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Battle Kitten: Ascension

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Holy clusterfuck, Batman. Called at 5:20 to ask if my car was ready, guy who answers the phone is like “It just went back, should be ready in about half an hour.” ????? I was like “okay you’ll call me when it’s done right?” And he says “...yeah I guess we can do that.” Wow, I hope I’m not making your job harder. Jfc. 


Go out to dinner with my father. Leave the restaurant more than an hour after that last phone call, haven’t heard a thing. We’re already halfway there so I ask if my father would mind driving me up there to see what’s up. (Meanwhile I’m trying to call from the car just in case but they’re not answering.)


Get there. Ask him to come in with me and be The Man That Knows Cars So Don’t Fuck With Me just in case. Service manager is there and when I say what car I’m there for he has the key readily available. Wtf why did no one call me? But whatever. I apologized for badgering them (I’m not sorry but I’ve worked enough customer service jobs) and he was like “no it’s not your fault, they just weren’t working on it. I didn’t get the authorization until like 11:30 today [right after I called and talked to the girl] and we can’t do anything until they authorize it.” 


And then! My fears were justified. They weren’t going to authorize it and were just going to retire the car because they didnt want to pay for brakes, wipers, tires, and an oil change. But then dude found cheaper parts and convinced them not to. If they were willing to swap out my car today anyway I guess it wouldn’t have been a big deal but yikes. At least I wasn’t way off base this time. 


But anyway I have my car back. So I can sleep tomorrow and not use an alarm. And maybe go do all the shopping I haven’t been able to do. But I make no promises. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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Shopping isn't happening today. I think I slept way too much because I feel hella blah. Another theory is that between doctor appointments and the car I've been stressed since Monday and the tired blahs are the aftermath. Which is annoying as fuck, but at least I've made enough progress to recognize that I do need a break after that instead of getting mad at myself for not doing anything. Might try to get stuff done in the house since I'll be alone til about 10:30. Not major stuff, but small ninja cleaning things since no one will be around to question me. I did have to leave the house earlier because we ran out of cat food. There was food in their bowls but when my brother went down to give them their morning treats he said boobcat was just hovering near the bowls looking sad. So they got extra treats from my brother to compensate and I dragged myself out to Walgreens to get food because I wasn't going to the supermarket across the street and driving to the one near my therapist just for cat food would have been mildly insane; plus sales start on Fridays there so they're likely mobbed. None of this is actually relevant to anything but I guess I'm trying to pat myself on the back for leaving the house and not making the stupid cats wait 9 hours for my brother to bring them food even though they had enough that they wouldn't starve to death in the meantime anyway. Since I'm alone I might make pasta, and if I do I'll put tuna in it and they'll get some as an apology. 


I had actual things to say but I've forgotten them because I'm tired. Womp.

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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14 hours ago, fleaball said:

stressed since Monday and the tired blahs are the aftermath

Man, I get it...get the down time you need when you can


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*Member of 2018 Hogwarts House Cup Championship Team*

If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress. -Barack Obama

Anyone who moves on, even a little, walks like Jesus on the water. -Antonio Machado

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Who wants to do all my errands and chores for me? 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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26 minutes ago, fleaball said:

Who wants to do all my errands and chores for me? 

Depends on what they consist of?

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RES...and I want to live days worth dying for

Current: RES: Life is not Always SET


Growth happens when you care more about the well being of your future self than the comfort of your present self!

"Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is." -Yoda


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23 minutes ago, RES said:

Depends on what they consist of?

Cleaning, laundry, clothes shopping, and other assorted bullshit. :(

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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MyFitnessPal | Fitbit | Duolingo

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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1 minute ago, fleaball said:

Cleaning, laundry, clothes shopping, and other assorted bullshit. :(

You had me until you mentioned shopping 


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RES...and I want to live days worth dying for

Current: RES: Life is not Always SET


Growth happens when you care more about the well being of your future self than the comfort of your present self!

"Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is." -Yoda


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I am a terrible cat owner. My cats hate scratching posts but I found a thing that’s basically just cardboard to scratch (since at least one of them had been tearing up cardboard boxes). Didn’t realize it came with catnip to attract them to it so of course I only got one. Which fat cat is hoarding and boobcat is just staring forlornly at. So I had to send my father back out to get another while I referee. I feel so bad. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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1 hour ago, RES said:

You had me until you mentioned shopping 


lol that's my reaction as well. I loathe shopping with every fiber of my being.

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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3 hours ago, RES said:

You had me until you mentioned shopping 



1 hour ago, fleaball said:

lol that's my reaction as well. I loathe shopping with every fiber of my being.


My partner D loves running errands and going shopping and it is incredibly confusing to me. He calls it "running missions" and says he finds it kind of relaxing and it makes him feel good to contribute to the house in a way that's so "easy." Like, sometimes if he's been working for a while (he works in software, so lots of sitting) he gets restless and wants to go out for a change so he like, comes over and prods me to see if we need anything and if I say no he's kind of disappointed and I end up being like "I guess we're kind of running low on dryer sheets?" and he perks up and goes to Market Basket. It's the weirdest thing but I love it because I too despise shopping.


In other news, Flea, they must really be short on Lyft drivers in this city because I swear I'm getting an email every 3 days with $500 signup bonuses for new drivers. I don't even know how they got my bloody email - I guess because I take Lyfts?

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Forum avatar is custom art by the talented Veronica Guzzardi
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Blargh. I had plans for today. Went to bed relatively early last night, set an alarm to wake up before noon but still have more than enough time for sleep, was gonna go driving... and then I couldn't fall asleep last night like at all. Slept for like 2 hours at a time once I did manage to fall asleep. And then kept getting woken up by my father doing stupid shit and yelling at himself. So all my plans went out the window because I was exhausted. I keep thinking I'm going to give up caffeine again and then days like this remind me why that's a terrible idea right now. 


But, things I did today despite being tired and cranky: strip my bed before Fat Kitty got back on it so I couldn't use him as an excuse not to wash my sheets, take a shower AND wash my hair which I've been super lazy about (also because it's a lot easier to convince myself to shower if I skip my hair... yay depression), go to a store across the street to look for clothes and my kitchenware (no decent clothes in my size and no pot in the size I wanted and no bowl, but I went!!), vacuum my car which was like 6 months overdue tbh, return way overdue library books, take out some trash, and actually wash my sheets which are currently in the dryer and will be nice and warm for me to pass out in. Wound up getting Wendy's for dinner after running all my errands because I was starving and on the verge of a meltdown, having used up all my spoons for the day. I have leftover pasta in the fridge from last night but that wasn't good enough for my brain because it needed evidence that actual food existed. Meh. I had some other things I wanted to do today but they're not happening. At this point I'm just waiting for my sheets to be done, then I'll grab a snack and hope I can fall asleep soon after going to bed. 


Other vaguely positive things: I think my super depressive slump from the last several months is ending? I've been feeling better the past few weeks, although it's probably not a coincidence that both my father and brother have been working most of that time so I've been home alone with no one to bother me. But in addition to being in a better mood, I've been sleeping better and my acid reflux hasn't been nearly as bad as it had been. Must figure out how to keep riding this wave even if my father stops doing overtime.


fml I just realized the guy at the store only charged me for half my items. I know I should go back and pay for the rest but it literally took me months to get my shit together and go over there in the first place, I don't want to go back again. T__T He scanned the first 3 things, hit some buttons on the keyboard, and then scanned the other 3. Idk what happened but the first 3 are not on my receipt. Rage. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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MyFitnessPal | Fitbit | Duolingo

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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31 minutes ago, Severine said:

My partner D loves running errands and going shopping and it is incredibly confusing to me. He calls it "running missions" and says he finds it kind of relaxing and it makes him feel good to contribute to the house in a way that's so "easy." Like, sometimes if he's been working for a while (he works in software, so lots of sitting) he gets restless and wants to go out for a change so he like, comes over and prods me to see if we need anything and if I say no he's kind of disappointed and I end up being like "I guess we're kind of running low on dryer sheets?" and he perks up and goes to Market Basket. It's the weirdest thing but I love it because I too despise shopping.

istg y'all are going to make me have unrealistic expectations for relationships. You're awesome and handle money and shit, L is awesome and cooks and walks with you, D is awesome and volunteers for errands. I need all of that wrapped up in one person and it's never going to happen lol


31 minutes ago, Severine said:

In other news, Flea, they must really be short on Lyft drivers in this city because I swear I'm getting an email every 3 days with $500 signup bonuses for new drivers. I don't even know how they got my bloody email - I guess because I take Lyfts?

Yeah I don't really get the logic of like "hey you pay other people to drive you around, so clearly you must want and be able to drive other people around too!" But I get emails from Uber about the same thing. I don't think they're short on drivers so much as they're constantly recruiting - and also a huge percentage of rideshare drivers quit in the first year so they're probably just keeping the revolving door going? But on the weekends I swear every 3rd car I see is Lyft or Uber. It's ridiculous.

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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MyFitnessPal | Fitbit | Duolingo

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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Bought my brother slippers (after texting and asking if he wanted them) and they’re one of the things that didn’t get rung up. He thinks I’m an idiot because I asked for the box back so I could go pay for them. Meh. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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27 minutes ago, fleaball said:

Bought my brother slippers (after texting and asking if he wanted them) and they’re one of the things that didn’t get rung up. He thinks I’m an idiot because I asked for the box back so I could go pay for them. Meh. 


Doesn't shock me that he's confused by ethical behavior. 

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Forum avatar is custom art by the talented Veronica Guzzardi
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15 hours ago, fleaball said:

I am a terrible cat owner. My cats hate scratching posts but I found a thing that’s basically just cardboard to scratch (since at least one of them had been tearing up cardboard boxes). Didn’t realize it came with catnip to attract them to it so of course I only got one. Which fat cat is hoarding and boobcat is just staring forlornly at. So I had to send my father back out to get another while I referee. I feel so bad. 


Every morning and evening, we have to referee treat time. Pickles will stalk Pepper's treat and steal it from beneath her nose if we don't stand between them. Cats are just amazing.


12 hours ago, Severine said:

My partner D loves running errands and going shopping and it is incredibly confusing to me. He calls it "running missions" and says he finds it kind of relaxing and it makes him feel good to contribute to the house in a way that's so "easy." Like, sometimes if he's been working for a while (he works in software, so lots of sitting) he gets restless and wants to go out for a change so he like, comes over and prods me to see if we need anything and if I say no he's kind of disappointed and I end up being like "I guess we're kind of running low on dryer sheets?" and he perks up and goes to Market Basket. It's the weirdest thing but I love it because I too despise shopping.


I also love running errands (but not clothes shopping). I don't know, to me it's just an easy thing to do. I get that you have to deal with other people, which can be super annoying. But I really like getting to check off things to do. 


Also, I had a paying for things issue this weekend too! I went to pick up subs and the store made an extra one for us. The lady was like, no, it was our mistake and now we can't resell it so just take it and I kept waiting for the grocery store cops to arrest me in the parking lot.

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1 hour ago, Sylvaa said:

I also love running errands (but not clothes shopping). I don't know, to me it's just an easy thing to do. I get that you have to deal with other people, which can be super annoying. But I really like getting to check off things to do. 


At least we can all agree that clothes shopping is complete rubbish!



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Forum avatar is custom art by the talented Veronica Guzzardi
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14 hours ago, Severine said:



My partner D loves running errands and going shopping and it is incredibly confusing to me. He calls it "running missions" and says he finds it kind of relaxing and it makes him feel good to contribute to the house in a way that's so "easy." Like, sometimes if he's been working for a while (he works in software, so lots of sitting) he gets restless and wants to go out for a change so he like, comes over and prods me to see if we need anything and if I say no he's kind of disappointed and I end up being like "I guess we're kind of running low on dryer sheets?" and he perks up and goes to Market Basket. It's the weirdest thing but I love it because I too despise shopping.


In other news, Flea, they must really be short on Lyft drivers in this city because I swear I'm getting an email every 3 days with $500 signup bonuses for new drivers. I don't even know how they got my bloody email - I guess because I take Lyfts?


I am so like D :D


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Sooooooo Flea did you decide what language you're going to start learning?




Bet you thought I forgot about that.

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Forum avatar is custom art by the talented Veronica Guzzardi
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6 minutes ago, Severine said:

Sooooooo Flea did you decide what language you're going to start learning?




Bet you thought I forgot about that.

Lmao I was gonna make that part of a post when I got home from driving tonight. 


Context for everyone else: on Wednesday I was telling my therapist I’m having trouble figuring out what language to do bc I’m interested in a bunch but like, I “should” be focusing on either Arabic or French since I already started learning them but they won’t help me get jobs, so instead I “should” be focusing on Spanish bc it might help me with a job, but other languages are interesting too etc etc. And she was like “I’m saying this as your therapist: forget the shoulds, just pick one.” 


So I’m going with Spanish to focus on for now. Because I do want to learn it and I’ve already got a foundation. The exception being if I’m watching something on Netflix and it has French as an audio or subtitle option I’ll do that instead of Spanish because fluency level aside, I miss using French. 


So there. =P

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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MyFitnessPal | Fitbit | Duolingo

                                                                                                                                                                 Ici je vis la vie que j'ai choisie

Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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33 minutes ago, fleaball said:

Context for everyone else: on Wednesday I was telling my therapist I’m having trouble figuring out what language to do bc I’m interested in a bunch but like, I “should” be focusing on either Arabic or French since I already started learning them but they won’t help me get jobs, so instead I “should” be focusing on Spanish bc it might help me with a job, but other languages are interesting too etc etc. And she was like “I’m saying this as your therapist: forget the shoulds, just pick one.” 

I'm saying this as your Chaplain; don't should on yourself.

(it works better if you say it outloud)

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Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Replies later but I would like the world to know I just requested the first 3 Harry Potter books in French from the library. And I am a giant nerd because I’m already excited about all the new vocabulary I’m going to learn. Whee. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

Battle Log | Current Challenge

MyFitnessPal | Fitbit | Duolingo

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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On 10/21/2018 at 12:30 AM, Severine said:


Doesn't shock me that he's confused by ethical behavior. 

The best part is that he was grabbing his wallet to give me the money for them and I was like "btw I need the box back bc they didn't charge me for them so I have to go back." And he's like "well if they didn't charge you for them then I don't have to pay you for them." ...no? That's not what I was saying? I wasn't actually going to take his money anyway because I ask him to grab me stuff from the supermarket on his way home from work all the time but like... dafuq. 


16 hours ago, Sylvaa said:

Every morning and evening, we have to referee treat time. Pickles will stalk Pepper's treat and steal it from beneath her nose if we don't stand between them. Cats are just amazing.

Yup. Fat kitty inhales anything he's given and boobcat takes his time, so fat kitty will always hover to see if he can either steal things or if there are leftovers. He literally licks the floor when they're given tuna. 


16 hours ago, Sylvaa said:

I also love running errands (but not clothes shopping). I don't know, to me it's just an easy thing to do. I get that you have to deal with other people, which can be super annoying. But I really like getting to check off things to do. 


Also, I had a paying for things issue this weekend too! I went to pick up subs and the store made an extra one for us. The lady was like, no, it was our mistake and now we can't resell it so just take it and I kept waiting for the grocery store cops to arrest me in the parking lot.

I do generally like the checking off the to do list part but I hate the rest of it. D: I think it probably comes down to my issues more than anything, which means there's a lot of work to be done before I feel comfortable running errands. Boo. 


Ahhhh that's so annoying! I think I'd feel less bad about that because I know they can't resell it but yeah. I feel you. When I worked at Starbucks I'd sometimes get my drinks for free if I went in when I wasn't working. (You got free drinks your entire shift, plus a half hour before and after, so people would just key in the employee number of someone working at the time. Everyone did it.) I always felt super weird about it and was expecting to get struck down by a bolt of lightning.


15 hours ago, Severine said:


At least we can all agree that clothes shopping is complete rubbish!



omfg yes. So much yes. 


9 hours ago, Tanktimus the Encourager said:

I'm saying this as your Chaplain; don't should on yourself.

(it works better if you say it outloud)

I'm surprised it's taken so long for someone to use this lol


8 hours ago, Severine said:



You joke but istg salsa con queso will be the death of me.

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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23 hours ago, fleaball said:

Replies later but I would like the world to know I just requested the first 3 Harry Potter books in French from the library. And I am a giant nerd because I’m already excited about all the new vocabulary I’m going to learn. Whee. 


Wait, weren't you saying that you were going to focus on Spanish?



(I assume this is just for fun on top of the Spanish?)

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Gargoyle Ranger | Level 49

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My epic quest | MEATBALL WARS

You don't get better at anything unless you start doing it.

Being alive is heckn swell. 

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