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Shadowrun PBP Invitational – California, Rest in Peace

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OOC Note: Below is the GM text and player responses in a Shadowrun (anarchy) play by post game. This game is invitational, which means all are welcome to read, but only the participants will be replying on this thread. @Volki @RedStone @Broba Fett @Starpuck @Teros @Leigh @Wild Wolf @DarK_RaideR @admiralfrosty @brutalbears

Here is the map of San Francisco and Oakland/Berkley. The levels of plot authority are 1) Written text below; 2) Mapped locations; 3) Published Sourcebook details. The players are (or should) be authorized to make edits, and should feel free to add locations if it'd support their character specific plot.


Shadowrun PBP Invitational – California, Rest in Peace

The Free States of California are situated in a complex geo-political position, external enemies on every land border, and a Japanese Imperial presence only formally withdrawn from San Francisco over the last half decade. San Francisco may not be a protectorate in name, but the hegemony of the AAA Corp’s over the Bay very much remains, and the metahuman apartheid has only metastasized.

For many poorly thought out reasons, you shadowrunners are calling San Francisco home for the time being. Maybe you flew in after selling a kidney to fund the ticket over none-to-friendly airspace, or maybe you risked your life on an ill-advised charter boat that braved the awaked marine life and corrosive reefs of industrial runoff that chokes the coastline. Maybe you took highway 5 in the cramped safety of an armored bus, or worst of all, maybe you grew up in the Bay area. Whatever death wish brought you here, you’ve been in touch with the fixer Joyce Cho-

Johnny Midnight’s – 19:00 10/20/77

The warm velvet hangings of Johnny Frum and Elvis against a crimson and purple background arrest the eye upon walking into Johnny Midnight’s. The two life-size cargo cult saints stare down all who dare drink at this particular tiki bar, and are backed up by diminutive families of wooden Polynesian idols scattered haphazardly around the flights of bottles behind the bar. The tall wood-grained plasteel tables and chairs are bolted to the floor, evidencing a less than demure patronage, and every seat is swivelled to face the corner stage where an amateur guitar and vocal duo is finishing an almost competent acoustic rendition of Shield Wall’s famous rock opera. Nearly every member of the predominantly Ork crowd is nursing a cheap nic-stick, and the exhaled vapor reduces the mood lighting to dungeonous gloom.  The roomy establishment is in the heart of the McClymonds district of Oakland, often just called “Orklands” by outsiders.

OOC Note: Baring any arranged background history, your characters don’t know each other.

Joyce must have seen your augmented reality (AR) icon ping live as you walked into the joint, because immediately a toggle flips up from your email chain with her and, blinking on your AR glasses or contacts or handheld screen (you fragging hipster, like it’s the 30’s), offers an virtual arrow taking you to meet the fixer you’ve heard so much about.

She’s a solidly built ork woman in her middle years, maybe mid 20’s, a brightly patterned sarong and clattering bracelets mark her as a McClymonds resident, her hair fixed into coils and shaved into a feathery horses mane that emphasizes the strength of her broad green shoulders. She sees you coming towards her and she offers a polite smile, waving you over where she’s reserved a booth in an alcove large enough for what turns out to be several shadowrunners converging on her. Yay, new co-workers.

Crowded elbow-to-elbow with the dim shapes of what is either your new team, or the most mismatched of bachelor parties, Joyce makes a quick round of introductions using only public handles, the contact details of each member of the team appearing in your AR before fading into your address book.

“So very glad this group of very lovely people has agreed to take my meeting with Mister Tanaka.” Joyce says in a smiling contralto, “I have enjoyed getting to know each of you very much, and I look forward deepening our professional relationship working together.”

She finishes her speech holding up her formidable hands laced into a gesture of unity. The less observant of you could be forgiven in the gloom for missing the scars on her knuckles and her nails pared almost to the quick.

“Now what makes this meeting with the good Mister Tanaka so very special is that he is a motivated client. Here at Cho Holistic Solutions,” she beams with beatific closed eyes as she says the name of her business, inadvertently displaying the fading remnant of a shiner, “we treat every client like family, and we only hire the kindest and most talented shadowrunners to care for our family. Mr Tanaka is coming to the McClymonds tonight to meet with you lovely, lovely people, because he’s needs are so special and pressing.” She emphasizes her distress over Mr Tanka’s distress with a concerned frown, before bravely resuming, “but I think it might be better if you met each other property, and discussed how you can serve our client family at Cho Holistic Solutions,” same blissed out smile over the business name, “before you meet our first client.

Still smiling like a Buddah on her birthday, she nimbly maneuvers her bulky frame out from behind the table and gestures wide at the group, “I shall fetch us some very lovely drinks to seal the beginnings of a lovely business relationship. Although the service here is not fast, and Mr Tanka is in a hurry to meet you, talk amongst yourself and explain what makes you the very special person I know each of you truly is.”

The same unobservant cretins among you didn’t notice that she teared up as she was talking, and then hastily she turns away and heads for the bar. You oblivious asshole.


OOC Note: This is an invitation for the players to introduce their character to each other, crack wise, ect. See also: GM stalling.


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Level 38 [Raveling Bard]

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"If no one else is going to pipe up, I'll start first and say that I'm Teros" the curly-haired satyr said as he waved over a bartender.  He was sitting at the corner of the table, able to easily keep watch over everyone in the room. 




Ordering a cranberry juice while fiddling with his bullring septum piercing, the satyr leaned back in his chair and waited for others to introduce themselves.  Through the darkness, someone asked, "A cranberry juice?  Why not get a real drink?"


"Dulls the senses. I don't trust any of you....yet."  the satyr replied while flexing his hand in and out of a fist.


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"I don't blame you my fine satyr friend, we ain't exactly a group of girl scouts here." The grizzly looking ape smirked as he puffed in the last long drag of 

his cig, almost to drive the point home. "The Yaks call me Kaanta, and I'm from the tunnels by the bay. so what's the story with the rest of you

jing squishies? Are we here for the money or just for the jollies?" He flipped out a shiny lighter with a yak symbol on the side 16427770_10202813309170257_6457446529452117537_n.jpg?oh=a11937dd198347ed7de8b5c509480f6d&oe=590E7E0Das he inhaled the smoke his bionic eye scanned the room furiously gathering all of information he could about his new friends.

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An above-average height and below average weight elf with slicked back black hair walked up to the table and pulled out a chair.  He smoothed out a very nice suit.


I'll be happy to fully discuss my motivations with both of you gentlemen after we complete our mission, assuming we make it through.  Until then, know that I have much riding on the success of this job.


The elf politely ordered a "Triple whiskey on the rocks.  The well-aged stuff Johnny keeps in the back, not the swill behind the bar. Thank you."


Teros and Kaanta each individually realized they had not heard the first sentence, it had been projected into their minds.  If any of the others at the table heard it as well, they didn't let on.


The elf turned his attention to the group.  "Jeffrey Pendergast.  Pleasure to meet all of you." 


Image result for elf with slicked back hair

(plus pointy ears)

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


Broba Fett tracks em down.

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An iridescent shimmer momentarily disrupts the darkness of the back corner, just before a pursing sneer appears against the shadows.


~Fomorian Usquebaugh~


The demand, no more than a quiet hiss, somehow floats over the table, while still landing thickly on the shoulders of all within earshot, with both gravity and bass. Hard black eyes graze the group, daring anyone and everyone...




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"Aww... and I packed my girl scout uniform too!" a slightly short elf says with a pout. She digs a hand into her pocket and pulls out a small mirror, some green powder and a questionable looking tissue and hands it to Joyce. Her other hand reaches up to tuck some of her long orange bangs behind one sharply pointed ear. 


She crosses one leg over the other and pulls out her deck, casually using it to move through the Matrix to find the bar's full drink menu "Oooh... you guys have old school Coke? sweet! I'll take one please" she says and smiles over to Jeffrey "That suit is killer. I'm Firefox, and I would really like to know where you got that." she says her hand twitching as it itches to reach out and touch it.


OOC note: character picture coming sometime this weekend

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A lithe, young Elf woman stepped closer to the table at this point, her gait cool and her posture confident.  She took a moment to glance over the entirety of the table , but her eyes lingered heavily on the other Elves.

"What an attractive group we've gathered."   Her voice was a polished dance of silvery and matter-of-fact tones that made it hard to discern whether it was sarcasm or not.

As she joined the group, she simply stood there; shoulders rolled loosely back as her long black jacket caressed her hips and gave just the hint of of weaponry beneath.

The daring eyes of the one who just ordered the ~Fomorian Usquebaugh~ is met with a wry grin.   "I'm not carrying her out of here."  She nods her head to the Satyr.  "He can."

She gestured for a drink order, "Soykaf," then turned back to the others gathered.

"Morrighan," she finally states rather casually.   





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Level 83 ~*~ Ranger

Deviant Art Gallery   ||  YouTube Channel

Current Challenge

"It is difficult.  All things worth keeping are."  Thane Krios - Mass Effect 2

"Maybe it's not as simple as you imagined, Seeker."  Varric Tethras Dragon Age 2

"Staying within your limits is no fun, Ryder."  Vetra Nyx - ME: Andromeda




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"Pssssht Morri," the grimacing apparition hissed almost playfully. For a statue.


"A coupla hurlgs can't put Spectre Sally on the floor." 


Throwing her shoulders back defiantly, she showed a build a bit stockier than normal for an elf. Only a nervous hand smoothing down her shock of green hair revealed a crack in her stony demeanor.


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"You kids are fun, showing off and acting cool already. I'll take it over the moody mysterious types I usually get though."


The middle-aged elf is dressed in an Actioneer Business Suit, professional yet still sporting some degree of armor woven into it. From the looks of it, the suit has seen better days and so has the man in it. "Name's Vintage. Looks like I'm the senior here, so I'll take it to myself to teach you a few things. Here's a freebie to get you started in the biz: ask questions. What kind of job needs so many runners? Why too many elves and unusual metahumans? And a more complex one, why would an ork woman set up a meet in McClymonds in a Mafia joint with a Mr. Tanaka and bring in people of such affiliations?" He stresses the words to emphasize the antithesis, ending with a gaze on Kaanta's lighter. "Stuff like that keeps you alert. Drop your guard and the shadows'll eat you up."

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Firefox's hand meets an invisible wall of resistance before she could touch its suit. It then shook gently just as if he had reached out and shoot it.


"I imagine I got it at the same place as Mister Vintage over here." They are wearing very similar auctioneer' s suits.


Noticing the look on Firefox's face he continues, "Nothing personal my dear. I'm just not a fan of touching."


He pulls out a handkerchief from his breast pocket and wipes down his glass when it is set down in front of him before raising it to the group.


"I do agree that this is a beautiful group of metas though. Looking forward to working with you."


He gestures again to Vintage. "I also agree with all the questions you have sir. I'll be interested to hear the answers."


(OOC: Do we have no humans?!? Badass!)


Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk



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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


Broba Fett tracks em down.

Facebook (Personal)  Facebook (Author Page)

Past Challenges:


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What if they recognize me?


"Well isn't that the kinda the point?" Druss said aloud. Before entering the little tiki bar he grabbed the collar of his jacket and flexed it outwards, sending stagnate rain water in all directions. He checked to make sure his twin axes were concealed, No need to scare the fraggin team from the get go.


Druss shoved the door opened and entered the dimly lit bar, already noticing his latency with the new team. Shit, you're fashionable the last one to show up, omae, way to go. 


All eyes quickly scanned the room and looked Druss's way. Standing over 6 foot 2 and a solid 250+, the good looking ork was easily spotted. And he was good looking for an ork. Well groomed with dark auburn hair pulled up on a top knot and fierce blue eyes that returned the stares. Another ork female passed by Druss and nodded over towards the table of elves, a monkey and a large satyr. "I think that's your table, dearie." She winked at Druss then proceeded to set a pair of drinks down at a table near the entrance. 


Druss casually strolled over, held up a meaty hand and smiled, tusks and all. "Hey guys, I'm Druss-" And with that he grabbed a chair, flipped it around to face him and sat down. This wasn't his usual crowd so maybe no one would notice him after all...


(OOC: I don't think we have any humans lol!)

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Wild Wolf

Class: Peerless Scarred/ Height: 6'2 / Weight: 188#

Instagram: @ryanwolfbell / Facebook: Ryan Wolf Bell / Bible App (YouVersion) Ryan Wolf Bell

Current Challenge: Intro to Wolflean


Last Challenge(s): 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16

Epic Challenges: Welcome to the Fireteam & Wolfpool 

Gotham Project: 1


Know, O prince, that once the sun burns out and the earth's core becomes solid and cold, there will come a man to provide the endless energy needed to sustain life and for the planets to keep moving. He is the source of light and the warmth of hope back into the hearts of humanity...." - Dark_Raider


A wolf rises in my heart; against my darkness; against my demons; against my despair. I DECLARE WAR!


Romans 8:28 (CSB) We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.


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Joyce bustles back with a bottle of brown something and a thoroughly distracted air. Her head is cocked to the side as she takes in information from her ear buds, her pupils are dancing to select AR promps only visible to her, and her lips and jaw are working the exaggerated contortions one uses for a subvocal throat mic. She clumps the bottle down on the table after taking a healthy pull and passes it to Druss, her warm smile at the late arrivals interrupting her hurried air.

“I am both so sorry to hurry this august meeting between the new friends of Cho Holistic Solutions, and so pleased to see all your lovey faces gathered around one table.” She gestures for Kaanta to pass the bottle, he being the predictable holdup to its progress around the table, but her customary smile is looking strained at the edges.

“Perhaps we must unfortunately leave to meet Mister Tanaka early; he has asked to move our meeting to an earlier time and at a different location. When a Mister Tanaka asks to meet in Chinatown, I don’t need to tell you what that means for the local residents of Orktown.” She makes a sad and resigned shrug, as if to put the obvious reality in words would insult you all.

She starts as an AR prompt invisible to you grabs her attention, and pulls her hands up to manipulate  the matrix with the faster gestures and virtual keyboard space that resemble a cross between a one player game of cats-cradle, ASL, and jazz hands. She cycles through several rapid message response cycles with mixed subvocalization and hand gestures and you recognize the fingering – like old timey flat vids of Ray Charles but playing an invisible keyboard. Closing the cycle with a frantic queuing and re-queuing of some personalized macro – left hand drawing into a sharp ASL “B” then crooking the index finger and twisting the hand to face palm to heart.

Startled she looks up from her brief matrix trance and blurts “we should not be here.”

Around her, the patrons of Midnight Johnny’s have started to receive the same kind of messages that Joyce has, judging by the number that become engrossed in the matrix and start exclaiming aloud.

“My friends, it would be very good if we were not in this neighborhood as soon as possible." Joyce says urgently. "My friends across the river report a flying kennel has already been dispatched and the West Orklands seem a likely destination. If you have followed the news, you remember the killings from this morning in Nob Hill? We Orklanders knew something would happen like this, but not this fast.” She beckons you to follow and turns, headed for the door.

The non-oblivious asshole individuals among you would perhaps notice during her speech, Joyce’s pupils were lightening from warm brown, towards a golden hue, even while her whites showed distinct yellowing, jaundice in time elapse.

OOC Note: I’ll try several shorter posts today, feel free to interject where you want, but don’t feel obligated to comment in every gap between GM pauses. I’d love it if you did, but that’s not my posting expectation of you.

OOC Note 2: Clarification on AR and matrix - Shadowrun assumes everyone has a smart phone and a digital identity, but most people access the internet and their own personal data and communication system through augmented reality; google glasses type visual display of information. In 2017, even cheap dive bars can have a webpage, similarly, in 2077 every business can offer a AR layer, like a combination digital order screen and Wikipedia page. Public AR data would be pouring across every matrix users smart glasses/contacts/goggles, but is separate from private AR data that is originating from the users cloud and local storage and communication setup.

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Level 38 [Raveling Bard]

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Pausing before she opens the door outside, Joyce turns and makes a complicated series of gestures ending in the same crooked “B” twist. “Mister Jeffery and Mister Kaanta, would you be so kind as to help me? If you Mister Jeffery could use your specialty and link us, I’m afraid it’s very likely I won’t be able to use my com. Mister Kaanta, if you would kindly communicate any alerts for the group to your new friends? I’ve directed the most pressing messages to be forwarded to you. As for the rest of you my friends, Mister Tanaka is expecting you by 21:00 at the Sa Cha Bar in Chinatown. I know you will do well.”

Nodding resolutely, she opens the door and ducks out with a surprising grace for a woman her size. Her exit apparently broke the damn, and the other patrons begin a rush out the door. The air is suddenly thick with none-to-gentle ork elbows and shoves as Midnight Johnny's clears out.

Immediately, Kaanta’s AR would begin cluttering with alerts –

FWD: Kennel launch confirmed from Union Square Garage

FWD: Intrusion attempt detected: Agent blocked

FWD: Digital Secretary role assigned: KUNTARANG_K@M0RI – time remaining: minutes.

FWD: Mister Tanaka 21:00 Sa Cha Bar CONFIRMED

FWD: Kennel sighted, crossing bay

FWD: Kennel sighted, apparent target: Shipyards/Low Bottoms/West Oakland

FWD: Do you want to get away?? Virtual vacation packages starting at ¥2000

FWD: Kennel launch confirmed from Lemnos Labs Garage

FWD: Intrusion attempt detected: Agent quarantined

FWD: Kennel sighted, apparent target: Shipyards/Low Bottoms/West Oakland


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Level 38 [Raveling Bard]

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"Name's Vintage..." the elf spoke.  Narrowing his eyes, Teros remembered him, probably from a job a while back. 


The bottle was passed off to Teros, who waved it off and pushed it to the next person.



Hearing the news that the group was already going to be on the run, it seemed that any lengthy introductions would have to be postponed.  "Good" the satyr grumbles under his breath.  Considering the urgency, Teros wondered who would lend him a ride to the next rendezvous point.  Not having a pimped out ride of his own, the satyr staunchly stuck with using local transportation or hoofing it.




OOC:  Can we have a 'lineup' of all the people/names so we don't get mixed up?  Like an official:


-Person/Character Name/Race/Rough idea of their role label(Espionage, tank, etc).



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   Kaanta's right eye flipped rapidly through the various messages projected via the cerebral comm link. "Well, looks like we 'ave jus under an hour to get our asses to the Sa Cha Bar. Also the shipyards in West Oakland are about to get their shit kicked in by a pretty sizable kennel." 


   *He lowers his shades slowly for dramatic effect*


   "I suggest we get out of this club before it turns into a total shithouse. I'm scanning and saving our route now."


 *Kaanta flicks his wrist with an aggressive slice.*


"Damn TRAPLANTSI get 100 of these damn ads a day. Almost as bad those eXistenZ implants commercials.."


*Kaanta starts for the door, pauses and then runs back snatching the bottle off of the table with a toothy grin*


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If you were determined enough to elbow your way upstream and get out the door, you’d catch sight of darkened Union Street, with shadowy ork bodies silently running for home. The blocks around Johnny Midnight’s are a mix of decrepit single story pre-Eurowar era industrial buildings; and newer, still decrepit, multistory buildings of prefab stack construction. The towering Orkland Arcology dominates the neighborhood at 40 stories, but more traditional coffin motels, and container apartments provide less complicated housing. Everyone has their lights out as they race for their home sweet tower. Even the obnoxious couple that had their cutesy his and hers pulseweave jackets inside johnny’s, outside everyone is dark and fleeing.

An island of light appears on 24th Street, illuminating the intersection and strafing up and down Union. The spotlight is soon joined by two more, and their source is a looming helicraft that your better-than-human vision can just pick out against the gray night sky. No AR tags identify the craft, until suddenly running lights flick on and a loudspeaker and public channel digital message broadcasts simultaneously:

“This is a Mitsuhama Computer Technology Security Team – Remain Calm, and please submit yourself for identification. Have a nice day.”

The reassuring message delivered, the craft descends low enough to be identified as a MCT Tigerfly – a lightly armored cargo helicopter that sets down on top of Johnny Midnight’s building. Hopefully you’re far enough away to be able to see above Johnny’s where the black painted craft’s door slide back and hunched crab things spill out the door with machine precision. The matte black drones scuttle free of the chopper and unfold to resolve into a MCT Hachiman model combat drones. The initial crab shape was from the skeletal two legged walker drone folded down with its alloy sugegasa dome covered the spindly limbs and narrow chassis. Each drone is mounted with an automatic weapon on the left arm, and a black painted sword blade is fixed at the base to a swivel joint on drone’s the right wrist, with the point extending several inches back from the drone’s right elbow. The loudspeaker and text broadcast offer helpful commentary as the 20 drones assemble themselves and march to the edge of the building, attach a cable from a spool on their torso, and repel down the two story nightclub:

“Please present yourself to an MCT drone identification specialist. Please ensure your SIN broadcast is not experiencing any malfunctions, and any obscuring fashion accessories are removed to allow for retinal imaging. Have a nice day.”

If Kaanta hasn’t turned off alerts yet, his HUD would still be scrolling:

FWD: You hear they got a botbottle flying across the bay? Phreaker <No Message>


FWD: Kennel appears to be passing the Shipyards, false alarm

FWD: You still with those chumps here in McClymonds?! Phaarsyde <No Message>

FWD: Kennel landed in Pill Hill, 5 confirmed fatalities

FWD: MCT Security Request for Access – MCT: Building a Better Tomorrow, Today

FWD: Intrusion attempt detected: Agent blocked

FWD: Intrusion attempt detected: Agent blocked

FWD: Intrusion attempt detected: Agent blocked

FWD: Pill Hill kennel, 13 confirmed fatalities

FWD: URGENT: Action required to win these great rates on refinancing your new or used IRA!

FWD: You all Jekyll yet? This running silent biz is getting old. Phreaker <No Message>

FWD: Existential ennui got you down?? Try eXistenZ anti-anxiety implants!

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Level 38 [Raveling Bard]

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Morrighan tsks with annoyance as things go from bored frustration to pending panic.    As the news to get out A.S.A.P. is filtered to the group she gives Sally a look.


"C'mon Spectre.  You can ride with the Phantom Queen.  Just keep your ass off of Rook's tail."


She turns from the table and lets her left hand slide low to her hip; reassurance that Helo is right where she wants him.   She first gives Kaanta an easy nod, seeming content to let him procure the best route- at least until he rushes back to snag the bottle.  That earns an eyeroll and a shake of her head.    Just getting to the door as the main event starts to light up outside, she glances back with a wrinkled nose.


"If you don't got a fast ride waiting outside, well... I'd not place bets on making a front escape.   Sally.  You ready to move?"

  • Like 3

Level 83 ~*~ Ranger

Deviant Art Gallery   ||  YouTube Channel

Current Challenge

"It is difficult.  All things worth keeping are."  Thane Krios - Mass Effect 2

"Maybe it's not as simple as you imagined, Seeker."  Varric Tethras Dragon Age 2

"Staying within your limits is no fun, Ryder."  Vetra Nyx - ME: Andromeda




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**Kaanta takes a look back at Johnny midnight's and then down at the bottle of liquor he had been nursing. (Cook's pure Russian Vodka. You can never have enough Cook's)**


"That ork squishy set us up!!"


*He stuffs a white rag that he pulled from his back pocket into the bottle. The rag lights up with a flare. His long ape arm hurled the flaming bottle toward the top of Jonny Midnight's"

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OOC note: great example above of pure old fun RP. I could make the monkey roll for his chances of hitting the roof with the bottle, but y tho? If one of us can reasonably do it, a poo flinging professional hacker can definitely do it. It would be different if he wanted to set a drone on fire or something specific, but chucking a Molotov cocktail onto a decrepit roof? See below.

The sound of tinkling glass hits your ears, followed by the sharp raps of rock pattering off the chopper and building. It looks like the monkey hacker has launched a burning bottle of something at the chopper, but he barely beat the others to the punch. Still fleeing, several ork youths lob rocks and (empty) bottles at the nightclub, even as the Hachiman drones finally completed their descent and begin sprinting after the fleeing youths.

The rotor blades of the chopper whirr back into life and the craft shortly lurches back into the air. The reason becomes apparent when the tar and tin roof of Johnny's begins glutting black smoke and the dimly lit street warms to orange illumination as the fire races to cover the entire roof. The monkey apparently had too many cooks.

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Level 38 [Raveling Bard]

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Firefox blinks and pokes her hand at the barrier between her hand and Jeffrey's lovely suit and then turns to Vintage "It's adorable that you think you're the senior here babe" she grins and gives him a wink "All this sass and glossy hair is from Edmonton, circa 2010"




After seeing Joyce start flipping through some matrix actions, she grabs a pair of aviators from where they were tucked into the neck of her top and slips them on, tapping a small button on the side to kick in her wireless. "Damn that's not going to be fun..." she mutters as the AR feed puts a slightly pale purple glow behind the lenses. She drums her fingers on the table for a moment before tugging her glasses off and getting up as the rest of the group rise from their seats. "Anyone able to give me a ride or do I need to find my own?" she says glancing at the group around her.


"Ow! Watch it Trog!" she snaps at a passing Orc as she gets an elbow to the ear trying to get out of the damn bar. She gets shoved again and growls in frustration "My lipgloss for a hole in that wall!" she says pointing to the nearest wall since getting out the front door will likely land her with a black eye.

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Druss knew that being a runner was tricky and dirty business..but not 5 minutes after having sat down with his new team were they scrambling to escape Johnny Midnight's and the little monkey fellow had thrown a Molotov on the roof. Well sonofabitch...I guess there's no better way to learn on the job then to almost literally be thrown into the fire.. 


Sa Cha Bar in Chinatown. Druss knew of the place and had been a time or two to meet up with his Triad (changing my contact from a Yakuza to a Triad) contact, "Hundred Eyes" but it was no place of comfort. The Triads were still at war with the Yak's and gang shootings were not uncommon. It looked as if the others were finding their own route to Chinatown so Druss would do the same. Druss turned towards the remaining teammates, threw up the hood of his jacket and announced in his deep, throaty voice, "I don't have a ride, but if ya chummers want some exercise, follow me. I know the area."


Just as he turned to lead the way down the nearby alleyway, a Hachiman drone dropped in front of the ork with a blaring message, "Please comply with your SIN broadcast, citizen. We appreciate your cooperation!" with it's wrist blade only inches from Druss's face. 


Druss growled and furrowed his brow, "Frag off!" Before anyone saw the muscular ork move, an ax blade came flying out of his jacket, severing the drones wrist blade and then another ax blade following in a flow pattern. It was a tornado of dancing blades and with metal slicing metal, it made an eerie, high-pitched scraping sound. It was only mere seconds later that the large drone was now a heap of scrap metal. 


Druss spit on the drone and sheathed his twin axes. A piece of the drones wiring was stuck to his jacket and he wiped it off with a grin, turning back to the group. "C'mon, we aint got all day!"




OOC: So, I'm still not sure about how to roll for outcomes, so please use this as an example, Lags. If I need to go back and re-write things I don't have any problem with that. Aaaaand, anyone who doesn't have a ride to Chinatown is welcome to "hoof" it there with me :)



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Wild Wolf

Class: Peerless Scarred/ Height: 6'2 / Weight: 188#

Instagram: @ryanwolfbell / Facebook: Ryan Wolf Bell / Bible App (YouVersion) Ryan Wolf Bell

Current Challenge: Intro to Wolflean


Last Challenge(s): 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16

Epic Challenges: Welcome to the Fireteam & Wolfpool 

Gotham Project: 1


Know, O prince, that once the sun burns out and the earth's core becomes solid and cold, there will come a man to provide the endless energy needed to sustain life and for the planets to keep moving. He is the source of light and the warmth of hope back into the hearts of humanity...." - Dark_Raider


A wolf rises in my heart; against my darkness; against my demons; against my despair. I DECLARE WAR!


Romans 8:28 (CSB) We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.


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OOC: Not sure if this back and forth thing is working. Bit confusing to me, I'd rather slow down posting or rule that once Lag has posted, we can't go back.



"That's cute" Vintage snaps back at Fox's comment. "I'm not talking age dear, I'm talking experience. Way I see it, you folks are still pretty green." Like Teros before him, the elf skips his turn of the bottle and tries to get the attention of Joyce. "Tanaka, in Chinatown? Is this a test or is he truly suicidal?" The orc woman never answers, lost instead in her Matrix activity.



With Joyce starting the exodus, Vintage kicks back for a moment to avoid getting trampled as the greenskin patrons rush for the exit. Minimizing the Matrix feed on his commlink for a moment, he digs up the contact info of Wu Sheng. "Expecting any visitors at the Sa Cha bar tonight? 21:00 hours, to be exact." Once the text is sent and the exit is less crowded, he keeps his cool as he heads outside and towards the nearest bus station. "See you kids later then" he says as he waves goodbye for now.



Vintage can't help but question the action of Kaanta, tossing a molotov cocktail to the roof. Does that imply bravery that might come in handy, or is he a foolhardy hotheaded rebel? As the youngsters around join him in tossing rocks and bottles, Vintage smiles. Not sure if that was Kaanta's intention, but that's a great distraction to cover their getaway.

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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