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It's been a while...

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Actually, it was sometime before the holidays in December that I fell off the NF wagon. Signs were visible, but the total meltdown happened when, for some reason, my laptop's motherboard got fried. Well, I also had the computer at work, but I've struggled hard during my time here to leave NF, Facebook and other stuff out of there so I can focus on the actual work. Plus I had stuff to do and I wasn't around a lot because holidays plus a lot of other excuses. So, what went down during that time?


Good news

- Got involved into something like a relationship. Things ain't that clear yet, but anyway, there's a bit of action in the personal life section

- Even though I let loose on the holiday diet, I skipped most of the sugary treats and gained significantly less weight than I expected. Guess crossfit has my metabolism all fired up

- Had a blast during the holidays, socializing and partying

- Sold my car for a good price

- Finally got a new computer at home. Had to wait till the new year so I could file it under "office expenses"

- Returned to the box after the holidays. Missing a few trainings here and there still, not up to 100% discipline, but I've finished WODs since day 1, which means despite the break, my physical condition didn't deteriorate that much


Bad news

- Dropped out of the NF boards

- Can't say the romantic involvement is without issues

- It may not be a lot, but I DID gain weight during the holidays. What's worse, I'm out of my usual dietary routine and it ain't easy getting back on track

- Sleep schedule has been blown to the wind

- Smoked again. Didn't buy a pack for me, but got a lot from friends during the holidays. Eased back a lot by now, but still doing a couple every day or two. This has to stop


The real question however, is



Well, I've already missed like half of January's challenge and I'm not going to do a half-challenge. I still need some time to regroup before I can take up a NF challenge, so I'm gonna use up the time until the next one. Personal issues are one thing that's gotta get sorted out, but other than that, gotta keep it simple: Eat, train, sleep, repeat.


Let this thread function as a side-battlelog until it's time to fire up a full challenge.

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Glad you are back!


New start - get back on it, Ranger! You already know the drill... Eat, train, sleep, repeat.

  • Like 2

All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:

but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

~T. E. Lawrence


When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands,

flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. 
~John Muir

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Missed you!!!

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RES...and I want to live days worth dying for

Current: RES: Life is not Always SET


Growth happens when you care more about the well being of your future self than the comfort of your present self!

"Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is." -Yoda


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Good to hear you are firing up for the new year after some holiday fun.


Everyone has to kick back once in a while, nothing too serious here except for this:


- Smoked again. Didn't buy a pack for me, but got a lot from friends during the holidays. Eased back a lot by now, but still doing a couple every day or two. This has to stop.


Very hard to leave these behind forever but so important, anyway end of lecture you already know ;)


Glad to see you again :)

  • Like 1

         Endor, LVL 45 Half-Elf Ranger 

PR and Motivation Log | Current Battle Log 


                    Feb-March 2022 Challenge


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Glad you are back!


New start - get back on it, Ranger! You already know the drill... Eat, train, sleep, repeat.

Aye aye! No excuses


Hey welcome back!

Sounds like the holidays were a rush. My sleep got so screwy too. It is still a work in progress but getting there.


Definitely get some stuff sorted and train. We'll be here for ya.


Thanks Teri, it's good to be back :)


Glad to see you back. I did the same thing. Struggling this challenge to get in the grove again. Following to hear all the dirty details of the relationship and the partying!

It's not exactly stuff I'd publically post :P Will be following to support you (and for the music quiz)


Welcome back

Sent from a mommy brain lacking sleep.

Hey Edigo!


Missed you!!!

Same here. It's good to be back with all of you


Raider!!!! :cheerful:


Glad to see you back! :star:

Glad to be back. Now, let's get down to business!


Good to hear you are firing up for the new year after some holiday fun.


Everyone has to kick back once in a while, nothing too serious here except for this:



Very hard to leave these behind forever but so important, anyway end of lecture you already know ;)


Glad to see you again :)

I'm glad it didn't evolve into a full-blown habit again.


Yesterday, Sat 24/1

Personal stuff: Had a little something to deal with, but guess it's good for me in the long run. In short, I've been adjusting my schedule a lot around my partner, while she hasn't changed a thing, which led to a minor fallout. Of course she wouldn't admit it, so we ended up in a "you're taking stuff a lot more seriously than you should" kind of result. Which is kind of liberating, I'm guilt-free to return to my usual lifestyle. She can stay doing night shifts, eating delivery, smoking and not working out. I'd like to inspire her to become a better person, but looks like it's too early for that.

Eat: Split the delivery into lunch and dinner. Bad stuff, but half the quantity. No snacks or crisps during the night out, but 1L of beer didn't help. Room for improvement

Train: Planned for Monday, since today is election Sunday and tricking lessons won't take place

Sleep: I may have gone to bed at 4am, but woke up at 12, which means a full 8 hours sleep


So far for today, enjoying my coffee after a fresh orange juice (wow, it's been so long. Gotta go for groceries, when was the last time?) and skipping breakfast. Prediction is home-made food after casting the vote. My comeback has just begun.


Love you all!


  • Like 5

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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so glad to have you back my friend :D

  • Like 5

LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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Good to see your back bro.


The most important thing is getting your life in order and where you want it. At one time I stopped using Nerd Fitness for over a year. I understand the need to trim stuff down. Currently I only get on to post my workouts then do the major replying and posting on the weekends.


Sounds like your still in a good place so rock on man!

  • Like 3

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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so glad to have you back my friend :D

Glad to be with you once again!


Good to see your back bro.


The most important thing is getting your life in order and where you want it. At one time I stopped using Nerd Fitness for over a year. I understand the need to trim stuff down. Currently I only get on to post my workouts then do the major replying and posting on the weekends.


Sounds like your still in a good place so rock on man!

I wish it was my choice to take a break, in my case I got a bit sidetracked, but I'm back with a vengeance. I was fortunate enough to return with minimum damage sustained, so I can get back at it without a lot of psychological baggage about undoing all my previous effort


Good to see you back buddy, you were missed!


Your "Good News" is Great and your "Bad News" isn't all that bad. I think you're on the plus side of things!

All of you were missed as well!





Yesterday, Sun 25/1

Lazy election day. Visited the parents after a while, can't say it was a thrilling experience.

Eat: Skipped breakfast. Lunch was salad, grilled salmon, fish soup plus potato+broccoli nomz. Had a Smoothpresso ™ for a snack. Got an invite for dinner, which was mostly protein (chopped pork in a spicy red sauce, spicy fried chicken etc) BUT I did end up smoking three or four cigarettes. >.<

Train: Hit the floor, as requested. Found out too late at night that the tricking lesson did actually take place. Ugh

Sleep: 11-9 for a staggering 10 hours of sleep!

  • Like 4

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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10 hours of sleep?! I envy people that can do that!!

Former smoker here as well...it's tough, worth it, but one of the toughest things I've ever done! and I did it a million times before it stuck...

  • Like 2

RES...and I want to live days worth dying for

Current: RES: Life is not Always SET


Growth happens when you care more about the well being of your future self than the comfort of your present self!

"Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is." -Yoda


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former smoker here too... it's hard to give up at first.  but eventually it becomes second nature. i can barely fathom that i used to be a chain smoker. you'll get there. 

  • Like 2

LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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So far for today, enjoying my coffee after a fresh orange juice (wow, it's been so long. Gotta go for groceries, when was the last time?) and skipping breakfast. Prediction is home-made food after casting the vote. My comeback has just begun.



That's what I like to see.  Welcome back!   Keep focusing on your comeback.  Don't let anything (or anyone) get in your way.  

  • Like 2

Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

Roadmaps: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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Former smoker (who's also been inactive on NF for too long, yikes!) and this might not be as helpful to you as it was to me, but something that helped me quit was letting myself mourn. Seriously, it sounds so weird, but I love love loved smoking, and quitting felt like I was losing a big part of my identity. So I let myself treat it that way, as if I was mourning the loss of something. And I still treat it that way...I'm past the cravings but I still miss it, so I just recognize that I miss it, and it sucks, but it's gone. 


Alternatively, when that fails, I think of a particular someone I don't like who is always saying they are quitting, but they never do, so now I get to one-up them because I actually did quit. Not a worthy motive, but hey, if it gets you there...

  • Like 3

Sweet Pea

Level 4 Divergent


My Epic Quest: http://www.nerdfitness.com/character/25378


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10 hours of sleep?! I envy people that can do that!!

Former smoker here as well...it's tough, worth it, but one of the toughest things I've ever done! and I did it a million times before it stuck...

Doesn't happen all the time, but when I have the time and my body needs the sleep, it just shuts down until it gets enough. As for the smoking, I like to think it's just a sidetrack. Didn't "start smoking" again, just a slip that I'm correcting before it becomes a habit again and I have to struggle a lot harder to knock it off.


former smoker here too... it's hard to give up at first.  but eventually it becomes second nature. i can barely fathom that i used to be a chain smoker. you'll get there. 

Qutting smoking is easy. Keeping it that way is the hard part ;)


That's what I like to see.  Welcome back!   Keep focusing on your comeback.  Don't let anything (or anyone) get in your way.  

Shello! *hugs* Good to have your royal awesomeness around


Welcome back! *hugs*


I've been mainly lurking and not really doing my logs all that well. That changes this week, though. Looking forward to watching  your back again. :)

Heya Kareesh! *hugs back* Hope you're inspired to get back at it as well


Welcome back, DR!

Well met! Did I mention "The Mercenary's Guide to Ruined Seattle" is slowly gaining fans in my little hometown? B)


Former smoker (who's also been inactive on NF for too long, yikes!) and this might not be as helpful to you as it was to me, but something that helped me quit was letting myself mourn. Seriously, it sounds so weird, but I love love loved smoking, and quitting felt like I was losing a big part of my identity. So I let myself treat it that way, as if I was mourning the loss of something. And I still treat it that way...I'm past the cravings but I still miss it, so I just recognize that I miss it, and it sucks, but it's gone. 


Alternatively, when that fails, I think of a particular someone I don't like who is always saying they are quitting, but they never do, so now I get to one-up them because I actually did quit. Not a worthy motive, but hey, if it gets you there...

It's a totally different thing for everybody, depending on how/why they started smoking, whether they enjoy it or not, how long they've been smoking etc. For example, my father picked it up as a 'badass rock n roll' habit during his teens and never enjoyed a single smoke. It was a guilt thing and a no-brainer habit, so he had an easier time giving up compared to my mom who always enjoyed her smokes.


As far as I'm concerned, I started a bit late (19, I think?) and only smoked for a couple of years before quitting for two more, smoking again for 9 months during my army days before quitting again when I returned to civilian status. Like I said before, now it's been a minor slide, don't count it as getting hooked again. I'd say "mourning" is a heavy word, but yes I do recognize and remember that it's a pleasure, or at least my brain likes to remember it that way.


Now, to business...

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Mon 26/1


Eat: Had a bagel on the road for breakfast. Made chicken with fresh orange sauce for lunch, along with lettuce "salad" (basically, just lettuce, olive oil and sea salt). Grabbed two slices of pizza as an afternoon snack, was at a friends' house and they had leftovers from their order, but hey it's better than ordering a pizza for myself as well. Dinner was super spicy fried chicken (no bradcrumbs, just spices for the crust) with the rest of the lettuce.


Train: Hit the box for a great training. Don't remember the exact numbers, but warmup was a few rounds of SUPER FUN obstacle run, plus 2 pullups, 4 pushups and 6 squats. Skill/Strength training involved Push Press which I'm getting better at, as my shoulders are getting stronger. Finally, the WOD was simple but brutal: 50 squats, 30 Burpees into pullups, 50 Squats. Was short of breath during the burpees but I struggled and pulled through, no matter if I was the last that crossed the line!


Sleep: Not today. Had an extended chat with the gf which ended well, but hey, how much can you talk about that stuff through phones, texts or facebook chat? So, I dropped by her workplace and ended up staying there until dawn when her shift was done since I wasn't feeling sleepy at all. Bonus points for not touching that chocolate I brought her. Which leads us to...


Tue, 27/1


...driving back to my place and falling asleep until 18:20.


Eat: So I woke up and remembered I had to go to the box at 20:00. Quick trip to the supermarket for some energy bars which did the trick, plus no time spent cooking and no delivery dilemma once my gf would wake up. Post-workout, made a yummy omelette with 4 eggs, ground carrots, onion and sausage (both chicken and pork/celery, half chopped and half ground) that kept me going.


Train: Can't quite remember the warmup, but there were definately Rope Jumps and Squats in it. A headache that had been lingering since I woke up kicked into full swing by the end of the warmup, so I let my coach know about it and decided to take it easy. Skill/Strength was Hang Cleans, need some work on the technique there. As for the WOD, 3/6/9/12 Hang Cleans then Front Squats, followed each time by 10/15/20/25 Situps. Not a lot of sweat, but plenty of technique and a little bit of strength involved. No complaining here, for second day in a row it was just what I needed.


Sleep: As mentioned, plenty of it again. Dropped by again to say hi, but left to come back home and sleep during the "normal" hours


Did I mention that I didn't smoke at all these days?

  • Like 6

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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A little extra concerning my previous post (my mind's all over the place)


- Forgot to mention, after Monday's dinner I kept feeling hungry but dismissed it in the name of diet and weight loss. Around 4a.m. I couldn't take it anymore and decided I should listen to my friggin' body. Problem is, nothing available at the time, so I grabbed some takeout, but at least I skipped the fries. Considering my eating on Tuesday as well, I don't feel that bad about it.


- For those following the progress of the local Vampire LARPG, still in it. My character's had some rough times, but is currently the town Seneschal (a.k.a. the Prince's right hand man) and was recently told that the current Prince plans to step down and offer him the spot. My new avatar picture is from the night he was brought into power, the whole game is getting better with time


- Speaking of RPGs, I'll soon be starting another Shadowrun campaign and was offered a spot at a Cthulhu game which I'll probably deny due to my tight schedule. As for videogames, I don't even miss playing stuff! Looks like some habits actually stuck from last challenge!


- More relative on the RPG front, I've been considering a character change since before Christmas. Githzerai's alright for my focus and determination, but they're too serious a race. Now with the break and respawn, feels like the time is right. Working on it along with the goals for my next full challenge

  • Like 6

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Great work! Even with diet challenges you still made the best of it and kept on going.

Yay for not smoking!

  • Like 3

All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:

but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

~T. E. Lawrence


When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands,

flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. 
~John Muir

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