should have said I wasn't okay with it but because I always have to be accomodating of course I said yes. Well it was more like "whatever. Make sure you double check with roommate because that's her room, not mine." And she thinks she's getting a job after this gig is over. At which point I really need to press my roommate on having that talk with her because if she's not going to look for a place to stay then she needs to start paying rent. Especially if she's going to shower twice a day for like half an hour at a time. 


Okay. I can feel my jaw clenching. I'm just going to sleep. 

This girl has issues. I guess she's just like the rest of us...


I hope for your sake that she finds another place to stay. Because she seems like a ton of trouble. Like she'd have random people coming to visit and stay out of the blue and stuff, plus the twice daily showers...

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Introduction (where I started, May 2016) ~*~ NF Character (dormant)


 Progress as a Nomad: Battle log where I do my own challenges

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Threw this girl under the bus and don't feel bad about it. Told my roommate the pipe is still busted and the plumber is supposed to call today "but she's leaving her key for her friends so he'll be able to get in if he goes by today." And she's like "I'm sorry what?" She's pissed. Part of me is like "this is partially your fault for not having this conversation two weeks ago" but that's getting a little ridiculous. And I think she's also extra pissed on my behalf so I'm not going to go down that road. 


Still praying we get tomorrow off. It doesn't sound like it so far but my fingers are crossed. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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Ugh a board I was on ages ago had a drama llama emoji thing and I wish we had one here. 


Drama update!


Roommate had been putting off calling this girl forever but had told a coworker friend, her bf, and maybe me? Talking about what needs to be said etc. She texted the friend (let's call her K bc I'm too lazy to write out "roommate's friend" a million times now) to call her when she had a chance. K calls immediately. Roommate's like "sooo I heard this was happening." And k's like "oh does Flea have a problem with it now?" (Holy shit my phone autocapitalizes Flea now I'm dying.) Okay small backstory: Roommate is pissed and also uncomfortable with two random dudes who will be sleeping in what is essentially her large closet. (It's part of an addition on the house but it's maybe 4'x10' so it's not a room but it's attached to her bedroom so there's a closet and furniture and storage space. They're sleeping out there apparently. Not sure where they're gonna get extra blankets and shit but whatever.) Her exact words to me were "they're basically going to be sleeping next to my underwear." Anyway. So she's also uncomfortable with it. I'd told her this morning that if it's an easier opening for the conversation, feel free to pin it on me being uncomfortable blah blah bc idgaf and I don't feel bad at all. (And if this girl hates me after this and has something to say, I've had several imagined conversations in my head where I take off on her for being an inconsiderate bitch so I'm prepared lmao.) 


back to the story. Roommate says yes I'm not okay with it but she's not really either. K says "oh don't worry, I gave them a 3-page itinerary on like, when she gets up and goes to work and not to get in her way, what they can eat in the kitchen, etc. It'll be fine." And then the call drops. So she texts roommate, "sorry, call dropped." No effort made to call back.


Roommate came over and told me all this and I can see she's super pissed. Asks me for real if I'm okay with it, because she's really not. We go back and forth a bit. She seems a little worried about being a bitch and I'm like "look, it's common courtesy at the very least. She didnt say shit to you about it and only mentioned it to me because I was awake when she got home." K also told me last night she'd give roommate a heads up and totally didn't. But had texted her and commented on her instagram and other stuff in the meantime so it's not like she'd been too busy or didn't have her phone. Finally roommate texts her back again that yes I'm uncomfortable but so is she and it's not fair to drop this on me at the last minute. She said these guys can drop their stuff off at our house as planned since they're already en route from England, but they can't stay tonight.


And then she had to run to a meeting so I'm dying to find out what comes of this. She was like "I said I'm uncomfortable with it but she's probably going to take it as all you." And it looked like she felt bad about it. But honestly I could not give a shit. My issues with her aside, she's not my friend to start with and she's not really someone I'd want to be friends with (personality clashes, polar opposite political views and all the social issue clashes that are inherent in that, etc). If she gets pissed at me, best case scenario she leaves asap. Worst case, things gets slightly more strained than they are now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


fun fact I learned today: she has another friend in the area who just moved out of her apartment but still has the key and whatnot. Idk maybe she couldn't break her lease early? K was supposed to meet this friend today to get the key and she and the British guys would stay there for the weekend. The problem is there's nothing there. A few pieces of furniture but no shower curtain, kitchen supplies, nothing. Roommate was like "yeah she was gonna take some of our stuff with her." I made a face and she just shook her head and was like "yeah, I know." Istg I'm half tempted to go to Home Depot and figure out how to change the locks on the house myself between tonight and tomorrow. And just leave all her shit on the front porch. 


Maaaaaan now I really hope she gets pissed and gives me the opening to unload on her. I don't want it fuck things up for roommate if she really values this friendship, but as she reminded me earlier it's my house too. If I get my opening via text I'll probably warn her it's going to happen. If at some point K confronts me in person all bets are off. 


This is is such a ridiculous situation. I fucking can't. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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FFS. This woman sucks. I keep thinking "this is the kind of person who's excited to work on the Trump inauguration team."


Also, your drama llama prayers answered:


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Hahaha honestly. And apparently she's been kissing ass so well last night it looks like they're trying to find her a job in the administration. I know everyone's got their own views and whatever but it boggles my mind that a 29-year-old woman from California is so hardcore Republican. Yes she's white and maybe upper middle class background, which seems to cancel out a lot of common sense. But really?


What's hilarious is that when roommate and I were first looking for a place it was hard to find a reasonably priced 2-be. She was like "well if we need to get a 3-br we can ask k." I was newly out at that point (not counting on the interwebs) and also hadn't ever met this girl so I expressed concern about my sexuality (roommate's stance is "idc who you bring home so long as they don't steal my shit") and she was like "no she'll be fine with it don't worry." And now having met her I'm wondering if I dodged a bullet. Not just because she's a republican, but she's said a few things in the past that weren't necessarily queerphobic but definitely made me bristle. Shame I don't have any female or nb friends to bring around and test this theory. 


Yup. I'm a bitch. Oh well. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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9 minutes ago, Owlet said:

Wowwwww I want to have a go at her too. The mind boggles at what some people think is acceptable behaviour. Thanks for delivering the drama!



...damn there's no vomit emoji.

I figure this serves as a decent and amusing distraction from everyone's serious real life drama. Because it's just so absurd at this point. 


She texted roommate back and definitely ignored the part where roommate didn't approve. "Yeah that's fine I understand. She's (Flea) got a lot going on right now anyway. I'll try to get my friend's key tonight." Try. Try to get the key. Last night she was *going* to get it. Also wtf is she going to do otherwise? 


I should be asleep by the time the three of them get back from a ball they're going to tonight but I almost hope I'm awake so I can make sure they turn around and go back out. If I get up for work tomorrow and see evidence of boys in my house I'm going to flip my shit. So will roommate. Whee. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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1 hour ago, fleaball said:

Shame I don't have any female or nb friends to bring around and test this theory. 

I need to come visit with my lesbian car...rainbow stickers and one that says 'don't worry, my gay marriage won't affect your straight divorce' :D

But Trump...yeah, sorry, don't want to even be on the same planet as that...



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RES...and I want to live days worth dying for

Current: RES: Life is not Always SET


Growth happens when you care more about the well being of your future self than the comfort of your present self!

"Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is." -Yoda


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1 hour ago, fleaball said:

Yup. I'm a bitch. Oh well. 

How it is being a bitch when K is worse? I call it self defense.

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Introduction (where I started, May 2016) ~*~ NF Character (dormant)


 Progress as a Nomad: Battle log where I do my own challenges

Useful posts on my battle log: Useful Links and Travel Schedule, Future Challenge IdeasGoals for 2017 as a whole, Assorted Goals (not on rotation), Elements W1D1, Last Quarter Goals

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3 minutes ago, RES said:

I need to come visit with my lesbian car...rainbow stickers and one that says 'don't worry, my gay marriage won't affect your straight divorce'

But Trump...yeah, sorry, don't want to even be on the same planet as that...



Yessss. I've thought about putting stickers on my car but I keep thinking of selling it so I don't want to waste the money lol. I do have a bi flag in my window but I doubt she knows what it is. I could probably order a rainbow one and see if there's a reaction but I'm resistant to it because I get weird and grumpy about gay being an umbrella term. 


She was complaining last night about working to much (super long days and no days off) and I said I have no sympathy for her because she signed up for this fucking circus. I don't think she knew what to make of that. 


1 minute ago, Dagger said:

How it is being a bitch when K is worse? I call it self defense.

I mean, if we get into an argument or something that's one thing. Bringing someone over just to intentionally provoke a reaction and make her uncomfortable is a different story. To make the distinction, if I go out of my way to do something, that would be bitchy. If I'm just reacting to a situation then whatever happens happens. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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1 minute ago, fleaball said:

I mean, if we get into an argument or something that's one thing. Bringing someone over just to intentionally provoke a reaction and make her uncomfortable is a different story. To make the distinction, if I go out of my way to do something, that would be bitchy. If I'm just reacting to a situation then whatever happens happens. 

I see what you mean. But her way of communicating with your room mate kind of indicates a willful avoidance of asking for permission and instead just begging forgiveness after the fact. And that is a shitty communication style.


Like instead of asking "is it okay if two random British friends of mine can stay over, and is it okay by Flea?", she only kinda asked if it was okay for you or not, but she also didn't actually ask you.


So I see your point. But my point was that she's already kinda done deliberate bitchy things, so still...

Obviously, if you were me, I'd probably not do something intentionally bitchy, but I would think it really hard.

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Introduction (where I started, May 2016) ~*~ NF Character (dormant)


 Progress as a Nomad: Battle log where I do my own challenges

Useful posts on my battle log: Useful Links and Travel Schedule, Future Challenge IdeasGoals for 2017 as a whole, Assorted Goals (not on rotation), Elements W1D1, Last Quarter Goals

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3 minutes ago, Dagger said:

I see what you mean. But her way of communicating with your room mate kind of indicates a willful avoidance of asking for permission and instead just begging forgiveness after the fact. And that is a shitty communication style.


Like instead of asking "is it okay if two random British friends of mine can stay over, and is it okay by Flea?", she only kinda asked if it was okay for you or not, but she also didn't actually ask you.


So I see your point. But my point was that she's already kinda done deliberate bitchy things, so still...

Obviously, if you were me, I'd probably not do something intentionally bitchy, but I would think it really hard.

Okay true. I suppose it's a semantics issue really. Like I see what she's doing as unbelievably rude and inconsiderate but it's not bitchy to me because there doesn't seem to be intent behind it? But that standard is obviousot different for you. Also I'm a weirdo in general lol. 


Tbh I talk a lot about doing things but push comes to shove I probably won't actually do anything? At least not in person. If she brings it up maybe but I rarely start shit no matter how much I want to. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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38 minutes ago, fleaball said:

Like I see what she's doing as unbelievably rude and inconsiderate but it's not bitchy to me because there doesn't seem to be intent behind it? But that standard is obviousot different for you.

I do think that you are right that she's just rude and inconsiderate. But it is conceivable that there could be intent about it. Some people specifically coach questions in such a way that it isn't a question so they won't get a no, or you know as a teenager I chose carefully which parent to ask for what because I'd have a better success rate for specific things with certain parent (not that I'm calling that bitchy, but an example of underhandedness).


So while she is probably just rude and inconsiderate, she might also be a major bitch, but since we can't see into her head, we don't know.

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Introduction (where I started, May 2016) ~*~ NF Character (dormant)


 Progress as a Nomad: Battle log where I do my own challenges

Useful posts on my battle log: Useful Links and Travel Schedule, Future Challenge IdeasGoals for 2017 as a whole, Assorted Goals (not on rotation), Elements W1D1, Last Quarter Goals

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3 minutes ago, Dagger said:

I do think that you are right that she's just rude and inconsiderate. But it is conceivable that there could be intent about it. Some people specifically coach questions in such a way that it isn't a question so they won't get a no, or you know as a teenager I chose carefully which parent to ask for what because I'd have a better success rate for specific things with certain parent (not that I'm calling that bitchy, but an example of underhandedness).


So while she is probably just rude and inconsiderate, she might also be a major bitch, but since we can't see into her head, we don't know.

Yeahhh true. it was definitely sneaky af. I accept your explanation lol

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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Yeah I'm with @Dagger. What she's doing to me looks like willful blindness and feigned cluelessness designed to get her what she wants. For free. While inconveniencing everyone. In my reading of the situation she is using you and your roommate's politeness and tendency to avoid outright confrontation as weapons to allow her to sneakily get her way, at your expense, all the while maintaining plausible deniability.


That's a shit thing to do.


Like, has she offered to chip in for food? To pay for that key she broke? To help clean up at all? Has she apologized for the inconvenience of having her there or offered to do literally anything nice to make up for the fact that she's leeching off you guys and causing all sorts of chaos with her stupid friends while you're trying to live your lives?


She is selfish and trying to use you guys for her benefit, all the while manipulating things so she looks like she's not doing anything wrong. Period.

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3 hours ago, Severine said:

Yeah I'm with @Dagger. What she's doing to me looks like willful blindness and feigned cluelessness designed to get her what she wants. For free. While inconveniencing everyone. In my reading of the situation she is using you and your roommate's politeness and tendency to avoid outright confrontation as weapons to allow her to sneakily get her way, at your expense, all the while maintaining plausible deniability.


That's a shit thing to do.


Like, has she offered to chip in for food? To pay for that key she broke? To help clean up at all? Has she apologized for the inconvenience of having her there or offered to do literally anything nice to make up for the fact that she's leeching off you guys and causing all sorts of chaos with her stupid friends while you're trying to live your lives?


She is selfish and trying to use you guys for her benefit, all the while manipulating things so she looks like she's not doing anything wrong. Period.

I'm not arguing that she's not a shitty person doing shitty things. I think I'm just see what she's doing vs what I'd like to do as being described by different adjectives. 


To answer all your questions: lol no. She did go buy her own food and cleaned the kitchen counter one night, but I've noticed my stash of tea steadily disappearing. I'm also 90% sure she's using my toothpaste and body wash. I'm literally waiting for any opportunity to take off on her. 


In other news, my obnoxious friend in Richmond asked for my address earlier. Before I could ask why she said never mind, she got it from her GPS. She's sending me a present. "Because reasons." Not to be ungrateful but she knows I don't like surprises and we've had several conversations before about how I hate getting presents because I feel awkward af? Even at birthdays/Christmas/other traditional times that people give you gifts. So I'm actually pissed because this is like, expressly a thing I Do Not Want. 


Ugh. I need new people. Or we all need to go start a colony somewhere. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Random British dudes wandering around my house while I'm in the shower! Yay! I can't be sure one of them didn't get dressed in my room because the entire second floor reeks of cologne but I can't find the source. I'm so fucking pissed. 


Except I'm not. Like I'm mad on principle bur can't summon the energy to go beyond that because what's the fucking point.


She knocked on my door, looks like she's still drunk from the ball they got home from at 1:30, and is like "hey gurl hey! They're leaving right now and won't be back the entire weekend. Do you need anything else from me?" No shame whatsoever. And let me tell you how awkward it is to try to shower in a bathroom where the door doesn't lock and you're hearing drunk/hungover men you don't know stumbling around and hoping they don't decide to try the door. Also so much for "I made them a schedule so they don't get in her way when she's getting ready."


Uggggggh. Raaaaaaage. My poor therapist. Tonight's going to be an interesting one. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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Ok, it is official:


She is a bitch.


She's just proved it without doubt.


I suggest that you talk to your room mate and uninvite that bitch, because you don't behave like she does and get away with it, because them some other poor person will have to go through it too.


I'm pissed for you.

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Introduction (where I started, May 2016) ~*~ NF Character (dormant)


 Progress as a Nomad: Battle log where I do my own challenges

Useful posts on my battle log: Useful Links and Travel Schedule, Future Challenge IdeasGoals for 2017 as a whole, Assorted Goals (not on rotation), Elements W1D1, Last Quarter Goals

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