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Adulting pvp (flylady/cleaning/decluttering) start july 27

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Yeah, that's really it.  I've let it slip and I just need to make it a priority again to push myself to get it done.  I think I need to settle into the back to school schedule.  I always have anxiety this time of year because of the schedule change, and probably just change in general, so I always feel a little frantic.  It will calm down soon - but the sooner I get back to this, the less frantic my house will feel too.  

School starts next week here, I think it'll be a challenge for me too after 6 weeks off...

Doodlie for life, Pancake by choice


Challenge 12, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 

Challenges 2017: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

Challenges 2018: 29, 30, 31, 32, 3334, 35,

Challenges 2019: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

Challenges 2020: 41, 42, 43, 44, 45


Challenges 2023: 46, 47

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In less melodramatic news - woohoo, I vacuumed my floor! This is a big deal because I haven't vacuumed in months. Largely because my floor was so covered in stuff it was impossible. Well, what remains of that stuff is now piled on top of my bed, so I'm gonna have to do something about that if I want to sleep tonight. It smells fresher now, it's lovely. I need to keep my place neater in the future, it's like my mind feels less cluttered now too.

That's brilliant, must feel very nice :)


ok guys.  I haven't done anything in days and days.  I haven't been paying attention to FlyLady and I haven't even been making the bed or any daily chores.  I need to get back on the wagon.  

You can do it! Just start small!


H'OOOK I think life has chilled out enough now that I might actually be able to get to some adulting goals!


I do however think I accidentally figured out my boss battle. Me vs flea infestation and treating carpets repeatedly has been probably 3 hours or so of work so far. Hoping that is it...but maybe want to do one more time just in case. Getting the stupid diatomaceous earth out of the house after all of this is going to be a monumental pain in the butt also, yay extra missions or something? Mini bosses? Wheeeee......

Oh god.. good luck with that :(

KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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So far I haven't really been killing this challenge, far from it.. But yesterday was a very good day :) 

I was going to change the sheets on our bed, just to get at least one thing done.. but then decided to take out all the laundry, fold all the clean laundry that was just sitting there (we were grabbing our underwear from those baskets instead of from the closet), then went to wipe down all the surfaces including the window parts, vacuumed the floor and since I had the vacuum there anyway vacuumed the entire upstairs floor!

This all made me very satisfied, but the best thing was putting on those clean sheets, showering and sleeping in a clean bed, in a clean room with a clean floor.

KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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You can do it! Just start small!




bed made today and I did dishes last night before bed and shined my sink.  It's not my entire daily list but it's something.  :)

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Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

Roadmaps: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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So far I haven't really been killing this challenge, far from it.. But yesterday was a very good day :)

I was going to change the sheets on our bed, just to get at least one thing done.. but then decided to take out all the laundry, fold all the clean laundry that was just sitting there (we were grabbing our underwear from those baskets instead of from the closet), then went to wipe down all the surfaces including the window parts, vacuumed the floor and since I had the vacuum there anyway vacuumed the entire upstairs floor!

This all made me very satisfied, but the best thing was putting on those clean sheets, showering and sleeping in a clean bed, in a clean room with a clean floor.

bed made today and I did dishes last night before bed and shined my sink.  It's not my entire daily list but it's something.   :)


Great job with getting back on track!!!  :)

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Level 30? who the hell knows anymore? Direwolf Assassin/Ranger - current challenge

 ACL rehab thread      2016 parkour

My tutorials:

handbalancing: crow, flying crow, side crow, crow->headstand->crow  Bo staff: strikes 1 2 3, spins 1 2

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Here lieth my main boss, beautifully slain:


The picture is not very good because it was dark and the headboard is black, but anyway. I did it! Or rather, me and two of my friends did it. One drove me to get the chipboard and paint and helped me paint, and the other helped me attach it to the box spring. Which turned out to be a lot more challenging than I thought, because the first screws I'd bought were way too small. It's too bad you can't see the surface in the picture, because I used black lacquer and the wood texture is still visible. It's a bit shiny and looks like it cost a lot more than it actually did, especially since I work at a hardware store for the summer and get employee discount  :rapture:

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(currently visiting assassins) | Challenge Thread

"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."

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Sorry I haven't been on here much lately to post or to cheer ya'll on...but please understand that I really wanted to...


The Cable/Internet provider for the base has been undergoing some changes, which has basically hung many of the residents out to dry...needless to say, we've been one of them!!  We have been mostly without internet for about a week and a half now (and when we do have it, it's shotty at best), and it will continue for another week.  We have been assured (and reassured) that everything should be back to normal by September first.


So I'll post and update the spreadsheet as I am able...


For now, I did a fair amount of catching up last week and had a mini mini boss challenge (would that be micro?) rear it's ugly head...  We had friends kids (3 of them) stay the weekend while the parents climbed Mt. Fuji...and well, kids are kids...one had an accident on our couch, rendering us to have to wash two of the cushions, a pillow, a throw blanket and his clothes...I'm just glad it didn't seep into the the frame lining (under the cushions) or to the floor below...and with all the "spillage" from drinks and food, our living room was overrun with ants!!  So after they left, I spent I big chunk of the day yesterday wiping off all the sticky (from the coffee table and floor) and waging war on the ants!!  The whole time, I kept singing a song...ya'll know the Theme to the Pink Panther, right?


Dead Ant

Dead Ant

Dead Ant Dead Ant Dead Ant Dead Ant 

Dead Annnnt....                            



Anyhoo...I doubled up (sometimes more than doubled) some of my tasking last week in order to catch up when I had the time (especially knowing I wouldn't have much time on a couple of those days due to appointments and such).  So the numbers may look weird...Please let me know if I should tally them up differently...


I'll probably only be able to update and post a couple of times this week (if I'm lucky), so I'll update stuff as I am able...


And I'm sorry again for any confusion or frustration this may cause anyone...





Level 8 Assassin Goddess

STR: 19 DEX: 17 STA: 18 CON: 18 WIS: 18 CHA: 19

Challenges:  Current 7 5 4 3 2 1 1/2 Battle Log

PvP: Adulting & Accountability: The CutLasses Shimmy!


It's not how you start, but how you finish! ~ David Bach, Finish Rich


Finding Ways to Cope

Main Goals:  Controlled Weight Gain, Don't be a Slug and Necessities

Life Goal:  The Clock is Ticking

Assassins Guild Mini Challenges: No Power in the 'Verse Can Stop Us - Assassin's Pride

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When will Week 5 be updated on the spreadsheet?  I've been doing good a knocking stuff out since computer time is at a minimum...less distraction...just wanted to update...


Oh, and how long will this PvP be going until?  Is it just for the duration of this 6WC or will it have a different end date?  If it is only for this 6WC, will there be another one for the next 6WC?


Sorry for all the queries...just wondering...


Level 8 Assassin Goddess

STR: 19 DEX: 17 STA: 18 CON: 18 WIS: 18 CHA: 19

Challenges:  Current 7 5 4 3 2 1 1/2 Battle Log

PvP: Adulting & Accountability: The CutLasses Shimmy!


It's not how you start, but how you finish! ~ David Bach, Finish Rich


Finding Ways to Cope

Main Goals:  Controlled Weight Gain, Don't be a Slug and Necessities

Life Goal:  The Clock is Ticking

Assassins Guild Mini Challenges: No Power in the 'Verse Can Stop Us - Assassin's Pride

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When will Week 5 be updated on the spreadsheet?  I've been doing good a knocking stuff out since computer time is at a minimum...less distraction...just wanted to update...


Oh, and how long will this PvP be going until?  Is it just for the duration of this 6WC or will it have a different end date?  If it is only for this 6WC, will there be another one for the next 6WC?


Sorry for all the queries...just wondering...

Added week 5, sorry for the delay! I guess everyone is busy and/or in a week 5 slump ;)

This pvp will run for the 6 weeks of the challenge. i'd love to restart it when the next challenge starts, if others also feel like it.

And I think you should stop saying sorry so much! Really :) And don't you dare say sorry for saying sorry so often :P


Anyhoo...I doubled up (sometimes more than doubled) some of my tasking last week in order to catch up when I had the time (especially knowing I wouldn't have much time on a couple of those days due to appointments and such).  So the numbers may look weird...Please let me know if I should tally them up differently...


And I'm sorry again for any confusion or frustration this may cause anyone...

The intent of the PvP is to build habits, so while it's ofcourse great you're doing more when able, we're not wanting to force anyone into catching up and burning out. So for the daily's and weekly's that's why there is a cap on how many points you can earn (ie one per item). But you could make one of your boss battles a bit of a catch up and earn points that way? 

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KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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Daily routines and Flylady tasks have been going well this week. Not done any on the mini boss battle, and probably won't since I need to focus on the garden. Flylady stressed me out a bit at first with this mission.It was for your bedroom, and she said have it be like a spa, or hotel room. Which my interpertation is totally spotless. But I decided to go for not cluttered, and be happy with that.

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Added week 5, sorry for the delay! I guess everyone is busy and/or in a week 5 slump ;)

This pvp will run for the 6 weeks of the challenge. i'd love to restart it when the next challenge starts, if others also feel like it.

And I think you should stop saying sorry so much! Really :) And don't you dare say sorry for saying sorry so often :tongue:


The intent of the PvP is to build habits, so while it's ofcourse great you're doing more when able, we're not wanting to force anyone into catching up and burning out. So for the daily's and weekly's that's why there is a cap on how many points you can earn (ie one per item). But you could make one of your boss battles a bit of a catch up and earn points that way? 


SORRY!!  LOL!!   :nevreness:


Honestly, I don't say it as a way of kicking myself, but more out of respect for others just in case I am unintentionally coming across as annoying or bothersome in anyway.  


I am working on my habits.  However, I'm learning that sometimes life gets in the way, and we can't do certain dailies (like missions or zone details).  So I'm working on the habit of working in extras on days I have the time so on the days I don't have the time, the house doesn't fall apart.  I've also noticed that often FlyLady Missions and detail cleanings can be doubled up in the same time as just doing one...that comes in handy for busy days, too!!


Thanks for the info and patience!


Level 8 Assassin Goddess

STR: 19 DEX: 17 STA: 18 CON: 18 WIS: 18 CHA: 19

Challenges:  Current 7 5 4 3 2 1 1/2 Battle Log

PvP: Adulting & Accountability: The CutLasses Shimmy!


It's not how you start, but how you finish! ~ David Bach, Finish Rich


Finding Ways to Cope

Main Goals:  Controlled Weight Gain, Don't be a Slug and Necessities

Life Goal:  The Clock is Ticking

Assassins Guild Mini Challenges: No Power in the 'Verse Can Stop Us - Assassin's Pride

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OK, I'm back on here after the fiasco called internet hell...turns out the wiring was bad from the street to my computer...so last week my entire house had to be rewired!!!  They did the final testing yesterday, and we're good to go!!  We have brand new everything and great bandwidth!!  I just hope it lasts...


So I got my second boss battle out of the way and a dent in my main boss battle!  Sadly, before I could take a picture of my new desk area, my DH plopped a pile of papers on my desk (in the newly cleared space) for me to go through...BLARG!!!  So I'm gonna clear that out and take a pic to post!


Hubby has also agreed to help me in the project room (since half the stuff and half the rooms' usage belongs to him) over the course of this coming weekend.  Even though it's a 3-4 day holiday weekend, I don't want to spend Labor Day Weekend "laboring" in the project room!!  So I'm going to keep plugging away at what I can in that room all this week, so it won't be quite so bad when we both get in there to crank it all out!


So here's to all of us here trying to Adultifly our selves!!  Let's finish strong in this final week!!




Level 8 Assassin Goddess

STR: 19 DEX: 17 STA: 18 CON: 18 WIS: 18 CHA: 19

Challenges:  Current 7 5 4 3 2 1 1/2 Battle Log

PvP: Adulting & Accountability: The CutLasses Shimmy!


It's not how you start, but how you finish! ~ David Bach, Finish Rich


Finding Ways to Cope

Main Goals:  Controlled Weight Gain, Don't be a Slug and Necessities

Life Goal:  The Clock is Ticking

Assassins Guild Mini Challenges: No Power in the 'Verse Can Stop Us - Assassin's Pride

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I have so been slacking on this PVP since I've gotten super busy with other things. Woops. I have, however, vacuumed SO MUCH in the past month! I think I am going to stop trying to track the adulting type stuff on here but I am glad that I've habitualized some cleaning and I tend to wipe down a surface a day even if I'm not actively working on a goal so WOOHOO habit making. :)

Assassin extraordinaire!!

Current Challenge

 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

                                               35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41

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I'm back from vacation and ready to get back to work.  My week 6 missions are: completely unpack; do all of the post-vacation laundry (which is like 5 loads); purge kids' too small or ripped clothes; purge my clothes; and fully clean the inside of the van (trash everywhere).  Yeah, this is stuff that I would have eventually needed to do, but I'd like to actually take care of it promptly, rather than procrastinate.  In the past, I've taken the better part of a month to fully unpack from longer trips.   :nightmare:


I'm not sure where to record week 6, but I already have 2 points.  

Level 30? who the hell knows anymore? Direwolf Assassin/Ranger - current challenge

 ACL rehab thread      2016 parkour

My tutorials:

handbalancing: crow, flying crow, side crow, crow->headstand->crow  Bo staff: strikes 1 2 3, spins 1 2

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This week has been weird. We had a storm and lost all power Saturday morning and didn't get it back until Tuesday. So Tuesday and Wednesday was spent cleaning out the fridge,cleaning dishes that had accumulated, and cleaning some clothes that had been mid cycle when we lost power. Didn't even think about flylady until today. When I checked the  missions for this week it was the living room declutter. And I had friends over Wednesday, so I had already done that. Today I spent a little time cleaning out a cupboard full of stuff I had from homeschooling (over 5 years ago)

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Wow!  Sounds like Week 6 was odd for everyone...I was busy trying to play catch up on emails and studies after being internetless for two weeks...


My big achievement was getting my mini boss 2 out of the way!  WOOT!






Scheduling conflicts and appointment changes kept me from knocking out my main boss, but I did get to put a dent in it!


So hopefully I'll see ya'll back here for the next 6WC!


Level 8 Assassin Goddess

STR: 19 DEX: 17 STA: 18 CON: 18 WIS: 18 CHA: 19

Challenges:  Current 7 5 4 3 2 1 1/2 Battle Log

PvP: Adulting & Accountability: The CutLasses Shimmy!


It's not how you start, but how you finish! ~ David Bach, Finish Rich


Finding Ways to Cope

Main Goals:  Controlled Weight Gain, Don't be a Slug and Necessities

Life Goal:  The Clock is Ticking

Assassins Guild Mini Challenges: No Power in the 'Verse Can Stop Us - Assassin's Pride

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Sorry I wasn't around here at all these last 2 weeks x) 

How do you guys want to wrap this up?


I think it's safe to say that Nymeria is our clear winner! Followed closely by Elastigirl :) You two are awesome and I wish I was even half as adult! 

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KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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Sorry I wasn't around here at all these last 2 weeks x) 

How do you guys want to wrap this up?


I think it's safe to say that Nymeria is our clear winner! Followed closely by Elastigirl :) You two are awesome and I wish I was even half as adult! 

Well, I guess since I'm almost twice your age, by the time you are my age you will be past me in adulting.


Awesome job Nym! Really impressed how you kept it up even with a vacation in there.

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Aw.. Thanks.   :redface-new:  I'll have to admit, though, that I kind of burned through my adulting tank, and now I just want to spend a week or two relaxing and letting the cleaning tasks pile up.  So much for habit building.  ;)  Really, though, I'll snap out of it soon.  

Level 30? who the hell knows anymore? Direwolf Assassin/Ranger - current challenge

 ACL rehab thread      2016 parkour

My tutorials:

handbalancing: crow, flying crow, side crow, crow->headstand->crow  Bo staff: strikes 1 2 3, spins 1 2

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Aw.. Thanks.   :redface-new:  I'll have to admit, though, that I kind of burned through my adulting tank, and now I just want to spend a week or two relaxing and letting the cleaning tasks pile up.  So much for habit building.   ;)  Really, though, I'll snap out of it soon.  

heh, yeah, I thought about looking at flylady yesterday, but then decided I'd rather not :playful: But I did do the daily habits.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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You deserve some slacking for sure. And hah yea.. so much for habit building. I'm guessing it'll need to be forever reinforced. 

So whadya guys think? Do this again? Slightly different setup maybe?

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KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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You deserve some slacking for sure. And hah yea.. so much for habit building. I'm guessing it'll need to be forever reinforced. 

So whadya guys think? Do this again? Slightly different setup maybe?


Perhaps have all 6 weekly tabs pre set...we did have some issues with the weekly tabs for filling in, i.e. there still isn't a tab for week 6.  I think that will make it easier in case life gets away from us again, which being life, often can!


While building habits is great, Flylady does allow for flexibility, and even encourages it, for times when illness, vacation, schedules, or even weather get in the way, we can double up on some of our activities on the days we can.  I think that should be reflected here.  Sometimes I do more than one mission on the same day in the same 15 minutes, because they kinda go together...and some aren't applicable at all...or I am delayed due to things beyond my control (like when I couldn't sweep the front porch because we had a typhoon that week, so I did it when it was finally dry the next week).  Perhaps we should take these things into consideration....that maybe the specific task wasn't done, but SOMETHING was, and that's OK, because something is better than nothing.


Just my couple of pennies!  Congrats to all for finishing so strong!

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Level 8 Assassin Goddess

STR: 19 DEX: 17 STA: 18 CON: 18 WIS: 18 CHA: 19

Challenges:  Current 7 5 4 3 2 1 1/2 Battle Log

PvP: Adulting & Accountability: The CutLasses Shimmy!


It's not how you start, but how you finish! ~ David Bach, Finish Rich


Finding Ways to Cope

Main Goals:  Controlled Weight Gain, Don't be a Slug and Necessities

Life Goal:  The Clock is Ticking

Assassins Guild Mini Challenges: No Power in the 'Verse Can Stop Us - Assassin's Pride

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Ahh I am looking forward to participating in the next 6 week run of this. I need to get my house in order - literally!

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I hope we do one next time. I could start it, but I don't know how to do the excel stuff set up. I really need it.I do fine when it is part of the challenge, but no so much otherwise.

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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